Andrew: Every Decision Matters

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I have a friend who is going through a divorce. And, he's totally shocked by it. He says it's completely out-of-the-blue. He says that he lives a moral and upstanding life at home so doesn't understand why this tragedy is happening.Now, I'm not saying that my friend's work decisions led him to this divorce, but I do think that we have to live for Jesus Christ in every area of our lives. My friend, though perhaps moral in his personal life, does not make God-honoring decisions in his business. He'll undercut others and compromise if it means a higher profit.My friend, we can't compartmentalize our lives. We can't have places where we live for Jesus and places where we do not. We cannot bring him honor in our homes yet disrespect him in our workplaces. We cannot worship him at church and then turn around and treat others poorly. The Bible says that whatever we do, we are to work at it with all our heart, as working for the Lord. As we tell other people of Jesus Christ, we must back it up with a lifestyle that is true to Him in every area. Only then will we be most effective at winning souls.