Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com show

Learn Indonesian | IndonesianPod101.com

Summary: Learn Indonesian fast, easy and at your own pace with IndonesianPod101.com Audio Podcasts and Videocasts. **--- Free Lifetime Account and password protected iTunes lesson feed available at IndonesianPod101.com ---** ... NOW OVER --- 101,000,000 --- Language Lessons downloaded so far and Brian Heater of -- PC Magazine -- says "These podcasts offer a painless and FREE way to bone up on the language and culture in a relevant, real world way that you won't get in a class room or on a CDROM." You get comprehensive, easy to use lessons that make learning Indonesian fun for anyone. Each audio podcast contains a complete lesson and can be downloaded in seconds to your iPod, iPhone, iPad, computer or mp3 player so that you can learn Indonesian quickly and actually be speaking Indonesian in no time at all. These Audio Podcasts and Videocasts are your ticket to learning to speak Indonesian with confidence and accuracy, and you'll be speaking Indonesian with your very first lesson! :) Want more? If you are serious about learning Indonesian, you are missing out here! Get the full Free Indonesian Language Learning podcast experience. It's simple, easy [and did I mention free] to get a lifetime learning account on IndonesianPod101.com where you will get access to hundreds more full lessons, and direct access to our members only password protected iTunes feed. All Free lifetime account media files including the audio podcast, informal, bonus audio tracks, the dialog track, the lesson review track, videos, and all PDF lesson materials will be automatically downloaded for each new lesson as they become available. This is a great time saver and a way to give you consistent, instant access to the latest and best Indonesian lesson materials. Make Learning Indonesian fun, start listening today and don't miss out on getting your FREE Lifetime Account and password protected iTunes lesson feed available only at IndonesianPod101.com.

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 Culture Class: Essential Indonesian Vocabulary #22 - Traditional Clothing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:07

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Apakah lima pakaian tradisional yang paling terkenal di Indonesia? 1. Kebaya 2. Batik 3. Sarong / Sarung 4. Songket 5. Peci ----Formal English---- What are the five most popular traditional clothing in Indonesia? 1. Kebaya (traditional blouse-dress combination worn by women in Indonesia) 2. Batik (a cloth that traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing technique) 3. Sarong (a large tube or length of fabric, often wrapped around the waist and worn as a kilt by men and as a skirt by women) 4. Songket (fabric that is hand-woven in silk or cotton, and intricately patterned with gold or silver threads.) 5. Small Hat --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Survival Phrases #16 - Counting 1 - 10 in Indonesian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:36

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- satu duo tiga empat ~ pat lima enam ~ nem tujuh delapan sembilan sepuluh seorang dua orang nol kosong ----Formal English---- one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one person two people numeral zero zero --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Essential Indonesian Vocabulary #21 - Chain Stores | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:42

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Apakah lima toko berantai yang paling populer di Indonesia? 1. Lottemart 2. Bakso A Fung 3. Sushi Tei 4. Bakmi GM 5. Es teler 77 ----Formal English---- What are the five most popular chain stores in Indonesia? 1. Lottemart 2. A Fung meatballs 3. Sushi Tei 4. GM Noodle 5. Es teler 77 --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #34 - IndonesianPod101.com Goes Mobile! Master Indonesian with One Thumb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:50

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Top 25 Indonesian Questions You Need to Know #12 - When is your birthday in Indonesian? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:02

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: Kapan ulangtahun kamu? A: Tanggal 22 Agustus. A: Tanggal 8 Oktober. A: Tanggal 4 Januari. A: Tanggal 15 Juli. ----Formal English---- Q: When is your birthday? A: It's August 22. A: It's October 8th. A: It's January 4th. A: It's July 15th. --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #18 - What Will Your Indonesian Skills Bring to the Table?? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101.com! Your Indonesian pen pal has asked you to stay with him for the week while you are visiting. You are really excited because you will be able to get to know him better and he is going to show you around town too! When you arrive, he promises a tour of the house right after you meet the family and have some dinner – it's been a long flight! As you make your way into his kitchen though, his mother looks very disgruntled. You ask your friend what is wrong and he replies in Indonesian, "She is upset because she is hungry. My father just searched the refrigerator and there is nothing to eat!" Feeling a little more than awkward – in fact, totally obtrusive – you tell your friend in Indonesian, "Well, we can go out for dinner. It's not a big deal." He quickly explains in Indonesian, "We are going to enjoy a family meal at the table tonight so that we can all get to know each other better." And then you have a brilliant idea – pizza! Later that night as you sit around the table with your new friends, you tell your friends in Indonesian, "I am glad everyone is enjoying the delicious pizza!! And more importantly, I am glad we decided to talk and chat and enjoy this meal together." IndonesianPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Indonesian! This Indonesian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you some important vocabulary you might use at the Indonesian table. In this Indonesian vocabulary video, you will learn Indonesian by watching the video, seeing both Indonesian and Indonesian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Indonesian translations being read aloud by our native Indonesian speakers. Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com where you will find many more great Indonesian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog #22 - The Winning Holiday in Indonesia Is… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:54

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Lebaran, Mudik, dan Ketupat Hari Raya Idul Fitri atau Lebaran adalah hari libur terpenting bagi Republik Indonesia. Dengan populasi yang 90%-nya adalah Muslim, perayaan Lebaran menjadi tradisi nasional. Lebaran disebut pula sebagai Hari Kemenangan. Di bulan Ramadhan, umat Islam berpuasa selama 30 hari. Di hari ke-30, setelah berbuka, umat Muslim melakukan takbiran dengan mengumandangkan Allahu Akbar sebagai ekspresi kebahagiaan karena telah menang terhadap hawa nafsu. Keesokan paginya, pada tanggal 1 Syawal, umat Muslim memenuhi berbagai mesjid untuk menjalankan shalat Eid bersama keluarga. Lebaran di Indonesia menjadi kesempatan bagi banyak orang untuk berkumpul dengan keluarga. Banyak orang yang menggunakan waktu ini untuk pulang ke kampung halaman yang berada di lain kota, lain propinsi, bahkan lain pulau. Situasi ini disebut mudik. Karena orang beramai-ramai pulang kampung pada saat yang sama, dengan sendirinya biaya transportasi umum melonjak tinggi. Apabila melalui jalan darat, lalu lintasnya menjadi padat bahkan macet. Stasiun kereta, terminal bus, dan bandara udara dipenuhi orang. Pada masa mudik, kota-kota besar menjadi lengang dan sunyi. Demikian pula Jakarta—yang pada masa biasa tiada hari tanpa macet—setiap Lebaran menjadi sepi. Akan tetapi, keadaan ini tidak berlangsung lama. Setelah masa mudik berakhir, kota–kota kembali ramai, bahkan lebih ramai dari sebelumnya. Hal ini karena orang yang pulang kampung kembali ke kota dengan membawa dua temannya untuk mencari pekerjaan. Sajian khas di waktu lebaran adalah ketupat. Ketupat terbuat dari janur yang dianyam hingga menjadi kotak kecil diisi diisi beras atau ketan, lalu dimasak bersama santan sampai matang. Ketupat bisa dihidangkan bersama rendang atau opor ayam. Makanan adalah elemen penting di waktu Lebaran. Biasanya keluarga-keluarga saling mengunjungi untuk berhalal-bi-halal atau bermaaf-maafan lalu dijamu dengan masakan istimewa oleh tuan rumah. Lazimnya, yang muda mengunjungi yang tua untuk mohon maaf dari orang yang dituakan tersebut. Libur nasional Lebaran resminya berlangsung dua hari. Akan tetapi, karena banyak pekerja mengambil cuti tambahan di masa ini, kebanyakan kantor tutup hingga 5 hari kerja. ----Formal English---- Lebaran, Mudik, and Ketupat Idul Fitri Holiday, or Lebaran, is the most important holiday for Indonesian Republic. With ninety percent of the population being Muslims, the Lebaran celebration is indeed a national tradition. Lebaran is often referred to as "The Winning Day." During the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims carry out a thirty-day fast. On the thirtieth day, after breaking the fast, Muslims recite takbiran and chant Allahu Akbar as an expression of great happiness due to their victory over desires. The following morning, on the 1st of Syawal, Muslims crowd mosques everywhere to pray Eid Shalat with all family members. Lebaran in Indonesia becomes an opportunity for many to gather with their families. They use this "time to visit their hometown in another city, or another province, or even another island." This situation is called mudik. Because a lot of people go back to their hometown at the same time, it is only natural that the public transportation cost skyrockets. If going by land road, the traffic becomes very congested. Rail stations, bus terminals, and airport are packed with people. During the mudik time, big cities become empty and lonely. This also applies to Jakarta where in normal time there is not one day that passes without a traffic jam. Every Lebaran Jakarta gets to be very lonely. However, this does not last long. [...]

 Culture Class: Essential Indonesian Vocabulary #18 - Medicines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:06

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Apakah lima obat-obatan yang paling populer dan sering digunakan di Indonesia? 1. Decolgen 2. Tolak Angin 3. Combantrin 4. Betadine 5. Panadol ----Formal English---- What are the five most popular commonly used medicine and drugs in Indonesia? 1. Decolgen 2. Tolak Angin 3. Combantrin 4. Betadine 5. Panadol --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #33 - Choose Your Own Way to Learn Indonesian, Choose Your Own Spooky Savings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:18

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Survival Phrases #10 - Apologies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:46

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Minta ma’af. Mohon ma’af. Tidak apa-apa. ----Formal English---- to ask for forgiveness (medium formality) to ask for forgiveness (highest formality) No problem (idiom). Literally, "it's nothing." --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 News #32 - Coming Soon! No One App Should Have All This Word Power! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:21

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog #19 - Indonesia in a Natural Light | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:54

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Pesona Pulau Lombok Terletak tepat di sebelah timur pulau Bali, Lombok adalah sebuah pulau di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Karena pesona alam dan budayanya, banyak orang yang menyebut Lombok sebagai Bali kedua. Untuk mencapai Lombok, pengunjung dapat menyeberang Selat Lombok dengan ferry dari Pulau Bali, atau dengan penerbangan domestik ke kota Mataram, ibukota propinsi. Tujuan utama wisatanya adalah Pantai Senggigi yang berjarak hanya 12 kilometer dari Kota Mataram. Senggigi dikenal dengan keindahan dan kealamiannya. Sesampai di Senggigi, pantai eksotik dengan ombak yang saling berkejaran dan hamparan pasir putih di bawah langit biru menanti anda. Suasana alami yang belum banyak dijejali turis, menjadi penanda beda pantai ini dengan pantai-pantai di Bali. Berjalan menyusuri pantai sekitar setengah jam akan mengantar anda ke Pura Batu Bolong, yang dibangun di atas karang. Konon menurut legenda, dahulu kala di pura ini sering diadakan pengorbanan seorang perawan. Di sebelah barat laut Lombok terdapat tiga pulau kecil yang disebut Gili. Kepulauan ini dapat dicapai dengan kapal atau dengan perahu lokal dari kota Bangsal di utara Senggigi. Ketiga pulau ini; Gili Trawangan, Meno dan Air sangat kecil. Gili Trawangan yang terbesar, hanya memiliki panjang 3 km dan lebar 2 km dengan titik tertinggi hanya sekitar 20 m dari muka laut. Ditandai oleh pesona terumbu karangnya, Gili dikenal sebagai salah satu tempat terbaik di untuk menyelam dan bersnorkel di Lombak. Gili Trawangan dihuni oleh hanya 800 orang, dan di sini tidak diizinkan menggunakan kendaraan bermesin. Yang diizinkan hanya cidomo (gerobak berpenghela kuda), kuda, dan sepeda gayung. Cidomo sendiri adalah gerobak berpenghela kuda. Di tiga gili ini wisatawan dapat berjemur bermalasan sepanjang hari; menikmati matahari terbit dari balik Gunung Rinjani, lalu matahari terbenam dari Gunung Agung di Bali. Bila anda mencari tantangan alam, maka taman nasional Rinjani adalah jawabannya. Berada di tengah pulau, daya tarik utama taman nasional ini adalah Gunung Rinjani. Rinjani adalah gunung api yang masih akti sekaligus gunung tertinggi ketiga di Indonesia (3726 m). Di puncak Rinjani terdapat danau kaldera Segara Anak. Bila udara baik dari puncak pendaki dapat melayangkan pandang jauh ke semenanjung pulau Lombok, sebelum turun melepas lelah dan berendam di sumber air panas. ----Formal English---- The Fascinating Lombok Located right next to the Bali, Lombok is an island in the Lesser Sunda or Nusa Tenggara in the West Nusa Tenggara Province. Known for its charming nature and culture many hail Lombok as the second Bali. To reach Lombok, one can cross Lombok Strait from Bali by ferry or by domestic flight to Mataram, capital of the province. The main tourist destination is Senggigi Beach located only 12 km from Mataram city. Senggigi is known as an exquisite and natural beach. Arriving at Senggigi, an exotic beach with rolling waves and white sands under a clear blue sky awaits you. The natural atmosphere and the absence of overcrowded tourists set the beach apart from any beaches in Bali. Strolling along the beach about half an hour will bring you to the Batu Bolong Shrine (Hollow Stone), which was built on a rock. According to local folklore, long time ago in this shrine a ceremony sacrificing a virgin was often held. On the northwest of Lombok we can find a group of three islets called Gili. The islets can be reached by ship or local boat from Bangsal city just north of Senggigi. The three islands: Gili Trawangan, Meno, and Air are very small. Gili Trawangan, the largest, is only 3 km lon [...]

 Learn with Video #15 - Bear Through This Indonesian Video Lesson and Learn Awesome Forest Animal Vocabulary! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101.com! As part of your Indonesian "Forest Animal" unit, today your class is taking a walk through the forest to gather information for a report you will have as homework tonight. Your teacher hands out a list of "things to look out for" – written entirely in Indonesian! Not being able to make out some of the Indonesian words on the list, you try to partner up with someone, but everyone seems to have turned it into a competition to see who can find things first. Suddenly, a classmate screams out in Indonesian, "I found one!! Look, that raccoon is cracking and munching peanuts!" Everyone moans, knowing that classmate is now in the lead, but you strain your neck, struggling to see what in the world she found. Finding nothing as the group moves on quickly, you jot down as much as you can remember – you will just have to look it up when you get home. Ugh. You are startled as another classmate cries out in Indonesian, "I know what the eagle eats! It's swooping down for fish!" Your fellow classmates cry out in unison, "Ahhh!!" as you again jot down the Indonesian words you do not recognize. It's too bad you can't enjoy this hike through the beautiful forest. But what's worse is that before you can even BEGIN your report tonight, you have to find out what all this even means!!! IndonesianPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Indonesian! This Indonesian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you the Indonesian words you need to talk about forest animals and their behaviors. In this Indonesian vocabulary video, you will learn Indonesian by watching the video, seeing both Indonesian and Indonesian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Indonesian translations being read aloud by our native Indonesian speakers. Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com where you will find many more great Indonesian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Learn with Pictures and Video #14 - Powerful Indonesian Learning Technique - Learning Through Opposites 4 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:20

Don't worry about 'forgetting' Indonesian opposites because they are easy to 'remember' when you use this great Indonesian lesson! In this lesson, you'll use the same powerful Indonesian learning technique to master even more Indonesian vocabulary. Learning Indonesian with IndonesianPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Indonesian! This Indonesian video series is a brand new way to learn Indonesian. Learn everyday vocabulary and key verbs in this Indonesian video lesson. Read the Indonesian lesson notes to learn about the Indonesian present tense, present progressive tense, and simple past tense. Join us, and see what you've been missing! Visit us at IndonesianPod101.com where you will find many more fantastic Indonesian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Culture Class: Essential Indonesian Vocabulary #15 - Recreational Activities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Apakah lima kegiatan rekreasional yang paling populer di Indonesia? 1. Bioskop 2. Wisata 3. Sepak Bola 4. Makan di luar 5. Tamasya ----Formal English---- What are the five most popular recreational activities in Indonesia? 1. Cinema 2. Travel 3. Soccer 4. Eating out 5. Sightseeing --------------------------- Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101! Don't forget to stop by IndonesianPod101.com for more great Indonesian Language Learning Resources!


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