Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com show

Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com

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 News #46 - Running Low on Indonesian? It’s Time To Power It Up With Premium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:52

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Indonesian in Three Minutes #8 - How Much? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:07

Learn useful number-related phrases in Indonesian with our Indonesian in Three Minutes series! In Indonesia, knowing numbers is important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to know while speaking Indonesian. A native Indonesian teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask "How Much?" in Indonesian. Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Indonesian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Survival Phrases #19 - Lower the Price in Indonesia Please | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:21

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Berapa? Berapa ini? Berapa itu? Bisa turun sedikit, ya? Terlalu mahal! ----Formal English---- How much? How much is this? How much is that? Please lower the price. Too expensive. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Top 25 Indonesian Questions You Need to Know #18 - What are you doing? in Indonesian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:36

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan? A: Saya sedang berpikir. A: Saya sedang menonton televisi. A: Saya sedang duduk. A: Saya sedang mendengarkan musik. ----Formal English---- Q: What are you doing? A: I'm thinking. A: I'm watching TV. A: I'm sitting. A: I'm listening to music. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #45 - Faster, Lighter, Better: Brand New Lesson Notes With Every Lesson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:53

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Indonesian in Three Minutes #7 - Numbers 11-100 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 5:03

Learn useful Indonesian numbers with our Indonesian in Three Minutes series! In Indonesia, knowing numbers is important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to know while speaking Indonesian. A native Indonesian teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to count from 11-100 in Indonesian. Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Indonesian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #7 - Seriously? An Indonesian Movie Production | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:02

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Gie (2005) Setelah kebangkitan film Indonesia di awal 2000 dengan AADC, sineas muda menggarap proyek ambisius. Proyek bernama Gie ini, ditulis dan disutradarai oleh Riri Riza, serta diproduseri oleh Mira Lesmana. Pembuatannya menelan dana sekitar Rp.7 milyar, jumlah yang sangat besar untuk ukuran film Indonesia. Kenapa proyek ini disebut ambisius? Karena Gie sendiri bukan film dengan tema yang biasa laku keras di pasaran. Diadaptasi dari novel Catatan Seorang Demonstran, film berdurasi dua jam lebih ini jelas termasuk kategori film berat. Film ini berkisah tentang Soe Hok Gie, lebih dikenal sebagai Gie, pemuda keturunan cina yang tumbuh di keluarga kelas bawah di Jakarta. Sejak kecil Gie terobsesi dengan konsep idealisme yang diusung kaum intelektual dunia. Ketika menjadi mahasiswa sastra Universitas Indonesia, kondisi Indonesia secara umum sangat buruk. Soekarno yang saat itu menjadi presiden sedang mabuk kekuasaan sementara rakyat terjerat dalam kemiskinan. Selepas peristiwa G30S, kondisi negara makin bertambah parah. Ketidaktegasan Soekarno terhadap PKI menyebabkan kemarahan mahasiswa yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk demonstrasi besar-besaran di Jakarta dan tempat lain di Indonesia. Gie bersama aktivis kampus menjadi salah satu penggerak demonstrasi itu. Ketika Soekarno akhirnya turun dan Soeharto naik sebagai presiden, keadaan agak berubah. Tapi tidak untuk waktu yang lama. Gie yang tetap kritis mulai melihat tirani dan korupsi pemerintahan Soeharto. Dia tidak diam saja. Dia menyalurkan kritik melalui tulisan-tulisan di koran terkemuka, menentang berbagai kebijakan pemerintah. Gie juga mengungkap apa yang diduga sebagai pembunuhan massal anggota PKI, dan dia juga mengecam kebijakan Soeharto yang membiarkan aksi balas dendam itu. Sebaliknya teman-teman sesama aktivis mulai berubah. Beberapa dari mereka memutuskan masuk pemerintahan dan bekerja menentang idealisme yang dulu mereka agungkan. Film Gie membawa pesan kemanusiaan yang menembus sekat-sekat politik. Kita dapat melihat seorang pemuda berjuang mempertahankan idelismenya dalam masa sulit dan tantangan yang berbeda. Ceritanya juga dibumbui kisah pribadi Gie sebagai seorang penyair, pencinta alam dan seorang kekasih. Walaupun panjang dan mengandung bagian yang kadang menjemukan, film yang dibuat secara detil dengan sentuhan artistik ini sangat sukses di pasaran. Keberhasilan terbesar dari film ini ada pada keberanian untuk menawarkan pilihan baru pada kaum muda akan sebuah film bermutu yang digarap dengan sangat serius. ----Formal English---- Gie (2005) After the revival of Indonesian cinema at the beginning of 2000 with WUWC (What's up with Cinta ("Love")), Indonesian young movie makers were working on an ambitious project. The project called Gie was written and directed by Riri Riza and produced by Mira Lesmana. The production cost about 7 billion Rupiah, a considerable amount of money by Indonesian movie standards. Why was this project so ambitious? It is because Gie is not a kind of movie that would normally sell out. Adopted from a novel A Diary of a Demonstrator, the movie that lasts for more than two hours is a very serious type of movie. The movie narrates a story of Soe Hok Gie, widely known as Gie, a young Chinese-Indonesian who grew up in a lower-class family in Jakarta. From his childhood, young Gie is obsessed with an idealism concept advocated by world famous intellects. When he is a university student who majors in literary at the University of Indonesia, the social and economy conditions are very bad. Soekarno, the leader at that time is high in power while people are tra [...]

 Absolute Beginner #12 - How Do You Get Around Indonesia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:02

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Tuti: Mas Edi, mau kemana nanti? Edi: Mau ke Solo dan Prambanan. Tuti: Punya mobil ke sana? Edi: Tidak punya mobil. Tuti: Punya sepeda motor? Edi: Tidak - dan sebenarnya saya tidak mau naik motor. Saya mau naik angkutan umum. ----Formal English---- Tuti: Eddie, where are you going later? Eddie: I want to go to Solo and Prambanan. Tuti: Do you have a car to go over there? Eddie: I don't have a car. Tuti: Do you have a motorbike? Eddie: No, and actually, I don't want to go on a motorbike. I want to take public transportation. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog #5 - Is This Indonesian Pastry Lumpia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:46

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Semarang Semarang adalah ibukota Propinsi Jawa Tengah yang berada di pantai utara Pulau Jawa. Sejak dahulu sampai sekarang, kota ini selalu sibuk oleh kegiatan perdagangan yang dibantu oleh adanya Tanjung Mas, pelabuhan utama propinsi tersebut. Semasih bernama Bergota, kota ini dimulai oleh seorang ulama Arab dari Kesultanan Demak yang mengambil nama setempat Ki Pandan Arang. Pada 1 Mei 1547, ia mendirikan sebuah desa dan pesantren di dalamnya untuk menyebarkan ajaran Islam. Oleh sultan Pajang, Ki Pandan Arang ditunjuk menjadi bupati dan sejak itulah Semarang resmi berdiri. Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia, Semarang menjadi ibukota Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Secara umum, Semarang terbagi menjadi dua daerah. Daerah utara yang berupa pantai menjadi pusat kegiatan industri, perdagangan, dan administratif. Semarang mewadahi berbagai pabrik kecil dan besar mulai dari tekstil, furnitur, dan makanan olahan hingga perusahaan modal asing (PMA). Daerah selatan kota Semarang berupa perbukitan yang mengelilingi kota dan menjadi lokasi pemukiman. Dari sana, kita bisa menyaksikan pemandangan indah ke laut, hamparan sawah, kota dan pelabuhan. Jumlah penduduk yang besar menjadikan kota ini kota terbesar kelima di Indonesia. Penduduknya sebagian besar adalah suku Jawa. Namun daerah ini juga terkenal akan populasi etnis Cinanya yang besar. Bahasa yang dipakai sehari-hari adalah Bahasa Indonesia dan Jawa, sementara Bahasa Mandarin juga biasa dipakai oleh sesama penduduk Cina. Kota ini mempertahankan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah yang bisa dinikmati oleh generasi selanjutnya. Bukit Bergota adalah taman pemakaman tempat Ki Pandan Arang dimakamkan. Kuil Sam Po Kong (Gedung Batu) dibangun untuk mengenang Admiral Cina Muslim Cheng Ho yang tiba di Semarang tahun 1405. Gereja Bleduk (1753) adalah gereja Protestan peninggalan Belanda yang berada di kawasan kota tua. Gedung Lawang Sewu (1913) yang indah dulunya kantor perkeretaapian dalam masa VOC .Tugu Muda (1953) dibangun untuk mengenang pertempuran 5 hari melawan pendudukan Jepang. ----Formal English---- Semarang Semarang is the capital city of Central Java Province. Even before its official existence, this city has always kept busy by trading activity that is served by the province major port, Tanjung Mas. The city, which was formerly known as Bergota, was started by an Arabic mullah from a nearby Demak Sultanate who took the local name Ki Pandan Arang. On May 1, 1547, he built a village in which he built an Islamic boarding school. He was appointed regent by a king from Pajang and since then Semarang has become an official regency. In general, Semarang consists of two major areas. The north part is a coastal plain in which industrial trading and administrative activities take place. Semarang is home to various size manufacturers ranging from small businesses such as textiles, furniture, and processed food, to large foreign-owned companies. The southern part is hills that surround the city suitable for housing, from which you can enjoy great views of the sea, paddy fields, the city, and the port. The large number of its population makes Semarang the fifth largest city in Indonesia. It is mainly Javanese but this city is known for its large population of ethnically Chinese. The language used is Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese, although Hokkien Chinese is also spoken among the Chinese. This city keeps its historical buildings to be appreciated by newer generations. Bergota Hill is a cemetery park where one can find the grave of Ki Pandan Arang. Sampokong temple (Gedung Batu) was dedicated to Chinese Moslem Admira [...]

 News #44 - You’ve Heard The Indonesian Lessons. Now Get More With 24 OFF 24! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:08

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Survival Phrases #31 - Can I Take Your Picture? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:34

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Tolong potret, ya? Mau dipotret? Mau dipotret sama saya? Boleh potret disini? ----Formal English---- Can you take my or our picture May i take a picture of you? Do you want to have a picture taken with me? May I take pictures here? --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner #10 - What’s in That Indonesian Handbag of Yours? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:45

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Edi: Ah, mBak, boleh pinjam HP? Tuti: Sebentar dulu... Eh, ada apa di dalam tas ini? Edi: Itu cermin. Tuti: Ada saputangan juga. Terus... Edi: Ada kunci mobilnya. Tuti: Di mana HP itu? O, ya, ini! Edi: Makasih, mBak! ----Formal English---- Eddie: Ah, Sister, may I borrow your cell phone? Tuti: Just a moment... Eh, what's here in this bag? Eddie: That's a mirror. Tuti: There's a handkerchief as well. And then... Eddie: Those are your car keys. Tuti: Where is that cell phone? Oh, yes, this! Eddie: Thanks, sister! --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Indonesian in Three Minutes #5 - Making Apologies | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:58

Learn useful Indonesian apologies with our Indonesian in Three Minutes series! In Indonesia, manners are important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Indonesian. A native Indonesian teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary.In this lesson, you'll learn how to apologize in Indonesian. Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Indonesian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Top 25 Indonesian Questions You Need to Know #16 - How are you? in Indonesian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:53

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: Apa kabarmu? A: Baik-baik saja. A: Kabar baik. A: Sangat baik. A: Buruk. ----Formal English---- Q: How are you? A: I'm fine. A: I'm well. A: I'm very well. A: I'm awful. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner #9 - It’s Time to Party in Indonesia! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:41

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Edi: Masih disini besok? Wayan: Ya. Ada apa? Edi: Jadi, ada pesta besar di Solo. Mau ikut? Wayan: Hmm, jam berapa mulai? Edi: Mulai jam lima sore. Wayan: Oke, boleh. Edi: Sampai besok, ya? ----Formal English---- Eddie: Are you still here tomorrow? Wayan: Yes. What's up? Eddie: So, there will be a big party in Solo. Do you want to come? Wayan: Hmm, what time will it start? Eddie: It will start at five in the afternoon. Wayan: Okay, I'll come along. Eddie: See you tomorrow then. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!


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