2.1.8B 故事解读《小猴子下山》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 下山 xiàshān Verb phrase, to go downhill 上山,to go uphill 块 kuài Measure word for “farming field”, a square unit of a farming field 一块巧克力,a piece of chocolate 玉米 yùmǐ Noun, corn 地 dì Noun, farming field 玉米地,corn field 结 jiē Verb, (fruit, flower) grow(s) 玉米结得又大又好。The corn is big and good. 又……又…… yòu……yòu…… ...(adj) and …(adj) 又大又红,big and red 掰 bāi Verb, to break in the middle with one’s hands 掰玉米,to pick up corns(break off corn cobs) 扛 káng Verb, to carry on one’s shoulder 扛着枪, to carry the gun on the shoulder 着 zhe Particle word, verb+ 着, it means some action is taking place at that moment 吃着饭,while someone is eating meal 扛着枪, while someone is carrying the gun 棵 kē Measure word for tree(s) 桃树 táo shù Noun, peach tree 底下 dǐxia Noun, the place that is underneath; the place that is under… 桃树底下有很多桃子。 Under the peach tree, there are a lot of peaches. (桌子)底下有一本书。 There is a book under the table. 满树 mǎn shù Noun phrase, the whole tree 满天,the whole sky 满眼,the whole vision 扔 rēng Verb, to throw 摘 zhāi Verb, to pick up (fruit, flower) 摘草莓,to pick strawberries 捧 pěng Verb, to hold or carry with both hands 捧腹大笑,to laugh one’s head off 片 piàn Measure word for “farming field”, an area of a farming filed 瓜 guā Noun, melon 西瓜,water melon 哈密瓜,honey kiss melon 抱 bào Verb, to hold with one’s upper body and both hands; to hug 蹦蹦跳跳 bèng bèng tiào tiào Verb phrase, bouncing and vivacious 真 zhēn Adv, really. 真+adv 可爱 kě'ài Adj, cute 追 zhuī Verb, to chase 跑(进) pǎo (jìn) Verb, to run (into) 树林 shùlín Noun, forest 不见了! bú jiàn le Gone! (Cannot be seen!) 只好 zhǐhǎo One has not choice but… 小猴子只好回家。The little monkey has no choice but to go home. 空 kōng Verb, to empty; adj, empty 空手, empty hands New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com