Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Organizations the Follow Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The station manager in the studio had been listening intently to our radio program. "I don't understand," he said to me as the program signed off. "I attend church every Sunday. I partake of holy communion. I do confession at the stated times. And yet I have no assurance of eternal life." Despite being a part of a television station that preached Christ, this man didn't have the assurance of salvation. He had participated in religious activities without having a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. It is sad to learn that some workers in godly organizations do not have the personal assurance of eternal life. Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Friends, Jesus' statement makes is clear that good motives or activities don't guarantee salvation. If you work in an organization that is Christ-centered, or know someone who does, don't assume the employees know Jesus. Let's take some time this week and ask the Holy Spirit to show us if there is someone who needs to hear the Good News - even someone in a private Christian school or a local non-profit ministry.  Let's not overlook opportunities that may arise to share the Good News, even in God fearing workplaces.

 Participants in Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Kristine grew up in her local church but didn't have a relationship with Jesus. She sang in the church choir and was a "regular" on Sunday, but didn't know God for herself. It wasn't until an evangelist visited her church that she finally found true peace. She said, "As he was preaching, it seemed like he knew exactly what was happening in my life. I understood one thing: I needed forgiveness. My life hadn't been right, not the way it should be, and I finally heard that I could say no to my past and start a new life with God."Sometimes, even participants in our very own churches haven't heard the Good News. We can easily take for granted that everyone in our church has a personal relationship with Jesus. But, that's just not true. The person sitting right next to us during a service may not know the peace of God. Jesus says, "In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This week ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is anyone in your church who still needs the peace Kristine was searching for. Then reach your world by telling them of Jesus Christ.

 Andrew: The World Anew | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The day I walked into the orphanage to bring my daughter home, she had no idea I was coming. A beautiful baby from Ethiopia, Sadie lay vulnerable and open to the harshness of life. But when I entered the room and held her in my arms, she knew my protection and became my precious child.This is what God did for me too. When I was young, I struggled through life as a spiritual orphan. Then, God stepped into my life, picked me up, and said, "I'll take him." I found a new eternal home. Like Sadie, I was vulnerable, but only until I surrendered to God and let Him hold me and love me.Above all else in life, I want other people to know that same experience. I was made alive and complete in Jesus Christ. In Revelation, God says, "I am making all things new." Our creator wants to make each of us new. He wants to be in an intimate relationship with every person He has created. But, millions of people have yet to experience this Good News for themselves. This week, let's purpose to share God's love with the people in our life. Let's not shy away from the greatest gift we have to offer - the gift of Jesus Christ. There is nothing better and, as followers of Jesus, it's our responsibility and joy to introduce others to Him.

 Our Heavenly Father | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My wife and I were recently in Florida, and we had the pleasure of meeting the mayor of a major city there.  As we chatted, this woman mentioned she was struggling with the recent death of her father.  She said she wasn't prepared for her dad to die, and his death had left a big void in her heart. This mayor told us, "My dad was my best friend."Then she said, "Mr. Palau, you've got to write a book and you should title it, 'Orphans at 50.' Because so many 50-year-olds are losing their parents, and we feel abandoned in the world." I thought, Isn't that amazing? The mayor of one of the biggest cities in America says, 'I feel like an orphan.' It made me realize that no matter how old someone is, they can feel abandoned when their parents are no longer around.  Whether it's a 5-year old boy, or a middle-aged woman, people are searching for hope and security.  God alone can fill the void and emptiness that comes when a parent is gone or when we feel abandoned.  He promises to be a father to the fatherless.  The Lord says in John chapter 10 that He knows His own by name.  Isn't that a wonderful promise?  And, you and I can be the voice that reminds people of this truth. 

 The Family of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Years ago, my team and I were in Guatemala, sharing the Good News at a Festival.  One of our counselors noticed a young boy who was standing all by himself.  So she went over to talk with him.  She asked him why he came to the festival. The boy told her, "My mom left my dad and me, and every night I hear my dad crying in the bedroom."  "But," he said, "I'm here because I heard Mr. Palau was going to tell us how to have a happy home."Twelve years old, and already he'd gone through the pain of abandonment!  Yet this boy also knew that a different life was possible.  When he heard the message of the Good News Gospel that night, that boy gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Today, this man is married and a national leader.  His life was changed because he had an opportunity to respond to the Good News.   Do you know a young boy or girl who comes from a broken home?  These children need all the love and direction we can give them.  But most of all, they need to know that God wants to be their Father and be with them forever.  Hebrews 13:5 says that God will "never leave us or forsake us."  Ask God who, in your world, needs to hear this message.  Then, take a step of faith, and invite them to enter the family of God!

 A New Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A few months ago I met a man in his early 40s who told me his story.  He said that his dad left the family when he was only two years old.  Then, when he turned eight, a group of people began to abuse him.  This abuse went on for many years.  Now, this man's family never talked about God - they never went to church. And yet, he told me, "As a teenager, I was in such darkness and torment, that I began to think, There must be a God. There has to be a better life than this one."  A few years later, this teenage boy attended a festival that our team put on in his hometown.  For the first time in his life, he heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.  And that night, he surrendered his heart to the Lord!  God gave that man a new life.  Today, he's married, has a beautiful family, and is a leader in his church.  Most importantly, he has peace with God.  What a wonderful illustration of how God can reveal Himself to the loneliest of hearts!  Ecclesiastes 3 says that God "has put eternity in the hearts of men."  Meaning, the Holy Spirit has put a desire for the eternal truth of God in each person's soul.  But, the Lord calls you and me to be His messengers of the Good News.  It's our calling, and privilege, to be just that!

 The Fatherless Gang | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A few years ago, my team and I were hosting a live TV show in Texas.  One of the calls that came in was from a young boy.  He told me, "Mr. Palau, I'm 13 and I belong to a gang."  I asked him what kind of a gang it was. "Well," he said, "we call ourselves the fatherless gang.  We get together because we all have one thing in common: our fathers left our home.  So we help protect each other."  When I asked him how many were in this fatherless gang, he told me there were over 400 boys!  You know, there really is a huge increase of fatherless and motherless children in our world today.  When a mom or dad abandons the family, their rejection leaves such a hole in a child's life.  Many times the kids act out in wild ways, but they are just lonely and lost, wanting to be loved.  Jesus Christ offers the best answer to this abandoned generation.  He tells us that God wants to be the father to the fatherless. Ephesians 1:5 says that we are "adopted as His sons and daughters."  Do you know a boy or girl who has been rejected by a parent?  God has you in that child's life for a reason!  Pray for an opportunity to share the Good News with them.  Tell them that God wants to adopt them into His family! 

 Andrew: Life on Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Early on in life, I started pushing the envelope to gain attention. Fire was an easy attention grabber. My friends and I would play pranks with gasoline, smoke, and explosions. I created havoc and loved it - all to have a story to tell. In this and many other ways, I planted seeds of destruction without ever considering the consequences of my actions. Sadly, these decisions would mark my life for the next two decades.I lived the secret life of a fool that really is no secret at all. It's a reality we all wrestle with. Do we live for ourselves, or is there a greater call on our lives? Living for ourselves leads nowhere. At 27 years of age, I began a journey to something so much more thrilling - a dynamic relationship with Christ. By the Grace of God, the fruit of my story has turned from horror to hope, from recklessness to stewardship. Now, I love to tell people about my wayward years and the God who rescued me from destruction and despair. No matter what your story has been up until now, the Lord can change your course too. If you know Him, share your story with others. If you don't know Him, won't you start a relationship with him today? To pray with someone, right now, call 1-888-NEED-HIM.

 He Fills You with His Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The book of Acts chapter 9 tells the story of a man from a classy, high-ranking family. He was educated at the feet of the best known professor of his day. But there was an anger in this man, a bitterness and hatred to the point that he became a rampant murderer. His name was Saul. But Jesus Christ met Saul on the road to Damascus. Saul, a short time before had been involved in killing Stephen. He was on his way to kill more Christians and suddenly he met Jesus Christ. His life was changed. And the anger was suddenly gone. Saul -- who later became the much-loved apostle Paul -- was filled with a peace that can come only from God.       Do you need peace today? Jesus Christ longs to meet with men and women and turn us around.      Right now Jesus Christ is saying, "I stand at your door and knock. Have you heard my voice?" he asks. "If you open the door, I will come into you."       Open the door to Jesus Christ and the peace he can bring you. He will change your life, and the world will take notice.

 He Gives You Eternal Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of the ways God chooses to change us is by giving us eternal life. John 10:28 says, "I give them eternal life. They will never perish and no one can snatch them out of my hands." Eternal life is the gift of God. But there are still countless souls who have not surrendered their lives to Christ.  For many, it's because no one has told them.      Several years ago, I met a distinguished professor right before Good Friday. He was searching for God but said to me, "I am unworthy." I put my arm around him and said, "Professor, what are we remembering on Friday?"       He replied, "The crucifixion of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world."       "No, sir," I told him. "Jesus was crucified for your sins." The university professor began to cry right then and there. He decided it was time to receive the gift of eternal life -- and he did!      That professor is just one of millions waiting to hear that Jesus Christ died for their sins.  Will you be the one to tell them? 

 He Sends His Holy Spirit to Live Within You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

First Corinthians 6:19 says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" An amazing truth is that your body, whether thin or not so thin, tall or not so tall, young or not so young, becomes the temple of the holy God.       The Bible says that God doesn't dwell in temples made by human hands. God dwells within his people. He begins to work in our lives by the Holy Spirit.       If you haven't had that experience, today you can! Say, "Lord Jesus Christ, I want to experience what it is to become the temple of God. Come into my life. Give me your Holy Spirit, Lord." Imagine the change that will take place.Look at the apostle Paul. From the moment he received the Holy Spirit, he was changed. From becoming a persecutor, he became a proclaimer. The enemy became a friend. Why? What changed so suddenly? It was simply the powerful presence of God.  Do you have that presence in your life?  Once you do, your body becomes the temple of God and will radiate His glory.

 He Clears Your Guilty Conscience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You have probably found that it is nearly impossible to change things in your life by yourself. It's God who works us over and changes us. To begin with, He rids our conscience of shame and guilt. He puts the past behind us. He buries all the ugly stuff at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.        In Hebrews 10:17, God says-and has repeated many times-"Your sins and evil behavior I will remember no more." I love that phrase. "No more."       You might say, "Luis, I have a burden of things I did in the past. I don't think God could ever forgive me." Don't ever say that.       Kipling, the English writer, once said, "Nothing is ever settled until it is settled right." The reason why Jesus Christ died on the cross was to get rid of guilt and to forgive us once and for all. The cross settles things right.       There is a decision to be made. It's an action of the will. When you ask for forgiveness; God gives it. And he will remember your sins no more. Do you know someone who needs to hear this life-changing truth?

 Andrew: Al Egg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The first two decades of my life were tumultuous. I was reckless and inconsiderate. I remember going to one of our high school basketball games after drinking too much. As my friends and I noisily celebrated our team's win, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Mr. Al Egg. Al was one of the most godly men I knew. He cared greatly for the young people in our school and community. Al's eyes were filled with concern. His daughter, Lisa, had been in a drunk-driving accident the year before. Of all the people to see through my charade, he was the one willing to confront me. He gently said, "Andrew, promise me you'll be careful. Please don't drive." I lied to his face and turned away.Years later, I gave my life to Jesus Christ and everything changed. But, even during those rough years, I respected people like Al - people who were willing to lovingly confront me. Years later, I found Al Egg and told him I was grateful for the things he said when I walking far from the Lord. He showed Jesus' love to me even when I wasn't responding. I am living proof that even those who seem beyond reach are worth the time. So, pray for your friends who aren't walking with the Lord and, like Al, love them through the rebellious times.

 Go Into All the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

During a recent festival in Manchester, England, one of our counselors asked a young man on the street, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?"  He replied "No, I didn't know you were supposed to believe in Jesus Christ.  I'm not sure that I've even heard of him before."Isn't that sad?  Here we are, supposedly living in the Age of Information, but this young man had never even heard of Jesus Christ!  When we hear stories like this, we've got to realize there are people like him in our country, in our neighborhood, and in our family who still haven't heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.   Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations.  [Matthew 28:19]  One way to do this is by simply asking, "Do you believe in Jesus?"  And then pray for the Lord to do what He does best: Changing hearts and minds for eternity!

 Persevering in Evangelism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As we enter the twenty-first century, it's become obvious that atheism has lost most of its credibility.  Yet, the apostles of atheism are adamantly unwilling to consider the facts about God and the Bible.  Instead, these people oppose God's truth with all their might.  We should not be surprised by the opposition of atheists.  As the apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 4: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." So, what should we do?  Again, Paul writes: "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist..."  [2 Timothy 4:5]Are you afraid to share your faith because you think people might disagree with you?  I encourage you to start a spiritual conversation with one such person this week.  You may be surprised at how open they really are to the Gospel! 


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