2.2.10A 新闻故事《重庆“月饼王”》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: The Mid-Autumn's Day (Zhongqiu jie) is around the corner. As a traditional food for the festival, Chinese mooncakes are notorious for being overpackaging as well as for their skyrocketing prices. This year, a mooncake king produced in Chongqing is priced at 8888 Yuan, which equals 1333 USD. Check out this news story and find out more about this mooncake. And find the transcript and glossary at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 装满海鲜馅 重庆直径一米“月饼王”标价8888元 2016年9月6日下午2点,重庆市陈家坪第10届(重庆)月饼节在陈家坪展览 中心 开幕,来自广州、上海、四川、云南等 十余个省市、400多个品牌的月饼参加了本次月饼节。在这次月饼节上,200公斤“月饼王”与市民见面。据负责人介绍,这个“月饼王”里面的馅都是包的海鲜。月饼王重200公斤,厚30厘米,直径1.2米,耗用 面粉80公斤,由6个师傅 日夜赶工2天完成。 ——摘自http://news.qq.com/a/20160907/015856.htm#p=1