Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Faith Leads to Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hebrews 11 talks about faith in great detail.  First, a mental faith is described - one that is based on the knowledge of God creating the world.  This is the foundation of faith. The greater part of the chapter, though, focuses on people of faith who not only believed but acted.  It was "by faith" that Abel gave God a better sacrifice than Cain.  "By faith" Enoch was taken up into heaven.  "By faith" Noah built a giant boat with little proof of rain.  And "by faith" Abraham followed God, not knowing where God was taking him.  Story after story tells how these giants of faith were moved to action by their belief and trust in God.  Their faith wasn't just a head faith; it was a lifestyle faith.  It made them obey God, even if others thought they were crazy or extreme.  They followed God into unknown lands, onto boats, and up into heaven. How are we letting God use us?  Is our faith simply staying in our heads, or is it motivating us to action?  Is God calling us to do radical things, like Noah and Abraham?  God asks his followers to do what he calls them to do.  Those with mature faith will do it, no matter how crazy it sounds. And, they'll see others come to know Jesus Christ because of it. 

 Autobiographies of Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When I was a young boy, my mother used to read autobiographies to me and my siblings.  These stories were true accounts of the lives of Christ followers - told in their own words.  These believers, the missionary Hudson Taylor among them, faced trials and hardships, and yet found strength and hope in God.  They believed that sharing the Good News Gospel was more important than living lives of comfort and perceived safety.   The Bible highlights these types of people in Hebrews 11 - a chapter of the Bible that some call the "Hall of Faith."  This chapter mentions Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Rahab, and others, reminding us of what they did with God's help.  These biographies of faith, both those in Hebrews 11 and those my mom would read to us as kids, are a testament to God's faithfulness from the beginning of time until now. I am thankful for my mother's wisdom.  While some children might prefer to read comic books, my mother wanted to make sure we knew about our faith heritage.  When we take the time to study the "faith heroes" who have gone before us, our faith grows stronger and bolder. Let's pull out a biography of one of God's people today and be encouraged to boldly share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people in our world.

 Andrew: Pursuing Righteousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When I was young in my walk with Christ, my wife Wendy and I were pretty poor. We had just begun our life together, and much about our lives was uncertain. During that time, I remember reading the words of Proverbs 21:21. It says, "Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor." Life, prosperity and honor - we all want that! And yet, this verse says that the way to receive these is to pursue righteousness and love. That can be a bit counterintuitive in today's world.As Wendy and I explored what it meant to follow Christ in our marriage, we discovered that His words are absolutely true. Although we have had trials, God has always provided for our family and blessed us with the opportunity to share the Gospel with others. We've experienced peace and fulfillment that money and success could never bring.What choice are you facing today? Will your decision encourage you to purse "righteousness and love?" Turning down a profitable opportunity or exciting venture because it isn't righteous may be difficult. But, God's Word assures us that His purpose for each of us will satisfy more than anything the world has to offer.

 Loving Beyond Measure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever felt like you need to earn someone's approval or respect? Feeling that your value is based on works or performance can be discouraging and disheartening. Many have had parents who do not love unconditionally. Many have spouses who love selectively. But, God is not like that! If you think you're only loved when you're successful, or look your best, or have it all together, you don't understand God's love for you. The Bible says that Jesus Christ died while "we were yet sinners." Jesus loved us when we were still a mess. Though, He doesn't leave us that way. As John Stott said, "God loves us too much to leave us the way we are." Rather, He helps us grow, become more like Jesus, and tell others of His love.If you have never experienced this radical acceptance, run to Jesus. And, if you know someone who has been abused, ignored, or manipulated, tell them of the unconditional love of our perfect Heavenly Father. His love knows no bounds and isn't based on performance of works. It's unconditional. Today, as God brings lonely and hurting people into our lives, let's tell them of His love. The Good News of Jesus Christ is the best gift we can give to our lost and hurting world.

 Giving Yourself Away | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Gospel is completely counter-cultural. It is counter-intuitive. We have so many sayings that run in opposition to the teachings of Jesus. Some of them include "Look out for #1," "She had it coming," and "They got what they deserved." But, the beauty of the Gospel is we haven't been given what we deserve. We've been given forgiveness when we deserved justice. Jesus was not concerned with Himself. He gave up His life for others. Are we modeling this counter-cultural, revolutionary idea? That giving is better than receiving? That service is better than being served? That pouring yourself out actually fills you up? When we think only of ourselves, we actually lose ourselves in the process. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew, "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."Think about ways that you can pour yourself out to the Glory of God, the love and service of others, and the transformation of the world. There are countless things you can do to reach your world. But one of the most important is telling people about Jesus Christ. This week, let's serve as Jesus served and tell others of His love, forgiveness, and gift of abundant life.

 The Abundant Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever heard the quote, "So heavenly minded that you're no earthly good"? I have a couple thoughts on this popular saying that I hope will inspire you to reach your world. I think a truly heavenly-minded person will actually live a more passionate and effective life on earth too. As a follower of Christ, you will live forever with Him! Jesus didn't just come to save us for eternity. He came to save us for life on earth too! Jesus said in the book of John, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Full life in Jesus doesn't start in heaven. Full life is right now!Our earthly lives as followers of Jesus should be vibrant, passionate and fulfilled. We shouldn't be miserable - idly passing our time and just waiting for heaven. Jesus made a glorious life on earth possible as well. We don't have to wait to begin really living. Are you walking with Jesus and living in the abundance that only He can provide?As you walk with Jesus Christ, you will find peace, joy, and hope. These gifts from God will be evident to others and cause them to wonder what's different about you. Share the abundance of Christ with a friend so that they can experience Jesus in this life, and the life to come.

 Making Disciples | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A criticism of mass evangelism is that it emphasizes initial salvation over continuing discipleship. As someone who has dedicated his life to "mass evangelism," I want to share with you the necessity of strong discipleship in the local church.I do not think an emphasis on evangelism has to de-emphasize discipleship - or vice versa. They are both important. They are both biblical. Without evangelism there would be no one to disciple, and without good discipleship there would be no one evangelizing!It's always been my desire for our organization to work with, through, and for the local church because that is the best and most effective place for long-lasting discipleship. And, my desire with this radio program is to speak into your lives as followers of Christ. The work of evangelism should spur us on to disciple. They are not mutually exclusive. They work together.Jesus said in His Great commission, "Go, therefore, and make disciples." Include discipleship in your reaching your world efforts. Don't leave it at the moment of decision but persevere with those new to the faith and help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

 Andrew: Peace with Your Identity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My wife and I adopted our beautiful daughter, Sadie, from Ethiopia when she was five months old. Now, she's four years old and starting to think about where she came from. The other night as I was reading to her, Sadie asked me, "Daddy, whose tummy did you come from?" After I answered her she went on to ask, "And whose tummy did grandma come from?" After answering a few more questions of the same theme, I asked my daughter how she felt about this. "Oh," she said. "I'm just happy that I have my mommy and my daddy and my brothers and my dog."Sadie's wonderful sense of peace with her identity made me think how many of us continue to feel anxious or distant in our relationship with Christ. We know who we are in Him but, because of how we lived before we came to know Him, we second guess our identity as His child. I know that feeling well as I made some horrible decisions before Christ became the focus of my life. But my friend, while we were once slaves to sin, our Savior has set us free. John 8:35 says that "a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever." If you have received Jesus into your life, rejoice! You are part of God's family. Don't look back to the past. It's gone. It's forgiven. It's time to live as a new creation.

 Don’t Give Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you tried repeatedly to reach a family member who doesn't know Jesus Christ and still they haven't received Him? Although sometimes we might feel like there is no hope, that our efforts are useless, don't give up! There is always hope.Gloria from Illinois had tried for many years to share her faith with her mother - all to no avail. She told me, "For many many years this security of mine made her feel defensive. It could be said that my walk with the Lord Jesus had strained our mother/daughter relationship." Despite this seemingly hopeless situation, Gloria's husband encouraged her to invite her mother to go to church and listen to a guest speaker. Surprisingly her mother said yes. That night, Gloria's mother received Jesus because, despite 13 years of reaching out to her, Gloria didn't give up.Don't be discouraged, my friend, if you too have tried and tried to reach your loved ones and nothing has happened. The Bible tells us, "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." If you have a loved one who doesn't know Him, be encouraged by Gloria's testimony and don't give up. One more try, one more invitation, one more conversation might be all it takes.

 Use the Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Does your family love music? If so, that might be a great way to introduce them to Jesus! Worship is very powerful. In the book of Acts we read that, "Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them." Music is a beautiful thing and can be very powerful. A lady named Laura recently told me about her experience with music...Laura's sons were dying to see tobyMac in concert. When they heard that toby was coming to one of our festivals, Laura took her sons. She was excited to go to the festival and expected to see God touch the people around her. But, she was not expecting her own son to be one of those who came to Jesus. She said, "I realized my sweet little man had just given his heart to Jesus. As a mother, I am not sure there is a better moment."Laura wasn't planning on her son's interest in a contemporary singer to lead to his salvation, but it did. Let's follow in Laura's footsteps and use the common love of music to reach our friends and family. If you know someone who loves music, take them to a Christian concert or have a music night at your home. Then, let the Holy Spirit do His work. Music may provide the opportunity to reach your family for Christ.

 Without Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Merri was a mother of four children. One Sunday morning, she woke up ill and was unable to take her children to church. From the other room, Merri could hear her kids listening to a sermon on television as they ate their breakfast. As the speaker began to lead people in a prayer for salvation, she heard other voices joining the TV program. Her own children were praying, asking Jesus to be the Lord of their lives! Merri said, "I couldn't believe it! The day I couldn't take my kids to church was the day they prayed to accept Jesus."Now, I'm not saying that church isn't important. The Bible is clear that we should be actively involved in the body of Christ and meet regularly with other followers of Jesus. As Hebrews 10:25 says, "Let us not give up meeting together." Never the less, church isn't the only place that someone might begin a personal relationship with Jesus. As Merri's story illustrates, God is always working in the hearts of people - regardless of where they are.  So, don't give up hope if your family isn't interested in going to church. The Lord may choose a different route to their hearts. He has the power to save them wherever they are. We just have to be faithful to do our part.

 Those Who Respect You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Patty grew up going to church but seldom studied the Bible. She never felt challenged in her faith. Although she believed she was "saved," she didn't know exactly what that meant. Then, her mother-in-law invited her to one of our crusades in Colorado Springs. Because she respected her mother-in-law and wanted to please her, she went. That night, Patty heard the Good News and began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - all because she respected her mother-in-law enough to attend the event.We can learn something about reaching others from Patty's mother-in-law. Sometimes there are members of our families, such as our children or younger siblings, who respect us and want to please us. The good standing we have in their eyes gives a platform to tell them the Good News. Jesus himself tells us to, "be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." We can shrewdly use the positive relationships we have to boldly and confidently speak of Jesus Christ.Let's take advantage of the opportunities that arise to use our positive influence to introduce others to Jesus Christ. Who looks up to you? Your sister? Nephew? Grandchild? Neighbor? Use your influence to tell them of the greatest hero of all - Jesus Christ.

 Andrew: Every Decision Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I have a friend who is going through a divorce. And, he's totally shocked by it. He says it's completely out-of-the-blue. He says that he lives a moral and upstanding life at home so doesn't understand why this tragedy is happening.Now, I'm not saying that my friend's work decisions led him to this divorce, but I do think that we have to live for Jesus Christ in every area of our lives. My friend, though perhaps moral in his personal life, does not make God-honoring decisions in his business. He'll undercut others and compromise if it means a higher profit.My friend, we can't compartmentalize our lives. We can't have places where we live for Jesus and places where we do not. We cannot bring him honor in our homes yet disrespect him in our workplaces. We cannot worship him at church and then turn around and treat others poorly. The Bible says that whatever we do, we are to work at it with all our heart, as working for the Lord. As we tell other people of Jesus Christ, we must back it up with a lifestyle that is true to Him in every area. Only then will we be most effective at winning souls.

 Believers in Good Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever known someone who is convinced that good works or just being a good person will result in salvation? Sadly, there are lots of them. And, they're deceived. It's not that God dislikes good works. In fact, He commends them! He didn't knock the prayers and generous giving of Cornelius the centurion, described in Scripture as devout and God-fearing. "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God," an angel said to him. But, it wasn't those actions that saved Cornelius. He had to put his faith in Jesus Christ.I used to think I had to confront people who believed their good works would get them to heaven. Now, I start off positively with statements like, "Your good works show you have a proper fear of God. I'm sure He is glad that you're trying to please Him." I then say, "But you must come to know God personally." The 'Good works only' mentality can reveal a sincere desire to know God by pleasing Him. Or, it can reveal an unrepentant desire to pacify God, covering up rather than exposing sin.If you know someone who is a believer in good works only, join me in asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom on how to approach them with the truth. Let's pray for non-confrontational words, but the courage to speak out in truth and love.

 Our Own Families | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sometimes we can spend so much time looking for opportunities to share the Good News with our friends or acquaintances that we neglect to reach our own families. Maybe your immediate family is following Christ whole-heartedly.  If so, that's wonderful!  But, what about your aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, or grandparents?  Do they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?I know of a missionary family who has been serving as a witness for Jesus in a foreign country for the past 20 years. But, they don't stop there! Though they're actively sharing their faith overseas, they haven't neglected their extended family who also doesn't know Jesus.  Whenever they have an opportunity, they share their faith - regardless of if it's to their neighbors overseas or their family at the dinner table. Even if we are used to being a witness outside our homes, let's not ignore the opportunities that lie within our own family circles. Do you know of anyone in your family who hasn't heard the Good News? I would guess we can all think of someone.  Let's work hard to fulfill the great commission of "go and make disciples of all nations" - starting with our own families.


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