Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 God with Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Charles Spurgeon, the great preacher, whom many called "the prince of preachers" wrote this about our Savior, "Immanuel - God with us in our nature, in our sorrow, in our daily work, in our punishment, in our death, and now with us, or rather we with Him, in resurrection, ascension, triumph, and Second Advent splendor."I love that one of the names for our Savior is Immanuel.  Immanuel means God with us. That is the beauty of the Christmas story. God became a man. He came to us. We call him "Immanuel" because he's here. He not only was with the people who lived 2,000 years ago, He's here now too - with us. He came to save us - each of us who live right here and right now. And, as Jesus said just before He ascended back to Heaven, "surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."What a miracle to know that God is with us always! He pursues us. He seeks us out. And He remains with us through everything. This is what makes the Good News so very good. Tell someone about the God who is with us this Christmas season. Tell them that He came 2,000 years ago, died to pay the price for our wrongdoing, rose again, and now wants to live with us every moment of every day.  There is no better news.

 The Greatest Gift | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you want for Christmas? Many children make Christmas lists and ask their parents or Santa for a special toy or book or game. Gift giving is a tradition in many families during the holiday season. But you know, the greatest gift of all came 2,000 years ago. It's the only gift with eternal value. It was the first Christmas gift and the most profound and enduring! Jesus Christ is the best gift to celebrate.  And, it's one that we should celebrate every single day!  But, it's especially good to celebrate His coming right now - during the Christmas season.  Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Jesus Christ lived out His teaching by giving of Himself throughout His life.  He ultimately gave up His very life by dying for the sins of the world. But, He didn't stay dead.  He rose again and offers each of us eternal life with Him.  Jesus is our greatest gift. He is the greatest giver. How can we focus on giving the greatest gift this Christmas? We can do it by reaching our world. We can do it by telling others what Jesus did for them.  Share the Good News. Explain to someone the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ. Give the blessing and hope of this Good News to someone this Christmas. You will never regret it.

 Andrew: Looking for Doves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sherri came from a very difficult past. Her life certainly hadn't been a "walk in the park." As do a lot of people, Sherri had doubts and was skeptical that there was a god. God hadn't seemed to be present in her life before, why should she believe now? But then, Sherri's nephew invited her to his baptism at our church. Sherri decided she'd go, she'd give God one chance.  "Okay, Lord" she said aloud. "If you're real, then let me see a dove today - before my nephew's baptism."All day long Sherri kept looking to the sky - wondering if God would send her a dove. All day long, no dove came. That evening she drove to our church and walked inside, certain that there wasn't a God because she hadn't seen a dove. As she stepped into the foyer, she was overwhelmed. Pinned all around the foyer were paper doves! There were dozens of them! In that moment, Sherri knew that they were for her and she gave her heart and life to the Lord.Don't be afraid to ask God to reveal Himself to you. He wants to and He will. He may not respond in the exact way that you expect, but He will respond - in His time and in His way. Ask Him to reveal Himself, then have faith that He will.

 Wise Men Still Seek Him | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you set up a nativity scene in your house each Christmas? There are typically the usual characters - Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Usually a few farm animals and shepherds. Sometimes our nativities also include wise men. But did you know that history tells us the Wise Men actually didn't make it to Jesus until he was a couple of years old? I think in many ways that makes the story even more remarkable! They were so determined to find Jesus that they would not rest until they found him. Do you have that same passion to seek Jesus? I love the saying, "Wise men still seek him." The wise men of the Bible were wise because they knew Jesus was Lord and sought after him. Are you wise? Are you seeking Jesus with the same passion and determination of the first wise men? The Bible says the wise men sought Jesus to "worship Him." They traveled many miles. And when they arrived, "they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy," and, "fell down and worshipped him." What a great example of wisdom for us all! Are you seeking Jesus, and falling down to worship Him?Share the Christmas story with someone this week. You'll be amazed how God uses you to reach your world during this time of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

 Establishing Traditions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What are your favorite Christmas traditions? Perhaps you love to chop down your Christmas tree and decorate it. Perhaps you like to cover your house in lights. Maybe you like to listen to certain music or read certain books. There are so many wonderful Christmas traditions. And you know, I think Christmas traditions can be a great way to reach your world. Try establishing traditions that point people to the reason for the season, Jesus Christ?Perhaps, as you celebrate the advent season leading up to Jesus' arrival, you can read certain Scriptures to your children about longing and waiting for the arrival of our Savior. Or maybe you could participate in a Christmas program that shares the Good news. Or maybe you could make an effort to help those in need this Christmas. Perhaps you could welcome someone without a family of their own to experience the joys of this holiday season. Maybe you could make a point to feed the hungry or give more generously. The Bible says that Jesus came "to serve, not to be served." How can we demonstrate who Jesus is by serving others, even through our Christmas traditions? You'll be amazed how you can reach your world while celebrating the coming of our King.

 Simple Faith of a Teenage Girl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of the most amazing aspects of the very first Christmas is Jesus' mother, Mary. Many scholars think Mary may have been as young as 15 years old when she found out she would conceive. Mary wasn't married at that time and knew there was no human possibility of that conception. It was a miracle. Imagine the fear she may have felt as a young teenage girl. Imagine the judgment she would have faced. People didn't believe her story and gossiped, taunted, and ridiculed. But Mary did not question or wonder or fret. Scripture tells us a remarkable account of her faith. When Gabriel told Mary she would conceive and give birth to the King of Kings, her reply was simply, "Behold, I am the Servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." What bold faith! What an inspiration. Imagine if we all had the faith of this young girl, even when God is doing things that we don't understand at all. Even if it means we are rejected, despised and alone as we follow Him. Can you imagine how we could reach our world if we trusted God, even when what He was doing did not make sense to us? This Christmas, think about the faith of Jesus' mother, Mary. Ask God to give you that same faith in reaching your world.

 He Came Like the Winter Snow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever heard the Christmas song, "Winter Snow"? It says this of the very first Christmas: "Could've come like a mighty storm, With all the strength of a hurricane. You could've come like a forest fire, with the power of Heaven in Your flame. But You came like a winter snow. Quiet and soft and slow. Falling from the sky in the night, to the earth below." The Jewish people had been waiting for years for their Messiah. They were waiting to be delivered by a mighty King. It's no surprise that a tiny baby born in a barn to a poor family was not what they had in mind. St. Paul writes in Philippians, "Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross." Jesus really did come quietly, like winter snow. He entered into human history in all humility. This is our King! And through his humility and obedience He rescued the world. That is a King worth following. This is Good News worth sharing!

 Andrew: Overcoming Tragedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tornados. 911. A major earthquake. At some point in our lives, we will all have our world shaken. Sometimes it happens in these massive community-wide tragedies where the entire world takes notice. But for most people, our tragedies aren't witnessed by the entire world. Though the world may not know what you're going through, the impact can be just as devastating.Have you been through a tragedy?  Maybe your parents got a divorce or your spouse left you.  Maybe you've been the victim of abuse.  Maybe violence has robbed you of a loved one, or a dear friend is facing cancer.  Maybe you're 60 years old and feel empty inside, or a teenager and feel that life is hopeless.  What do you do?  How do you go on?One thing that I have found to be very helpful in these heartbreaking situations is to memorize the Word of God.  In the gospel of John, Jesus says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  That is a promise of God!  Hang on to it with all your might. When difficult times hit, remember that though there will be trouble, God is with you and He will help you overcome.

 Vain Imaginations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Author Ed Welch has a very interesting idea about anxiety and fears.  His idea is essentially that we have a tendency to turn into false prophets.  We begin mulling things over in our minds, thinking about everything that could go wrong.  We become convinced that we will lose someone, or that our business will fall apart, or that we won't graduate.  It's a dangerous, illogical cycle, and most times those fears do not come to pass.Where have you been a false prophet?  When you imagine all the things that could go wrong, you forget about the all-knowing, all-powerful God who saw your entire life, past, present and future before you were born.  You have nothing to fear.  I'm sure you've heard the saying, "If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it."  As the Bible says in 1 John, "God is love."  If He's good, He will carry you through even an unlikely worst-case scenario. Trust God with your family.  Trust Him with your finances. Trust Him with your future. Your trust will end the vicious cycle of predicting things that won't happen - and you will embrace freedom that comes with faith in Christ.  Watch how God works as you trust Him.  He very well might use you to bring another into His Kingdom.  Wouldn't that be exciting!?!?!

 Trusting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever heard the popular quote, "Let go, Let God"?  Sometimes it can be an excuse to do nothing.  Don't just sit and say that you're "letting God work."  We are responsible to use our gifts, our education, our time and our finances to reach our world.  We are to do everything possible to live lives of holiness that are "worthy of the Gospel of Christ."  There is a time to be still and let God work, but that is after we have told our friends and family about Jesus Christ. If we hear the quote "Let go, Let God" and think we can now stop making an effort in reaching our world, we are off track.  But, if we hear that quote and remember to trust God in our efforts and leave the outcome to Him, then we're doing great.  If you are discouraged in your attempts to share your faith, pray and ask God to give you greater faith.  But, if you are lazily sitting around and telling yourself you're just "letting God work" it's time to take action! A patient, persistent faith that translates into powerful action will cultivate reliance on God and draw others to Him.  Will you trust God with your efforts this week?  He wants to partner with you to reach people in your world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

 Death by Anxiety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The human body is amazingly strong and resilient- but for some reason we like to test its limits.  I'm not talking about athletically pushing yourself.  I'm talking about never taking a Sabbath, working too many hours, worrying, and neglecting your general well-being.  The number of people with heart disease, obesity, and cancer is on the rise. Many studies have linked all these ills to continuous, overwhelming stress in people's lives.  When you continuously tax your body, it will eventually say, "enough!"You may wonder why I'm talking about physical ailments on this radio program. First, if you die, your time of ministry on earth is over. Second, it's important to remember that your body and soul are connected. When we don't take care of our bodies, it can negatively impact our ministry, and those around us. Paul emphasized the necessity of our efforts on earth by writing in Philippians, "I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body." So take care of yourself. Pray instead of worrying.  Not only will this help you physically, your fearless faith will be a means of reaching your world.  Daily commune with the Lord, put worry aside, and respond to His voice when it comes to sharing your faith.

 Accepting What You Cannot Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Saint Francis of Assisi wisely stated, "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." In our culture, stress is commonplace.  Worry is often a driving force in decision-making, life choices, and emotional stability- or instability for that matter!  We spend hours worrying about things we have no control over.  Perhaps worry is even keeping you from reaching your world...   Are you worried the person will no longer like you? Are you worried because you don't think you'll know what to say?The Bible speaks often about this issue.  Paul writes in Philippians, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  Do not respond to situations with fear.  Respond in faith!  As St. Francis wisely stated, there are some things you can't change.  People's ideas about you and their responses to the Good News are God's business, not yours.  When you choose to respond in faith and do what you can anyway- you will more powerfully reach your world.  So today, put your worry and fear aside and tell a friend about the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Andrew: Your True Identity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

From the time I was seven years old, I hung out with the same group of friends. I carved out a role for myself among them, an identity that fit in. I was "the crazy one." When I went off to college and left my familiar group behind, the reputation I had built for myself disappeared. I realized that I didn't know who I was because my friends weren't there to define me. I was plagued by the question: "Who am I really?" Left without an answer, I felt lost and out of place.But once I became a follower of Jesus, that question took on a new and exciting dynamic. "Who am I?" The answer filled my heart with joy, confidence and a sense of eternity. When we accept Jesus Christ, our identity no longer relies on anything or anyone in this world.Many of us let things such as our jobs, talents, and the people around us define our perception of who we are. But these things are fallible and temporary. Romans 8 call us "God's children" and "co-heirs with Christ." God has claimed us as His own and promised us eternal life! This is our true identity. Share this exciting truth with someone today.

 God is Wise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Doing the "wise" thing is often not the same as doing the "fun" thing. Think about getting a vaccination before you travel overseas. That's not fun. But it IS wise. Think about taking your car in for a general tune-up. It's usually a hassle, but it's always wise. Now think about God's wisdom. It is perfect. It is without flaw. And what He is doing in your life is driven by His infinite wisdom. He seeks to make you holy, not just happy. He longs for you to become more like His son. And for that to happen, in His wisdom He refines you. In the book of Romans, the author, Paul, excitedly writes, "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" And in the Old Testament, God says, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."Have you ever meditated on the wisdom of God? Take a moment to ponder His infinite wisdom. Try to "zoom out" of your own self and recognize your place before the Lord God, Creator of the entire universe. You will find rest and peace there, knowing that He is guiding you in His infinite, loving wisdom. This is Good News worth sharing!

 God’s Love is Constant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I was getting a glass of water the other night when the Lord gave me a powerful metaphorical image. Turning the faucet on and off made me think about finicky human love. We can "turn it on" whenever we want. And if someone upsets us, we can "turn it off." Human love is inconsistent. It's based on our own, fluctuating desire. Praise God, the love He has for us in Jesus Christ is nothing like that. God's love is constant. God's love for you and for me is mightier than an awesome waterfall! Envision Niagara Falls. God's love is even more constant and free-flowing than that mighty waterfall. Does His love fluctuate depending on how He is feeling? No. Listen to what the Bible says: "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power ... to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." Imagine that! God's love is constant. You can count on it. God is faithful. His love knows no bounds. Is there someone in your life who thinks God's love is like a faucet - on again, off again? Won't you be the one to introduce them to the reality of God's love - constant and mighty as a waterfall? God's love transforms lives. There is nothing like it.


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