Loving Beyond Measure

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Have you ever felt like you need to earn someone's approval or respect? Feeling that your value is based on works or performance can be discouraging and disheartening. Many have had parents who do not love unconditionally. Many have spouses who love selectively. But, God is not like that! If you think you're only loved when you're successful, or look your best, or have it all together, you don't understand God's love for you. The Bible says that Jesus Christ died while "we were yet sinners." Jesus loved us when we were still a mess. Though, He doesn't leave us that way. As John Stott said, "God loves us too much to leave us the way we are." Rather, He helps us grow, become more like Jesus, and tell others of His love.If you have never experienced this radical acceptance, run to Jesus. And, if you know someone who has been abused, ignored, or manipulated, tell them of the unconditional love of our perfect Heavenly Father. His love knows no bounds and isn't based on performance of works. It's unconditional. Today, as God brings lonely and hurting people into our lives, let's tell them of His love. The Good News of Jesus Christ is the best gift we can give to our lost and hurting world.