Don’t Give Up

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Have you tried repeatedly to reach a family member who doesn't know Jesus Christ and still they haven't received Him? Although sometimes we might feel like there is no hope, that our efforts are useless, don't give up! There is always hope.Gloria from Illinois had tried for many years to share her faith with her mother - all to no avail. She told me, "For many many years this security of mine made her feel defensive. It could be said that my walk with the Lord Jesus had strained our mother/daughter relationship." Despite this seemingly hopeless situation, Gloria's husband encouraged her to invite her mother to go to church and listen to a guest speaker. Surprisingly her mother said yes. That night, Gloria's mother received Jesus because, despite 13 years of reaching out to her, Gloria didn't give up.Don't be discouraged, my friend, if you too have tried and tried to reach your loved ones and nothing has happened. The Bible tells us, "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." If you have a loved one who doesn't know Him, be encouraged by Gloria's testimony and don't give up. One more try, one more invitation, one more conversation might be all it takes.