The Healthification Podcast show

The Healthification Podcast

Summary: Build a strong, healthy body that's sustainable for you and the planet. Vegan Health Coach Kate Galli from answers your questions and shares time efficient tips to shed stubborn fat and build sexy lean muscle… without restrictive diets or hours of tedious cardio. You can eat Plant Based or Vegan and Create a Fit, Strong, Healthy Body You Love. Whether you're starting out on your journey and negotiating the mass of conflicting health advice or struggling to stay focused this podcast will keep you motivated, inspired and accountable with short, actionable solo shows and longer form interviews published weekly. Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, NON-genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated VEGAN chick can do it - so can YOU!)


 533: Interview with Keith Burgeson from PETA’s Vegan Mentor Program. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:41

In todays show I’m excited to share my interview with Keith Burgeson from PETA’s Vegan Mentor Program. As you’ll soon hear, Keith is a total sweetie who absolutely does the PETA Vegan Mentor Program proud with his open-heartedness, passion and compassion.  Here’s Keith’s offical bio… “A native of southern New Jersey, Keith Burgeson holds a bachelor’s degree in advertising from Rowan University ... READ MORE

 532: How To Make Meal Prep More Fun. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:15

Let me paint you a picture that featured way too frequently in my pre personal training and pre meal prepping past… It’s the end of the working week and you’re out for work drinks. Lots of work drinks. Because it’s the weekend and you’ve earned it and it’s time to unwind. Before you know it the bars aren’t serving proper food anymore and you know there’s nothing at ... READ MORE

 531: The Problems Of A Dieting Mind. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:25

Do you have a magic number? A number in kilo’s or pounds or perhaps a dress or jeans size? Although I haven’t weighed myself in at least a year maybe two, I still have a number in mind that makes me happy to see. I also have a number I’d be mortified to see flash up on the scales. I know this is stupid. It’s not ... READ MORE

 530: Vystopia: Do you struggle with being vegan in a non-vegan world? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:44

Todays show is for you if increasingly you struggle with being vegan in a non-vegan world. Perhaps you used to be fine taking your vegan burgers to a friends BBQ and now you just don’t want to be anywhere near other peoples unnecessarily cruel, ignorant and selfish food choices. You can no longer accept that: “What I eat is my personal ... READ MORE

 529: Month In Review PLUS The Health Benefits Of Fish Myth. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:10

In this month in review show I want to dig in with one of the common conversations I’ve been having with consumers on the streets of Sydney these past few weeks. First though let me share one particular conversation with a lovely and previously pescatarian lady. She recalled how she’d been on a scuba diving trip at the Great Barrier Reef. As ... READ MORE

 528: 5 Food Upgrades / Lessons From How Not To Die. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:27

In todays show I’m sharing some of my recent food upgrades, implemented in response to Dr Michael Gregor’s awesome book, How Not To Die. Don’t be put off by the sensationalist title. This book is an amazing science based resource. A client gifted it to me a year or so ago when he adopted a plant based diet after reading the ... READ MORE

 527: 6 Keys To Escape The Junk Food Vegan Epidemic. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:57

Ok, so it’s not yet at the stage of an epidemic however there’s something that really concerns me about all the extreme vegan deliciousness becoming more and more accessible. For the most part it’s AWESOME. However there’s also another part. A part that has the potential to wreck havoc on health and happiness AND also all those hugely compelling statistics about vegans avoiding the ... READ MORE

 526: Lessons From Conversations With Carnivores | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:27

One of the many common misconceptions so far as leading a vegan lifestyle is that it’s hard. In fact the hardest aspect for me is without doubt the attitudes of some non vegans. Thankfully it’s something I’m getting better at managing and in todays show on, Lessons From Conversations With Carnivores I’m sharing some of the strategies that work well for ... READ MORE

 525: Month In Review plus: the “But Eating Vegan Is Expensive” MYTH! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:01

As I plan todays show I’m on such a high! Last night I got back from the most AMAZING weekend in Melbourne for The Dominion March for animal rights. A vegan world felt closer this weekend. It felt awesome. The momentum is building. The truth is inescapable. Compassionate humans are waking up to the atrocities our species inflicts on our fellow species. It’s not ... READ MORE

 524: Lazy Vegan Travel Tips. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:59

In todays show I’d like to share my best: Lazy Vegan Travel Tips. (I’m thinking maybe I should rename myself The Lazy Vegan as it’s been the relevant descriptor for my podcast 2 weeks in a row now!) Before we get rolling a couple of clarifications, A) These 13 lazy vegan travel tips are primarily in relation to food rather than ... READ MORE

 523: I’m Too Lazy To Be A Vegan! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:07

Todays show was inspired by a conversation I had a with lovely gent while volunteering with the amazing animal rights organization Anonymous for the Voiceless on the weekend. He enthusiastically shared “My ex girlfriend was vegan so I ate vegan when I was with her. And my mum’s vegetarian. It’s amazing how delicious and versatile the food can be.” However ... READ MORE

 522: Hype or Right: How To Evaluate Food Fads! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:35

This morning one of my dear clients eagerly shared some insights he’d gleamed from a chat with a nutritionalist friend of his the previous evening. I counselled myself to maintain an open mind as he began to recall regularly repeated recommendations such as “sugar is the devil” and “fat is your friend.”  Nothing new here however then he proceeded to sing the praises of…. Cheese. Super ... READ MORE

 521: Month In Review plus: When THE Brain Tries To Hijack Your Mind. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:14

In this month in review show I have some recipes wins to share from the recent 3 Day Easy Vegan Plan. I’m also covering: When THE Brain Tries To Hijack Your Mind.  I’ll chat a little exercise and I’ll share what’s been rockin this past month and what’s been a tad more struggle street. Above all, my intention is to make this ... READ MORE

 520: 7 Guidelines To Stop Binging In Private. (Encore Episode) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:26

Todays encore episode on 7 Guidelines To Stop Binging In Private is inspired by my most recent roasted cashew induced haze. Each Tuesday I’ll hide out in the staff room and devour the lion’s portion of my weekly quota of roasted nuts. Only a crazy person would ask me to share. And they’d be disappointed! Now as much as you might be thinking: ... READ MORE

 519: How To Pick Yourself Back Up From Disappointment. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:16

I was out on Saturday night with a dear friend – I call him my Peter-pan mate – as I doubt he’ll ever grow up. Anyway, Pan chuckled as he noticed me double take (I thought I was being subtle) as a certain gent sat down across the room from us. “You really do have a type don’t you Kate?!” “Whatever do ... READ MORE


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