Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Expect Sudden Conversions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you believe in instantaneous conversions?  Calvin wrote, "God, by a sudden conversion, tamed and made teachable my mind."  I love that phrase, "a sudden conversion."  In recent decades, I believe the U.S. and Western Europe have not seen as many conversions to Christ as some countries in Asia and Latin America.  And that's partly because they're not sure if Christ has the power turn people - on the spot - into "children of God."Some people preach a message that says, "If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, get into a therapy group, and hang in there a few years, and finally get baptized in water, and you never know, one of these days He just might liberate you."  However, the apostle Paul preached a Gospel that came "with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction," as it says in First Thessalonians 1:5.  Tell your friends that Jesus can set them free and change their lives in an instant.  The living Christ has the power to do it, "out of the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of His dear Son."

 Keep it Simple | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We can't just assume people know the Good News message.  Not even in Western nations.  In fact, Seventy-five percent of American adults do not know what John 3:16 actually says, and 63 percent cannot define "the Gospel."There's tremendous Bible teaching today, but the pure Good News of John 3:16 is often not being proclaimed.  So what do we need to tell people?  First, our friends and family must hear, over and over again, that God truly loves them.  1 Timothy 2:4 says God "wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."  Second, they must hear that Jesus Christ died for our sins, rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven.  Finally, they need an invitation to repent and believe.  That's the Good News, pure and simple.  You don't have to use fancy methods for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Just stick with the basics, and proclaim the Good News with simplicity!  You'll begin to see God working in the hearts of your loved ones.

 Andrew: Confidence in Spite of Challenges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Something that I feel is often lacking in followers-of-Jesus today is confidence. Now, confidence in ourselves and our abilities isn't of God, but confidence in Him and His ability to work through us is of God. The Bible tells us that we need to be bold in order to persevere in God's plan for our lives. Hebrews 10 says, "We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." Do not throw away your confidence. We must persevere in order to be rewarded. Don't let the talents or strengths of others make you feel incapable. The Lord knows that we will have challenges. He knows that our confidence will wax and wane; we're human. The book of Hebrews says that triumph is a result of faith. And that faith is "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." The author goes on to list example after example of triumph because of faith. Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob... he ends by saying that he doesn't have time to list them all. Just as God used each of these people, He can use you and me. He has a great plan for your life. Be confident in your faith and encourage your brothers and sisters to be bold as well.

 Praying Together | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For the last 24 years of my life, every Wednesday morning when I'm home in Portland, Oregon I meet with some of my friends here in town.  Three are lawyers, one is a federal judge, four are businessmen, and they love Jesus Christ and we love one another because of Jesus Christ.  One thing that I've found is this:  when we pray together, amazing responses come from the Lord.  It says in Matthew chapter 18 - do you remember? - "Again Jesus said, 'I tell you that if two or three of you on earth agree about anything that you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.'"  Many times the group of prayer partners that we have on Wednesdays in downtown Portland, will ask for a relative or a friend or a fellow-worker that God would open the door for our buddies to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  And again and again and again, they come back the next week or three weeks later and they say, "Wow!  The Lord opened the door.  I was able to share the gospel.  My partner was eager to talk about it."  Or, "One of my employees stole stuff and that opened the door to talk about Jesus Christ.  It was so exciting!"  So, pray with your friends that God will open doors so that you can share the Good News and see some of them at least come to faith in Christ.

 Bearing Fruit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Here is a Bible verse that I love (sic) since I was a teenager.  I want to share it with you again.  "If you remain in me," Jesus said, "and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.  This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."  That's John 15, 7 and 8.Now, there are two ways to bear fruit for the glory of God.  One, by your character.  If you live in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, patience, self control etc., then that brings glory to God.  But there's another kind of fruit also, and that is the fruit of leading others to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  So many Christians wish that they could do it, but they're nervous, they're afraid, and they don't know where to start.  So the first step is to be filled with the Word of God, to long to bring glory to the Father by bearing much fruit, and then you begin to obey as God gives you an opportunity.  Don't let an opportunity go by.  Begin to talk about the Lord Jesus and what He's done in your life.  Don't worry if you make mistakes.  The other person will be fascinated for what God has done in your life.

 Memorizing Scripture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God wants each believer to live a very fruitful life.  But some of us feel, "I've never led anyone to Christ, in fact, I've hardly ever even shared the Good News in a clear way."  Here's a promise from John chapter 15, verses 7 and 8.  Listen to this.  Jesus is speaking and He says: "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you  This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."  Now listen, that is a great promise.  Take it for yourself today.  Take a moment alone with God and say "Lord, I want to remain in You and I want Your words to remain in me."  You know how you can get the Word of God to remain in you?  Not only to read it but also to memorize Bible verses.  I've been doing that since I was a teenager and I tell you, those Bible verses and promises keep popping up just at the right moment.  Because the Bible says that the Holy Spirit will remind you of everything that you should know.  And He can't remind you of something you don't know.  So if He's going to remind you, you've got to know it, and if you're going to know it you have to memorize it.  So the first step in your path to leading others to Christ is memorize several Bible verses.  Try it today, and God bless you. 

 Asking for an Opportunity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many people that I talk to who want to reach their world often say to me, "but you know, I don't ever seem to have an opportunity to open up a person and lead them to spiritual conversations."  I want to give you a promise from the Bible.  James 4:2   Listen to this:  "You do not have because you do not ask God."  I want to encourage you today to do this.  Go to God in prayer as you are driving to the office or the school, as you are sitting around the house or wherever you are, and say, "God, I want you to send someone to me today and this week at the latest, that will come into my life and that I'll have a chance to give them the good News in a very natural and easy way."  It isn't always easy, but I think the Lord will hear your prayer if you're trying to share the Good News and it's something new to you and you're excited at the possibility of leading someone into the Kingdom of God - that is a glorious desire.  And God says, "You don't have because you don't ask God."  So I encourage you right now, get on your knees, or at least go to the side of the road and pray and say, "Lord please send someone into my life today that I can give them the Gospel."  And see what (He) does.  And perhaps you could write to me and tell me what happened.  I'd love to hear from you.

 Andrew: Dick Hillis - A Passion for the Lost | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dick Hillis is one of my heroes.  When he was only thirteen years old he went to a meeting at the church in his town. There, Dr. George Bennard, the author of the famous hymn The Old Rugged Cross, was the guest speaker. The young Dick Hillis was captured by the authenticity of Mr. Bennard. At that moment, Dick decided that he wanted to be a missionary to China. From that moment on, Dick Hillis never wavered in his passion and desire to reach China with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Are we that dedicated to evangelism in our personal lives?  When I was thirteen, reaching the world for Jesus Christ certainly wasn't my priority. But, what about now? Am I doing everything I can to reach my world? Luke tells us in chapter 19 that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Am I doing the same thing? There are people in my everyday life that I see on a regular basis.  Am I reaching them with the Good News?  Are you? Today, consider young Dick Hillis who desired to reach the lost. Though we're not Dick, God has a plan and purpose for each of us too. He's placed us right where we are for a reason. Keep your eyes open for the people in your life who do not know Jesus Christ. Perhaps the reason you're acquainted with them is so you can tell them the Good News.

 An Ex-Communist Russian Pastor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Oleg was a communist in Russia in 1992 when he heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. Oleg repented of his sins and gave his life to Jesus that day. Over the years, as Oleg openly lived out his faith, his wife, son, and daughter all gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Today, Oleg pastors a church of 200 people in Russia. Oleg wasn't planning on accepting Christ that day in 1992. But God was. The Lord had a plan to bring Oleg into His kingdom that day. God has a plan to reach the lost in your world too. In First Timothy it says that Christ "wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." This includes those who are not seeking God or expecting an encounter with Jesus Christ.I encourage you to remember that the Lord has a plan for those who have yet to give their lives to Him. And, YOU may be part of that plan. Today, be hopeful and expectant that Christ is working in your world and wants to partner with you to reach those around us with His love. Let's be people who prayerfully look for opportunities to share our faith, are obedient to His promptings, and lead many others to Jesus Christ.

 From the Air Force to the Pulpit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Years ago, Santiago was finishing his compulsory military service in the Air Force of Peru. There, he heard the Good News of Jesus Christ through one of our radio programs and gave his life to Jesus. At the time, he did not imagine the adventure that he would have because he surrendered to Jesus. His journey with Christ had only just begun. As Santiago prayed and studied the Bible with other followers of Jesus Christ, he was so excited that he chose to leave the Air Force and start pastoring a church in Piura, Peru. In the years following, he led many people to the Lord and continues to do so today. Santiago's story is a wonderful reminder that salvation is only the beginning. As we continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we become more and more like Him. And, what better way to do this than to be in fellowship with those who have more experience and wisdom than us? Proverbs says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." This week, I encourage you to first look for someone to share your faith with and then, invite them to join you at church or Bible study. God will use you in their life and may use them in yours as well.

 Battling Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I recently received a letter from a lady named Judith. When she was a young mother in England, she was diagnosed with cancer. At the time, she didn't know Jesus Christ and was afraid. The future looked bleak and she was burdened by the things she had done wrong. Daily, she struggled with fear and guilt.Then, one day, a neighbor invited Judith to our evangelistic campaign. Judith recalls hearing the message of God's forgiveness and peace. On that evening in London, Judith gave her life to the Lord. She's now a new person - full of hope and confidence.Judith's story is a great example of the opportunity followers of Jesus have to bring hope and peace to our friends' lives. When people are in trying situations, they are often eager to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. When Judith came to know Jesus, she prayed that the Lord would give her ten more years so she could see her daughters grow up. He has given her many more than that. Remember Judith's story when your friends are going through hard times and encourage them to "cast their cares on Him" - as St. Peter instructs. Your willingness to share the Good News may lead another to eternal life.

 Salvation then Ministry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mark was born in the United Kingdom. 17 years later he was born into God's Kingdom. He is a husband and a father of four children. He experienced the joy of salvation because of one person's willingness to follow the Lord and speak the truth - even on a dark, cold rainy night in Wrexham, England.Now, fast-forward a few years... Today, Mark lives in Romania where his family is working as missionaries with teenagers in prison, and those in danger of winding up in prison. After only two years they have seen incredible changes in the lives of these teens. Part of Jesus' mission on earth was to bring freedom for the captives. He says in the book of Luke, "He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners." As we share our faith with the people around us, we bring freedom to those who are bound by the enemy. Mark's story is an encouragement as we reach the world around us. It reminds us that when one person is set free, they may then go on to be the source of freedom for many others. This week, let's look for opportunities to share the Good News with someone who is in bondage. The love of Jesus Christ can bring freedom to anyone.

 Andrew: Sing for Joy, Shout Out Loud | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I recently read the words of Psalm 81 and realized something new. It says, "Sing for Joy to God our strength, Shout out loud to the God of Jacob."  Friends, this is a command. Strange as it may seem, praise is not optional. Worship is not just something we do when we feel like it. The act of proclaiming the joy we've found in the Lord is an important and powerful part of our relationship with Christ. Can you recall the heavy burdens you had before God called you into the kingdom? I sure can! The same pressures and temptations you had then may still come but remember, heaven is your home. The deep desperation of being a slave to sin is lifted. This is cause to shout, to dance, to sing!Another reason we need to proclaim out loud is so others might hear and learn what God has done for us. Being grateful internally is good but, if we don't speak up, others may not know what God has done in our lives. Let's be people who live our gratefulness and tell others what the Lord has done, by His grace. Live out the joy you've found in Him with your words and deeds. I'll work hard to do that this week. Will you also? 

 Trials Furthering the Gospel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hudson Taylor was a missionary who moved his family from England to the Asian town of Yangzhou.  They established a church there to tell the residents of the town about Jesus.  The Taylors were seeing great fruit in their ministry. But, the scholars of the town felt threatened, and so they decided to turn the town against these outsiders and their message of Jesus Christ.  About that time, some infants in the village died.  The scholars saw their opportunity.  They blamed the Taylors for the tragedy and caused a riot. The mob burned the Taylors' home and, though the family escaped, they were injured. Now, if this happened to you, wouldn't you feel angry?  Wouldn't you blame the town and wish that the bad things that happened to you would also happen to them? That would be my temptation, for sure. But, the Taylors didn't respond that way. They took the Bible's command to "forgive one another" to heart.  Mrs. Taylor wrote, "I believe God will bring glory out of this experience and I hope it will tend to the furtherance of the gospel."  Their eyes were on the Good News of Jesus, and they believed any trial that would help them spread the Gospel was worth it.  What an example!

 From the Bowl to the Ocean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hudson Taylor is a giant of the faith - a well-known missionary to China who took enormous risks in the name of the Good News of Jesus Christ.  But before he even went to China, he put himself in challenging situations that would force him to grow and rely on Jesus. Taylor was a pharmacist who decided he needed to learn to live in poverty among the poor before he went overseas, so he moved to the poorest part of town.  Time after time, God asked him to give up everything he had.  Once, he gave the last of his money to a starving family - knowing this meant he himself would go hungry.  But, God provided for him. How easy it is to sit in safety and comfort.  But like fish that only grow as big as their bowls, our faith will be stunted if we don't get out there and share it.  If we avoid situations and conversations that may stretch us and give us the opportunity to share the Gospel, then our faith will not grow as big as the Lord longs for it to be.  God promises to always provide and be with us.  As the Bible says, "He'll never leave us nor forsake us."  We just need to trust Him, be obedient, and let Him take us from our small bowl and put us into the wide ocean!


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