Our Heavenly Father

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: My wife and I were recently in Florida, and we had the pleasure of meeting the mayor of a major city there.  As we chatted, this woman mentioned she was struggling with the recent death of her father.  She said she wasn't prepared for her dad to die, and his death had left a big void in her heart. This mayor told us, "My dad was my best friend."Then she said, "Mr. Palau, you've got to write a book and you should title it, 'Orphans at 50.' Because so many 50-year-olds are losing their parents, and we feel abandoned in the world." I thought, Isn't that amazing? The mayor of one of the biggest cities in America says, 'I feel like an orphan.' It made me realize that no matter how old someone is, they can feel abandoned when their parents are no longer around.  Whether it's a 5-year old boy, or a middle-aged woman, people are searching for hope and security.  God alone can fill the void and emptiness that comes when a parent is gone or when we feel abandoned.  He promises to be a father to the fatherless.  The Lord says in John chapter 10 that He knows His own by name.  Isn't that a wonderful promise?  And, you and I can be the voice that reminds people of this truth.