Our Own Families

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Sometimes we can spend so much time looking for opportunities to share the Good News with our friends or acquaintances that we neglect to reach our own families. Maybe your immediate family is following Christ whole-heartedly.  If so, that's wonderful!  But, what about your aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, or grandparents?  Do they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?I know of a missionary family who has been serving as a witness for Jesus in a foreign country for the past 20 years. But, they don't stop there! Though they're actively sharing their faith overseas, they haven't neglected their extended family who also doesn't know Jesus.  Whenever they have an opportunity, they share their faith - regardless of if it's to their neighbors overseas or their family at the dinner table. Even if we are used to being a witness outside our homes, let's not ignore the opportunities that lie within our own family circles. Do you know of anyone in your family who hasn't heard the Good News? I would guess we can all think of someone.  Let's work hard to fulfill the great commission of "go and make disciples of all nations" - starting with our own families.