Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you know that J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Lord of the Rings, was instrumental in C.S. Lewis becoming a real Christian? Tolkien was a good friend of Lewis and faithfully shared the Good News with him. That lesson of true friendship comes across in Tolkien’s books too. In Lord of the Rings, Frodo has to go on a dangerous journey. He is tempted by evil, his life is threatened, and he’s constantly in danger. But he has a great friend named Sam. Sam is the best sort of friend that anyone could have. Sam doesn’t shy away from the challenge and let Frodo go it alone. No, he’s with him every step of the way, even when it means risking his own life. He was Frodo’s friend not only when things were good, but also when Frodo went through the biggest trial of his life. Are you that kind of friend to those in your life? Do you stand with them when they’re struggling to fight against evil or temptation? Did you walk with them on that painful journey of their suffering some time ago? Ask God to help you be a better friend. A friend like we have in Jesus, who “sticks closer than a brother,” as the Bible says. Being a faithful friend like J.R.R. Tolkien was to C.S. Lewis, and Sam was to Frodo, and Jesus is to you and to me, is a great way to reach your world. You knew that, didn’t you?

 The Family of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever seen people give their cardboard testimony? It can be a simple and powerful way to share the work of God in your life. One church recently incorporated cardboard testimonies into their service. 15 members of the church wrote on one side of a poster-board who they had been before Christ. And then, on the other side, they wrote who they are now. They show the “before” Jesus Christ side, and then flip it over to show who they are now in Christ. One boy, only about 11 years old wrote on one side, “Abandoned by my Father.” And when he flipped it over he wrote, “My Heavenly Father never left me.” What a brave young man! That young man was abandoned, but never by Jesus Christ. St. Paul writes in Romans, “...the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’” That boy recognized Jesus as the “Father to the Fatherless,” as one of the Psalms says. Think how many others in that church had been abandoned by their fathers. And what an example this young boy set for them - by being willing to share his painful story to give glory to God and to reach his world! Are you willing to share your story for the sake of other people?  It’s a great challenge and it’s very, very exciting.   

 Andrew: Gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A couple of weeks ago I took a personality-type test at Multnomah Bible School where I’m taking a few classes. This questionnaire was part of an assignment related to a spiritual health check. When I received the results, I was shocked to see that it categorized me as someone who struggles with gratitude. Me? Really?! I feel like I’m very grateful! But then, I swallowed my pride and got to thinking… there are many ways in which I’m critical and negative. I make snide remarks. I’m quick to think negative thoughts before positive. There were a number of things this assignment suggested that I do. One of them was to journal for a month and start each day with one thing that I’m grateful for. To daily stop and recognize what God has done has changed my outlook. The Bible tells us to give thanks to God and count our blessings. Actually doing it sure makes a difference! My friend, anybody can be critical. Our human inclination is to draw attention to what is wrong. But, to express gratitude is from the Lord. A grateful person stands out. As a first step in reaching our world, let’s think of one thing we’re grateful for each and every morning.  

 A Reminder of God’s Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I love reading the Old Testament story of God’s unbounded love for His chosen nation. And as I read it I notice many consistent themes. One theme is God’s constant love and grace, and His people’s persistence in quickly forgetting about it. God performed massive miracles to deliver the nation from their enemies, and they didn’t even make it all the way into the wilderness before they began complaining and questioning God’s plan for their future. This would happen over and over again. God would deliver, they would forget. God then instituted all sorts of traditions and rules so throughout the generations they would “remember”. Isn’t it amazing what a short memory we all have? We are no different than His nation was back then. God performs a miracle in our life, and a week later we’re fearful and questioning Him. We’ve already forgotten! We are so fickle! The Psalmist writes, “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” Pray this Psalm! Ask God to help you remember all He has done for you. Remember it as if it was yesterday. Praise and thank Him. Remembering and reflecting on God’s goodness is an excellent way to get motivated to tell others about Jesus Christ!

 Inspiration to Reach Your World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We spend so much time talking about reaching your world on this program. We share stories, discussing how to do it effectively with different methods and approaches. But I think it’s also important to stop ourselves, slow down for a minute, and ask, “Why?” Why should we reach our world? Well, of course we are commanded to reach our world in the great commission of Jesus. Every Christ Follower should be sharing their faith because of the Great Commission. And that should be enough. But I think there are other reasons too. In sharing our faith, our own faith is strengthened. We deepen our walk with God. We learn more about the Bible, that’s true. And so many other reasons! But I think of two very important reasons that should motivate us.  One is the grace that we’ve experienced, and second, our love for others. God’s radical, renewing work in your life is such that you can’t help but tell others about Him! It should break your heart to see others continuing to live apart from Christ- without the “abundant life” that Christ promised. For this reason, it’s important to daily reflect on all God has done and continues to do for you. And as you do, the only natural response would be to share His wonderful works with the world around you!

 The Day of Salvation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My son, Kevin, was recently reflecting on his walk with God. Kevin’s brother, Andrew, shares his testimony often. Andrew walked away from God, got into all sorts of trouble, and then in an amazing story of redemption turned to the Lord. Kevin, on the other hand, grew up believing in God, stayed strong in his faith, studied missions at a Christian college, and then returned home to begin leading our organization. Because Kevin was always hearing other’s testimonies that seemed to be more dramatic, he had stopped reflecting on his own story! But when Kevin really did- he realized his story was just as miraculous as any other! Any sinner, saved by grace, is a miracle. And every child who accepts the Lord at a young age and continues to walk with Him is a miracle.  If you want to reach your world, but maybe you’re like Kevin, and feel like you don’t have an exciting story to tell, don’t believe that lie! Your story is just as miraculous as every other. And it’s important for you to remember all God has done for you and share it with other people in tis world. As it says in Chronicles: “Sing to the LORD, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day.”  And you have an opportunity to tell of your salvation in a simple, quiet way.  And God will use it in those who listen to you.

 I Remember | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It was cold and a light rain was beginning to fall. I was twelve years old; a kid at camp in the mountains. My counselor, Frank Chandler had pulled me out of bed in the middle of the night for a talk. He pulled out his flashlight and opened his New Testament and said, “Luis, are you a born-again Christian or not?” I said, “I don’t think so.” “Well, it’s not a matter of whether you think so or not. Are you or aren’t you?” “No, I’m not,” I said. “If you died tonight,” Frank asked me, “would you go to heaven or hell?” I sat quietly for a moment, a bit taken aback, and then I said, “I’m going to hell.” “Is that where you want to go?” “No,” I said. “Then why are you going there?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know.” Frank had me read Romans 10:9– “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord… you will be saved.” “Luis, are you ready to confess Him as your Lord right now?”  I opened my heart to Christ right there. It was February 14, 1947. That was the moment my life began to change. I have one word for you today: Remember. Remember what the Lord has done for you. Remember what He has called us to do – share the Good News with the world. That is our privilege. That is our calling in life. And together, as we partner together, that is our joy.

 Andrew: Time Wisely Spent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are you spending your time wisely? This summer our two boys spent a week at camp. I didn’t know what life would be like without the boys at home. I tried to imagine quiet days without their laughter and still evenings without jokes and conversations. I must admit, I wasn’t looking forward to them being gone. They bring such life and action to our home. I couldn’t imagine them not being here. Now, camp has come and gone and thankfully they’re both back and life “as we know it” has resumed. But, their leaving did make me think… am I making the most of the time I have with them? Eventually, they will grow up, move out, and live independent adult lives of their own. My time with them is limited and precious. I don’t want to miss a moment. I want to take every opportunity to model and teach the love of Jesus, true devotion to Him, and the fullness of the life He offers. As I challenge myself, I challenge you too. Make the most of this time. As Ecclesiastes reminds us, seasons come and seasons go. Make the most of today. Regardless where you are in life, or with whom your life intersects, use this day to reach the people God has put in your life. They are there for a reason. Don’t miss this chance to tell them of Jesus.   

 Using Your Talents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My father built homes and subdivisions - developing areas, buying land, and building houses and roads. He met Mr. Rogers, a fellow businessman, and this man shared the Good News Gospel with my family. I am so grateful he did!    My father was passionate for Jesus Christ. He and Mr. Rogers spent their free time sharing the Good News Gospel with everyone around them.  In nine summers, my dad and Mr. Rogers planted nine churches in nine towns of Argentina.  In all nine of those cities, my dad used his skills and talents and cash to build a chapel, a baptistery, and an outhouse.  Yes! My dad was a builder. That was his profession. When he came to know Jesus, he became an evangelist, but he continued his business as a builder. And, he used those talents to glorify God. The churches he built are still standing today, 70 years later! Use everything that God has given you to spread his Good News — your job, your talents, your words. Colossians says, “Whatever you do in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus!”  You never know the difference that you can make. Just look at how God used Mr. Rogers in my family, and then my dad impacted the lives of so many others. God wants to use you too! Life is short. Today, look for ways to use your gifts to reach your world for Christ. 

 To “Go!” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The word for “go” in Spanish is similar to the English word. Just two letters, “id,” which means go. What a simple word, and what a simple message! Growing up, there was a period of time where the theme of everything I heard was “Go!” Youth conferences, church sermons, my parents… Eventually, I realized that this message was for me and I had to pay attention. So from the time I was very young, I’ve had a passion to “Go” and tell others of Jesus Christ. As an evangelist, I know I am fulfilling God’s calling in my life. For me, that means to “go.” But we cannot all be fulltime traveling evangelists. Some people work in the same city for years and support those who are in fulltime ministry. For some of you, that’s your calling- to be evangelistic right here where God has you and financially and prayerfully support others. If God has called you to stay here and minister to your neighborhood, no way should you feel that your calling is less important. Your role is critical! Whatever the Lord places on your heart and wherever you are, be obedient and faithful to reach people there. God has you where you are for a reason, whether that’s sharing the Good News overseas or at your local grocery store. 

 Abraham’s Calling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’ve been studying the life of Abraham.  Abraham wasn’t perfect, but he was committed to following God. When Abraham was seventy-five years old, the Lord told him to “leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” That was asking a lot! God was asking Abraham to leave everything he knew--the familiar land and the comfort of loving people--to go someplace foreign, unfamiliar.  At age 75! Why did Abraham do it? God promised that he would make him into a great nation, and that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” What a promise! Abraham left his land to follow God’s call. It wasn’t easy. He made a lot of mistakes, but he always came back to God and was faithful to God’s calling on his life. Abraham glorified God and God used him mightily. In fact, it was through Abraham’s line that Jesus Christ came to the Earth. What an honor - to be the father of not just nations, but to have Jesus born into your descendants. All this because Abraham followed God’s calling. I pray I hear God’s calling and am brave enough to obey- just like Abraham.  And, I pray the same for you too! Who knows what great things you will do for the Kingdom in this generation, like Abraham did in his.

 Listen and Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Not too long ago, we had an evangelistic festival in Scotland. During our time there, I visited a Scottish church. The congregation sang a song that stuck with me. The song begins with the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?” Then, the people respond, “Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.” This song reflects both Samuel’s question and response when woken by the Lord in the Old Testament. Samuel said, “You called me?” and then followed with, “Your servant is listening.” What faith! What bravery! Whether we are young like Samuel or older, we must never stop asking the question: “Is it I, Lord?” We must continue to ask ourselves, “What is my role?  What is my calling?  What does God want to do with me and through me?” The first step is hearing God’s voice - hearing what he has called us to. The next step is to DO it. That might mean moving to Africa. It might mean volunteering at an elementary school.  Maybe it means bringing lunch to a homeless family. Whatever it may be, listen to the Lord, and then, do whatever He tells you.  That’s what Scripture teaches. That’s what history endorses.

 Andrew: Gather the Manna | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Remember the story of the Israelites and the manna? After wandering through the desert for about a month and a half, they began grumbling about their hunger. God sent bread, or manna, from heaven, and instructed the Israelites to gather it each day. When they followed His instructions, each had enough nourishment to be satisfied. They had all they needed. When life gets busy and complicated, I sometimes find myself responding like the Israelites. I grumble to God for answers or help. And, as the Israelites discovered, the sustenance I need is available. It’s found in the Bible. God has given His followers clear and simple instructions: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” God’s mercy and grace wait for us in the Bible. All we have to do is get up and gather it each and every day. When our souls start to “grumble” - when we feel spiritually malnourished - it’s time to turn to the Word of God. Just as God sent manna to sustain the Israelites, He’s given us His Word for daily nourishment. Read the Bible daily, meditate on its teaching, and guide those around you to do the same.

 Sinking Ship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

About 100 years ago, a massive ship, the Titanic, sank in the North Atlantic. When I was a boy the preachers used to talk about the Titanic all the time. They used it as an illustration of a world that is sinking without Christ, without God and without hope. But at the same time, they seemed to ignore it. There was a saying that while the ship was sinking, people were dancing on the Titanic. And in fact, hundreds died by drowning; others managed to escape in the boats that were provided. And you know, the message of Jesus Christ is precisely that. There is hope of salvation from sinking into the eternal darkness if we trust in Jesus Christ and jump on the boat of salvation which is what Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary. So when I was a boy, I understood what it means. If you die without Christ, you will sink, so to speak, to the bottom of the sea. Only it’s even worse than that. But if you believe in Jesus Christ and trust Him with all your heart and believe that the blood that He gave on the cross purifies you from all sin, and if you receive Him with a broken, repentant heart and believe in Him, you will be forgiven and have eternal life. Are you dancing on a sinking ship? Or have you found salvation through Jesus Christ? It’s the deepest question that you have to answer.

 Day of Salvation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently, we heard about a ship that sank in the Mediterranean. The passengers didn’t find out about it until it was almost too late. 20 of them died. The crew didn’t give the information to the passengers on time and they were faulted publicly. You know, when a person dies without Jesus Christ, it’s too late to come back to God, to repent or to receive Jesus Christ. That’s why it’s so urgent that we tell people today and every day when the opportunity rises, about Jesus Christ. Carl Henry, the famous Christian author and writer, said, “The Gospel is good news only if it arrives on time.” How true that is with the illustration of the ship sinking in the Mediterranean! In 2 Corinthians 6 it says, “In the day of salvation I help you, says the Lord. I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” That sense of urgency; we have to keep in our hearts and in our minds, incessantly. People are sinking and they are dying without Christ. It is our privilege, it is our duty, it is our bounden duty as the old timers used to say - to tell them how to be saved and not to sink in the eternal hell forever.


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