听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 1.3.18B 故事解读《小猫钓鱼》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 668

Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 带 dài Verb, to take (along with oneself) 河边 hé biān Noun phrase, river bank; river side 蜻蜓 qīngtíng Noun, dragonfly 捉 zhuō Verb, to catch (animals) 空手 kōngshǒu empty hands; with hands empty 蝴蝶 húdié Noun, butterfly 气人 qì rén (this) makes me mad; a complaint to say when one is getting pissed Or 气死人了!气死我了! 着 zháo Resultative particle word, verb +着 means one is able to complete the action with success 一会儿 yí huì 'er Noun phrase, a short period of time; (do something) for a little bit of time When 一会儿 is used consecutively, it usually means one cannot focus on one task. Instead, he/she keeps getting distracted by doing something else. 三心二意 sānxīn'èryì Chengyu, three hearts and two minds. It means someone is of two minds and cannot focus on one task. 一心一意,wholeheartedly.

 1.3.18A 故事《小猫钓鱼》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 199

This fable story is about whether one should multitask or not. Kitty went fishing with her mom and she failed to get any fish, even the small ones. Her mom concluded that it was because she could not focus on one task at one time. Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 猫妈妈带着小猫在河边钓鱼。   一只蜻蜓飞来了,小猫看见了,就去捉蜻蜓。蜻蜓飞走了,小猫空着手回到河边,看见妈妈钓着了一条大鱼。   一只蝴蝶飞来了,小猫看见了,又去捉蝴蝶。蝴蝶飞走了,小猫还是空着手回到河边,   看见妈妈又钓着了一条大鱼。   小猫说:“真气人!我怎么一条小鱼也钓不着。” 猫妈妈看了看小猫说:“钓鱼就钓鱼,不要一会儿捉蜻蜓,一会儿捉蝴蝶。三心二意,怎么能钓到鱼呢?” ——摘自人教版语文课本

 1.3.18A 故事《小猫钓鱼》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 199

This fable story is about whether one should multitask or not. Kitty went fishing with her mom and she failed to get any fish, even the small ones. Her mom concluded that it was because she could not focus on one task at one time. Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 猫妈妈带着小猫在河边钓鱼。   一只蜻蜓飞来了,小猫看见了,就去捉蜻蜓。蜻蜓飞走了,小猫空着手回到河边,看见妈妈钓着了一条大鱼。   一只蝴蝶飞来了,小猫看见了,又去捉蝴蝶。蝴蝶飞走了,小猫还是空着手回到河边,   看见妈妈又钓着了一条大鱼。   小猫说:“真气人!我怎么一条小鱼也钓不着。” 猫妈妈看了看小猫说:“钓鱼就钓鱼,不要一会儿捉蜻蜓,一会儿捉蝴蝶。三心二意,怎么能钓到鱼呢?” ——摘自人教版语文课本

 2.2.14B 故事解读《惊弓之鸟》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1632

Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 古时候 gǔ shíhòu Noun phrase, ancient times 有名 yǒumíng Adj, well-known 射箭 shèjiàn Verb, to shoot an arrow; noun, archery 能手 néngshǒu Noun, a person who is skilled at something 郊外 jiāowài Noun, suburb 打猎 dǎliè Verb, to hunt; noun, hunting 猎人,hunter 大雁 dàyàn Noun, wild goose 远处 yuǎn chù Noun, a faraway place 近处,a nearby place 鸣 míng Verb, (birds) make noise 指 zhǐ Verb, to point 弓 gōng Noun, bow 掉 diào Verb, to fall 本事 běnshì Noun, skill; ability; capability 很有本事 means someone has a lot of connections and can always make things happen. 取 qǔ Verb, to fetch 取钱,withdrawl money 弦 xián Noun, string 响 xiǎng Noun, sound; verb, to ring 拍 Pāi Verb, to flap (wings) 翅膀 chìbǎng Noun, wing(s) 忽然 hūrán Adv, suddenly 半空 bànkōng Noun, mid air 大吃一惊 dàchīyìjīng Verb, to be astonished 吃了一惊;很吃惊 受伤 shòushāng Verb, to get injured 更加 gèngjiā Adv, even more (+adjective) 奇怪 qíguài Adj, strange; weird 悲惨 bēicǎn Adj, miserable 伤口 shāngkǒu Noun, wound 愈合 yù hé Verb, (wound) to heal 作痛 zuò tòng Verb, to feel the pain 同伴 tóngbàn Noun, company; companion 孤单 gūdān Adj, lonely 失群 shī qún Verb phrase, to be away from the group; adj, solitary 拼命 pīnmìng Verb phrase, to risk one’s life; adv, desperately 使劲 shǐjìn Verb phrase, to exert one’s full strength 裂开 liè kāi Verb, to split open

 2.2.14B 故事解读《惊弓之鸟》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1632

Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 古时候 gǔ shíhòu Noun phrase, ancient times 有名 yǒumíng Adj, well-known 射箭 shèjiàn Verb, to shoot an arrow; noun, archery 能手 néngshǒu Noun, a person who is skilled at something 郊外 jiāowài Noun, suburb 打猎 dǎliè Verb, to hunt; noun, hunting 猎人,hunter 大雁 dàyàn Noun, wild goose 远处 yuǎn chù Noun, a faraway place 近处,a nearby place 鸣 míng Verb, (birds) make noise 指 zhǐ Verb, to point 弓 gōng Noun, bow 掉 diào Verb, to fall 本事 běnshì Noun, skill; ability; capability 很有本事 means someone has a lot of connections and can always make things happen. 取 qǔ Verb, to fetch 取钱,withdrawl money 弦 xián Noun, string 响 xiǎng Noun, sound; verb, to ring 拍 Pāi Verb, to flap (wings) 翅膀 chìbǎng Noun, wing(s) 忽然 hūrán Adv, suddenly 半空 bànkōng Noun, mid air 大吃一惊 dàchīyìjīng Verb, to be astonished 吃了一惊;很吃惊 受伤 shòushāng Verb, to get injured 更加 gèngjiā Adv, even more (+adjective) 奇怪 qíguài Adj, strange; weird 悲惨 bēicǎn Adj, miserable 伤口 shāngkǒu Noun, wound 愈合 yù hé Verb, (wound) to heal 作痛 zuò tòng Verb, to feel the pain 同伴 tóngbàn Noun, company; companion 孤单 gūdān Adj, lonely 失群 shī qún Verb phrase, to be away from the group; adj, solitary 拼命 pīnmìng Verb phrase, to risk one’s life; adv, desperately 使劲 shǐjìn Verb phrase, to exert one’s full strength 裂开 liè kāi Verb, to split open

 2.2.14A 故事《惊弓之鸟》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 268

While hunting at suburb, Genglei, a well-known archer from Wei told the king that he could get a flying wild goose without using an arrow. The king did not believe it until he saw what really happened... Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 更羸(léi)是古时候魏(wei4)国有名的射箭能手。   有一天,更羸跟魏王到郊外去打猎。一只大雁从远处慢慢地飞过来,边飞边鸣。更羸指着大雁对魏王说:“大王,我不用箭,只要拉一下弓,这只大雁就能掉下来。”   “是吗?”魏王信不过自己的耳朵,问道,“你有这样的本事?”   更羸说:“请让我试一下。”   更羸并不取箭,他左手拿弓,右手拉弦(xian2),只听得嘣(beng1)的一声响,那只大雁直往上飞,拍了两下翅膀,忽然从半空里直掉下来。   “啊!”魏王看了,大吃一惊,说:“真有这样的本事!”   更羸笑笑说:“不是我的本事大,是因为我知道,这是一只受过箭伤的鸟。”   魏王更加奇怪了,问:“你怎么知道的?”   更羸说:“它飞得慢,叫的声音很悲(bei1)惨(can3)。飞得慢,因为它受过箭伤,伤口没有愈(yu4)合,还在作痛;叫得悲惨,因为它离开同伴,孤单失群,得不到帮助。它一听到弦响,心里很害怕,就拼命往高处飞。它一使劲,伤口又裂开了,就掉了下来。” ——摘自人教版语文课本三年级下册

 2.2.14A 故事《惊弓之鸟》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 268

While hunting at suburb, Genglei, a well-known archer from Wei told the king that he could get a flying wild goose without using an arrow. The king did not believe it until he saw what really happened... Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 更羸(léi)是古时候魏(wei4)国有名的射箭能手。   有一天,更羸跟魏王到郊外去打猎。一只大雁从远处慢慢地飞过来,边飞边鸣。更羸指着大雁对魏王说:“大王,我不用箭,只要拉一下弓,这只大雁就能掉下来。”   “是吗?”魏王信不过自己的耳朵,问道,“你有这样的本事?”   更羸说:“请让我试一下。”   更羸并不取箭,他左手拿弓,右手拉弦(xian2),只听得嘣(beng1)的一声响,那只大雁直往上飞,拍了两下翅膀,忽然从半空里直掉下来。   “啊!”魏王看了,大吃一惊,说:“真有这样的本事!”   更羸笑笑说:“不是我的本事大,是因为我知道,这是一只受过箭伤的鸟。”   魏王更加奇怪了,问:“你怎么知道的?”   更羸说:“它飞得慢,叫的声音很悲(bei1)惨(can3)。飞得慢,因为它受过箭伤,伤口没有愈(yu4)合,还在作痛;叫得悲惨,因为它离开同伴,孤单失群,得不到帮助。它一听到弦响,心里很害怕,就拼命往高处飞。它一使劲,伤口又裂开了,就掉了下来。” ——摘自人教版语文课本三年级下册

 2.3.7B 故事解读《掌声》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1932

文静 wénjìng Adj, quiet (describe girls only) 默默 mòmò Adv, silently 一角 yìjiǎo Noun, one corner 角落, corner 早早 zǎozǎo Adv, early We don’t say晚晚 for late. 小儿麻痹症xiǎo'ér mábì zhèng Polio 患有小儿麻痹症or 得了小儿麻痹症 落下 làoxià Verb, a problem was caused by a disease and it never goes away 腿脚落下了残疾 (her) legs and feet were left handicapped because of the disease 残疾 cánjí Adj, handicapped 残疾人,handicapped people 愿意 yuànyì Verb, to be willing to do… 姿势 zīshì Noun, posture 轮流 lúnliú Verb, to take turns 讲台 jiǎngtái Noun, teacher’s stage 舞台,stage 轮到 lún dào Verb phrase, (the turn) goes to …; it is someone’s turn 轮到你了! It is your turn! 目光 mùguāng Noun, sight 一齐 yìqí Adv, altogether 投向 tóuxiàng Verb phrase, (eyes) look towards 立刻 Lìkè Adv, immediately Or 马上 调 diào Verb, assign (someone to work at…) 把王老师调到这个学校来。Assign Wanglaoshi to this school. 情况 qíngkuàng Noun, situation 犹豫 yóuyù Adj, hesitant 慢吞吞 màn tūn tūn Verb, slowly 吞吞吐吐,to mutter and mumblr 眼圈 yǎnquān Noun, circles of eyes 注视 zhùshì Verb, to watch with respect 一摇一晃 yìyáo yíhuàng Verb phrase, to stagger 站定 zhàn dìng Verb phrase, to stand still 一刻 yíkè Noun, that exact moment 这一刻,this moment 那一刻,that moment 骤然间 zhòurán jiān Adv, suddenly 响起 xiǎngqǐ Verb phrase, (a sound) starts to raise 掌声 zhǎngshēng Noun, applause 热烈 rèliè Adv, warm; enthusiastic; heartily 持久 chíjiǔ Adj, long-lasting 泪水 lèishuǐ Noun, tears 流 liú Verb, to flow 渐渐 jiànjiàn Adv, gradually 平息 píngxī Verb, to settle; to quieten 镇定 zhèndìng Verb, to calm down; adj, calm 情绪 qíngxù Noun, emotion 讲述 jiǎngshù Verb, to tell/ narrate (a story) 普通话 pǔtōnghuà Noun, mandarin Chinese 动听 dòngtīng Adj, beautiful (voice, music, story and others) 深深 shēn shēn Adv, deeply 鞠躬 jūgōng Verb phrase, to take a bow 鞠了一躬,to take a bow; 三鞠躬,to take the third bow 从那以后 cóng nà yǐhòu From then on 像……似的 xiàng……shì de Seem like…; look like… 圆圆的月亮像盘子似的。The round moon looks like a plate. 忧郁 yōuyù Adj, sad; upset; gloomy 甚至 shènzhì Adv, even 联欢会 liánhuān huì Noun, celebration party 来信 láixìn Verb, (someone) sends a letter 永远 yǒngyuǎn Adv, forever 歧视 qíshì Verb, to discriminate 极大 jí dà Adj, very big 鼓励 gǔlì Verb, to encourage 鼓起勇气 gǔ qǐ yǒngqì Verb, to pluck up one’s courage; to summon up one’s strength 微笑 wēixiào Verb, to smile 面对 miàn duì Verb, to face 生活 shēnghuó Noun, life

 2.3.7B 故事解读《掌声》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1932

文静 wénjìng Adj, quiet (describe girls only) 默默 mòmò Adv, silently 一角 yìjiǎo Noun, one corner 角落, corner 早早 zǎozǎo Adv, early We don’t say晚晚 for late. 小儿麻痹症xiǎo'ér mábì zhèng Polio 患有小儿麻痹症or 得了小儿麻痹症 落下 làoxià Verb, a problem was caused by a disease and it never goes away 腿脚落下了残疾 (her) legs and feet were left handicapped because of the disease 残疾 cánjí Adj, handicapped 残疾人,handicapped people 愿意 yuànyì Verb, to be willing to do… 姿势 zīshì Noun, posture 轮流 lúnliú Verb, to take turns 讲台 jiǎngtái Noun, teacher’s stage 舞台,stage 轮到 lún dào Verb phrase, (the turn) goes to …; it is someone’s turn 轮到你了! It is your turn! 目光 mùguāng Noun, sight 一齐 yìqí Adv, altogether 投向 tóuxiàng Verb phrase, (eyes) look towards 立刻 Lìkè Adv, immediately Or 马上 调 diào Verb, assign (someone to work at…) 把王老师调到这个学校来。Assign Wanglaoshi to this school. 情况 qíngkuàng Noun, situation 犹豫 yóuyù Adj, hesitant 慢吞吞 màn tūn tūn Verb, slowly 吞吞吐吐,to mutter and mumblr 眼圈 yǎnquān Noun, circles of eyes 注视 zhùshì Verb, to watch with respect 一摇一晃 yìyáo yíhuàng Verb phrase, to stagger 站定 zhàn dìng Verb phrase, to stand still 一刻 yíkè Noun, that exact moment 这一刻,this moment 那一刻,that moment 骤然间 zhòurán jiān Adv, suddenly 响起 xiǎngqǐ Verb phrase, (a sound) starts to raise 掌声 zhǎngshēng Noun, applause 热烈 rèliè Adv, warm; enthusiastic; heartily 持久 chíjiǔ Adj, long-lasting 泪水 lèishuǐ Noun, tears 流 liú Verb, to flow 渐渐 jiànjiàn Adv, gradually 平息 píngxī Verb, to settle; to quieten 镇定 zhèndìng Verb, to calm down; adj, calm 情绪 qíngxù Noun, emotion 讲述 jiǎngshù Verb, to tell/ narrate (a story) 普通话 pǔtōnghuà Noun, mandarin Chinese 动听 dòngtīng Adj, beautiful (voice, music, story and others) 深深 shēn shēn Adv, deeply 鞠躬 jūgōng Verb phrase, to take a bow 鞠了一躬,to take a bow; 三鞠躬,to take the third bow 从那以后 cóng nà yǐhòu From then on 像……似的 xiàng……shì de Seem like…; look like… 圆圆的月亮像盘子似的。The round moon looks like a plate. 忧郁 yōuyù Adj, sad; upset; gloomy 甚至 shènzhì Adv, even 联欢会 liánhuān huì Noun, celebration party 来信 láixìn Verb, (someone) sends a letter 永远 yǒngyuǎn Adv, forever 歧视 qíshì Verb, to discriminate 极大 jí dà Adj, very big 鼓励 gǔlì Verb, to encourage 鼓起勇气 gǔ qǐ yǒngqì Verb, to pluck up one’s courage; to summon up one’s strength 微笑 wēixiào Verb, to smile 面对 miàn duì Verb, to face 生活 shēnghuó Noun, life

 2.3.7A 故事《掌声》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 315

As a handicapped girl who suffered polio when she was little, Yingzi always came to school very early and left at last because she felt embarrassed to walk in front of others. One day, Yingzi was called up by a new teacher to present a story in front of the whole class. Yingzi did not know that her life was going to changed... 上小学的时候,我们班有位叫英子的同学。她很文静,总是默默地坐在教室的一角。上课前,她早早地就来到教室,下课后,她又总是最后一个离开。因为她得过小儿麻痹症,腿脚落下了残疾,不愿意让别人看见她走路的姿势。 一天,老师让同学们轮流上讲台讲故事。轮到英子的时候,全班同学的目光一齐投向了那个角落,英子立刻把头低了下去。老师是刚调来的,还不知道英子的情况。 英子犹豫了一会儿,慢吞吞地站了起来,眼圈红红的。在全班同学的注视下,她终于一摇一晃地走上了讲台。就在英子刚刚站定的那一刻,教室里骤然间响起了掌声,那掌声热烈而持久。 在掌声里,我们看到,英子的泪水流了下来。掌声渐渐平息,英子也镇定了情绪,开始讲述自己的一个小故事。她的普通话说得很好,声音也十分动听。故事讲完了,教室里又响起了热烈的掌声。英子向大家深深地鞠了一躬,然后,在掌声里一摇一晃地走下了讲台。 从那以后,英子就像变了一个人似的,不再像以前那么忧郁。她和同学们一起游戏说笑,甚至在一次联欢会上,还让同学们教她跳舞。 几年以后,我们上了不同的中学。英子来信说:“我永远不会忘记那掌声,因为它使我明白,同学们并没有歧视我。大家的掌声给了我极大的鼓励,使我鼓起勇气微笑着面对生活。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本三年级上册

 2.3.7A 故事《掌声》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 315

As a handicapped girl who suffered polio when she was little, Yingzi always came to school very early and left at last because she felt embarrassed to walk in front of others. One day, Yingzi was called up by a new teacher to present a story in front of the whole class. Yingzi did not know that her life was going to changed... 上小学的时候,我们班有位叫英子的同学。她很文静,总是默默地坐在教室的一角。上课前,她早早地就来到教室,下课后,她又总是最后一个离开。因为她得过小儿麻痹症,腿脚落下了残疾,不愿意让别人看见她走路的姿势。 一天,老师让同学们轮流上讲台讲故事。轮到英子的时候,全班同学的目光一齐投向了那个角落,英子立刻把头低了下去。老师是刚调来的,还不知道英子的情况。 英子犹豫了一会儿,慢吞吞地站了起来,眼圈红红的。在全班同学的注视下,她终于一摇一晃地走上了讲台。就在英子刚刚站定的那一刻,教室里骤然间响起了掌声,那掌声热烈而持久。 在掌声里,我们看到,英子的泪水流了下来。掌声渐渐平息,英子也镇定了情绪,开始讲述自己的一个小故事。她的普通话说得很好,声音也十分动听。故事讲完了,教室里又响起了热烈的掌声。英子向大家深深地鞠了一躬,然后,在掌声里一摇一晃地走下了讲台。 从那以后,英子就像变了一个人似的,不再像以前那么忧郁。她和同学们一起游戏说笑,甚至在一次联欢会上,还让同学们教她跳舞。 几年以后,我们上了不同的中学。英子来信说:“我永远不会忘记那掌声,因为它使我明白,同学们并没有歧视我。大家的掌声给了我极大的鼓励,使我鼓起勇气微笑着面对生活。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本三年级上册

 2.l.17 笑话《王子和公主》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 496

The prince was under a curse and he could only say one word every one year. Hence, he did not speak for 5 years so that he could tell a princess something very important. Five years passed and when he finally could say five words, something shocking happened... Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 王子被施了魔法,一年只能说一个字。他五年没说话,攒够能讲五个字时,来到公主面前说:“公主我爱你”。公主只回答了一个字,王子就晕倒了。公主说“啥?” ——摘自http://www.jj59.com/gaoxiaowenzhang/030757.html 王子 wángzǐ Noun, prince 施 shī Verb, to cast (a spell over someone or something) 魔法 mófǎ Noun, wizardry 攒 zǎn Verb, to accumulate 够 gòu Adj, enough; sufficient 讲 jiǎng Verb, to speak; to talk 公主 gōngzhǔ Noun, princess 晕 yūn Verb, to faint 倒 dǎo Verb, to fall down 啥 shá Pronoun, what? Usually used by itself as“啥?”to ask another interlocutor for repeat 干啥呢? A colloquial way to ask “What are you up to?” in Northeastern China.

 2.l.17 笑话《王子和公主》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 496

The prince was under a curse and he could only say one word every one year. Hence, he did not speak for 5 years so that he could tell a princess something very important. Five years passed and when he finally could say five words, something shocking happened... Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 王子被施了魔法,一年只能说一个字。他五年没说话,攒够能讲五个字时,来到公主面前说:“公主我爱你”。公主只回答了一个字,王子就晕倒了。公主说“啥?” ——摘自http://www.jj59.com/gaoxiaowenzhang/030757.html 王子 wángzǐ Noun, prince 施 shī Verb, to cast (a spell over someone or something) 魔法 mófǎ Noun, wizardry 攒 zǎn Verb, to accumulate 够 gòu Adj, enough; sufficient 讲 jiǎng Verb, to speak; to talk 公主 gōngzhǔ Noun, princess 晕 yūn Verb, to faint 倒 dǎo Verb, to fall down 啥 shá Pronoun, what? Usually used by itself as“啥?”to ask another interlocutor for repeat 干啥呢? A colloquial way to ask “What are you up to?” in Northeastern China.

 2.1.16 笑话《老人丢车》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 765

Find the transcript of glossary under "Stories", "Joke stories" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com An old man decided to put three locks on his newly-bought bicycle after losing his previous one. And he also left a note to any potential thief. On the following day, his bicycle was kept well; however, he also saw something unbelievable... 一老人丢车,当他将新买的自行车放在楼下时,他上了三把锁并夹了张纸:“让你丫偷!”第二天,车没有丢,并多了两把锁和一张纸:“让你丫骑!” 丢 diū Verb, to lose 将 jiāng Pretransitive, same with “把” 自行车 zìxíngchē Noun, bicycle 楼下 lóu xià Noun phrase, downstairs 上锁 shàng suǒ Verb phrase, to lock the lock 把 bǎ Measure word for “lock” 并 bìng Conjunction word, (not only…,) but also… 夹 jiá Verb, to place in between (我)让你…… (wǒ) ràng nǐ…… (I) won’t let you do… as you want. 丫 yā Curse word in Beijing dialect, usually follows “你”,to express one’s anger about “you”, the other interlocutor. Exchangeable with “他妈的”in mandarin. 偷 tōu Verb, to steal 骑 qí Verb, to ride (horse, bicycle)

 2.1.16 笑话《老人丢车》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 765

Find the transcript of glossary under "Stories", "Joke stories" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com An old man decided to put three locks on his newly-bought bicycle after losing his previous one. And he also left a note to any potential thief. On the following day, his bicycle was kept well; however, he also saw something unbelievable... 一老人丢车,当他将新买的自行车放在楼下时,他上了三把锁并夹了张纸:“让你丫偷!”第二天,车没有丢,并多了两把锁和一张纸:“让你丫骑!” 丢 diū Verb, to lose 将 jiāng Pretransitive, same with “把” 自行车 zìxíngchē Noun, bicycle 楼下 lóu xià Noun phrase, downstairs 上锁 shàng suǒ Verb phrase, to lock the lock 把 bǎ Measure word for “lock” 并 bìng Conjunction word, (not only…,) but also… 夹 jiá Verb, to place in between (我)让你…… (wǒ) ràng nǐ…… (I) won’t let you do… as you want. 丫 yā Curse word in Beijing dialect, usually follows “你”,to express one’s anger about “you”, the other interlocutor. Exchangeable with “他妈的”in mandarin. 偷 tōu Verb, to steal 骑 qí Verb, to ride (horse, bicycle)


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