听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 1.3.12B 故事解读《胖乎乎的小手》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1298

胖乎乎 pànghūhū Adj, chubby 全家 quánjiā Noun phrase, whole family 兰兰 lánlan Chinese nickname for girls. 兰 is a kind of a flower 下班 xiàbān Verb phrase, to get off work 拿 ná Verb, to take/pick something with hands 又 yòu Adv, again; one more time 贴 tiē Verb, to post 墙 qiáng Noun, wall 明白 míngbai Verb, to understand 只是 zhǐshì Adv, only 自己 zìjǐ Pronoun, oneself 那么 nàme Adv, very (+adjective) 替 tì Verb, to do something for someone 过 guò Particle, verb+过,means someone has had the experience of doing something 拖鞋 tuōxié Noun, slippers 洗 xǐ Verb, to wash 手绢 shǒujuàn Noun, handkerchief 姥姥 lǎolao Noun, grandma on mom’s side 厨房 chúfáng Noun, kitchen 一眼就…… yīyǎn jiù…… did something at the first sight 红润润 hóngrùn rùn Adv phrase, rosy and healthy 帮 bāng Verb, to help 挠 náo Verb, to scratch 痒痒 yǎngyang Noun, itch 长大 zhǎng dà Verb, (kid, small animal) to grow up 变成 biàn chéng Verb, to become 事情 shìqíng Noun, thing(s) New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 1.3.12A 故事《胖乎乎的小手》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 156

This is a modern story that happens in a Chinese family. Chinese girl Lanlan's painting of her own chubby hands got praised by all of her family members. Lanlan's father picked this picture from many of her paintings and hang it on the wall. At first, Lanlan was very confused, but later she learned why from each of her family member. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 全家人都喜欢兰兰画的这张画。   爸爸刚下班回来,拿起画,看了又看,把画贴在了墙上。兰兰不明白,问:“我只是画了自己的小手啊!我有那么多画,您为什么只贴这一张呢?”   爸爸说:“这胖乎乎的小手替我拿过 拖鞋呀!”   妈妈下班回来,看见画,笑着说:“这胖乎乎的小手给我洗过手绢啊!”   姥姥从厨房出来,一眼就看见了画上红润润的小手,说:“这胖乎乎的小手帮我挠过痒痒啊!”   兰兰明白了全家人为什么都喜欢这张画。她高兴地说:“等我长大了。小手变成了大手。它会帮你们做更多的事情!” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 1.3.12A 故事《胖乎乎的小手》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 156

This is a modern story that happens in a Chinese family. Chinese girl Lanlan's painting of her own chubby hands got praised by all of her family members. Lanlan's father picked this picture from many of her paintings and hang it on the wall. At first, Lanlan was very confused, but later she learned why from each of her family member. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 全家人都喜欢兰兰画的这张画。   爸爸刚下班回来,拿起画,看了又看,把画贴在了墙上。兰兰不明白,问:“我只是画了自己的小手啊!我有那么多画,您为什么只贴这一张呢?”   爸爸说:“这胖乎乎的小手替我拿过 拖鞋呀!”   妈妈下班回来,看见画,笑着说:“这胖乎乎的小手给我洗过手绢啊!”   姥姥从厨房出来,一眼就看见了画上红润润的小手,说:“这胖乎乎的小手帮我挠过痒痒啊!”   兰兰明白了全家人为什么都喜欢这张画。她高兴地说:“等我长大了。小手变成了大手。它会帮你们做更多的事情!” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.1.10B 故事解读《要下雨了》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

要 yào Auxiliary verb, means “soon will”; “is going to” 弯 wān Verb, to bend 腰 yāo Noun, waist 山坡 shānpō Noun, the slope of a hill 山顶(ding),the top of a hill 山脚,the foot of a hill 山腰,the mid of a hill 闷 mēn Adj, stifling 直(起) zhí (qǐ) Verb, to straight up… 直起腰 直起身子 身子 shēnzi Noun, body 伸 shēn Verb, to stretch 腰 yāo Noun, waist 燕子 yànzi Noun, swallow 大声 dàshēng Adv, loudly 喊 hǎn Verb, yell; shout 低 dī Adj, low (一)边……(一)边…… (yī) biān……(yī) biān…… (one) is doing two things at the same time. 他一边吃饭一边看电视。He is eating his meal and at the same time watching TV. 空气 kōngqì Noun, air 潮湿 cháoshī Adj, humid 虫子 chóngzi Noun, bug 翅膀 chìbǎng Noun, wing 沾 zhān Verb, to wet; to soak 水珠 shuǐ zhū Noun, drop of water 正 zhèng Adv, 正(在)+verb…, (someone) is doing something. 我正(在)吃饭。I am eating my meal. 忙 máng Adj, busy. 忙着+verb…, (someone) is busy doing something. 我正忙着做作业。I am busy doing my homework. 捉 zhuō Verb, to catch 往前 wǎng qián Towards the direction of the front 往后,往左,往右 池子 chízi Noun, pool Or 水池 游 yóu Verb, to swim 水面 shuǐmiàn Noun phrase, the surface of the water 有空 yǒu kòng Verb, to be available; to be free 你明天有空吗?Will you be free tomorrow? 透气 tòuqì Verb, to get some fresh air 透不过气,to suffocate 快 kuài Adv, hurry 小心 xiǎoxīn Verb, to watch out; to be careful 淋雨 lín yǔ Verb phrase, to get wet in the rain 连忙 liánmáng to hasten to do… 挎 kuà Verb, to carry on the arm 篮子 lánzi Noun, basket 路边 lù biān Noun phrase, the side of the road 群 qún flock, measure word for animals 蚂蚁 mǎyǐ Noun, aunt 消息 xiāoxi Noun, news 高处 gāo chù Noun phrase, high place 低处,low place 搬家 bānjiā Verb, to move (to a new place to live) 加快 jiākuài Verb, to accelerate 步子 bùzi Noun, step 哗 huā The sound of the rain falling 下起来 xià qǐlái Verb phrase, to start to rain/snow New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.10B 故事解读《要下雨了》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

要 yào Auxiliary verb, means “soon will”; “is going to” 弯 wān Verb, to bend 腰 yāo Noun, waist 山坡 shānpō Noun, the slope of a hill 山顶(ding),the top of a hill 山脚,the foot of a hill 山腰,the mid of a hill 闷 mēn Adj, stifling 直(起) zhí (qǐ) Verb, to straight up… 直起腰 直起身子 身子 shēnzi Noun, body 伸 shēn Verb, to stretch 腰 yāo Noun, waist 燕子 yànzi Noun, swallow 大声 dàshēng Adv, loudly 喊 hǎn Verb, yell; shout 低 dī Adj, low (一)边……(一)边…… (yī) biān……(yī) biān…… (one) is doing two things at the same time. 他一边吃饭一边看电视。He is eating his meal and at the same time watching TV. 空气 kōngqì Noun, air 潮湿 cháoshī Adj, humid 虫子 chóngzi Noun, bug 翅膀 chìbǎng Noun, wing 沾 zhān Verb, to wet; to soak 水珠 shuǐ zhū Noun, drop of water 正 zhèng Adv, 正(在)+verb…, (someone) is doing something. 我正(在)吃饭。I am eating my meal. 忙 máng Adj, busy. 忙着+verb…, (someone) is busy doing something. 我正忙着做作业。I am busy doing my homework. 捉 zhuō Verb, to catch 往前 wǎng qián Towards the direction of the front 往后,往左,往右 池子 chízi Noun, pool Or 水池 游 yóu Verb, to swim 水面 shuǐmiàn Noun phrase, the surface of the water 有空 yǒu kòng Verb, to be available; to be free 你明天有空吗?Will you be free tomorrow? 透气 tòuqì Verb, to get some fresh air 透不过气,to suffocate 快 kuài Adv, hurry 小心 xiǎoxīn Verb, to watch out; to be careful 淋雨 lín yǔ Verb phrase, to get wet in the rain 连忙 liánmáng to hasten to do… 挎 kuà Verb, to carry on the arm 篮子 lánzi Noun, basket 路边 lù biān Noun phrase, the side of the road 群 qún flock, measure word for animals 蚂蚁 mǎyǐ Noun, aunt 消息 xiāoxi Noun, news 高处 gāo chù Noun phrase, high place 低处,low place 搬家 bānjiā Verb, to move (to a new place to live) 加快 jiākuài Verb, to accelerate 步子 bùzi Noun, step 哗 huā The sound of the rain falling 下起来 xià qǐlái Verb phrase, to start to rain/snow New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.10A 故事《要下雨了》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 205

This is a scientific story that teaches people to predict rain from observing animals' change in their behaviors. It is told through a rabbit's lens. 小白兔弯着腰在山坡上割草。天气很闷,小白兔直起 身子,伸伸腰。   小燕子从他头上飞过。小白兔大声 喊:“燕子,燕子,你为什么飞得这么低啊?”   燕子边飞边说:“要下雨了。空气很潮湿,虫子的翅膀沾了小水珠,我飞不高。我正 忙着 捉虫子呢!” 是要下雨了吗? 小白兔往前一看,那边池子里的小鱼都游到水面上来了。   小白兔跑过去,问:“小鱼,小鱼,今天怎么有空出来啊?”   小鱼说:“要下雨了。水里闷得很,我们游到水面上透透气。小白兔, 你快回家吧,小心 淋着雨。”   小白兔连忙 挎起 篮子往家跑。他看见路边有一大群 蚂蚁, 小白兔把要下雨的消息告诉蚂蚁。一只大蚂蚁说:“是要下雨了,我们正忙着往高处 搬家呢!”   小白兔加快 步子往家跑。他一边跑一边喊:“妈妈,妈妈,要下雨了!” 哗,哗,哗,大雨下起来了! ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.1.10A 故事《要下雨了》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 205

This is a scientific story that teaches people to predict rain from observing animals' change in their behaviors. It is told through a rabbit's lens. 小白兔弯着腰在山坡上割草。天气很闷,小白兔直起 身子,伸伸腰。   小燕子从他头上飞过。小白兔大声 喊:“燕子,燕子,你为什么飞得这么低啊?”   燕子边飞边说:“要下雨了。空气很潮湿,虫子的翅膀沾了小水珠,我飞不高。我正 忙着 捉虫子呢!” 是要下雨了吗? 小白兔往前一看,那边池子里的小鱼都游到水面上来了。   小白兔跑过去,问:“小鱼,小鱼,今天怎么有空出来啊?”   小鱼说:“要下雨了。水里闷得很,我们游到水面上透透气。小白兔, 你快回家吧,小心 淋着雨。”   小白兔连忙 挎起 篮子往家跑。他看见路边有一大群 蚂蚁, 小白兔把要下雨的消息告诉蚂蚁。一只大蚂蚁说:“是要下雨了,我们正忙着往高处 搬家呢!”   小白兔加快 步子往家跑。他一边跑一边喊:“妈妈,妈妈,要下雨了!” 哗,哗,哗,大雨下起来了! ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.2.10B 新闻故事解读《重庆“月饼王”》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1426

装 zhuāng Verb, to stuff; to fill 满 mǎn Adj, full 海鲜 hǎixiān Noun, seafood 馅 xiàn Noun, filling(s) In northern China, people say 馅儿 重庆 Chóngqìng City name, Chongqing 直径 zhíjìng Noun, diameter 米 mǐ Noun, meter 月饼 yuèbǐng Noun, mooncake, traditional Chinese food for the Mid-Autumn’s Day 王 wáng Noun, king 标价 biāojià Verb, the price is marked at… 千 qiān Noun, thousand 百 bǎi Noun, hundred 元 yuán Noun, yuan;RMB 陈家坪 Chénjiāpíng An area in Chongqing city 届 jiè Noun, measure word for festival, conference, competition and etc. 第26届奥运会, the 26th Olympic Games 节 jié Noun, festival 春节, spring festival 展览 zhǎnlǎn Noun, exhibition 中心 zhōngxīn Noun, center 开幕 kāimù Verb, to open (ceremony, festival, exhibition) 开幕式, opening ceremony 等 děng Pronoun, etc. 我喜欢吃西瓜、苹果等水果。 余 yú A little bit more than… 十余个,11-15 二十余个,21-25 三十余个, 31-35 省 shěng Noun, province 市 shì Noun, city 品牌 pǐnpái Noun, brand Or 牌子 参加 cānjiā Verb, participate 公斤 gōngjīn Noun, kilogram Or 千克 市民 shìmín Noun, residents of a city 据……介绍 jù……jièshào According to … (speaking) 据王先生介绍,according to Mr.Wang, 负责人 fùzé rén Noun, the person who is in charge (of the event) 包 bāo Verb, to wrap 包饺子,to make dumplings 包月饼,to make mooncakes 重 zhòng Adj, heavy; verb, to be weighed as… 厚 hòu Adj, thick (the distance from one edge to the opposite side is thick); verb, the thickness is measured as… 厘米 límǐ Noun, centimeter 耗用 hào yòng Verb, to use 面粉 miànfěn Noun, flour 由 yóu Prep, (something is done) by (someone) 师傅 shīfù Noun, master (of a skill) 日夜赶工 rìyè gǎngōng Chengyu, to work diligently day and night 完成 wánchéng Verb, to complete New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com ta2wpmmr

 2.2.10B 新闻故事解读《重庆“月饼王”》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1426

装 zhuāng Verb, to stuff; to fill 满 mǎn Adj, full 海鲜 hǎixiān Noun, seafood 馅 xiàn Noun, filling(s) In northern China, people say 馅儿 重庆 Chóngqìng City name, Chongqing 直径 zhíjìng Noun, diameter 米 mǐ Noun, meter 月饼 yuèbǐng Noun, mooncake, traditional Chinese food for the Mid-Autumn’s Day 王 wáng Noun, king 标价 biāojià Verb, the price is marked at… 千 qiān Noun, thousand 百 bǎi Noun, hundred 元 yuán Noun, yuan;RMB 陈家坪 Chénjiāpíng An area in Chongqing city 届 jiè Noun, measure word for festival, conference, competition and etc. 第26届奥运会, the 26th Olympic Games 节 jié Noun, festival 春节, spring festival 展览 zhǎnlǎn Noun, exhibition 中心 zhōngxīn Noun, center 开幕 kāimù Verb, to open (ceremony, festival, exhibition) 开幕式, opening ceremony 等 děng Pronoun, etc. 我喜欢吃西瓜、苹果等水果。 余 yú A little bit more than… 十余个,11-15 二十余个,21-25 三十余个, 31-35 省 shěng Noun, province 市 shì Noun, city 品牌 pǐnpái Noun, brand Or 牌子 参加 cānjiā Verb, participate 公斤 gōngjīn Noun, kilogram Or 千克 市民 shìmín Noun, residents of a city 据……介绍 jù……jièshào According to … (speaking) 据王先生介绍,according to Mr.Wang, 负责人 fùzé rén Noun, the person who is in charge (of the event) 包 bāo Verb, to wrap 包饺子,to make dumplings 包月饼,to make mooncakes 重 zhòng Adj, heavy; verb, to be weighed as… 厚 hòu Adj, thick (the distance from one edge to the opposite side is thick); verb, the thickness is measured as… 厘米 límǐ Noun, centimeter 耗用 hào yòng Verb, to use 面粉 miànfěn Noun, flour 由 yóu Prep, (something is done) by (someone) 师傅 shīfù Noun, master (of a skill) 日夜赶工 rìyè gǎngōng Chengyu, to work diligently day and night 完成 wánchéng Verb, to complete New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com ta2wpmmr

 2.2.10A 新闻故事《重庆“月饼王”》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 157

The Mid-Autumn's Day (Zhongqiu jie) is around the corner. As a traditional food for the festival, Chinese mooncakes are notorious for being overpackaging as well as for their skyrocketing prices. This year, a mooncake king produced in Chongqing is priced at 8888 Yuan, which equals 1333 USD. Check out this news story and find out more about this mooncake. And find the transcript and glossary at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 装满海鲜馅 重庆直径一米“月饼王”标价8888元 2016年9月6日下午2点,重庆市陈家坪第10届(重庆)月饼节在陈家坪展览 中心 开幕,来自广州、上海、四川、云南等 十余个省市、400多个品牌的月饼参加了本次月饼节。在这次月饼节上,200公斤“月饼王”与市民见面。据负责人介绍,这个“月饼王”里面的馅都是包的海鲜。月饼王重200公斤,厚30厘米,直径1.2米,耗用 面粉80公斤,由6个师傅 日夜赶工2天完成。 ——摘自http://news.qq.com/a/20160907/015856.htm#p=1

 2.2.10A 新闻故事《重庆“月饼王”》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 157

The Mid-Autumn's Day (Zhongqiu jie) is around the corner. As a traditional food for the festival, Chinese mooncakes are notorious for being overpackaging as well as for their skyrocketing prices. This year, a mooncake king produced in Chongqing is priced at 8888 Yuan, which equals 1333 USD. Check out this news story and find out more about this mooncake. And find the transcript and glossary at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 装满海鲜馅 重庆直径一米“月饼王”标价8888元 2016年9月6日下午2点,重庆市陈家坪第10届(重庆)月饼节在陈家坪展览 中心 开幕,来自广州、上海、四川、云南等 十余个省市、400多个品牌的月饼参加了本次月饼节。在这次月饼节上,200公斤“月饼王”与市民见面。据负责人介绍,这个“月饼王”里面的馅都是包的海鲜。月饼王重200公斤,厚30厘米,直径1.2米,耗用 面粉80公斤,由6个师傅 日夜赶工2天完成。 ——摘自http://news.qq.com/a/20160907/015856.htm#p=1

 2.1.8A 故事《小猴子下山》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 154

This is a fable story about a little monkey's adventure of going downhill. During the monkey's trip down the hill, he saw many things that interested him. He could have brought everything home, but he did not. Find out more about the story in this episode. The transcript of our stories can be found at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com. They are free for you to download. Enjoy learning with 听故事学中文! 有一天,小猴子下山来,走到一块 玉米地里。他看见玉米结得 又大又多,非常高兴,就掰了一个,扛着往前走。 小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵 桃树 底下。他看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米,去摘桃子。 小猴子捧着几个桃子,走到一片 瓜地里。他看见满地的西瓜又大又圆,非常高兴,就扔了桃子,去摘西瓜。 小猴子抱着一个大西瓜往回走。走着走着,他看见一只小兔子蹦蹦跳跳的,真 可爱,就扔了西瓜,去追小兔子。 小兔子跑进 树林里,不见了。小猴子只好 空着手回家去。 ——摘自人教版小学一年级语文课本

 2.1.8A 故事《小猴子下山》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 154

This is a fable story about a little monkey's adventure of going downhill. During the monkey's trip down the hill, he saw many things that interested him. He could have brought everything home, but he did not. Find out more about the story in this episode. The transcript of our stories can be found at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com. They are free for you to download. Enjoy learning with 听故事学中文! 有一天,小猴子下山来,走到一块 玉米地里。他看见玉米结得 又大又多,非常高兴,就掰了一个,扛着往前走。 小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵 桃树 底下。他看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米,去摘桃子。 小猴子捧着几个桃子,走到一片 瓜地里。他看见满地的西瓜又大又圆,非常高兴,就扔了桃子,去摘西瓜。 小猴子抱着一个大西瓜往回走。走着走着,他看见一只小兔子蹦蹦跳跳的,真 可爱,就扔了西瓜,去追小兔子。 小兔子跑进 树林里,不见了。小猴子只好 空着手回家去。 ——摘自人教版小学一年级语文课本

 2.1.8B 故事解读《小猴子下山》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 912

下山 xiàshān Verb phrase, to go downhill 上山,to go uphill 块 kuài Measure word for “farming field”, a square unit of a farming field 一块巧克力,a piece of chocolate 玉米 yùmǐ Noun, corn 地 dì Noun, farming field 玉米地,corn field 结 jiē Verb, (fruit, flower) grow(s) 玉米结得又大又好。The corn is big and good. 又……又…… yòu……yòu…… ...(adj) and …(adj) 又大又红,big and red 掰 bāi Verb, to break in the middle with one’s hands 掰玉米,to pick up corns(break off corn cobs) 扛 káng Verb, to carry on one’s shoulder 扛着枪, to carry the gun on the shoulder 着 zhe Particle word, verb+ 着, it means some action is taking place at that moment 吃着饭,while someone is eating meal 扛着枪, while someone is carrying the gun 棵 kē Measure word for tree(s) 桃树 táo shù Noun, peach tree 底下 dǐxia Noun, the place that is underneath; the place that is under… 桃树底下有很多桃子。 Under the peach tree, there are a lot of peaches. (桌子)底下有一本书。 There is a book under the table. 满树 mǎn shù Noun phrase, the whole tree 满天,the whole sky 满眼,the whole vision 扔 rēng Verb, to throw 摘 zhāi Verb, to pick up (fruit, flower) 摘草莓,to pick strawberries 捧 pěng Verb, to hold or carry with both hands 捧腹大笑,to laugh one’s head off 片 piàn Measure word for “farming field”, an area of a farming filed 瓜 guā Noun, melon 西瓜,water melon 哈密瓜,honey kiss melon 抱 bào Verb, to hold with one’s upper body and both hands; to hug 蹦蹦跳跳 bèng bèng tiào tiào Verb phrase, bouncing and vivacious 真 zhēn Adv, really. 真+adv 可爱 kě'ài Adj, cute 追 zhuī Verb, to chase 跑(进) pǎo (jìn) Verb, to run (into) 树林 shùlín Noun, forest 不见了! bú jiàn le Gone! (Cannot be seen!) 只好 zhǐhǎo One has not choice but… 小猴子只好回家。The little monkey has no choice but to go home. 空 kōng Verb, to empty; adj, empty 空手, empty hands New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.8B 故事解读《小猴子下山》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 912

下山 xiàshān Verb phrase, to go downhill 上山,to go uphill 块 kuài Measure word for “farming field”, a square unit of a farming field 一块巧克力,a piece of chocolate 玉米 yùmǐ Noun, corn 地 dì Noun, farming field 玉米地,corn field 结 jiē Verb, (fruit, flower) grow(s) 玉米结得又大又好。The corn is big and good. 又……又…… yòu……yòu…… ...(adj) and …(adj) 又大又红,big and red 掰 bāi Verb, to break in the middle with one’s hands 掰玉米,to pick up corns(break off corn cobs) 扛 káng Verb, to carry on one’s shoulder 扛着枪, to carry the gun on the shoulder 着 zhe Particle word, verb+ 着, it means some action is taking place at that moment 吃着饭,while someone is eating meal 扛着枪, while someone is carrying the gun 棵 kē Measure word for tree(s) 桃树 táo shù Noun, peach tree 底下 dǐxia Noun, the place that is underneath; the place that is under… 桃树底下有很多桃子。 Under the peach tree, there are a lot of peaches. (桌子)底下有一本书。 There is a book under the table. 满树 mǎn shù Noun phrase, the whole tree 满天,the whole sky 满眼,the whole vision 扔 rēng Verb, to throw 摘 zhāi Verb, to pick up (fruit, flower) 摘草莓,to pick strawberries 捧 pěng Verb, to hold or carry with both hands 捧腹大笑,to laugh one’s head off 片 piàn Measure word for “farming field”, an area of a farming filed 瓜 guā Noun, melon 西瓜,water melon 哈密瓜,honey kiss melon 抱 bào Verb, to hold with one’s upper body and both hands; to hug 蹦蹦跳跳 bèng bèng tiào tiào Verb phrase, bouncing and vivacious 真 zhēn Adv, really. 真+adv 可爱 kě'ài Adj, cute 追 zhuī Verb, to chase 跑(进) pǎo (jìn) Verb, to run (into) 树林 shùlín Noun, forest 不见了! bú jiàn le Gone! (Cannot be seen!) 只好 zhǐhǎo One has not choice but… 小猴子只好回家。The little monkey has no choice but to go home. 空 kōng Verb, to empty; adj, empty 空手, empty hands New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com


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Nicoleliu says: