Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Say “Please,” Please | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Kids have a simple way of reminding us that without manners, we just can’t get very far. In the store the other day, we overheard a three-year-old begging for a candy bar. It wasn’t working. His mom was quick to point out, “How do you ask nicely?” And immediately the child said, “Puh-leeeze??” As adults, we often fail to mind our manners when we ask our heavenly Father for something. Our prayers can be rather demanding. We have an attitude of entitlement like that of a spoiled child. Now, I’m not saying that all we need to do is use the word “please” in our prayers; rather, I’m talking about the position of our heart. We need to check our attitude as we approach God in prayer. The Bible says, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” When we ask God to give us something because we feel we deserve it, we are being prideful. We are to pray with humility. We are to pray from a position that recognizes we are merely “the created” in the care of the almighty Creator. And He does love us and want to bless us! Next time you have a request for the Lord, won’t you stop and find your rightful place before Him? It’s about much more than manners; it’s about your heart!

 Say “Thank You” with Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti tragically took countless lives. But one little girl, Alyanah, is alive today because of the heroic actions of her father. You see, as they stood trapped in a crumbling building, Alyanah’s father grabbed her, held her close, and sheltered her body from the falling structure. His efforts cost him his own life but he saved his daughter’s. You can bet Alyanah will forever be telling people about her father. What about you? If someone gave his life for you, would it change the way you live? The Bible says, “God shows his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Not only that, but Christ’s death and resurrection reconciles us with God. The Bible also says, “Christ Jesus who died — more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” Jesus Christ died for YOU! How are you responding to this Good News? Are you living a life of ceaseless gratitude before the Lord? If not, you can start today! Tell someone the exciting truth that Jesus Christ died so that they might live. Use the story about Alyanah and her father as a parallel to the Gospel. And let’s reach our world by living a life of gratitude to the Lord Jesus Christ!

 Andrew: Developing Maturity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

My mom is heavily involved with a ministry in India run by a wonderful lady named Coleen. Coleen once said something that really made me think. She said, “Fishermen aren’t judged by their maturity but are evaluated by whether or not they catch fish.” You know, she’s right. Though it helps to have maturity and to understand techniques, those alone aren’t what really matter. What matters is catching fish. I think the concept works with “fishing for men” as well. Though it’s great to have a seminar degree, memorize scripture and understand Greek and Hebrew, those things do not draw men and women to Jesus Christ. When Jesus called the disciples, some of his first words to them were “I will make you fishers of men.” He didn’t say, “I will make you fishers of men after you go to school and memorize the Bible.” God wants to use you and me to reach our world right now. He’s not asking us to meet a list of prerequisites before we tell others about Him. He wants us to be out there right now – loving and serving people in His name. Let’s not wait another day. If we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we have all we need to make a difference in our world.  

 A Man of Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I knew a young man who let life happen to him. He had many difficult circumstances, but in each situation he was always the victim. He never took responsibility. He was passive and out of control and very unhappy. There are many people like this young man and it’s very sad. It doesn’t have to be that way. You know, when I read the life of Jesus, I see the opposite of passivity. I am inspired because Jesus was a man of action! He never passively let life happen to him or to those around him. He challenged the status quo, He performed miracles, He lived out his convictions and ultimately, He changed human history. Are you a passive follower of Jesus? Or are you a person of action? In Colossians, St. Paul writes, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of your time.” Even if life has been hard so far, God wants you to turn it around with His power and help! You can’t sit around waiting for things to change, it’s time to get to work- it’s time to make the most of your time! Becoming a person of action is the best thing you can do to reach your world- don’t wait for anyone else to do it, take responsibility and begin reaching your world yourself!  

 Remember Those in Prison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible instructs us to “Remember those in prison.” I think sometimes it’s easy to forget that in many places around the world, there are followers of Jesus Christ who are being persecuted for their faith. People are being imprisoned, tortured and killed, especially followers of Jesus. Just recently a Christian pastor in the Middle East was executed for his faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus did not promise an easy life for those who loved Him. He actually assured persecution and He said that to be His disciple we must “deny ourselves” and “take up our cross” to follow Him. As you boldly proclaim your faith, consider what it’s like for some around the world. When they choose to reach their world, it could be a life or death decision. Let the faith of the martyrs challenge and inspire you! And remember to pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering right now around the world in many nations. Know that God is with those who love Him and serve Him and obey Him, and He will use the faith of those who follow Him to draw others to Himself. In our countries, we don’t suffer physical persecution.  Psychological, yes.  Some ostracism, yes. But the shame of speaking up for Jesus is gone when we love Him and obey Him and serve Him.

 Famous Christians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are several people in the public eye who recently have been very outspoken about their faith. They are candid and truthful and bold when it comes to sharing their beliefs with millions of people! A famous football player garnered much criticism when he wrote John 3:16 on his eyeblack. A few Christians thought it was cheesy, some non-Christians thought it was a distraction and mocked the athlete for his out spoken faith. But you know what? As a result of his decision to do that- millions of people googled John 3:16 the night of that game! Millions of people read, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Call it whatever you want, but it’s amazing to think of millions reading God’s Word just because they turned on their favorite sporting event. You know, in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says, “Everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge...” You may not be a famous athlete or movie star, but you do have a circle of influence. God has placed you where you are for a reason, and He asks you to honor Him publicly- to speak about him openly- to share His truth and to live it out. Be bold with your faith- God will honor it and you will be reaching your world!

 “Spiritual Life” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “spiritual life.” A lot of Jesus-followers like to ask each other, “how is your spiritual life”? I’m assuming by this they mean, are you reading your Bible, praying and serving? But you know, I think all of life should be our spiritual life. God shouldn’t just be in our Sunday mornings, or our ten-minute devotionals. We should talk to Him every day, throughout the day. We should continually be focused on the things of God! In Colossians, Paul writes, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in Thanksgiving.” Are you abounding in Thanksgiving? Are you rooted in Jesus? Built up in him? Established? If so, all of life will become spiritual and God will be part of everything you do. This is the best way to effectively reach your world- live for Jesus all day, every day. Do it, won’t you? You’ll never regret it, and it’s so much easier to reach your world when you live that fabulous way.

 Andrew: The Right to Speak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We have the right to speak. The other day I was watching a movie and heard the classic line, “You have the right to remain silent.” For some reason, my mind immediately jumped to telling people about Jesus and I wanted to shout, “And, you have the right to speak!” Sure, we have the right to keep quiet, to stay in our little safe bubbles where all conversations are predictable. However, we’re not called to silence but to declaration. Psalm 108 says, “Let the redeemed of the lord say this” or “Let the redeemed of the Lord speak out.” As children of God, we have news too great to not tell other people. The news of Jesus Christ is way too exciting to keep only within the confines of church buildings or Bible studies. Wherever you are, and whatever you do, you have the opportunity to speak – to tell those around you of God’s son, Jesus Christ – to tell of His great love and His gift of not only eternal life, but friendship with us right now. If you’re a student, share the good news with those on your campus. If you’re employed, talk to your co-workers about Jesus. If you use public transportation, start a conversation with your neighbor. As people who know Jesus personally, let’s not hide in a shell and stay silent. Rather, let’s take Psalm 108 to heart and speak the Good News to those God has put in our lives.  

 Getting Attention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently I heard a story of a group of Christ followers who went into a small village in a primitive area to share the Good News. In this village, they discovered a home where a woman couldn’t walk. After much prayer she began to hobble back and forth across her living room. This miracle was witnessed by a crowd of curious villagers who had gathered in the doorway. But the story gets better! The woman walking was not the only miracle! The believers then turned to the small crowd and shared the Good News of Jesus Christ. These followers of Christ took advantage of a situation where God showed His power. Groups frequently form when something out of the ordinary occurs. You have seen it with street performers or street musicians. Everyone is curious! Jesus says in the Bible, “As you go, preach this message: The kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” Don’t be afraid of the power of prayer. Encourage people around you to trust that God will answer prayer for the sick, the poor, or those going through hard times. And as He does, let’s use the situation to draw people’s attention to Jesus.

 Get the Leader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I heard a story about a ministry in Indonesia that reaches poor communities in large cities. One of these communities was located in a garbage dump. On a weekly basis, the ministry brings food and prayer for the sick to this community. One day an elder of the community gave his life to Jesus Christ. The rest of the community then felt the freedom to quickly follow suit. Soon the entire population of the garbage dump was having church under a plastic tarp each week and passionately following Jesus. What influence! There are many examples in the Bible of how God strategically places his children in places of influence over leaders. After Daniel was saved from the lion’s den and King Darius believed in God he said, “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.” Who are leaders we can reach out to? Think of the popular kid at school or your local government, mayor, governor, journalist, doctor. The Lord has placed us all in strategic areas of influence and service. This week let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us the leaders in our groups that He would have us reach with the good news of Jesus Christ. You pray for me – I just prayed for you.     

 A Whole Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The book of Acts has a wonderful story of a whole family receiving Christ in a day. Cornelius, a Roman military officer, brings the Apostle Peter into his home and an entire family receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They are immediately filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately baptized in water! I love this story as it is one that is obviously orchestrated by God. It says in Acts, “While talking with him, Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people.” This large gathering in Cornelius’s home was transformed because of Peter’s testimony and message. We all have a testimony to share! Peter focused not only on Cornelius but also on his whole household. As a result an entire family came to know Christ cold turkey, so to speak.  There’s power in God’s holy Word. In many cultures around the world, family is extremely important. How amazing would it be to reach out to a friend and share the Good News with their whole family? Let’s take advantage of opportunities to reach an entire family! It immediately creates a support network and community for the new believers in Christ. Reaching families is a wonderful way to reach our world.     

 Individuals in Groups | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When reaching our world we usually focus on individuals, thinking one person at a time will be easier than reaching a crowd. It’s true, when Jesus walked this earth he focused on individuals. But he also frequently spoke to crowds, villages, and His twelve disciples. We need to constantly be reaching out to individuals. But there will be times when we need to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead and reach whole groups. I myself speak to hundreds if not thousands at a time at our festivals. So how do we reach these groups? Before there were speaker systems or microphones to amplify his voice, Jesus reached large groups of people with his words. In Matthew it says, “Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.” If Jesus Christ was reaching groups of people with the Good News gospel then why can’t we? Did he not say, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” This week let’s look for opportunities – any opportunity - to step out in faith and reach a group of people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  The results could be astonishing.

 Andrew: Dick Hillis- Revival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There is so much we can learn from the men and women of faith who have gone before us. One person I think of is Dick Hillis. He knew and loved the Lord. He was passionate and faithful each step of the way. Dick Hillis once said that a revived church is important for spiritual growth. If that’s true for a church, how much more would it be true for an individual? If we are to effectively reach our world, we must be revived. We must have a real and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. There’s a man in my Bible study who told me that he wants to share his faith but can’t. When I asked him why, he said that he’d be a hypocrite if he tried because he’s still growing in the faith. But, I don’t think his argument works. We are all growing. We are all a work in progress. We all have more to learn. Being revived doesn’t mean being perfect, but it does mean that you’re in a real relationship with Jesus Christ. You don’t have to have to be perfect to make a difference. Psalm 85 says “restore us again, God our Savior.” If that is our honest prayer, God will answer. He will revive us, restore us, and give us opportunities to show a hurting world His love.  

 The Secret to Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I read an article the other day.  It said, "When looking to feel warm all over, don't acquire things.  Head for the aisle marked 'experience.'"  Apparently, there was a survey done where people said that the top 3 experiences that brought them happiness and helped them to feel less stressed-out were: listening to music, sleeping, and exercising.  Now sure, there's nothing wrong with those things, and they might relieve stress temporarily. But real peace will always be elusive unless you experience God's "peace that passes understanding."  The Apostle Paul learned to be content whatever the circumstances because, he said, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."  He had found the secret to a peaceful, joyful life - even while bound in prison!  When Jesus enters a person's life, He supernaturally allows you to find a deep joy and contentment that the world cannot supply.  So the next time you're in a conversation with a friend or neighbor, keep your ears open for signs that they may be under stress.  Then ask the Lord to give you the words to offer them the peace found in Him alone.

 A Connecting Point | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sometimes we can get so caught up with our church, ministry, or Bible Studies, that we have very little contact with unbelievers.  That makes it difficult connecting with them because we get so immersed in the Christian culture that it's hard to find common ground. This can be detrimental to our ability to reach them in relevant ways.  One way to connect with non-Christians is by reading contemporary journals and keeping up on world events.  If you struggle with knowing how to start a conversation with someone, try mentioning a popular article you just read, or a recent news headline.  Ask them what they think about it.  Tragedies, especially, can be an open door to discuss topics such as how to cope during difficult times. The Apostle Paul, when he went to Athens, learned a lot about the Athenian culture so he could relate to the people.  As he spoke in their temple, He told them about the one true God.  Then he said, "As some of your own poets have said, 'We are His offspring."  Paul related the truth of Jesus by connecting with their culture.  You can do the same today, find a way to connect with the culture and then share the Good News of Jesus Christ.


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