Salvation then Ministry

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Mark was born in the United Kingdom. 17 years later he was born into God's Kingdom. He is a husband and a father of four children. He experienced the joy of salvation because of one person's willingness to follow the Lord and speak the truth - even on a dark, cold rainy night in Wrexham, England.Now, fast-forward a few years... Today, Mark lives in Romania where his family is working as missionaries with teenagers in prison, and those in danger of winding up in prison. After only two years they have seen incredible changes in the lives of these teens. Part of Jesus' mission on earth was to bring freedom for the captives. He says in the book of Luke, "He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners." As we share our faith with the people around us, we bring freedom to those who are bound by the enemy. Mark's story is an encouragement as we reach the world around us. It reminds us that when one person is set free, they may then go on to be the source of freedom for many others. This week, let's look for opportunities to share the Good News with someone who is in bondage. The love of Jesus Christ can bring freedom to anyone.