Waiting on ’Someday’

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: My son Andrew and his family recently survived a plane crash in Jamaica. This was no small accident; the plane skidded off the runway in a pouring rainstorm, came to a halt at the edge of the ocean, and broke into three massive pieces. Andrew, Wendy and the kids all escaped with only bruises and abrasions. Immediately after the accident, Andrew couldn't stop exclaiming, "Life is short!"Now, it doesn't take a near-death accident to realize that. But it does take a wise person to make the most of this truth. Wisdom is numbering our days. Wisdom is seizing the moment and making the most of every opportunity to tell others about Jesus Christ. Because - life IS short! The Bible says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."Are you numbering your days? Here's how you can start living wisely right now: tell someone what Jesus Christ has done in your own life. Share the hope of the Gospel. Only God's power can transform lives. And He has given you a story, the story of your faith journey. It's time to share it! Why? So that others might find eternal hope and security in the only One who can provide it: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.