Young People, Listen!

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Samuel was probably only six years old when the Lord called him in the night. Remember the story? Samuel woke up and heard a voice calling his name. He assumed the priest was calling him but it wasn't the priest. The voice was God's. Samuel eventually responded with, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." There is a message for all of us in Samuel's story - regardless of our age. If you are young, pay attention! The Lord does not wait until you are old and grey to speak to you. You don't need a job or a car to hear God. And, in fact, sometimes those things can make it harder to hear His words. Jesus wants to speak to you now. And, what he has to tell you is important. All you have to do is respond with, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." For the rest of us, those who are grown, we need to recognize and encourage our young friends to listen to God's voice in their lives. We must remember that God speaks to the young generation too. Don't discount them. Encourage the young people in your life to listen to God for themselves. Our world is full of children and teenagers who need to be told that they matter to God. It's up to us to tell them! Let's "tell of His works to the next generation" and encourage them to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ too. This is Luis Palau.