Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau

Summary: Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

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 Children of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On many occasions when I am talking to someone about the need for Jesus Christ they will often say, “Aren’t we all God’s children?” And the answer to that is this: I know what you mean and I know that you are sincere, but no we are not all God’s children. We are all God’s creation. He made us in our mother’s womb the bible says. But we are not God’s children. The bible clearly spells out what makes the difference between the creation of God and a child of God. In John 1.12 a child of God is defined this way, “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave them the right to become children of God.” Yes, we are all created by God. But by sin we have been alienated from God. But through Jesus Christ, if we believe in Him, with all our hearts, and we receive Him by faith into our hearts, He gives us the right to become children of God. I became a child of God when I was 12 years old. Somebody led me in a prayer. If you want to become a child of God, you must pray to Jesus Christ and say, “Lord Jesus, forgive me my sins. I want to become your child. I receive you by faith in my heart and I thank you. Amen.”

 Promises of Heaven | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Not too long ago, my friend Paul Chalmers died and went to heaven. At his memorial service, they had a poem that they read and I would like to read it to you. But first, there is a Bible verse to back it up. It says in Philippians 1.23- “I desire to depart and be with Christ which is better by far.” Every believer in Jesus Christ can know that when they die they go to heaven instantly. Because that is the promise of God! This is the poem that they put on the bulletin when they did the memorial service for Paul Chalmers. Think. Think of stepping on the shore and finding it is heaven. Think of taking a hold of a hand and finding it is God’s hand. Think of breathing a new air and finding it is celestial air. Think of feeling invigorated and finding it immortality. Think of passing from storm and tempest to an unknown calm. Think of waking and finding you’re home, holding Jesus’ hand. Man, isn’t that the most fantastic thing. Knowing Jesus Christ is eternal life. Do you have Him in your heart? Have you invited Him into your life? Do you have the assurance of heaven when you die?

 Andrew: No More Hiding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Growing up, my family owned very few possessions. So, it was a big deal when my mom bought two throw pillows for our couch. I remember them well - they were colorful and had four tempting tassels. As soon as I saw the tassels, I became obsessed with the idea of cutting one off. When I gave in to my childish temptation, I was left with nothing but regret and shame. Afraid of how my parents might respond, I ran into our yard and hid. The time I spent hiding seemed like an eternity. I finally broke down and apologized. There were consequences, but confessing and asking for forgiveness felt so much better than the bone-crushing anxiety of trying to hide. In the Bible, we learn that David experienced the same phenomenon. He says, “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning… Then I acknowledged my sin to you… and you forgave the guilt of my sin.” Sometimes, out of fear, we try hard to avoid confessing our sins. But, hiding from God is pointless; He knows us through and through. Yes, there will be consequences, but His grace is vast. If you feel burdened by something you’ve done, stop hiding! Confess and trust in God’s unfailing love. 

 Seventy Times Seven | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many think forgiveness is a one-time event. But more often than not, forgiveness has to be a continual process. John and Stacy were married about a year when John had an affair. Though he tried to hide it from his wife, she eventually found out. He earnestly apologized, they sought counseling, and they decided to do their best to repair their marriage. They’ve been together six years now and, by God’s grace, John is faithful to his wife. But, Stacy will have a lifelong journey of forgiveness with her husband. She didn’t uncover his betrayal, say “I forgive you” and then return to normal. No, Stacy has to forgive him often, sometimes daily. Even as he is faithful to her and loves her, small things remind her of the pain she endured. Even seeing an innocent conversation between John and another woman can bring painful fears and memories to mind. When those memories come to mind, she again has to say, “I forgave him.” Jesus said we must forgive “seventy times seven.” Which is another way of saying: over and over, forever. Forgiveness is not something we do once, it is an ongoing process of spiritual growth - essential if you want to effectively reach your world. Whom do you need to forgive today?  Will you do it, and be free?  And serve the Lord with joy?

 Forgiving in God’s Strength | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“Forgive and forget” is a catchy phrase and may be a good bumper sticker. But, it’s not always that simple. As followers of Jesus, we are commanded to forgive one another, not to forget it. “Just as Christ forgave us, you also forgive,” the Bible says. But, how do we live that way? I think the first step is to come before the Lord and ask Him for the power to forgive. This reminds me of holocaust victim Corrie ten Boom. Years after Corrie’s imprisonment and harsh treatment, she met one of the officers who had abused her. Immediately, she felt bitterness and resentment towards the man who had treated her and her sister so poorly. Corrie wanted to forgive but didn’t know how.  As the man approached her, Corrie whispered a prayer. “Lord,” she humbly said, “I can’t forgive him on my own. Give me your power to forgive.” And, God did! As Corrie shook this man’s hand, the bitterness left. She was filled with love and compassion for this miserable man before her. Is there someone in your life that you are trying to forgive but just can’t? Remember, it’s Christ in you that will make forgiveness possible. In our own strength, we can’t do it. But, in His power, we can. Ask the Lord to give you the power to forgive so that you can be free, and can also be effective in reaching your world.

 Minimization of Sin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’ve sadly observed several marriages where husbands leave their wives or wives leave their husbands. Some cases are inevitable. And, as you have, I’ve watched people respond differently. Nearly everyone is angry - and rightly so. Being cheated on is being sinned against. But some people, while angry, have chosen to forgive their spouse - even if there never will be reconciliation. And I’ve seen others stubbornly say, “I’ll never forgive.” They think forgiveness would minimize the wrongdoing. But, forgiveness does not minimize sin. God forgave us our sin, but He did not minimize its seriousness. Sin is serious - it’s so serious that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, was crucified for it. When you are praying about something that’s happened to you and aren’t sure how to respond – ask the Lord to help you forgive. You will be freed from bitterness and anger and revenge. Even if you never reconcile with the person who hurt you, forgiving them is what God has called each one of us to do. You aren’t minimizing their wrongdoing; you are simply leaving it up to God, the righteous Judge. Jesus said, “if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Before you can reach your world, be sure to forgive those who have wronged you, in the name of Jesus Christ.  And you will be a free person, Spirit-filled, useful to God.

 Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It’s easy to think you’re doing someone a favor when you forgive them. You think you’re the bigger person. But in actuality, forgiveness is not about the other person. It’s a lot about you and what God has asked you to do. You may have been truly wronged.  Your anger may be righteous and justified. You may have been harmed, taken advantage of, or sinned against... But, you must realize that your forgiveness is not because the other person merits it, or asks for it. It’s because Jesus commands it - Jesus knows it’s right and it’s also good for your own soul. When we realize how much we’ve been forgiven, forgiving others becomes a more natural reaction. The person’s response may or may not be positive. But, their response isn’t what matters. You are honoring God when you fully forgive another. “As God in Christ forgave you, you also forgive one another,” God says. You no longer harbor bitterness. You can move on without dwelling on the incident. You are free to love and be filled with joy. Jesus said, “when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Before you can reach your world, before you can talk in the joy of the Lord to others, forgive those who have hurt you. God’s way really is the best way.

 Andrew: Secure Footing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God’s Word keeps our feet on solid ground. Every year, our family goes to Black Butte in Central Oregon for a vacation. One of our favorite activities is hiking. The trails are beautiful. But, they can get dry and dusty. Sometimes the terrain is craggy, uneven, and steep. Last year, I wore skate shoes. I slipped and tripped over and over throughout our vacation. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to stand on solid ground and ending up on your rear end. Before I accepted Christ, I felt the same way – it was as though I was constantly slipping and sliding. My feet came out from under me more times than I can count. I longed for solid ground, but just couldn’t get my footing on my own. Only when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ did I learn the truth of these words from Psalms: “It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” Rugged terrain is inevitable in this life. The way we can best secure our footing is to know Jesus Christ, read God’s Word, and trust His teachings. In good times and bad, reading the Bible consistently is an important part of building a relationship with God. Our knowledge of the Bible, and intimate relationship with Christ, will influence every aspect of our lives – from enduring tough times to sharing our faith with those around us. 

 Understanding the Indwelling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many followers of Christ miss out on the thrill of Christian living because they haven’t understood that Jesus Christ literally lives in them. Friend, the indwelling of Christ is real. So real that it could be compared to Moses’ experience with the burning bush, only more so. Moses had prided himself on his background, his adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter, his education, and his high standing in society. When he tried by his own strength to liberate the Israelites, he failed miserably and ran off to the desert for forty years. There, God spoke to him in a burning bush. God was teaching him that any old bush would do, as long as God was in the bush. Years ago I realized I was like Moses. I thought that my education, sound mind, and ability to communicate were needed to please, serve, and honor God. But my outlook changed when I realized that it wasn’t about me in the first place. Christ in me was what mattered, as Galatians 2:20 says. When I rested in that, I saw more fruit. I’d preach the same message and see hundreds of people come to Christ. I encourage you to do the same.  Rest in the fact that it is Jesus Christ in you that will reach people’s hearts.  The Bible clearly says Christ lives in me. Is that the greatest or what?

 The Greatest Adventure Partner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jesus Christ tells us, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Gladys Aylward is someone who did just that. She had an overwhelming passion to leave London, England and travel to China. The odds couldn’t have been more against her. The organization to which she applied wasn’t enthusiastic about sending this single, uneducated household servant to China. But, that didn’t bother her. In 1930, she went by train across Europe and Asia. On one occasion, Gladys found herself in a deserted train, stranded in Siberia, Russia, less than a mile from Russian and Chinese soldiers who were at war. Even in China, Gladys underwent harrowing experiences. She demonstrated courage where many would have run away. Why did this single woman leave the comforts of London, England and the safety of her job to endure prejudice and persecution in a foreign country? Because in her mid-20s, Gladys Aylward had found the ultimate reason for living, Jesus Christ, and longed to tell every single soul the Good News that she had received. Christ was her adventure partner. He was with her each step of the way. Today, you be encouraged by Gladys’s story. Discover the great adventures God has for you in your city. Then, encourage others to embark on their adventure also.

 Should You Pray For... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A doctor once asked an elderly woman in England, "If I asked God for five pounds, would I get it?" The woman replied, "If you were introduced to the Prince of Wales, would you ask him for money at once?" "No,” he said, “Not till I knew him better." "Well," remarked the woman, "you will need to know God a great deal better before you can expect Him to answer your prayer." Someone commented on this incident by observing, "Many people presume to ask God for things upon mere acquaintance with Him." Isn’t that often the case? Prayer is simply a serious relationship as two friends talking together. The Bible is God’s side of the conversation. When we read the Scriptures, we find ourselves whispering a petition. When we pray, God’s Word comes to mind. When we listen to His Word, our soul bows in adoration.  We understand God’s thoughts. Read the prayers of the heroes of the faith in the Bible. Moses, Nehemiah, Ezra, Daniel – they all spoke God’s words back to Him. These are the prayers God especially delights to answer. As you pray for those that you are trying to reach with the Good News, let God bring Scriptures to your mind. Then, pray them back to God as they apply to you. You can start with the Lord’s Prayer, “Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done.”

 Intimate Fellowship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

George Müller knew God as few men in history ever have. This is what Müller said about his times alone with God: "I begin to meditate on the New Testament early in the mornings… Invariably, I have found that […] after so many minutes of meditation, my soul is guided to confession, or to give thanks, or to intercede, or to make a request. So, even when you couldn’t say that I had given myself to prayer, but rather to meditation, that meditation turned into prayer." As God’s Word spoke to Müller’s heart, he naturally responded back to God in prayer. He enjoyed close fellowship with his Lord by meditating on the Bible and communicating with God on a very intimate level. The Psalms say, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O God, my strength and my Redeemer.” Communication is key to any relationship – including our relationship with God Almighty. When our relationship with God is growing, it will affect the world around us. Let’s strengthen that relationship as we express adoration, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving to God. Listen to His voice through the daily study and meditation of His Word, especially the New Testament. It’s the first step in reaching our world.            

 Andrew: RYW Through Your Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God wants to reach others through our children. Do you teach your kids that they can be used by God to reach the world with the love of Jesus Christ? Parenting is hard work. My wife Wendy and I are constantly on our knees begging God for wisdom and guidance as we raise our three children. We feel compelled and convicted to teach our kids the very same truths that changed our lives - the truth that God has a heart for the world and for the lost. 2 Corinthians 5 makes it very clear that we are called to be Christ’s ambassadors, that Christ makes his appeal through us. What a privilege! What an honor!  As parents, it’s pretty easy to raise selfish individuals. Our generation places a heavy emphasis on the child - their accomplishments, their needs, and their schedules. This is great. But, we need to teach our children clearly and constantly that God wants to reach others through them! All their education, accomplishments, and privileges should translate into the same burden that God has for the people of this world. If you have children, ask the Lord to impress on their hearts a desire to reach their world. And you, as a parent, model for them what it means to actively share your faith. They’ll notice your example and who knows how God will use them to radically influence the people in their lives.  

 When Plans Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Josh was happily married and had everything going for him. He was in pilot training and was the top of his class! He was in line to be a fighter pilot. One evening, he went out on a date with his wife. His wife was driving and he leaned forward to pick something up off the floor. Suddenly, his wife hit a deer. The passenger side airbag deployed right as he was leaning forward and smashed directly into his eye. Immediately, he was blinded in that one eye. In an instant, Josh’s whole life changed. The top student pilot now had to completely rethink his life’s direction. But, in an amazing display of faith and courage in Jesus Christ, he didn’t become bitter. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t disillusioned. He just simply stated, “God must have a better plan for me.” Josh is now a very successful intelligence officer serving our country. And, all of his fellow students from pilot school were greatly challenged by his faith in God during that trial. God used Josh’s accident to give him a platform to tell others about Jesus that he never would have had otherwise. The Bible says in the book of Proverbs, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” What is your response when your plans change? If you trust God your Father, you will reach the world with the power of His Holy Spirit.         

 Planned in Advance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Throughout the Scriptures there are accounts of pregnant women communicating with God about the life of their unborn child. Why is this? Well, I believe one of the reasons is that God’s purposes for our lives are already known while we’re in the womb. Isn’t that awesome? I love the story of Samson’s parents. When his mother was expecting him, she asked God, “What is to be the child's manner of life, and what is his mission?” She knew she could ask God about Samson’s mission before he was even born because God already knew what his mission would be. Jeremiah 1:5 says, God says, “Before I made you in your mother’s womb I knew you…” In Ephesians, St. Paul says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God has prepared in advance the way for each of us and already knows our mission. So as you go out to reach your world, take comfort in the fact that God knows the manner of our life and our mission and He will guide our steps to fulfill that calling. He did it for me.  He will do it for you.  And it’s promised in the Bible. So go out and boldly reach your world. God is with you! Christ lives in you! And His power is your power.  His wisdom is your wisdom. His joy is your joy.   


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