Seeking Genuine Friends

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Can you name the members of the rock group, Boston? Can you remember the MVP of the 1975 World Series? No? Well, at one time, they all enjoyed great popularity. Now, few people can remember their names. That’s because popularity comes and goes. However, close and personal connections, real relationships survive the test of time. My wife, Pat, and I treasure our long-time friendship with a couple from Washington State. They’re not popular speakers, nor rich and famous; they’re just “ordinary folks.” But Pat and I seldom feel more comfortable than when we have spent time in their home. We’ve known them for almost forty years and we feel accepted and at home with them.  They are a great example of genuine, lifelong friendships. Sadly, we all know people who seek popularity instead of genuine friendships. They choose their friends poorly and often suffer the consequences. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Can you think of someone who is experiencing trouble in a relationship?  Disillusioned by a fickle friend? Lead them to the one true friend who will never leave or forsake them – Jesus Christ.  

Chris32 says:

I heard this on KLOVE this morning and thought about it all day. I felt I needed to share with my friends...I pray that you take this to heart.