Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Lost in Logistics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever been frustrated by the choices of other people? Sometimes the right decision seems so clear to everyone but the person in the situation. That's frustrating. But, sometimes the right decision isn't super clear. That can be frustrating too.However, regardless of the circumstances, one thing is certain - people need Jesus Christ. As His followers, we don't have to get caught up in the details of our friends' struggles. Regardless of what they're going through, the answer is Jesus Christ. The bottom line in every situation is that people need the forgiveness, peace, hope, and love that comes from God alone.Proverbs 4 remind us of God's guidance: "I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble."Rather than getting lost in the logistics of someone's sticky situation, let's focus on leading the people in our world to Jesus Christ. The best thing that can happen is for others to know Him. After that, we can rest in the fact that Jesus will take care of the details.

 Darkness to Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I distinctly remember a few times in my life when I've been overwhelmed, when the weight of the world seems too much to carry. During these times, I'm especially thankful that I know Jesus Christ. Without him, those times would have been unbearable. But sadly, there are many people who are going through life without knowing His comfort and peace.In today's world, with economic turmoil, political unrest, and a general unease, we don't have to look far to find hurting people - people who need to know God's comfort. One of these was a dear lady from Peru. She called during a radio program and was suffering from deep depression. I shared Psalm 107 with her, telling her that the Lord could "bring her out of darkness and take away her chains" - just as he said he would. What a joy it was to share the Good News of God's comfort with her and lead her to Jesus Christ.Whom do you know who is struggling with depression or discouragement? Their dark time is an opportunity for you to show them the light of Christ. The peace of God surpasses all understanding. Such peace is deeply needed by those who are hurting. As you reach out to those in need, share the peace of Christ. Our hurting world needs it.

 Andrew: Shining Together | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I was in Rwanda a few months ago. We were preparing to put on an evangelistic festival but the projector we had wouldn't shine bright enough so that the images could be seen in the daylight. We didn't know what to do. Then, one man said, "Don't worry, we'll use multiple projectors and line them up. If we project the same image in the same place, the picture will be clear."What a great illustration! We are like those projectors. Alone, our acts of service and love for our community may be seen, but not as much as if we stood together. If we're unified in our efforts, we will make a bigger difference than we could on our own. The Bible describes the blessings of unity in Psalm 133. The Psalmist says, "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. It is like precious oil poured on the head [...] it is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion." The oil describes the richness of unity. The dew describes unity's refreshment.  Live and work in unity with your fellow believers. Where some would strive to divide, let's purpose to bring unity and peace. Together, we can accomplish so much more than we could apart. Working together, we can reach even more souls for Jesus Christ. 

 Born Again | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever thought about what it truly means to be born again?  The idea is radical, and yet it's what Scripture teaches!  The Bible says that we are born for the first time physically, but that we also have a second spiritual birth into a new, abundant life in Christ.  When I think of someone who has been born again, I think of St. Paul.St. Paul, before his conversion known as Saul, hated Christians!  He persecuted them and spent much of his life trying to kill them.  He angrily defied God, and sought out those who honored Jesus for punishment.  One day God literally blinded Saul, and spoke to him, asking why Saul persecuted Christ followers.  Saul was converted on the spot, his sight restored, and he was given a new name, Paul!St. Paul as you know went on to be a great missionary, and he wrote much of the New Testament Scriptures!  He experienced a genuine conversion, so when he talked about new life in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to change human hearts- he knew it!  Paul referred to himself in the Scriptures as, "the chiefest of sinner."Paul had a radical encounter with the living God and his life was completely transformed.  That is the same God that you and I worship, and that is the same Good News we are called to share with the world.  Share the story of Paul with a friend this week- God's Word is living and active and the story of Paul is an amazing testimony of God's desire for all people to come to know Him.  Do it this week, won't you?

 New Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible is full of stories of changed lives!  One of my favorites is the story of Peter.  Peter was working hard as a fisherman, when Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, stepped in.  Jesus called Peter to follow Him, and immediately, the Bible records, "he dropped his net and followed Him."  And Peter would never be the same.  Peter often gets a bad rap.  People focus on his denials of Jesus- but how many of us do the same?  How many of us are ashamed of Christ, and decide not to share the Good News?  I love the story of Peter, because he's just like us, and God used him mightily!  He became a pillar of the early church!  He made mistakes, yes, but don't we all?  Peter lived a glorious life of loving Jesus and boldly proclaiming Him as he began the Christian church.The Christ who made Peter the great apostle he was is the same Christ who lives in you and me.  He can make us into the men and women He wants us to be when we give Him control of our lives.  All He asks is to take over.  And when he takes over it's amazing what He can do through us!  The same Peter that denied Jesus three times, began the early church, and the book of Acts recorded that thousands were added to the church each day!  He was an evangelist who spent the rest of his life boldly proclaiming the Good News!  Let Christ take over your efforts to reach your world, and you will be amazed what He does!

 The Beauty of Redemption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My son spent much of his early life far from God.  He didn't walk with Jesus- in fact he rejected Him.  He lived a life in opposition to God.  My wife Pat and I prayed for years that Andrew would return to the Lord.  Our hearts were broken that our very own son wasn't walking with God.God did not answer our prayer immediately.  But He did answer!  After a trip to one of our festivals in Jamaica, Andrew was convicted of his sin, and committed his life to Christ!  Today Andrew is married with a beautiful family, and he too travels the world sharing the Good News- the very Good News that redeemed him and changed his life!People listen to Andrew because his life demonstrates the power of God!  He is a living testimony of God's love and forgiveness. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and life abundantly!"  Jesus didn't come so we could just "get by."  He didn't come so we could just "skate through."  Jesus came to give us the most full, real, passionate, incredible, fulfilling life imaginable!  Life in Christ is glorious- and much better than the alternative- as my own son Andrew experienced!  If you have been made new, you know this!  Go share about the abundant life that Christ promises, and live it out! Share your story of redemption when you go out to reach your world!  God will use the work He's done in your life, to work on others!  

 The Fall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many people today think that people are basically good.  That we're born with good in our hearts, good intentions, good will towards others... you get the idea.  This is a nice thought, but if you've lived on earth very long- you've realized this isn't true!  People are sinful from birth!  Have you ever noticed that you don't have to teach a child to lie?  Have you seen the capacity for evil within the human heart when you turn on the evening news?I'm not saying these things to be a downer- I think an understanding of our sin, helps us to rejoice that much more in our Salvation!  If we didn't have the problem of a sin nature, we wouldn't need the solution of a Savior!When you go out to reach your world, you cannot neglect our fallen nature.  Many people reject Jesus Christ, because they don't realize they need a Savior!  Some think, "I'm not a murderer, or a thief. I love others, and I'm honest."  But the Bible teaches in the book of Romans, "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God."When you go out to reach your world, don't point fingers. You're a sinner too- just one who is redeemed.  But let the Holy Spirit work- because the Spirit convicts of sin- not other people. Keep this in mind as you go out to reach your world.

 Andrew: Patience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I'm impatient. I mean, really impatient. I don't like to be stuck at a red light. I don't like to be held up in line. I don't like waiting. I get fidgety. Eventually my mind wanders to issues that are burdening me. I start to worry and feel anxious.Do you ever feel this way when it comes to leading people to Jesus Christ? You plant the seed and wait and wait and wait but it seems that the seed will never grow! Don't be discouraged. Don't give up. James 5 says, "Be patient then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains..."And so it is when leading another to the Lord. Sometimes it takes time - and lots of it! Keep praying. Keep testifying. Only God can draw your friend's heart to Himself. Leave that part to Him. In the meantime, as I Corinthians says, "Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." Friends, be encouraged. Your labor for the Lord is not in vain. Don't let discouragement take root but rather lean on Jesus Christ for the strength to reach your world. 

 Are You Time Wise? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are you a procrastinator? Maybe you like the adrenaline rush that comes with waiting until the last possible moment. Or, perhaps you're a planner. As soon as you're given a deadline, you set to work right away. In either case, both kinds of people have a fire lit under them. The procrastinator jumps to action in the eleventh hour, while the planner gets moving right away. Both are acutely aware of time. One just uses it a little more wisely.Did you know that God values time, too? He wants us to make the most of the time He has given us here on earth. In speaking about His second coming, Jesus says, "Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come." Because we do not know the day or hour, we must maximize today as though Jesus is coming back tonight!How can you live with this sense of urgency? You can spend time every morning asking God how He wants to use you that day. Ask Him to open doors so that you may tell others about His son. Ask Him to provide just the right words in just the right moment. And get ready - because God will use you, a willing vessel, to reach your world for His glory.

 That You May Pray | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you do in your spare time? "Spare time?" you say, "Luis! I don't have spare time!"  You're right.  Life does seem to be moving faster than ever.But, God designed each day with 24 hours. He thinks that's sufficient. He knows we can get everything done that He wants us to get done in that amount of time. So, what are some of His priorities? One thing is clear from His Word, the Bible - God wants us to pray. In I Peter we read, "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray."What we learn from this verse is two things. One, time is short. It says, "The end of all things is near." And two, God gives direction for what to do with our time. We are to be praying! Your schedule may be overflowing, but that's no excuse with God. Praying is not a burden. Rather, it is a joy and honor to communicate with the living God, our Creator! Won't you use the time you've been given today to talk with God? Snag a moment in the car. Check in with God while waiting in line. He wants to hear from you, even in your busyness.

 No Fear in Death | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Life is short. Life is fragile. Reminders of this fact are all around us. We see gorgeous flowers bloom and then fade. We read obituaries in the daily newspaper. And then ... we ourselves lose loved ones. That's the most heart-wrenching reminder of all. No one stands outside the fact that death is imminent. The 98-year-old great-grandpa may be close to death, but he might not be closer than the 16-year-old basketball star. We just never know when our last day will be.The Bible says, "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." What does this Scripture mean for you today? It means that every moment is precious. It means that to maximize our days, we must be wise and discerning.You do not stand outside the grip of death. It awaits all of us. But those who do not follow Jesus Christ have no peace at the thought of death. They have only fear. When you introduce someone to Christ, you give them the hope of eternal life with God in heaven. Won't you let God use you today? Yes, YOU can reach your world today with the Good News. Do it!

 Waiting on ’Someday’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My son Andrew and his family recently survived a plane crash in Jamaica. This was no small accident; the plane skidded off the runway in a pouring rainstorm, came to a halt at the edge of the ocean, and broke into three massive pieces. Andrew, Wendy and the kids all escaped with only bruises and abrasions. Immediately after the accident, Andrew couldn't stop exclaiming, "Life is short!"Now, it doesn't take a near-death accident to realize that. But it does take a wise person to make the most of this truth. Wisdom is numbering our days. Wisdom is seizing the moment and making the most of every opportunity to tell others about Jesus Christ. Because - life IS short! The Bible says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."Are you numbering your days? Here's how you can start living wisely right now: tell someone what Jesus Christ has done in your own life. Share the hope of the Gospel. Only God's power can transform lives. And He has given you a story, the story of your faith journey. It's time to share it! Why? So that others might find eternal hope and security in the only One who can provide it: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

 Andrew: Our Inheritance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do we desire in terms of an inheritance?  I cannot help it and I'm sure that you'd be sympathetic to this...  when I think of an inheritance I think of a house, money, security, an inheritance that solved all my problems.  That's a human thought.  But God has so much more for us.  As followers of Jesus Christ, pray instead for an inheritance that makes a difference.  The Bible says in the Psalms, "I will proclaim the LORD's decree: He said to me, "You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."Ask God for nations of saved souls. Why not? Ask God for the kind of inheritance that will make a lasting difference for eternity.As you faithfully work to reach your world, God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. We would love to hear how you're reaching your world! Would you consider writing us today? Your stories will encourage us and other listeners. As each of us faithfully tell the people in our lives about Jesus Christ, news of Him will quickly spread. How are you reaching your world? Send us your stories at stories at

 Call His Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen to these verses- Isaiah 58:9, "Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I." Psalm 141, "I call to you, LORD, come quickly to me; hear me when I call to you." Are you struggling right now? Struggling with family? Struggling with depression? Struggling with how to reach your world? No matter what it is, big or small, call to the Lord. Those verses are just two of many where we see the importance of crying out to the Lord. Call to the Lord and He will answer you. Often we have pious prayers. We think we can only talk to God about certain things - That we must be formal and proper. If you feel that way about prayer, I would encourage you to read the Psalms. Many are filled with anger, sadness, doubt and fear. But all those emotions were poured out to God and God answered! God knows all of your thoughts anyway; you're not surprising Him. But what you are doing is going to Him for wisdom, direction, and the love of a Father. If something is difficult right now, you may want to pour it out to a family member, or a close friend. And that might be fine. But I would encourage you to first and most often pour out your heart to the Lord! Cry out to Him. He will meet you! And as you do this, He will empower you to share His love with the world.

 Don’t Turn Back, Don’t Back Down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I love how God empowers those who love Him. When Moses was being chased by the Egyptians, he could have panicked and backed down. Instead, God gave him the power he needed to stand his ground. Moses stood his ground, and parted the Red Sea. When David was confronted with the giant Goliath, it would have been easy to run away, but he stood his ground and God gave him victory. There is story after story of God-empowered strength.  In Deuteronomy, we are commanded to, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." If you are facing seemingly insurmountable odds, you may be tempted to run away. But God may be asking you to follow in the footsteps of many heroes of our faith who didn't back down. With God's strength they faced their trials head on, and God gave them victory. From Old Testament heroes, to our own Savior who faced the ultimate trial in crucifixion, God gives victory to those who follow Him. Think of soldiers staring down enemy fire. They could run away, but they stay. They fight for their lives and their brothers.' God is asking you to fight for lives too. Fight to reach those who don't know God! God will give you the power needed for victory.


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