Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: A few months ago I met a man in his early 40s who told me his story.  He said that his dad left the family when he was only two years old.  Then, when he turned eight, a group of people began to abuse him.  This abuse went on for many years.  Now, this man's family never talked about God - they never went to church. And yet, he told me, "As a teenager, I was in such darkness and torment, that I began to think, There must be a God. There has to be a better life than this one."  A few years later, this teenage boy attended a festival that our team put on in his hometown.  For the first time in his life, he heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.  And that night, he surrendered his heart to the Lord!  God gave that man a new life.  Today, he's married, has a beautiful family, and is a leader in his church.  Most importantly, he has peace with God.  What a wonderful illustration of how God can reveal Himself to the loneliest of hearts!  Ecclesiastes 3 says that God "has put eternity in the hearts of men."  Meaning, the Holy Spirit has put a desire for the eternal truth of God in each person's soul.  But, the Lord calls you and me to be His messengers of the Good News.  It's our calling, and privilege, to be just that!