The Healthification Podcast show

The Healthification Podcast

Summary: Build a strong, healthy body that's sustainable for you and the planet. Vegan Health Coach Kate Galli from answers your questions and shares time efficient tips to shed stubborn fat and build sexy lean muscle… without restrictive diets or hours of tedious cardio. You can eat Plant Based or Vegan and Create a Fit, Strong, Healthy Body You Love. Whether you're starting out on your journey and negotiating the mass of conflicting health advice or struggling to stay focused this podcast will keep you motivated, inspired and accountable with short, actionable solo shows and longer form interviews published weekly. Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, NON-genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated VEGAN chick can do it - so can YOU!)


 518: To Eat SOY Or Not To Eat Soy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:30

Over the years I’ve changed my mind on many things surrounding staying fit and healthy. In my early 20’s I was very much a fat-o-phobe and demolished glutenous amounts of processed carbs… as long as they didn’t contain any ‘evil’ fat. Jump forward a few years and in hindsight my approach to eating as it shifted to low carb high ... READ MORE

 517: Easy Vegan Iron Sources: A Flesh Free Zone! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:46

Todays show on Easy Vegan Iron Sources is for all my vegan or vegan curious friends who are concerned that perhaps you need to eat animal flesh to get adequate iron. After having my bloods done after 25 years vego and 2 years vegan I can happily assure you it’s really not hard to meet your daily iron requirements via ... READ MORE

 516: Easy Vegan Calcium Sources: Leave Cows Milk For The Calves! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:01

In todays show I’m sharing: Easy Vegan Calcium Sources that will let you leave cows milk for the calves! We’ll check out my five fav categories of plant based sources of calcium and then build 10 calcium rich meals / snacks.  Before we get rolling, I have a plea to my vego friends. As I’ve shared before, I was vegetarian for 23 years ... READ MORE

 515: Month In Review plus: Why You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:11

Back in my early 20’s I used to do an hour cardio a day and then go home and nibble on HALF A BOX of cereal after my carb-fest dinner. In complete transparency I’d ALSO do an hour weights a day and walk to and from the gym. In perhaps too much transparency (!) if I was going through a break up ... READ MORE

 514: 6 Healthy Vegan Foods That Are Always In My Shopping Basket. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:59

I believe you can tell a lot about a person by what either proudly resides or perhaps hides (!) in their shopping basket. If you bumped into me in a supermarket you’re likely not going to be surprised at what you see. If you listen to my podcast regularly you’d also not be surprised to hear that I often pop into the liquor store after the ... READ MORE

 513: 6 Steps To Quit Sugar For Good. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:23

Todays show is for my fellow emotional eaters. Recently a dear client exclaimed: “This seems like the hardest thing in the world for me right now!” and “I feel like such a failure.”  I did my best to convey empathy in my tone as I knew my words were harsh yet true when I countered: “How good would that be if this was the hardest thing ... READ MORE

 512: How To Turn 3 Vegan Supermarket Staples Into 9 Plant Strong Meals. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:18

In recent weeks since volunteering with the amazing animal rights organisation Anonymous for the Voiceless, I’ve been fortunate to have a lot more conversations with people about Veganism. It’s been heartening to realize that most of the people I encounter are genuinely shocked at the conditions our animals used for meat, dairy and eggs suffer here in Australia and indeed all around ... READ MORE

 511: Month In Review plus: Do you need to train harder? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:53

As this show goes live it’ll be almost the end of Jan! I know that dates the podcast however everything I share will be relevant regardless of when you’re listening. This past month has flown and I feel like I have lots of different things I’d like to share with you so I thought a month in review type of ... READ MORE

 510: The Dating and Diet Analogy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:11

Is your relationship with your diet like a dysfunctional relationship? We’ve all been there right? When it’s good it’s really really good… (like a HUGE tub of vegan salted caramel and pecan ice cream good) and yet most of the time it’s desperately UN-fun (like how you feel after demolishing the entire thing on your own). You bring out the ... READ MORE

 509: Escaping The Negativity Bias. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:22

I’m not sure if I’m feeling a little home sick this week however my little brother – Sir Thomas the wonder cat – is on my mind and as such gets a mention two weeks in a row on the podcast! How good are cats at focusing on the positive? I don’t think it’s just Thomas – who granted does lead an ... READ MORE

 508: Speciesism – What is it and why we must fight it. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:46

Most people are against cruelty to animals. Many people have or have had a pet they love, pamper and protect like family. Yet sadly there still exists a massive disconnect between the animals we see as friends and the animals we see as food. I know that disconnect can’t simply be cuteness induced. Because, there are some really ugly yet ... READ MORE

 507: How To Be Fit & Healthy This Holiday Season (steps 4-6) encore episode. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:13

In todays show part 2 of How To Be Fit & Healthy This Holiday Season I share my fav step and it’s all about why saying YES to your exercise and nutrition as a priority is not Selfish! In fact it’s a necessity.  If you want to be Fit & Healthy This Holiday Season (and beyond!) and have the health and energy for all the people and experiences ... READ MORE

 506: How To Be Fit & Healthy This Holiday Season (steps 1-3) encore episode. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:51

Last weekend was my work Xmas / end of year party. If you’re listening to this show near it’s time of release I imagine you’re in the midst of holiday season celebrations too! Amidst the cocktails, vodka sodas, shots and Mexican vegan deliciousness… a few of the less young of us found ourselves reminiscing and the common line of the night mortifyingly ... READ MORE

 505: Biggest Health Mythes Of 2017 (part two). | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: Unknown

Since adopting a 100% plant based diet almost two years ago I’ve become a lot more flexible (and generous!) so far as the carbs I eat. If you subscribe to one of the Biggest Health Mythes that I used to propagate you might be surprised to hear that eating more carbs has not had any detrimental impact of my health or body composition. In ... READ MORE

 504: Biggest Health Mythes Of 2017 (part one). | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:26

In todays show I’m revealing a few of the Biggest Health Mythes Of 2017. It’s long been a strategy of the meat, dairy and egg industry to create doubt in the minds of consumers regarding what is healthy. To foster confusion, not unlike the tobacco industry.  It’s a super effective tactic. For a start: Healthy, is utterly subjective.  As a personal example… When purchasing cashews from ... READ MORE


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