Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Turn to the Cross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I remember well a medical doctor, a university professor - I've told you his story before - but he said to me one day after a luncheon, "And now it is too late for me, I'm 74."  And I said, "Professor, it is never too late. God is waiting for you and it is never too late to make things right with God and make them right with other people, but it starts with God."  Remember the thief on the cross?  He was going to die within hours.  He had committed a crime. But he turns to Jesus Christ and he says, "Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom." It was his last two or three or maximum five hours of life, and you would have said, "It's too late, it's too late!" But Jesus turned to this man on the cross next to Him and said, "Truly, truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise." Why was that? Because he repented, that's why. And he turns to Jesus, the Son of God dying on the cross, and asks to be remembered.  If you turn to Jesus Christ today He will forgive you. It's never too late! It's never too late!  

 Total Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How sad it is to see a broken man in a season of wild, confident foolishness. A few years ago, a fellow that I know - he was young, he was probably no more than 30 years old - was married, he had five children, and suddenly we heard he was divorced. He knew the Bible and he even sang in a choir. But he was gone. He self-destructed.  And you know, it is so sad because of the effect on the wife, the effect on the five children, the effect on his friends, and the effect on the congregation that he attended. What happened? In a moment of madness, so to speak, in a moment of weakness, in a moment of mad excess, he sinned against the Lord, and instead of repenting immediately, his life was destroyed and so was his wife's and children's.  The Bible says, "Whoever conceals their sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy." It is so easy to get right with God. It is so quick to come back to the Lord. And then you have to get right with your wife, you have to get right with your children, and get right with your local church. Yes! But confession brings forgiveness - total forgiveness. Don't continue in your rebellion. Don't self-destruct. Confess to the Lord. He will forgive you. Come back to Him.

 Andrew: The Chief of Sinners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In 1 Timothy, Paul the apostle calls himself “the chief of sinners.” I know how he felt. Like Paul, before I came to know Christ, I did many things that hurt people. I made selfish decisions that ruined people’s possessions and property, robbed them of their dignity, and even endangered their lives. I lost friends and gained enemies. But God’s grace changed everything. Paul goes on to say, “I was shown mercy so that in me Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.” Can you think of anything more miraculous?! Though Paul, like me, had a terrible past, every shameful mistake became a testament to what God can do. He turned Saul, one of the early church’s biggest villains, into Paul, a creative and dynamic missionary whose writings have touched millions. By the grace of God, even my pitiful story has helped to reach others for Jesus Christ. He wants to do the same with yours. No matter what your story, let God use it by sharing with others what He’s done in your life.  

 Easily Distracted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It is so easy to get distracted in the fast paced world in which we live – don’t you think? Entertainment, technology, the media, and so much more, steal away our time and our focus. We get pulled in, engrossed by what we are watching. With all this time being spent on distractions, we must ask ourselves if this is what’s best for the purpose of God for us. Or would we better serve him if we slowed down, put down our cell phones, turned off the television, and did something else. Many examples from the Bible teach us to stay focused despite distractions. Nehemiah stayed focused on rebuilding the wall of his city while enemies attempted to thwart him. In Acts 20, Paul reminds the leaders to watch over their flock because “savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.” As we examine our lives and interact with others in our world today, let’s ask God to help us remain focused on Him. Let’s also remember this statement from the Apostle Paul in Acts 20 “...I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the Good News of God’s grace.” Remain attentive today. Listen to the Lord. 

 The Grind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’ve heard many sermons over the years that touch on the idea of “going through the motions” in this life. Being stuck in a rut, perhaps or just doing the “daily grind.” I smile when I remember my kids voicing this feeling saying, “Is it Friday yet? I’m tired of school!” We all have these times, where we are feeling compelled to evaluate why we are stuck and the purpose of the motions we go through each day. Ask these questions: What is the purpose of each action you do? Do your actions fall in line with what God has called you to do? Romans 8:28 says, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” You and I have been called by God to do a specific work on this earth. We have all been called to share his love with those around us, to reach our world for him. As you go through the motions today, do them for God. As you speak to those around you today, may the good news be shared. Being stuck in a rut will happen, but remembering the greater purpose is the key to joyful success.

 Joy Through Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

At this time of year families gather from near and far. My sons and their families pile into one house and boy is it fun! We make cookies and sing songs. We go to a Christmas service together and eat delicious food. Being in each other’s company is just fabulous. One of my favorite parts about our family being all together is the joy of sharing the Bible. We read Chapter 2 of Luke aloud, giving voice to the birth of Jesus more than 2000 years ago. My ambition is that my family and grandchildren understand the true joy of this season. We take comfort in this annual tradition. What kind of Christmas traditions does your family have? When you all gather together is it over food or perhaps an activity? How do you celebrate the meaning of the season, the birth of Christ? If you’re a new Christian this year, get a deep, biblical tradition going.  It’s never too late to start! I pray that as your family gathers this year, God’s presence would be with you. I pray for opportunities for you to reach out to others this season as well. It is a joyful time of year – so joyful that we should not keep it to ourselves! May your family experience the joy of Christmas this season and share it with others around.   

 Inviting God Into Our Busyness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We all have busy lives. We fill them with meetings, parties, and commitments. Our days are packed so full we keep a detailed calendar so we don’t forget any “to do.” My wife was always the keeper of the calendar when our kids were growing up. Always knowing who would be where and when and why. But it is the “why” that I’d like to focus on today. Does this daily race of tasks have purpose for you? What is the deeper reason for you to engage in so many commitments and how do you remain connected to that purpose? Nehemiah answers this question in chapter 6, verse 3. He is being distracted from his work of rebuilding the wall and his reply to the schemers is “I am carrying on a great project… Why should the work stop…?” It is the “why” that keeps us going. As you go about your busy week this week, get into the habit of asking yourself how each action, each undertaking, relates to the deeper purpose of reaching your world for Christ. Perhaps this examination will lead you to remove some items from the “to do” list and replace them with others that answer the “why” question.

 Andrew: The Miracle of Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For many believers in Jesus Christ, the miracle of Christmas has started to seem a little less miraculous.  They’ve heard the Christmas story so many times that it no longer seems exciting, or unusual.  They’ve been celebrating Christmas for as long as they can remember, so they lose the wonder.  Just think through what really happened 2000 years ago. God really did become a man.  He really was born of a virgin. And He did it because He loved us.  That is incredible!  I never tire of hearing the Christmas story.  I never want to lose my excitement. St. Paul wrote in Philippians, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!” If you’ve lost your joy, remind yourself of the true meaning of Christmas-remind yourself of all that Christ has done for us- and the absolute miracle that took place that first Christmas.  And your wonder and devotion to the Savior will shine through this holiday season.  Share with someone in your world what Christmas truly means to you- and watch how God will work!  Merry Christmas!  

 Joy Through Giving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Giving is synonymous with the Christmas season. Whether it’s buying a gift for a child in need or donating food to a local shelter. Reaching out and celebrating through giving is one way to experience the joy of Christmas. Many families make it an annual tradition to participate in holiday giving. A family friend of ours puts together gift boxes for children overseas each year. Another family annually volunteers their time on Christmas day to serve food to the homeless. What giving traditions do you have? What ways can you begin to give this year? Perhaps one way to give is to simply share the good news of Christ with others this Christmas. Neighbors or fellow-workers need it. Reaching our world with the true meaning of the season is a challenge. But, giving this gift will save a life forever. What greater joy is there? “Go, tell it on the mountains,” the Bible says. Share the hope you have with a friend; share the joy you have with a stranger! Serve those in need and joyfully celebrate the good news of Christ in the midst of this season.

 Joy Through Singing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“Joy to the world, the Lord has come!” There is something inspiring and uplifting about Christmas songs, don’t you think? When many voices come together and sing of what God has done, heaven and nature sing! Carols are full of the excitement and the joy of this special season. But when we sing these songs, they are not to Santa or Frosty the Snow Man. More than 2000 years ago Christ was born on this earth to the blessed Virgin Mary. This is why we sing. We praise God for the amazing, supernatural birth of His son. We lift up our voices and sing of the joy. It says in Luke Chapter 2 when the angel appeared to the shepherds he said, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” This season, bring music of praise into your Christmas celebrations. Get those CDs playing! Sing of the wonders of His love and the joy of worship will be felt in your home. Invite others to participate in caroling or attending a Christmas service with you. Sing and share the good news with people everywhere. Reach your world this holiday season, for the Lord has come! It’s easier to do at Christmas time.

 Share the Christmas Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For many people, Christmas time is the happiest season in the year.  During these days, people are generally filled with the Christmas spirit. We must remember, however, this "good feeling" that lasts one month out of 12 isn't what Jesus Christ came to earth for. Listen to the words of the angel who announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds: "I bring you good news of great joy, that shall be for all the people."  The birth of Jesus is good news, it is of great joy, and it is for all people. This great news is not just for happy people with happy families. It's for broken people.  It's for fractured families.  It's good news of great joy even for those who have failed miserably. We can rejoice because Jesus was sent to "proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed" (Luke 4:18).  Who do you know who needs to hear the “Good News of great joy” today?   

 Joy Through Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you want for Christmas? Each year the Christmas lists and presents under the tree are so exciting for kids. The waiting, the expectation, the hope of something special - it is a magical time for the kids. The joy on a child’s face when they open a gift is priceless. This holiday season, do you have that same wonder? Do you have that same childlike excitement for the season of Christ’s birth? Or perhaps the season brings stress and worry instead. With all the preparations for celebrations, we are often unable to stop and enjoy. Through the bustle of the season, we forget the reason to celebrate.  But, this year, I’d like to challenge you to do just that. Gather your kids or grandchildren and read the Christmas story together. Luke Chapter 2 is my favorite account of the birth of Christ. Talk about the great wonder of the shepherds and about the gift of God’s son Jesus Christ. Let’s embrace a childlike wonder as we remember the birth of Jesus. Teach children about God’s wonderful gift and take time to share it with others as you reach your world for Jesus.  

 Andrew: Bringing It Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Whose day will you make by talking about Jesus? Our family has a big golden doodle dog. The other day, he was restless. Our house was a bit crazy and the dog just added to the chaos. Finally, my wife, Wendy, said, “That’s it. I’m taking the dog for a walk.” We didn’t know it at the time, but that walk would bring about a very important conversation. On Wendy’s walk, she saw one of our neighbors who is new in town. As Wendy does, she began a conversation. Now, Wendy’s conversations are always very intentional. She’s amazing. She never lets an opportunity to talk about Jesus pass by. And, this interaction was no exception. When she spoke of Jesus, our neighbor said, “Oh Wendy, I’m so glad you brought this up out-of-the-blue. God has been on my mind a lot lately but nobody would talk to me about Him. I didn’t know where to turn.” For Wendy, talking about Jesus is anything but “out-of-the-blue.” Jesus is her passion and is woven into most of her conversations. For this neighbor, Wendy’s habit of bringing up Jesus could mean a new life. I think we can all learn from Wendy. Let’s be people who are actively talking about Jesus and not miss our friends or neighbors who desperately want to hear the Good News. All we need to do is bring it up.  

 The One True Christmas Tale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How many different Christmas stories have you heard? Probably lots! And, probably some of them sound pretty silly – flying reindeer and a talking snowman.  But, what about the real story of Jesus Christ? Think about GOD becoming a MAN.  It’s amazing! So, is the Christ story any more valid than the made-up tales that are told this time of year? Absolutely YES! It is the only true fact that you can bank your entire life on. It is a historical fact that Jesus lived and died 2,000 years ago. That is fact. But, YOU have to believe that God chose to become flesh for your sake. The Bible says, “The foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.” You see, when you consider the Christmas story from a human perspective, it does sound foolish. But when you see it for what it is – as God’s great plan for our redemption – you can believe it in faith. And His Word declares that through faith we are justified (ie. set right with a holy God). May this one, radically true and life-changing Christmas story fill you with perfect peace this season. Because Jesus Christ did indeed come in flesh looking for you and for me and for the whole human race.

 His Birth and Death’s Death | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I don’t want to be a Scrooge, but for a moment let’s think about death. While Christmas celebrates LIFE, we can’t fully appreciate what that means until we ponder the gravity of death. Death’s reach is so encompassing that ALL living creatures must eventually yield to it. Humankind is terrified of death because of its relentless power. No one can outsmart, out-argue, or out-LIVE death! It has the FINAL final-say. All of this WOULD BE the case, if it were not for the birth of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “Since the children have flesh and blood, (Christ) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death — that is, the devil — and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” As we celebrate Christ’s birth, we simultaneously celebrate His victory over death for us! Because Christ sacrificed His life for us on the cross, we are no longer bound by death. As we celebrate Christmas, we rejoice not only in the life of a newborn baby, but in the gift of eternal life for you and for me! I can’t think of any better news worth sharing this reason. Won’t you do that today?


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