Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Not by Good Deeds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You and I are always talking about reaching your world, reaching your world.  Well, I live in a city on the west coast and I'm trying to reach my world on a day-to-day basis with a whole series of individuals in the general geographical area.  One of them is a very wealthy, successful man.  He has tried to walk with God and understand God but his idea is that good works will definitely get you right with God and get you peace with God.We spend many luncheons together and we continue to do so.  We have breakfast together.  We go on trips.  And, I'm always trying to get through to his soul.  But all these years, my friend is still always thinking, "If I do enough good deeds, if I help the poor and send some high school kids who can't afford it to college and they become doctors and lawyers," (and many have, by the way), "I'll be okay with God."But, you know, in Ephesians, chapter 2, and I brought it up to my buddy many times, "it is by the grace of God that you have been saved, through faith, this is not from yourselves.  It is the gift of God."  Many people find it very hard to realize that eternal life and peace with God is not something we earn by good deeds but a gift of God that we receive by faith.  And, the gift of God that gives eternal life is Jesus Christ.  Help your friend to receive Jesus Christ.

 A Changed Drug Dealer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We were having one of our festivals in Tulsa, Oklahoma and we had live television at night, besides the rallies in a coliseum earlier in the evening.  One night I get a phone call while we're live on television and he says, "My name is Nick. I'm from California. I'm hiding from the gang who is trying to kill me."  He told me three of his friends had died in his arms when they were shot by opposing gangs.  And then he said to me, after a long conversation which I can't repeat, he said, "Do you think God would receive a sinner like me and take me back?"And I said, "Oh Nick, absolutely!  That's why we're in Tulsa, to let everybody know, even visitors from California, even those who have been drug dealers and have shot and been shot at.  You can find peace with God and forgiveness."  He said, "How?"  And so I told him, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.  Saved from your guilt, saved from your problems, saved from your emptiness, saved to start a new life."  That night, live on television in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I led Nick in a prayer and he gave his life to Jesus Christ.  Today, one of his sons is in the ministry, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and his life has been totally turned around because of one night when he gave his heart to Jesus Christ.

 Andrew: Living Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The other day my wife, Wendy, and I were walking our dog.  Suddenly, a car zipped around a corner and almost hit us.  The driver, a young girl, was visibly shaken when she pulled over to make sure we were okay.  My sweet wife didn't see this girl as a crazy stranger who almost hit us, but rather as a person who was in need of the love of our God.  Wendy invited the girl to our home, encouraged her to join in a Bible study, and ended up leading this girl to the Lord.  After she prayed, the young girl said, "I'm so glad I have a new life, because I didn't want to wake up tomorrow and be the same as I am today."This girl's comment made me think of the woman at the well.  She also was just going through the routine, trying to find peace and satisfaction.  She had been through so many different marriages and relationships.  Nothing satisfied her soul.  There was dryness and a sense of desperation. But then she met Jesus. What a privilege we have, as followers-of-Jesus, to introduce these people to the Lord.  Our world is full of people just going through their routine, not wanting to wake up tomorrow the same as they are today.  We can offer these people - just as Jesus offered the woman at the well - hope, peace, and living water that quenches the thirst in the soul.

 Heaven is His Throne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I want you to listen to this.  This is what the Lord says in Isaiah 66:1, "Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool."  Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool.  What is that talking about?  It's talking about the glory, the enormity, the seriousness, and the reality of heaven.  Do you know that in the book of Revelation, when you open it up, it says in chapter 4, "I saw a door open in heaven and one seated on the throne."You see, heaven is not a joke.  It isn't something that you can treat lightly, though some people do.  Heaven is the destiny of everyone who humbled themselves, who prayed, and who received Jesus Christ into their heart.  They go to heaven when they die.  I expect to go there myself.  Heaven is God's throne.  It's a beautiful city. In the book of John, Jesus said, "In my father's house there are many mansions."  And when Jesus ascended to heaven it says that the heavens opened and He went up into heaven and he's going to come back from heaven.Heaven is God's throne.  Heaven is the Father's house and everyone who knows Jesus Christ can look forward to the day when he will live in heaven forever.

 Trembling at God’s Word | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When I was a teenager a man approached me who was a leader in our church.  He said, "I'd like to spend time with you, Luis, now that you're 18 and you're serious about God."  So, for three years this gentleman, three times a week, would spend three hours with me, on our knees, teaching me the Bible, praying, and expressing what God wants from a young man.I remember so many things he said.  The one I want to talk to you about is this: he read a passage in Isaiah 66:2.  Listen to what it says, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."  You know, I'd never noticed that verse.  "This is the one I esteem," says the Lord, "whoever is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."  And you know what that is talking about?  About taking the Word of God to heart.  About honoring and revering our creator.  That when you are on your knees, with a humble and contrite heart and spirit, you tremble at the Word of God.  In other words, you don't mock it.  You don't despise it.  You don't take it lightly. I want to challenge you today.  If you want to reach your world, take the Word of God seriously and learn to tremble at God's word.

 A Letter Within a Letter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You know, getting a conversation going with someone about spiritual things and, particularly, about Jesus Christ and the Bible isn't always easy.  There are several ways you can practice that will make it a little easier.  For example, if you work with someone or you go to school with someone, and you want them to read the New Testament, but you don't know how to do it, here's a suggestion, okay - why don't you write them a little note and say "This book has helped me tremendously through the years.  I especially like the Gospel of St. John on page such-and-such."  And then, put that note inside the New Testament right where the Gospel of John begins.  And then you can say to them, "I want to give you a letter, but a letter within a letter.  My letter is inside and this book is a letter from God to you."And you know, just the intrigue of the whole idea when you make such a presentation makes it a little easier.  Inside, in your note, you can be honest, you can be transparent, you can speak the truth and demonstrate that you really care for them because, at the same time, you're telling them how much you enjoy the Word of God.Remember this, the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword.  It penetrates even to divide soul and spirit.  So, as you give your friend the Word of God you can trust its power will do its work. 

 God has Written You a Letter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of my favorite friends from England is Dr. J.I. Packer.  One day I was so pleasantly surprised when I read this phrase and I hope it will encourage you today.  He said, "I have never seen my Lord Jesus Christ but He has written me a letter."  You know, the letter is the Bible, the Word of God. That is a letter from God for you and for me.  And, you know, we need to take it seriously.  We need to take it personally and cherish it.  Just like a person who loves another and they're far away for a trip or something and they get a letter, they take it in their pocket, they carry it wherever they go, they put it away for history because it's a sign of love.  And, God has written us a letter. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 3, "From infancy, you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."And you know, when you try to win people in your world to faith and eternal life, always count on the power of the Bible.  And if they doubt the love of God you tell them, "Look, read this love letter from God.  Begin reading in the gospel of John and keep reading all the way and you will sense the love of God speaking to your heart."  So, the Bible is God's written letter for you.  Take it to heart and enjoy it. 

 Andrew: Back to the Cross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If the statistics are accurate, most of you listening spend a good amount of time in the world of social media. Most of you listening probably have a Facebook account, and many others use Twitter, youtube, LinkedIn, and others.  But for me, I'm just learning about it.  I have a long way to go.  If you haven't yet involved yourself in social networking it may seem very contrived and surface-level, but for the people who live there, it's a very real medium of communication.  Now, I'm not saying that it's all good, but I am saying that if you're in that world, you have an opportunity to speak positively about Jesus.  You have a chance to influence the people there.  Paul said that he wanted to become "all things to all men so that by all means he might save some." Social media is just another means to connect with people, pray for them, and share biblical truth and wisdom.  If, in reaching our world, the message never changes but the methods should- this is one way to adapt your evangelism methods to reach more people! Use social media for God's glory and others' good.I would love for us to connect and encourage each other as we learn about social media.  You can find me on Facebook.  Just one more way to reach our world together!

 Relationship, Not Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You know, in your effort to reach your world, you're going to find an argument that will come up again and again, and I'm sure you've already heard it many times and it's this: "I don't believe in religion. I'm not interested in religion. Religion is selfish, it's fundamentalist.  Religion leads to wars."  All sorts of arguments. "Religion is blind. Religion is obtuse."  The answer to that is very simple.The answer is "I absolutely agree with you. I don't believe in religion either. I believe in a personal relationship with God by meeting, personally, with his son Jesus Christ."  You see, that makes a big difference.  Yes, religion is us human beings sincerely, often, trying to organize ourselves spiritually.  But, when Jesus Christ came into the world He became a man, though He was God almighty, and the creator of the universe, just to show us Himself, in person, to reveal His character and give us forgiveness and eternal life when He died on the cross and rose from the dead. So, it's not religion.  Agree with the person! It's relationship with God.  Jesus put is this way, "Come to me all you who are tired and burdened down and I will give you rest.  Take my yolk upon you and you will find rest for your souls."  So, you come to Jesus Christ by faith.  You open your heart.  You surrender to Him.  You receive the forgiveness of sins and you begin to walk with Him for the rest of your life.  So, you see, it's not religion, its relationship.

 Two Ways of Resolving Guilt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When a person begins to feel guilty about their sins, how can you help them?  You know what happens - most people who know the Bible and then stumble into a serious sin, whether it's cheating or lying or sexual immorality or some other form of sinfulness. There are two ways to try and solve the problem of guilt.  One is incorrect, the other is absolutely the way to go. The incorrect way is to deny the existence of God, or to deny Jesus Christ, or to deny what the Bible says, or to mock those who believe in Jesus and the cross of Jesus Christ.  The correct way is to be honest and open and humble yourself before the Lord and to say, "Oh God, I know better. I failed You. I feel awful.  I have offended You and there I'm in pain.  Lord, I confess my sin. Please forgive me. Please wash me. Please cleanse me. Please give me the Holy Spirit's power again."The Bible says, "If we confess our sins God is faithful and just. He will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  So, go the right way.  Don't make excuses and don't accuse others.  Confess to the Lord. He will forgive you, and you can walk with Him again. That's the way to solve the problem of guilt.

 Confess Your Sins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I just received a letter about a girl who has denied Jesus Christ, renounced her faith, and said that she doesn't believe in God anymore, much less religion. Now, we found out that she's living with a guy, practicing sexual immorality, and that, to me, is the reason why she denies Jesus Christ.  I have followed this up for 45 years.  I have met people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures.  Every time a person is born in a biblical home, in a Bible-believing home, and then suddenly they deny the faith, deny Jesus Christ, look down on the work of the cross, every single time that I have checked - and I've checked hundreds of them - it's because they're living in sexual immorality and they have to get rid of their guilt.So, instead of confessing their sin and being forgiven by God, they deny the existence of Jesus and the work of the cross.  Big mistake.  If you, because of unresolved guilt want to come back to God, get on your knees.  Don't make excuses.  Confess your sin.  Ask God to purify you by the blood of Jesus and begin to walk again with God.  You will be free and you will never deny Jesus Christ.

 Unresolved Guilt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week I received a note from a husband and wife who said, "Luis, will you please pray for our daughter?  Two years ago she told us that she didn't believe in Jesus anymore.  She said she believed there was a creator, but he wouldn't have done what he did to his son on the cross. I led her to the Lord when she was 10 years old.  I just left from visiting with her in Hawaii and she told me she doesn't believe in any religion.  I told her it wasn't about religion but a heart relationship with our creator."  And, the note goes on. As I read, I said to myself, "Uh oh, who's she sleeping with?"  And, sure enough, when I turned the page over, this note from the dad and mom, it goes on to say, "She is living with a guy who was raised in a certain religious church and was beaten up by his father because he wouldn't go to church on weekends.  So he feels exactly as our daughter."Now this is the point, when people are brought up knowing the Bible and knowing about Jesus Christ and then they insist that they don't believe anymore, the reason basically is this: unresolved guilt.  You either confess your sins and are forgiven, or you find excuses.  We'll go on with this one some other day.

 Andrew: Calling Clarified | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are three types of calling:  You are called initially to come and follow Christ , to repent and receive Him.  Then you are called to a certain vocation.  That means more than just your job but also the work that God has for you in His kingdom.  It doesn't mean a full-time ministry position, necessarily.  Your calling is to your workplace or your home or wherever you find yourself.  When you're there, you are not a second-rate minister of the gospel. Wherever you are is where God wants you to tell others about Him. The third calling is the calling of the day-to-day, moment-by-moment following Jesus. How are you reaching others in your sphere of influence?  How are you responding to the Holy Spirit?  How are you growing?  How are you being discipled and discipling others?I love this verse in Romans- "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Isn't that incredible?  We have been called according to God's purpose!  God has a purpose for each of our lives and it's our job to be faithful and obedient.  Will you wholeheartedly respond to God's call?

 What is God like? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you're trying to reach your world, your friends, your family for Jesus Christ, more than once people will ask you, "What is God like?"  People's ideas of God often is just a spin from their own mind.  But, we know from what the Bible teaches, and because you and I have met Christ, what He's really like.  First of all, "God is a spirit" the Bible says.  Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.  That's the first thing about God.  Secondly, what is God like?  He's omnipotent.  That means that He has all power in heaven and earth.  God is almighty.  He is omnipotent.  Thirdly, God is omnipresent.  That means he's everywhere.  He sees you, He knows you, even your thoughts.  God knows us because he is omnipresent.  And then, lastly, you can say God is omniscient.  Don't try to limit God.  God knows everything.  And, therefore, we cannot hide from Him.  And when He says, "I love you and I will forgive you," He knows what he's doing.  He's doing it on the basis of knowing how sinful we are.Tell them that God knowingly, because he's omniscient, laid on Christ the sins of the world.  That may help them to really know what God is like.

 Who is God? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How can you reach your world?  Well, you reach them for God, that's how.  But, if the person says "Who is God?  How can I talk to Him?  How can I know Him?" you can give him at least three points to begin with.  First, you can say, "God is your creator."  In Genesis 1:1 it says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  In Jeremiah 1 He says, "Before I made you in your mother's womb, I knew you."  So, the first answer to who is God is this: God is your creator.  Not only the creator of heaven and earth, but your personal creator.  Secondly, God is calling you.  The very fact that the person asked the question, "Who is God; how can I know Him? is a sign that God is calling the person, and the Bible clearly says in John chapter 1 that God enlightens every man who comes into the world.  So, yes, He is calling.  And when the person says, "Who is God?" you can say lovingly, patiently, and kindly, "The very fact that you asked the question is a sign that God, who created you in your mother's womb, is calling you."Thirdly, you can say, "God wants to be your Father - Your spiritual Father - Your God.  So if you give Him your life, He will come into you life and become your heavenly Father."That's the beginning of the conversation...


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