That You May Pray

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: What do you do in your spare time? "Spare time?" you say, "Luis! I don't have spare time!"  You're right.  Life does seem to be moving faster than ever.But, God designed each day with 24 hours. He thinks that's sufficient. He knows we can get everything done that He wants us to get done in that amount of time. So, what are some of His priorities? One thing is clear from His Word, the Bible - God wants us to pray. In I Peter we read, "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray."What we learn from this verse is two things. One, time is short. It says, "The end of all things is near." And two, God gives direction for what to do with our time. We are to be praying! Your schedule may be overflowing, but that's no excuse with God. Praying is not a burden. Rather, it is a joy and honor to communicate with the living God, our Creator! Won't you use the time you've been given today to talk with God? Snag a moment in the car. Check in with God while waiting in line. He wants to hear from you, even in your busyness.