Praying Together

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: For the last 24 years of my life, every Wednesday morning when I'm home in Portland, Oregon I meet with some of my friends here in town.  Three are lawyers, one is a federal judge, four are businessmen, and they love Jesus Christ and we love one another because of Jesus Christ.  One thing that I've found is this:  when we pray together, amazing responses come from the Lord.  It says in Matthew chapter 18 - do you remember? - "Again Jesus said, 'I tell you that if two or three of you on earth agree about anything that you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.'"  Many times the group of prayer partners that we have on Wednesdays in downtown Portland, will ask for a relative or a friend or a fellow-worker that God would open the door for our buddies to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  And again and again and again, they come back the next week or three weeks later and they say, "Wow!  The Lord opened the door.  I was able to share the gospel.  My partner was eager to talk about it."  Or, "One of my employees stole stuff and that opened the door to talk about Jesus Christ.  It was so exciting!"  So, pray with your friends that God will open doors so that you can share the Good News and see some of them at least come to faith in Christ.