听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 2.2.15 故事《田鼠找女婿》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 352

The dad was dedicated in finding the best husband for his grown-up filed mouse daughter. He wanted the most powerful creature in the world for his daughter, so his research began. After talking to many others, he reached a surprising conclusion... 从前 ,在地底下 有一个村子 ,村子里住着一对儿田鼠夫妇 。夫妇俩 结婚 很多年,一直没有孩子,孤独 地生活着。没想到,到了晚年 ,它们竟然 生了一个女儿。这个女儿别提有多 漂亮了。田鼠夫妇特别 爱这个女儿。在它们眼 里,这个女儿比 世界 上什么宝贝 都好。 田鼠的女儿一天天地健康长大,不知不觉 就到了要嫁人 的年纪了。 “老公啊,我们的女儿找什么样的女婿好呢?” 田鼠妈妈问道。 “当然是这个世界上本领 最大的女婿最好啊!”田鼠爸爸回答道。 “谁是这个世界上本领最大的女婿呢?”田鼠妈妈又问。 “这个嘛……,我去找找看。” 所以,田鼠爸爸就出门 了。 田鼠爸爸走了很长时间,他看到了太阳 。“太阳照 着整个 大地 ,只要有太阳,世界就温暖 了。所以,看起来,这个世界上太阳本领最大。”田鼠爸爸心里想道。于是 ,田鼠爸爸对太阳说:“太阳啊太阳!世界上本领最大的太阳,请当 我的女婿吧。” 太阳听了,摇摇头 说:“云 比我更厉害 呢。要是云来了,立刻 就会把 我挡住 ,整个世界都变暗 了。” 田鼠爸爸听了觉得很有道理 。于是,他就爬 到高高的山上找到了云。“云啊云!世界上本领最大的云,请当我的女婿吧。” 云一听,赶紧 摆着手 说:“风比我厉害多了。因为只要风一吹 ,我马上 就消失 不见了。” 田鼠爸爸想了想,觉得云说得很对。于是,他就去找风去了。找到风以后,他对风说:“风啊风,世界上本领最大的风,请当我的女婿吧!” 风睁着两只大大的眼睛 说:“我不是本领最大的。比起我来 ,石头 的本领大多了。因为,不管 我用多大的力气 吹,石头总是 一动不动 。” 田鼠爸爸赶紧找到了石头,然后对着石头说:“石头啊石头,世界上本领最大的石头,请当我的女婿吧!” 石头听完,微笑 着回答道:“比起我来,田鼠的力气更大啊!要是 田鼠在我的脚下挖土 的话,我马上就会摔倒 呢!”田鼠爸爸听完以后,挠了挠头 ,好像 突然 明白 了什么,大声说道:“原来 最好的女婿就在身边,我还没发现 啊!” 于是,田鼠爸爸高高兴兴 地回到了地下村子。很快,他找到了本领最大的田鼠小伙子 。几天后,田鼠夫妇俩给女儿举办 了一场热热闹闹 的婚礼。听说,后来这对新婚 夫妇生 了很多本领很大的小田鼠,快快乐乐地过得非常幸福 。

 2.2.15 故事《田鼠找女婿》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 352

The dad was dedicated in finding the best husband for his grown-up filed mouse daughter. He wanted the most powerful creature in the world for his daughter, so his research began. After talking to many others, he reached a surprising conclusion... 从前 ,在地底下 有一个村子 ,村子里住着一对儿田鼠夫妇 。夫妇俩 结婚 很多年,一直没有孩子,孤独 地生活着。没想到,到了晚年 ,它们竟然 生了一个女儿。这个女儿别提有多 漂亮了。田鼠夫妇特别 爱这个女儿。在它们眼 里,这个女儿比 世界 上什么宝贝 都好。 田鼠的女儿一天天地健康长大,不知不觉 就到了要嫁人 的年纪了。 “老公啊,我们的女儿找什么样的女婿好呢?” 田鼠妈妈问道。 “当然是这个世界上本领 最大的女婿最好啊!”田鼠爸爸回答道。 “谁是这个世界上本领最大的女婿呢?”田鼠妈妈又问。 “这个嘛……,我去找找看。” 所以,田鼠爸爸就出门 了。 田鼠爸爸走了很长时间,他看到了太阳 。“太阳照 着整个 大地 ,只要有太阳,世界就温暖 了。所以,看起来,这个世界上太阳本领最大。”田鼠爸爸心里想道。于是 ,田鼠爸爸对太阳说:“太阳啊太阳!世界上本领最大的太阳,请当 我的女婿吧。” 太阳听了,摇摇头 说:“云 比我更厉害 呢。要是云来了,立刻 就会把 我挡住 ,整个世界都变暗 了。” 田鼠爸爸听了觉得很有道理 。于是,他就爬 到高高的山上找到了云。“云啊云!世界上本领最大的云,请当我的女婿吧。” 云一听,赶紧 摆着手 说:“风比我厉害多了。因为只要风一吹 ,我马上 就消失 不见了。” 田鼠爸爸想了想,觉得云说得很对。于是,他就去找风去了。找到风以后,他对风说:“风啊风,世界上本领最大的风,请当我的女婿吧!” 风睁着两只大大的眼睛 说:“我不是本领最大的。比起我来 ,石头 的本领大多了。因为,不管 我用多大的力气 吹,石头总是 一动不动 。” 田鼠爸爸赶紧找到了石头,然后对着石头说:“石头啊石头,世界上本领最大的石头,请当我的女婿吧!” 石头听完,微笑 着回答道:“比起我来,田鼠的力气更大啊!要是 田鼠在我的脚下挖土 的话,我马上就会摔倒 呢!”田鼠爸爸听完以后,挠了挠头 ,好像 突然 明白 了什么,大声说道:“原来 最好的女婿就在身边,我还没发现 啊!” 于是,田鼠爸爸高高兴兴 地回到了地下村子。很快,他找到了本领最大的田鼠小伙子 。几天后,田鼠夫妇俩给女儿举办 了一场热热闹闹 的婚礼。听说,后来这对新婚 夫妇生 了很多本领很大的小田鼠,快快乐乐地过得非常幸福 。

 2.1.19B 故事解读《怀素写字》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 952

古时候 gǔ shíhòu, noun phrase, ancient times 和尚 héshàng, noun, monk 从小 cóngxiǎo, since one's childhood 喜爱 xǐ'ài, verb, to be fond of; to like 好学 hàoxué, adj, studious; fond of learning 上进 shàngjìn, adj, always want to do better 认真 rènzhēn, adj, careful; serious; diligent 总是 zǒng shì, adv, always 先 xiān, adv, firstly 清(楚)qīng (chǔ) , adj, clear 形状 xíngzhuàng, noun, shape 记住 jì zhù, verb, to memorize 笔顺 bǐshùn, noun, stroke order 一笔一画 yì bǐ yí huà, to write one stroke at one time 照着 zhàozhe, verb, to imitate 进步 jìnbù, verb, to improve; noun, improvement 传说 chuánshuō, It is said that... 当时 dāngshí, pronoun, then; (at) that period of time 贵 guì, expensive 块 kuài, means "piece", it is the measure word for board, candy, meat 木板 mùbǎn, noun, board 日子 rìzi, noun, time; days 竟(然) jìng (rán), adv, surprisingly 穿 chuān, verb, to pierce through 长大,zhǎng dà, verb phrase, to grow up 有名,yǒumíng, adj, famous; well-known 书法家 shūfǎ jiā, noun, calligrapher

 2.1.19B 故事解读《怀素写字》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 952

古时候 gǔ shíhòu, noun phrase, ancient times 和尚 héshàng, noun, monk 从小 cóngxiǎo, since one's childhood 喜爱 xǐ'ài, verb, to be fond of; to like 好学 hàoxué, adj, studious; fond of learning 上进 shàngjìn, adj, always want to do better 认真 rènzhēn, adj, careful; serious; diligent 总是 zǒng shì, adv, always 先 xiān, adv, firstly 清(楚)qīng (chǔ) , adj, clear 形状 xíngzhuàng, noun, shape 记住 jì zhù, verb, to memorize 笔顺 bǐshùn, noun, stroke order 一笔一画 yì bǐ yí huà, to write one stroke at one time 照着 zhàozhe, verb, to imitate 进步 jìnbù, verb, to improve; noun, improvement 传说 chuánshuō, It is said that... 当时 dāngshí, pronoun, then; (at) that period of time 贵 guì, expensive 块 kuài, means "piece", it is the measure word for board, candy, meat 木板 mùbǎn, noun, board 日子 rìzi, noun, time; days 竟(然) jìng (rán), adv, surprisingly 穿 chuān, verb, to pierce through 长大,zhǎng dà, verb phrase, to grow up 有名,yǒumíng, adj, famous; well-known 书法家 shūfǎ jiā, noun, calligrapher

 2.1.19A 故事《怀素写字》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 178

How did monk Huaisu become a famous calligrapher? What are the most important rules to follow when practicing Chinese character writing? Check out this story now. 古时候有个叫怀素的和尚。他从小就喜爱写字,是个好学上进的孩子。 怀素写字非常认真。他总是先看清字的形状,记住字的笔顺,再一笔一画照着写。这样,怀素的字进步很快。   传说当时纸贵,怀素就找来一块木板当纸用。他写呀写呀,日子一长,木板竟被写穿了。   怀素长大以后,成了有名的书法家。

 2.1.19A 故事《怀素写字》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 178

How did monk Huaisu become a famous calligrapher? What are the most important rules to follow when practicing Chinese character writing? Check out this story now. 古时候有个叫怀素的和尚。他从小就喜爱写字,是个好学上进的孩子。 怀素写字非常认真。他总是先看清字的形状,记住字的笔顺,再一笔一画照着写。这样,怀素的字进步很快。   传说当时纸贵,怀素就找来一块木板当纸用。他写呀写呀,日子一长,木板竟被写穿了。   怀素长大以后,成了有名的书法家。

 1.3.19B 故事解读《一次比一次有进步》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 862

次 cì Noun, time(s) 一次,once 两次,twice 三次,three times 第一次,the 1st time 第二次,the 2nd time 第三次,the 3rd time 比 bǐ Comparison word 他比我高,he is taller than me. 第二次比第一次好,the 2nd time is better than the 1st time. 进步 jìnbù Noun, improvement; verb, to improve 菜园 càiyuán Noun, vegetable garden 冬瓜 dōngguā Noun, winter melon 躺 tǎng Verb, to lie down 地 dì Noun, ground; floor 地上, on the ground; on the floor 茄子 qiézi Noun, eggplant 挂 guà Verb, to hang 枝 zhī Noun, branch \ 枝上,on the branch 屋檐 wūyán Noun, eave 不一样 bù yíyàng Noun, difference; adj, different; 点头 diǎntóu Verb, to nod (one’s head) 摇头, to shake head 仔细 zǐxì Adv, carefully; adj, careful 发现 fāxiàn Verb, to discover 皮 pí Noun, skin 细 xì Adj, thin 毛 máo Noun, hair 柄 bǐng Noun, handle; the handle of an eggplant 刺 cì Noun, thorn

 1.3.19B 故事解读《一次比一次有进步》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 862

次 cì Noun, time(s) 一次,once 两次,twice 三次,three times 第一次,the 1st time 第二次,the 2nd time 第三次,the 3rd time 比 bǐ Comparison word 他比我高,he is taller than me. 第二次比第一次好,the 2nd time is better than the 1st time. 进步 jìnbù Noun, improvement; verb, to improve 菜园 càiyuán Noun, vegetable garden 冬瓜 dōngguā Noun, winter melon 躺 tǎng Verb, to lie down 地 dì Noun, ground; floor 地上, on the ground; on the floor 茄子 qiézi Noun, eggplant 挂 guà Verb, to hang 枝 zhī Noun, branch \ 枝上,on the branch 屋檐 wūyán Noun, eave 不一样 bù yíyàng Noun, difference; adj, different; 点头 diǎntóu Verb, to nod (one’s head) 摇头, to shake head 仔细 zǐxì Adv, carefully; adj, careful 发现 fāxiàn Verb, to discover 皮 pí Noun, skin 细 xì Adj, thin 毛 máo Noun, hair 柄 bǐng Noun, handle; the handle of an eggplant 刺 cì Noun, thorn

 1.3.19A 故事《一次比一次有进步》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 171

Practice makes perfect, you always do things better than before if you try one more time! That is also what swallow mom said to her swallow baby. Yícì bǐ yícì yǒu jìnbù    Càiyuán lǐ ,dōngguā tǎng zài dì shàng ,qiézi guà zài zhī shàng 。 Wūyán xià ,yànzi māma duì xiǎo yànzǐ shuō :“nǐ dào càiyuán qù ,kànkan dōngguā hé qiézi yǒu shénme bù yíyàng ?”xiǎo yànzi qù le ,huílái shuō :“māma ,māma ,dōngguā dà ,qiézi xiǎo !” Yànzi māma shuō :“nǐ shuō de duì 。nǐ néng bú néng zài qù kànkan ,hái yǒu shénme bù yíyàng?”xiǎo yàn zi yòu qù le ,huílái shuō :“māma,māma ,dōng guā shì lǜ de ,qié zi shì zǐ de !”yànzǐ māma diǎn diǎn tóu ,shuō :“hěn hǎo, kě shì nǐ néng bù néng zài qù zǐxì kànkan ,tāmen hái yǒu shénme bù yíyàng?” Xiǎo yànzi yòu qù le ,huílái gāoxìng de shuō :“māma ,māma ,wǒ fāxiàn dōngguā de pí shàng yǒu xì máo ,qiézi de bǐng shàng yǒu xiǎo cì !”yànzi māma xiào le ,shuō :“nǐ yícì bǐ yícì yǒu jìnbù !”    一次比一次有进步 菜园里,冬瓜躺在地上,茄子挂在枝上。     屋檐下,燕子妈妈对小燕子说:“你到菜园去,看看冬瓜和茄子有什么不一样?”小燕子去了,回来说:“妈妈,妈妈,冬瓜大,茄子小!”     燕子妈妈说:“你说得对。你能不能再去看看,还有什么不一样?”小燕子又去了,回来说:“妈妈,妈妈,冬瓜是绿的,茄子是紫的!”燕子妈妈点点头,说:“很好,可是你能不能再去仔细看看,他们还有什么不一样?” 小燕子又去了,回来高兴地说:“妈妈,妈妈,我发现冬瓜的皮上有细毛,茄子的柄上有小刺!”燕子妈妈笑了,说:“你一次比一次有进步!”

 1.3.19A 故事《一次比一次有进步》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 171

Practice makes perfect, you always do things better than before if you try one more time! That is also what swallow mom said to her swallow baby. Yícì bǐ yícì yǒu jìnbù    Càiyuán lǐ ,dōngguā tǎng zài dì shàng ,qiézi guà zài zhī shàng 。 Wūyán xià ,yànzi māma duì xiǎo yànzǐ shuō :“nǐ dào càiyuán qù ,kànkan dōngguā hé qiézi yǒu shénme bù yíyàng ?”xiǎo yànzi qù le ,huílái shuō :“māma ,māma ,dōngguā dà ,qiézi xiǎo !” Yànzi māma shuō :“nǐ shuō de duì 。nǐ néng bú néng zài qù kànkan ,hái yǒu shénme bù yíyàng?”xiǎo yàn zi yòu qù le ,huílái shuō :“māma,māma ,dōng guā shì lǜ de ,qié zi shì zǐ de !”yànzǐ māma diǎn diǎn tóu ,shuō :“hěn hǎo, kě shì nǐ néng bù néng zài qù zǐxì kànkan ,tāmen hái yǒu shénme bù yíyàng?” Xiǎo yànzi yòu qù le ,huílái gāoxìng de shuō :“māma ,māma ,wǒ fāxiàn dōngguā de pí shàng yǒu xì máo ,qiézi de bǐng shàng yǒu xiǎo cì !”yànzi māma xiào le ,shuō :“nǐ yícì bǐ yícì yǒu jìnbù !”    一次比一次有进步 菜园里,冬瓜躺在地上,茄子挂在枝上。     屋檐下,燕子妈妈对小燕子说:“你到菜园去,看看冬瓜和茄子有什么不一样?”小燕子去了,回来说:“妈妈,妈妈,冬瓜大,茄子小!”     燕子妈妈说:“你说得对。你能不能再去看看,还有什么不一样?”小燕子又去了,回来说:“妈妈,妈妈,冬瓜是绿的,茄子是紫的!”燕子妈妈点点头,说:“很好,可是你能不能再去仔细看看,他们还有什么不一样?” 小燕子又去了,回来高兴地说:“妈妈,妈妈,我发现冬瓜的皮上有细毛,茄子的柄上有小刺!”燕子妈妈笑了,说:“你一次比一次有进步!”

 1.2.21 诗歌《四季》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 86

This is a short poem about four season. In the poem, each season is represented by a plant, animal or a symbol. Those plants, animals and symbols will introduce what season it is. 四季 sìjì Noun phrase, four seasons 草 cǎo Noun, grass 芽 yá Noun, bud 尖 jiān Adj, pointed; sharp at the tip 小鸟 xiǎo niǎo Noun, little bird(s) 春天 chūntiān Noun, spring 荷叶 hé yè Noun, lotus leaf 圆 yuán Adj, round 青蛙 qīngwā Noun, frog 夏天 xiàtiān Noun, summer 谷穗 gǔ suì • Noun, beard of a cereal spike 弯 wān Adj, curved; bent Verb, to bend 鞠躬 jūgōng Verb, to bow 秋天 qiūtiān Noun, autumn 雪人 xuěrén Noun, snowman 肚子 dùzi Noun, belly 挺 tǐng Verb, to protrude 顽皮 wánpí Adj, naughty 冬天 dōngtiān Noun, winter 诗歌《四季》 草芽尖尖,他对小鸟说:“我是春天。”   荷叶圆圆,他对青蛙说:“我是夏天。”   谷穗弯弯,他鞠着躬说:“我是秋天。”   雪人大肚子一挺,他顽皮地说:“我就是冬天。”

 1.2.21 诗歌《四季》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 86

This is a short poem about four season. In the poem, each season is represented by a plant, animal or a symbol. Those plants, animals and symbols will introduce what season it is. 四季 sìjì Noun phrase, four seasons 草 cǎo Noun, grass 芽 yá Noun, bud 尖 jiān Adj, pointed; sharp at the tip 小鸟 xiǎo niǎo Noun, little bird(s) 春天 chūntiān Noun, spring 荷叶 hé yè Noun, lotus leaf 圆 yuán Adj, round 青蛙 qīngwā Noun, frog 夏天 xiàtiān Noun, summer 谷穗 gǔ suì • Noun, beard of a cereal spike 弯 wān Adj, curved; bent Verb, to bend 鞠躬 jūgōng Verb, to bow 秋天 qiūtiān Noun, autumn 雪人 xuěrén Noun, snowman 肚子 dùzi Noun, belly 挺 tǐng Verb, to protrude 顽皮 wánpí Adj, naughty 冬天 dōngtiān Noun, winter 诗歌《四季》 草芽尖尖,他对小鸟说:“我是春天。”   荷叶圆圆,他对青蛙说:“我是夏天。”   谷穗弯弯,他鞠着躬说:“我是秋天。”   雪人大肚子一挺,他顽皮地说:“我就是冬天。”

 2.1.18 笑话《餐巾纸》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 636

So a lot of public restrooms in China do not provide toilet paper. Have it ever happened to you that you just had a number 2 but could not find any toilet paper? Check out how this witted Chinese guy handled the emergency... Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 今天上厕所忘带纸了,好在我够机智,打电话说:喂,给我来份外卖啊!外卖小哥说:“好的,请问先生您的地址在哪?”我说:“就在你家店的东边的公厕右手边的第三个坑,记得多带点餐巾纸啊... ——摘自http://www.mahua.com/tags/jingdianxiaohua/ 餐巾纸 cānjīnzhǐ Noun, napkins 白纸,paper 卫生纸,toilet paper 好在 hǎo zài Adv, fortunately 够 gòu “够+adj” means “…enough” 够聪明,smart enough 够了!“Enough!” 机智 jīzhì Adj, witted 份 fèn Measure word for “food delivery” 外卖 wàimài Noun, food delivery 小哥 xiǎo gē Noun, young male who works as delivery guy 地址 dìzhǐ Noun, address 公厕 gōngcè Noun, public restroom Short for 公共厕所 坑 kēng Noun, toilet stall; hole

 2.1.18 笑话《餐巾纸》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 636

So a lot of public restrooms in China do not provide toilet paper. Have it ever happened to you that you just had a number 2 but could not find any toilet paper? Check out how this witted Chinese guy handled the emergency... Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 今天上厕所忘带纸了,好在我够机智,打电话说:喂,给我来份外卖啊!外卖小哥说:“好的,请问先生您的地址在哪?”我说:“就在你家店的东边的公厕右手边的第三个坑,记得多带点餐巾纸啊... ——摘自http://www.mahua.com/tags/jingdianxiaohua/ 餐巾纸 cānjīnzhǐ Noun, napkins 白纸,paper 卫生纸,toilet paper 好在 hǎo zài Adv, fortunately 够 gòu “够+adj” means “…enough” 够聪明,smart enough 够了!“Enough!” 机智 jīzhì Adj, witted 份 fèn Measure word for “food delivery” 外卖 wàimài Noun, food delivery 小哥 xiǎo gē Noun, young male who works as delivery guy 地址 dìzhǐ Noun, address 公厕 gōngcè Noun, public restroom Short for 公共厕所 坑 kēng Noun, toilet stall; hole

 1.3.18B 故事解读《小猫钓鱼》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 668

Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 带 dài Verb, to take (along with oneself) 河边 hé biān Noun phrase, river bank; river side 蜻蜓 qīngtíng Noun, dragonfly 捉 zhuō Verb, to catch (animals) 空手 kōngshǒu empty hands; with hands empty 蝴蝶 húdié Noun, butterfly 气人 qì rén (this) makes me mad; a complaint to say when one is getting pissed Or 气死人了!气死我了! 着 zháo Resultative particle word, verb +着 means one is able to complete the action with success 一会儿 yí huì 'er Noun phrase, a short period of time; (do something) for a little bit of time When 一会儿 is used consecutively, it usually means one cannot focus on one task. Instead, he/she keeps getting distracted by doing something else. 三心二意 sānxīn'èryì Chengyu, three hearts and two minds. It means someone is of two minds and cannot focus on one task. 一心一意,wholeheartedly.


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