Understanding the Indwelling

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Many followers of Christ miss out on the thrill of Christian living because they haven’t understood that Jesus Christ literally lives in them. Friend, the indwelling of Christ is real. So real that it could be compared to Moses’ experience with the burning bush, only more so. Moses had prided himself on his background, his adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter, his education, and his high standing in society. When he tried by his own strength to liberate the Israelites, he failed miserably and ran off to the desert for forty years. There, God spoke to him in a burning bush. God was teaching him that any old bush would do, as long as God was in the bush. Years ago I realized I was like Moses. I thought that my education, sound mind, and ability to communicate were needed to please, serve, and honor God. But my outlook changed when I realized that it wasn’t about me in the first place. Christ in me was what mattered, as Galatians 2:20 says. When I rested in that, I saw more fruit. I’d preach the same message and see hundreds of people come to Christ. I encourage you to do the same.  Rest in the fact that it is Jesus Christ in you that will reach people’s hearts.  The Bible clearly says Christ lives in me. Is that the greatest or what?