He Fills You with His Peace

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: The book of Acts chapter 9 tells the story of a man from a classy, high-ranking family. He was educated at the feet of the best known professor of his day. But there was an anger in this man, a bitterness and hatred to the point that he became a rampant murderer. His name was Saul. But Jesus Christ met Saul on the road to Damascus. Saul, a short time before had been involved in killing Stephen. He was on his way to kill more Christians and suddenly he met Jesus Christ. His life was changed. And the anger was suddenly gone. Saul -- who later became the much-loved apostle Paul -- was filled with a peace that can come only from God.       Do you need peace today? Jesus Christ longs to meet with men and women and turn us around.      Right now Jesus Christ is saying, "I stand at your door and knock. Have you heard my voice?" he asks. "If you open the door, I will come into you."       Open the door to Jesus Christ and the peace he can bring you. He will change your life, and the world will take notice.