Asking for an Opportunity

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Many people that I talk to who want to reach their world often say to me, "but you know, I don't ever seem to have an opportunity to open up a person and lead them to spiritual conversations."  I want to give you a promise from the Bible.  James 4:2   Listen to this:  "You do not have because you do not ask God."  I want to encourage you today to do this.  Go to God in prayer as you are driving to the office or the school, as you are sitting around the house or wherever you are, and say, "God, I want you to send someone to me today and this week at the latest, that will come into my life and that I'll have a chance to give them the good News in a very natural and easy way."  It isn't always easy, but I think the Lord will hear your prayer if you're trying to share the Good News and it's something new to you and you're excited at the possibility of leading someone into the Kingdom of God - that is a glorious desire.  And God says, "You don't have because you don't ask God."  So I encourage you right now, get on your knees, or at least go to the side of the road and pray and say, "Lord please send someone into my life today that I can give them the Gospel."  And see what (He) does.  And perhaps you could write to me and tell me what happened.  I'd love to hear from you.