Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 School- Your Mission Field | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many who listen to this program are students. And today I want to specifically encourage you. School may be tiresome at times. You may feel like it’s just a means to an end.  But I encourage you to take a fresh perspective on school. View school as your calling from God for this season in your life. To learn and to share Jesus Christ with your student friends. In the book of Colossians, St. Paul says, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another... And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” So approach school in the name of the Lord Jesus! Work hard. Don’t complain. Arrive early to class. Turn in your assignments on time. Learn everything you can. Soak it up! And as you work hard in school, you will have more opportunities to share your faith with teachers and fellow students. Yes, God is preparing you for a bright future in His Kingdom. But, he wants to start using you right now as a student. You don’t have to finish school before you can make a difference. Be bold right now. And, don’t just “get through” school. Make the most of it for the good of your friends and for the glory of God.  Billy Graham one day said, “People may call you a teenager, but God treats you as an adult.”

 Working Hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are you a mechanic? Or a teacher? Or a doctor? Or a lawyer? Do you feel like a second-rate Christian because your occupation is outside the walls of the church? Well, I’m here to tell you that God has placed you exactly where you are for a reason: He has many glorious plans for your life! I’ve known many people who become Christians and suddenly feel they need to quit their job or career, to go into full-time ministry. But, most of them are already in full-time ministry - they just haven’t realized it yet. That’s the problem. Some people are called to full-time work in the church - as pastors, evangelists, etc. And that is a great blessing. But many more are called to be full-time witnesses of Jesus Christ outside of the church structures. You can be a lawyer, and reach your world. You can be a doctor, and reach your world. You can be a sales clerk or a beautician or an engineer or a student, and reach your world. God placed you in that position for a reason. Jesus said we are to be “salt and light.” We are to be “in the world but not of it.” So work hard at your job. Pursue excellence! Gain influence. Be the best at what you do, and in so doing, honor God. Your reputation, your work ethic, and manner of life will open the door to conversations about Jesus Christ. Embrace your calling and reach your world!

 Andrew: Jesus Makes All Things New | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The last time I visited a tire shop, I learned about a process called “retreading.” The experts can take a set of old, worn-out tires and, with a bit of pressure and buffing, reset them to work like new. These renewed tires are often used in some of the biggest transportation outfits — and, even commercial airplanes. This process reminds me of one of the most fundamental spiritual truths. Colossians 1 says, “And you who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him.” We’ve all messed up. Like old tires, we’ve been scuffed, dirtied, and worn thin. I certainly have, and I suspect you have too. Maybe you look back to the things you did before you accepted Christ into your life and still feel the guilt and shame of your sin. Maybe you’ve fallen back into an old habit of sin and can’t seem to get past it. Or, maybe you’ve never asked Jesus to forgive your sins and redeem your life. Whatever the case may be, His sacrifice on the cross has given us the opportunity to break free from sin and become new. All we have to do is ask. 

 Seeking Genuine Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Can you name the members of the rock group, Boston? Can you remember the MVP of the 1975 World Series? No? Well, at one time, they all enjoyed great popularity. Now, few people can remember their names. That’s because popularity comes and goes. However, close and personal connections, real relationships survive the test of time. My wife, Pat, and I treasure our long-time friendship with a couple from Washington State. They’re not popular speakers, nor rich and famous; they’re just “ordinary folks.” But Pat and I seldom feel more comfortable than when we have spent time in their home. We’ve known them for almost forty years and we feel accepted and at home with them.  They are a great example of genuine, lifelong friendships. Sadly, we all know people who seek popularity instead of genuine friendships. They choose their friends poorly and often suffer the consequences. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Can you think of someone who is experiencing trouble in a relationship?  Disillusioned by a fickle friend? Lead them to the one true friend who will never leave or forsake them – Jesus Christ.  

 Popular or Connected? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Every Wednesday morning when I’m home, I get together with a group of eight men to pray and encourage each other. A few years back, our group began to pray for a man who then served in the United States Senate. We sent him a letter and told him he was in our prayers. Terrible family problems hounded him, and eventually he felt as though everyone had abandoned him. Forced to resign from the US senate, he came to town on a business trip, and he asked if he could stop by and join us in prayer!  He realized that we truly cared for him, and although he wasn’t a Christian yet, he wanted to pray with us. See, there’s a big difference between popularity and a genuine connection with other people. Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Maybe you know someone who is going through a tough time.  An embarrassing, humiliating time like that Senator. You can show the love of Christ to them in many ways. Drop by their house with some flowers. Share Scripture with them. Ask: “May I pray with you?” Offer to bring them a meal. God can do surprising things when we choose to be a friend to those who are in need.  

 Lonely People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A few years ago in Spokane, Washington, a group of college students noted their empty bank accounts and decided they needed some money. After considering their options, they rented an empty storefront building downtown and put up a big, handwritten sign that said, “We listen, $15 an hour.” They gave no counsel. Suggested no direction. Offered no prayer. They simply offered to listen for $15 an hour. And people lined up by the hundreds to talk. People are lonely. Some pay enormous amounts of money to feel less alone. Others without great financial resources feel confused about where to turn. Because the Lord knew this, He created His own club to address the need: The church, the Body of Christ, the family of God. That is God’s upscale club! It is there that God encourages us to connect at a deep level with others in his family. The Bible says, “…so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” [Ro. 12:5] If you stay away from church’s relationships, you really miss out on God’s best. Do you know someone who is lonely? Be a true friend by sharing how when we accept Christ, we are instantly part of God’s forever family.  We’re never really alone after that.

 Instant Intimacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Once my son Andrew and I were seated on an airplane and two flight attendants started arguing. One of them sat in a seat facing us, and I said to her, “You don’t look happy.” “You better believe I’m not happy,” she said. “I tried to speak with my boyfriend from the San Francisco airport, but he wouldn’t talk to me. And now I just spilled something on a passenger.” She paused. Then she continued, “I saw you reading a Bible. Are you a pastor?” “Well, sort of,” I said. “ What’s the matter with your boyfriend?” Before I knew it, this young woman was telling Andrew and me her whole life story. Why do people seek out these heart-to-heart talks with strangers? The Bible says what we all need true friends to whom we can pour out our hearts, free from judgment, and receive wise counsel. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” So, will you take a chance today to be a true friend to someone? Many times, a listening ear will open the door for you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with your unsaved friend. 

 Andrew: Spiritual Maintenance — Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As our bodies need food, our souls need time with our Father. The words of 1 Thessalonians 5 are beautifully simple, “pray continually.” The Bible is bursting with words about the importance of prayer to the wellbeing of our souls. As an engine needs gas to run, as our bodies need food for energy, our souls need time and communion with our Father. Prayer is habit-forming. Once you experience the blessings of a flourishing relationship with God, prayer becomes as easy and vital as breathing. But many of us need to begin by setting aside structured time to pray. Prayer is simply talking to God. It’s important to set aside time each day to pray, but we should also always remember that we can pray anytime, anywhere. No ceremony or specific location is required. Pray first thing in the morning. Pray between reading emails at work. Pray on your way home. Remember that prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue. God wants to hear from His children, but we also need time to listen to what He has to say. Let’s practice being intentional about setting aside time for prayer. It’s often in these times of true communion with God that He’ll prompt us to reach out to someone in our life with His Good News. Let’s be people who are committed to spending time with Him and following His leadings.

 Under the Surface | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I love doing live call-in radio and television programs. I enjoy speaking with each person. Often, I'm able to pray with them and lead them to faith in Jesus Christ. It's wonderful. But, last time we did a call-in program, the response I received from local pastors surprised me. After listening to a handful of phone conversations, the pastors said, "Dr. Palau, we didn't realize there was so much going on in the lives of the people in our congregation. We see them every week but didn't know so many of them were feeling lost." What about you? What's happening in the lives of those around you? The best way to know what's really going on in people's lives is to get to know them better. Don't settle for a surface relationship. God has put people in your life for a reason. Truly get to know them. Make an effort to be a good friend. You may find sadness and heartache that has been covered up by a smile for years and years. Let's look under the surface and beyond the facade. Let's get to know others and allow them to get to know us as well. As we have more of a genuine friendship with the people in our world, there will be opportunities to tell them of Jesus Christ. Nothing is more important than that. 

 Spiritually Uplifted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's amazing how the Spirit of God leads. When we're in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, He gives us the words to say at just the right time. During one of our call-in television shows, I spoke with a woman who cried uncontrollably. I had a feeling that she was taking drugs and it turns out I was right. I sensed she was spiritually depressed and didn't know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. As our conversation continued, I asked her if she wanted to give her life to Jesus. She said yes. As I prayed with this woman over the phone, her voice changed. Her spirit was lifted and she was filled with hope. Have you had experiences like this where you respond quickly, with confidence, at just the right moment? I encourage you today to act as the Spirit of God leads. When God gives you opportunities to share the Good News, do it. Don't back down because of fear. Trust that God is working in your life and wants to work in your friend's too. The Bible says in Romans, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Today, remember that the Holy Spirit is powerful and is working in you to lead others to Jesus Christ. 

 Point Them to Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you do if you see someone lying or cheating or doing something unethical? In today's world, it's easy to ignore these things and think, "It isn't my problem. I'm staying out of it." But, that response isn't always best. Sometimes the most loving thing you or I can do is to pull our friend aside and speak up. God's Holy Word, the Bible, has a lot to say about right and wrong. If you know someone who is walking in darkness, turn to the Bible. Prayerfully ask the Lord to show you what passage to share with your friend. Then, gently and in love, without pointing fingers or pretending that you're perfect, speak to your friend about the situation. As you lovingly share the Scripture, God may soften their heart to His Good News, grace, and forgiveness. Our God is a God who forgives. Even as Jesus was dying on the cross, his desire was to forgive. "Father, forgive them" he prayed at the very end of his earthly life. While cheating, lying, and stealing are wrong and anger God, He wants to pardon our sin and give us each a clean start. Is there is someone in your life who needs to hear this Good News? Gently point them to Christ and tell them of the new life He freely offers. 

 Back to the Bible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One comment I often receive after our call-in radio program is "Your answers were so good. How did you know how to reply?" Well, it's easy to respond to people's needs if you know the Bible. Because, the answers are always in God's Word. The more we read and study God's Holy Word, the more prepared we'll be to help others. God's word is eternal. And, the instruction it gives is always trustworthy. 1 Peter says, "For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God." The Bible is God's Word and it's our job, as followers of Jesus, to share it with others. The next time you're asked for advice, say, "Let's look in the Bible together. God's Word has the answer for this situation. Would you be willing to read the Bible with me?"  If your friend says yes, then you have an incredible opportunity to lead them to Jesus. If they say no, you can still offer Godly counsel and continue to pray that their heart will be softened. In the meantime, continue to study the Word of God and you will reap a harvest when it comes to leading others to Jesus Christ.

 Andrew: Meeting with Other Believers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Meeting with other believers is important to our relationship with Christ. If you’re a car-owner, you know that a proper maintenance schedule is key to keeping your car in working order. Routine maintenance is also important for our health, and nearly every aspect of our lives. But, did you know that regular maintenance is also critical in our spiritual lives? Just as we seek an outside, knowledgeable opinion on matters of health and upkeep, we need to meet regularly with other believers to maintain and grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10:24-25 says that we should not neglect to meet together in order to encourage one another and “spur one another on towards love and good deeds.” God did not mean for us to follow Him in isolation. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to keep us accountable, to rejoice with us in times of triumph, and encourage us in our struggles. Contact your church leadership to find a community with whom you can share openly. Let’s work hard to be intentional about being a community with others. Jesus asks us to and we’ll be more effective in reaching our world if we do.

 The Mission at Hand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Reaching our world is a big job - one that we all can take part in on a daily basis. Our mission field, as followers of Christ, is everywhere. Wherever we are, there are people who need to know Him. At the coffee shop, in the grocery store, and at the office, there are lost people who need to hear the Good News. And, it's our responsibility to tell them. Paul explains in Galatians that "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Practicing the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control - in our daily lives is essential to reaching those around us. In fact, Paul also tells us in Galatians that "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Through love we reach out to others and through our faith, God speaks to them. Let's be challenged to evaluate the mission of today. What has God planned for us today? How can God use you and me as we go about the day?  Lord, I pray for your guidance this day as we seek to be loving, joyful, and gentle with our co-workers, neighbors, family, and strangers. Prepare our way, O Lord. Help us to be open to the mission at hand that we may reach our world with your glory and with your plan of salvation. In Jesus' name, Amen.  

 Prayer for the Body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of my favorite metaphors in the Bible is the Body of Christ. It's exciting to think that we each have a role to play in leading others to Jesus Christ. We are each crucial in God's plan. There is deep connection among followers of Jesus because we're all on the same team. We're serving one another and our world, in the name of Jesus,  in an irreplaceable role. As I think about the interconnectedness of the Body of Christ, I'm compelled to pray for each part. In particular, I pray for the leaders and teachers of the Church, and also for the political leaders of countries. I pray for discernment, for God's guidance and blessing. Paul suggests this kind of prayer in 1 Timothy 2: "I urge you... that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those who are in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." As you go about your day, pray for other believers. Pray for the Body of Christ. Give thanks for each person who's doing their part. Intercede for leaders and decision-makers. Prayer is a powerful tool to affect the course of cities and nations and gives you an astonishing role in changing your world.       


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