Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Financial Wisdom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We've all heard, or seen first hand, the economic strife happening across the world. Many are struggling to find work and provide for their family. Others are doing well financially with secure jobs and income. In regard to either situation, it's good to turn to the Word of God for instruction. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy, "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." Paul is reminding us to be wise with what God has provided, whether we're living in plenty or want, and to put our hope in Him, not in our bank account. Paul goes on to say: "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." Regardless of our economic situation, we can be generous to those around us. And, as we are, we are laying the groundwork to tell others the Good News of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  Do you practice generosity?  Do you enjoy helping other people?  Do you enjoy giving them the Good News?  There is no greater pleasure.

 Tell Your Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When my family gathers on vacation, the whole clan of 23, we are intentional about spending time in the Word. Recently, my wife suggested that we share how Jesus came into our family. Pat told her family story of her grandparents being the first to be born again. I was surprised at how much of this story I didn't even know. God did amazing work in her family long, long ago. We each have a conversion story. Whether it is a simple one of receiving Jesus into your heart as a young child at Sunday school, or a more complicated story involving drugs, poor decisions and a dramatic redemption, each is unique. And, each can be powerfully used by God to lead others to Himself. Whenever conversion stories are shared, I'm reminded of Paul in Acts 9. Paul was blinded on the road to Damascus. Then, Ananias placed his hands on Paul's eyes, healed him, baptized him, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He was blind and then he saw! What is your conversion story? How did Jesus enter your life or your family? I encourage you to write out this story in great detail and then summarize it in a few paragraphs. That way, when you're prompted to share the Good News, you will be prepared and confident to tell your story and point others to Jesus Christ.  This honors God.              

 Andrew: Tempted by the New and Shiny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

While waiting to get the tires replaced on my car, I was drawn to a computer in the auto shop. This computer showed me a variety of ways I could customize my wheels with chrome rims and high-end tires. I started thinking about how cool my car would look with these shiny new features. Suddenly, the standard, sturdy tires I was buying seemed plain and inadequate. I’ve noticed a similar temptation can occur in our church life. Sometimes we’re tempted to move on whenever a church with better worship or more visible growth comes along. But God’s desire for His community looks a little different. Ephesians 2:21 says, “In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.” Once you’ve found a church that seeks the Lord and teaches his Word, get rooted in that community of believers and stick with it! If you feel pulled to a new church, ask God to reveal what’s behind your desire to move. Often, His answer is to stay where you are, perhaps taking a new approach to investing in your current church.  Let’s get more connected in our local churches. After all, this is the basic starting point for reaching our world. 

 I Don’t Want to Meddle! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you seen a hurt that only Jesus can remedy but have been scared to say anything? Sometimes we fear meddling in someone else's life, thinking that we may not be welcome, even though we know the answer to all of life's struggles.   I've been guilty of this. When Pat and I lived in Mexico City, my neighbor was a young television personality. We would chat sometimes, and he even mentioned that he listened to my radio program. But I didn't share the Gospel. He seemed immune to the problems of life. He seemed to have it all together. Eventually, though, my neighbor changed. The joy seemed to have left his face. He and his wife started driving separate cars to work. I could tell their marriage was souring, and I felt the need to talk with him, but I didn't want to meddle in his life. That didn't seem the polite thing to do. When I returned home from a crusade in Peru, I learned my neighbor had killed himself. I was heartbroken. I knew I should have gone to him and shared the love of Christ. But because of false courtesy, I didn't do it.  Don't let my mistake be yours. Share Jesus' love with everyone. Gently ask about people's hurts and recommend the Great Physician who can heal them.

 I Don’t Want to Annoy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you ever fear sharing the Good News Gospel because you do not want to annoy people? We've all experienced a pushy salesperson. Maybe this person did not ask what you wanted, but wouldn't stop urging you toward the most expensive item in the store. None of us want to be like that! But have you ever been to a store where the salesperson got to know you and actually listened to your needs?  Even better, have you ever had a salesperson tell you about something in their store that they themselves have?  Maybe it's a vacuum, and the salesperson tells you how often she uses it and what kinds of things it vacuums up.  Maybe she tells you a funny story about her dog knocking over something and how she cleaned it quickly and easily.  Wouldn't you be more interested in the vacuum? We do not need to sell Jesus. He's already the greatest treasure in the world. But if we are able to show others the messes Jesus has cleaned up in our lives, then others can start to see how much they need him too.  It's not about selling; it's about sharing your experiences.  Trust me, people are more interested in your life story than an insincere sales pitch. Be genuine and real when you talk about Jesus Christ and others will notice.

 I Don’t Want to Lose Status! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our worry about how others might perceive us sometimes stands in the way of telling them the Good News Gospel. It's easy to be afraid that we'll lose status, whether it is among friends, neighbors, or business associates. But, when our fears keep us from sharing about Jesus, we believe the lie that our position here in this world is more important than sharing eternal truth. There are people all over the world who could lose a lot more than their status if they share their faith. They could lose their homes, their families, even their lives. But many of them have made the choice to follow Jesus and they believe that their family and friends need to make that choice as well. It's not a small thing. It's of eternal importance! Now I'm not pointing fingers, that's for sure. Even if our lives aren't at risk, telling people about Jesus can still be scary.  No one wants to feel disliked or ridiculed for something they believe in. As a fulltime evangelist, I face that fear to this day. But, even if we do lose some status among people around us because of our faith, it's worth it. Nothing is more important. Remember our brothers and sisters who risk everything. Pray for them to stand strong in Christ, and pray that you and I will too. 

 I Don’t Want to Seem Strange! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today, to seem sophisticated and contemporary, many followers of Jesus have stopped trying to persuade others to follow Christ.  There's an underlying feeling in our society that nice people just don't go around telling other people to do things. But, we persuade people every day.  How many of us, after seeing a movie or reading a book that we thought was really excellent, tell our friends all about it?  We talk about the characters and the moral of the story - how it inspired or challenged us.  We want our friends to see or read it too, to have the same experience. Because we think it's so good, we tell everyone we know. Is that so strange? We know our friends might not like the movie or the book. But, on the chance that it might speak to them, maybe even change their lives, we tell them. It would be strange not to. So then, why do we not do the same with Christ?  How much more wonderful is Jesus than a movie or a book or a television show?  Those are things of this earth; Jesus' impact will go on throughout eternity.  And it is our responsibility to make sure people know about him, so they can follow him for themselves.   

 Andrew: Spiritual Maintenance— Time in the Word | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I recently blew out my tires after waiting too long to take my car in for maintenance. I had seen the warning signs. My tires were sagging and the maintenance light had been blinking for weeks. But I was too busy. The car still ran, so I kept using it. After all, fixing it would cost money and time. But, eventually I had to take the car to the shop. As I waited at my neighborhood tire center, I realized that maintenance is crucial. Not just in our vehicles, but in our relationship with Christ. Sometimes it’s easy to neglect the basics because we’re busy, distracted, or we feel we don’t need them. But, that only causes more trouble in the long run. When it comes to our spiritual life, one of the first things to fall by the wayside is spending time in the Bible. I can’t stress how indispensible God’s Word is to His followers. In good times and bad, time in the Word should always be among our top priorities. 2 Timothy says, “All scripture is God-breathed” so that you and I would be “trained in righteousness” and “equipped for every good work.” The Bible is our sustenance; let’s not wait until the warning signs appear to realize that we need to spend time in the Word.  Our ability to reach our world is tied to us having a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

 Blessing the Nations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Abraham knew the importance of family. His wife Sarah could not have children, even though the Lord promised Abraham he would have many descendents. Finally, after many years of waiting, God blessed Abraham and Sarah with a son, Isaac. But then, God asked Abraham and Isaac to go up on a mountain and make a sacrifice. And, not just any sacrifice. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son! Abraham would have done it but, at the last minute, God provided a substitute. Because Abraham was obedient, God said, "you have done this thing and you have not denied me your son, your only son. I will bless you. And through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed." Can you imagine having God tell you that your offspring will bless the nations? Don't you wish you'd hear those words too? Is it your prayer that God will use your children and grandchildren to reach the nations? Though God doesn't promise this to every parent and grandparent, we should all work hard to have our families be a blessing. If there are children in your family, train and guide them with the Word. Prepare them for the future. Tell them of God's love for them and of how he wants to use them to reach the nations. Teach them the importance of telling others the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

 Family Evangelism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As a child, I had a life of evangelism modeled for me by my father who came to know Jesus in his 20s. During the week, my dad was a builder. But, on the weekends, he was an evangelist. Dad was always looking for ways to share the gospel and he got the entire family involved as well. And so, I was raised with the understanding that if you're a kid you go to school and study, and if you're a dad you go to work to make a living. But, no matter how old you are, your life should be devoted to one big thing: preaching the Gospel and saving souls. That's what really matters. I'm glad my dad instilled that lesson in me while I was young because he died very suddenly at age 34. I was only 10 years old and my youngest sister wasn't even born yet. Dad's passing taught me that people die when you don't expect them to. Not everyone lives to be old, and that makes evangelism and spreading the Good News of Jesus even more important. People of every age bracket die. In the same way, people of every age bracket can share the life-giving truth of Jesus Christ. Children can proclaim their faith just as well as adults. As my dad taught me, we are all charged with the wonderful job of sharing the light of Christ with the dark world around us. There is no time to delay! 

 Young People, Listen! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Samuel was probably only six years old when the Lord called him in the night. Remember the story? Samuel woke up and heard a voice calling his name. He assumed the priest was calling him but it wasn't the priest. The voice was God's. Samuel eventually responded with, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." There is a message for all of us in Samuel's story - regardless of our age. If you are young, pay attention! The Lord does not wait until you are old and grey to speak to you. You don't need a job or a car to hear God. And, in fact, sometimes those things can make it harder to hear His words. Jesus wants to speak to you now. And, what he has to tell you is important. All you have to do is respond with, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." For the rest of us, those who are grown, we need to recognize and encourage our young friends to listen to God's voice in their lives. We must remember that God speaks to the young generation too. Don't discount them. Encourage the young people in your life to listen to God for themselves. Our world is full of children and teenagers who need to be told that they matter to God. It's up to us to tell them! Let's "tell of His works to the next generation" and encourage them to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ too. This is Luis Palau.  

 Becoming Like Little Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In Matthew chapter 18, Jesus calls a little child to stand in front of the disciples. Then Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  Jesus goes on to compare a little one to a lost sheep. The Great Shepherd would leave the rest of his flock to find one lost lamb. Jesus says, like this Shepherd, "your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost." Friend, this is why I am an evangelist. This is why I do what I do. I proclaim God's Good News Gospel so that none of these little ones should be lost - none! But, it's not enough just want to tell the children of Jesus Christ. Jesus said we must become like them. In order for us to enter the kingdom, we must take on the innocence and purity of a child. We must be willing to say, "Jesus, you are everything and I will trust you." We must be willing to follow without questions, to believe that God will take care of us and has our best interest in mind. Let's never look down on the little ones - our children, nieces, nephews, neighbors. For, Jesus sees something in them that each of us adults must model. Let's work to be like the children and trust God one step at a time.

 Andrew: Evangelism and Discipleship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many people are hesitant when it comes to telling others of Jesus Christ because they're afraid of being rejected. Another common fear is that of not knowing what to do if someone says yes to Jesus and then has further questions. But, we don't need to worry. Though evangelism and discipleship go hand-in-hand just as service and proclamation do, God will not abandon us.Although we may have a part in leading those around us to Christ, the Glory is God's. Salvation is a radical change, a miracle of God! But God will not abandon us after we lead someone to Christ. Just as He was there when we led our friend to Jesus in the first place, He will stay with us through all the struggles and steps that follow. There's a much-quoted verse in Philippians 4 that says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Do you truly believe that? Don't wait until you have all the answers to begin leading the people in your life to Christ. Just as you trust God to help you grow, trust Him to guide you through the process of discipleship. My friend, God isn't going to leave you. You can step out in faith, tell others of His grace, and know that you'll not be alone.

 Earning our Salvation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A few years ago, a television station manager listened intently as I counseled people who called our program in search of spiritual guidance.  Many times I prayed on the air with those who wanted to receive Christ.  "I don't understand it," he said to me as the program signed off.  "I attend church every Sunday.  I take holy communion.  I go to confession.  And yet I have no assurance of eternal life."Unfortunately, millions of people share that station manager's uncertainty.  They are trusting in their own efforts to get them into heaven.   They ask the same question the crowd asked Jesus in John 6:  "What must we do to do the works God requires?"  Jesus answered the crowd, "The work of God is this:  To believe in the one he has sent." [Jn. 6:29]  Ah!  There's the secret! So basic!  So simple! So honoring to the Savior Jesus Christ!Do you know someone who is trying to earn their salvation?  Remind them that eternal life is a gift of God by faith in Jesus Christ. 

 Sharing with Religious People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Willy was a minister in the United Kingdom, with 17 years in the pastorate and two theological degrees.  He became the chairman of our evangelistic crusade in his city.  During a pre-crusade retreat Willy said to me, "Luis listening to your Bible exposition, you seem to believe every word of Scripture.  At my seminary we just figured the basic ideas were inspired, but not the words."  Instantly, a red flag went up in my mind.  So I asked, "Willy, do you have eternal life?"  Willy said that about month ago two of our team members stayed at his house.  Over dinner they talked a lot about eternal life.  When he went to bed that night he asked his wife if she had eternal life. And she said, 'Willy, you know I don't.  Do you?'"  Well, before Willy and I had finished talking that day, he opened up his heart to Jesus.  Do you know anyone like Willy who is religious, even clergy, but not sure if they have eternal life?  Remember that even those who look religious on the outside might not have a relationship with Jesus on the inside.  Be gentle, be humble, but do ask, "Do you have assurance of eternal life?"  It's a question that opens great conversation. Show your friends how they can have the assurance of eternal life.


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