Get the Leader

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I heard a story about a ministry in Indonesia that reaches poor communities in large cities. One of these communities was located in a garbage dump. On a weekly basis, the ministry brings food and prayer for the sick to this community. One day an elder of the community gave his life to Jesus Christ. The rest of the community then felt the freedom to quickly follow suit. Soon the entire population of the garbage dump was having church under a plastic tarp each week and passionately following Jesus. What influence! There are many examples in the Bible of how God strategically places his children in places of influence over leaders. After Daniel was saved from the lion’s den and King Darius believed in God he said, “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.” Who are leaders we can reach out to? Think of the popular kid at school or your local government, mayor, governor, journalist, doctor. The Lord has placed us all in strategic areas of influence and service. This week let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us the leaders in our groups that He would have us reach with the good news of Jesus Christ. You pray for me – I just prayed for you.