听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 2.1.20B故事解读《珍珠项链》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1789

旅游时,我给母亲挑了一串珍珠项链。母亲生日那天,她高兴地戴上了这串项链。我们先逛街,然后去一家酒店的餐厅吃饭。 吃饭的时候,服务员不小心把饮料洒在了母亲的衣领上。母亲就去了一趟洗手间,去了好久都没回来。我赶紧去找她。在洗手间门口,我看见母亲在跟一个穿短袖上衣的女孩儿说话,见我来了,女孩儿向母亲弯了弯腰,匆匆地走了。我觉得有点儿奇怪,但母亲什么也没说。 回到家里,我才知道事情的经过。 母亲在洗手间擦洗衣领时,把项链摘了下来放在一边。她擦洗干净后,才猛然发现项链不见了。当时洗手间里只有她和那个女孩儿,那女孩儿神色慌张地正要出去,母亲叫住了她。 “对不起,小姑娘,打扰了。” “干什么?”女孩儿的脸色有些发白。 “我女儿送给我一串项链,刚才我随手一放,就不记得放在哪儿了,人老了,记性真不好。虽然这项链很普通,但却是女儿的一片心意。要是找不到,她一定会很伤心的,你也帮我找找吧。” 女孩儿看着母亲,说:“我帮您找找。” 不一会儿,女孩儿就找到了那串项链。 母亲向女孩儿表示感谢。就在这时,我走了进来。 听到这里,我问母亲:“她拿了您的东西,您为什么不叫保安,反而谢她呢?” “她也许是家境贫穷才这么做的。”母亲慈祥地说,“要是我叫保安,女孩儿就失去了一个改过自新的机会。” 我的心微微一震…… 珍珠 zhēnzhū, noun, pearl 项链 xiàngliàn, noun, necklace 旅游 lǚyóu,verb, to travel 挑 tiāo,verb, to pick 串 chuàn,measure word for necklace, kabob and etc. 逛街 guàngjiē, verb, to walk and shop 不小心 bù xiǎoxīn,adv, accidentally 洒 sǎ,verb, to sprinkle 衣领 yī lǐng,noun, collar 趟 tàng,measure word for trip(s) 赶紧 gǎnjǐn,adv, hurriedly 洗手间 xǐshǒujiān,noun, restroom 短袖 duǎn xiù,adj, short-sleeved 弯腰 wān yāo,verb phrase, to bend over; to bow at... 匆匆 cōngcōng,adv, in a rush; in haste 奇怪 qíguài,adj, strange 经过 jīngguò,noun, the whole course of the incident 擦 cā,verb, to rub 摘 zhāi,verb, to pick 猛然 měngrán,adv, suddenly 神色 shénsè,noun, look; facial expression 慌张 huāngzhāng, adj, hurry-scurry 打扰 dǎrǎo,verb, to disturb 脸色 liǎnsè,noun, face 随手 suíshǒu,adv, conveniently; without extra trouble 记得 jìde,verb, to remember 记性 jìxìng, noun, memorization 普通 pǔtōng, adj, ordinary 心意 xīnyì, noun, good will 伤心 shāngxīn, adj, sad 不一会儿 bù yīhuǐ'er,time noun phrase, in a moment 表示 biǎoshì,verb, to express 感谢 gǎnxiè,noun, thanks; gratitude 保安 bǎo'ān,noun, security 反而 fǎn'ér, conjunction word, on the contrary; instead; but 家境 jiājìng,noun, family financial situation; family circumstances 贫穷pínqióng, adj, poor; noun, poverty 慈祥 cíxiáng, adj, kindly 失去 shīqù,verb, to lose 改过自新 gǎiguòzìxīn,chengyu, to correct one's errors and make a fresh start 机会 jīhuì, noun, opportunity 微微 wēi wēi, adv, slightly 震 zhèn, verb, to shock

 2.1.20A故事《珍珠项链》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 268

On the day when I was celebrating my mom's birthday with her at a restaurant, my mom's pear necklace almost got stole in the restroom. I was shocked by the fact that my mom did not only not report the thief of her pearl necklace the security, but she thanked the thief. And here is why... 旅游时,我给母亲挑了一串珍珠项链。母亲生日那天,她高兴地戴上了这串项链。我们先逛街,然后去一家酒店的餐厅吃饭。 吃饭的时候,服务员不小心把饮料洒在了母亲的衣领上。母亲就去了一趟洗手间,去了好久都没回来。我赶紧去找她。在洗手间门口,我看见母亲在跟一个穿短袖上衣的女孩儿说话,见我来了,女孩儿向母亲弯了弯腰,匆匆地走了。我觉得有点儿奇怪,但母亲什么也没说。 回到家里,我才知道事情的经过。 母亲在洗手间擦洗衣领时,把项链摘了下来放在一边。她擦洗干净后,才猛然发现项链不见了。当时洗手间里只有她和那个女孩儿,那女孩儿神色慌张地正要出去,母亲叫住了她。 “对不起,小姑娘,打扰了。” “干什么?”女孩儿的脸色有些发白。 “我女儿送给我一串项链,刚才我随手一放,就不记得放在哪儿了,人老了,记性真不好。虽然这项链很普通,但却是女儿的一片心意。要是找不到,她一定会很伤心的,你也帮我找找吧。” 女孩儿看着母亲,说:“我帮您找找。” 不一会儿,女孩儿就找到了那串项链。 母亲向女孩儿表示感谢。就在这时,我走了进来。 听到这里,我问母亲:“她拿了您的东西,您为什么不叫保安,反而谢她呢?” “她也许是家境贫穷才这么做的。”母亲慈祥地说,“要是我叫保安,女孩儿就失去了一个改过自新的机会。” 我的心微微一震…… Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42 Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories

 2.1.20A故事《珍珠项链》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 268

On the day when I was celebrating my mom's birthday with her at a restaurant, my mom's pear necklace almost got stole in the restroom. I was shocked by the fact that my mom did not only not report the thief of her pearl necklace the security, but she thanked the thief. And here is why... 旅游时,我给母亲挑了一串珍珠项链。母亲生日那天,她高兴地戴上了这串项链。我们先逛街,然后去一家酒店的餐厅吃饭。 吃饭的时候,服务员不小心把饮料洒在了母亲的衣领上。母亲就去了一趟洗手间,去了好久都没回来。我赶紧去找她。在洗手间门口,我看见母亲在跟一个穿短袖上衣的女孩儿说话,见我来了,女孩儿向母亲弯了弯腰,匆匆地走了。我觉得有点儿奇怪,但母亲什么也没说。 回到家里,我才知道事情的经过。 母亲在洗手间擦洗衣领时,把项链摘了下来放在一边。她擦洗干净后,才猛然发现项链不见了。当时洗手间里只有她和那个女孩儿,那女孩儿神色慌张地正要出去,母亲叫住了她。 “对不起,小姑娘,打扰了。” “干什么?”女孩儿的脸色有些发白。 “我女儿送给我一串项链,刚才我随手一放,就不记得放在哪儿了,人老了,记性真不好。虽然这项链很普通,但却是女儿的一片心意。要是找不到,她一定会很伤心的,你也帮我找找吧。” 女孩儿看着母亲,说:“我帮您找找。” 不一会儿,女孩儿就找到了那串项链。 母亲向女孩儿表示感谢。就在这时,我走了进来。 听到这里,我问母亲:“她拿了您的东西,您为什么不叫保安,反而谢她呢?” “她也许是家境贫穷才这么做的。”母亲慈祥地说,“要是我叫保安,女孩儿就失去了一个改过自新的机会。” 我的心微微一震…… Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42

 2.2.20B 故事解读《哪吒闹海》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1630

哪吒 Né zhā Name, a hero fictional figure in Chinese mythology 闹 nào verb, to start a chaos 龙王 lóngwáng noun, dragon king 父子 fùzǐ noun phrase, father and son 称霸一方 chēngbàyìfāng Chengyu, to play the tyrant in a locality 兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng Chengyu, raise winds and waves; make trouble 害 hài verb, to do harm to; to cause the trouble of... 决心 juéxīn verb,to be determined to do...; noun, determination 治一治 zhì yí zhì verb phrase, to punish 出(一)口气 chū (yì) kǒuqì verb phrase, to take a revenge 法宝 fǎbǎo noun, magic weapon 混天绫 húntiānlíng noun, the Red Armillary Sash 乾坤圈 qiánkūn quān noun, the Universe Ring 摆 bǎi verb, to sway 掀(起)xiān (qǐ) verb, to raise; to surge 滔天 tāotiān adj, dash to the skies 巨浪 jù làng noun phrae, huge waves 水晶宫 shuǐjīnggōng noun, the Crystal Palace 摇晃 yáohuàng verb, to shake 巡 xún verb, to patrol 夜叉 yèchā noun, yaksha 察看 chákàn verb, to watch; to observe 钻 zuān verb, to worm out 斧头 fǔtóu noun, ax 砍 kǎn verb, to cut; to chop 机灵 jīling adj, clever; smart; sharp 闪 shǎn verb, to dodge; to get out of the way 躲 duǒ verb, to avoid; to hide 随即 suíjí adv, immediately 嗷嗷直叫 áo'áo zhí jiào Chengyu, to scream (with anger, pain) 捉拿 zhuōná verb, to arrest; to catch 气冲冲 qì chōngchōng adv/adj, angrily; angry 该当何罪 gāidānghézuì Chengyu, what should be the punishment 刺 cì verb, to prod at 纵身 zòngshēn verb phrase, to jump; to leap 趁势 chènshì verb phrase, to take advantage of a favourable situation 抖 dǒu verb, to shake 喷 pēn verb, to spray 团 tuán measure word, a ball of (wool); a lump of ...... 火焰 huǒyàn noun, fire 紧紧 jǐn jǐn adv, tightly 裹 guǒ verb, to wrap aroud 现出原形 xiànchūyuánxíng Chengyu, to show the original form 胡作非为 húzuòfēiwéi Chengyu, play the gangster; act absurdly 太平 tàipíng adj, peaceful and tranquil; noun, peace and tranquility Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories

 2.2.20B 故事解读《哪吒闹海》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1630

哪吒 Né zhā Name, a hero fictional figure in Chinese mythology 闹 nào verb, to start a chaos 龙王 lóngwáng noun, dragon king 父子 fùzǐ noun phrase, father and son 称霸一方 chēngbàyìfāng Chengyu, to play the tyrant in a locality 兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng Chengyu, raise winds and waves; make trouble 害 hài verb, to do harm to; to cause the trouble of... 决心 juéxīn verb,to be determined to do...; noun, determination 治一治 zhì yí zhì verb phrase, to punish 出(一)口气 chū (yì) kǒuqì verb phrase, to take a revenge 法宝 fǎbǎo noun, magic weapon 混天绫 húntiānlíng noun, the Red Armillary Sash 乾坤圈 qiánkūn quān noun, the Universe Ring 摆 bǎi verb, to sway 掀(起)xiān (qǐ) verb, to raise; to surge 滔天 tāotiān adj, dash to the skies 巨浪 jù làng noun phrae, huge waves 水晶宫 shuǐjīnggōng noun, the Crystal Palace 摇晃 yáohuàng verb, to shake 巡 xún verb, to patrol 夜叉 yèchā noun, yaksha 察看 chákàn verb, to watch; to observe 钻 zuān verb, to worm out 斧头 fǔtóu noun, ax 砍 kǎn verb, to cut; to chop 机灵 jīling adj, clever; smart; sharp 闪 shǎn verb, to dodge; to get out of the way 躲 duǒ verb, to avoid; to hide 随即 suíjí adv, immediately 嗷嗷直叫 áo'áo zhí jiào Chengyu, to scream (with anger, pain) 捉拿 zhuōná verb, to arrest; to catch 气冲冲 qì chōngchōng adv/adj, angrily; angry 该当何罪 gāidānghézuì Chengyu, what should be the punishment 刺 cì verb, to prod at 纵身 zòngshēn verb phrase, to jump; to leap 趁势 chènshì verb phrase, to take advantage of a favourable situation 抖 dǒu verb, to shake 喷 pēn verb, to spray 团 tuán measure word, a ball of (wool); a lump of ...... 火焰 huǒyàn noun, fire 紧紧 jǐn jǐn adv, tightly 裹 guǒ verb, to wrap aroud 现出原形 xiànchūyuánxíng Chengyu, to show the original form 胡作非为 húzuòfēiwéi Chengyu, play the gangster; act absurdly 太平 tàipíng adj, peaceful and tranquil; noun, peace and tranquility

 2.2.20A 故事《哪吒闹海》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 209

Nezha is a famous fictional figure in Chinese mythology stories. As a kid hero, he rewards the right and punishes the wrong. In this chapter, the story tells Nezha fighting with the evil power in the East Sea to help the local people earn back lives with peace and tranquility. 东海龙王父子称霸一方,经常兴风作浪,害得人们不敢下海捕鱼。哪吒决心治一治他们,为老百姓出一口气。   一天,小哪吒带上他的两件法宝——混天绫和乾坤圈,来到大海边。他跳进大海里,取下混天绫在水里一摆,便掀起滔天巨浪,连东海龙王的水晶宫也摇摆起来。龙王吓了一跳,连忙派巡海夜叉上去察看。   夜叉从水底钻出来,只见一个娃娃在洗澡,举起斧头便砍。小哪吒可机灵啦,身子一闪,躲过了这一斧头,随便取下乾坤圈,向夜叉扔去。可别小看这小小的乾坤圈,它比一座大山还重,一下就把夜叉给打死了。   龙王听说以后,气得嗷嗷直叫,就派他的儿子三太子带兵去捉拿哪吒。三太子跳出水面,气冲冲地对哪吒说:“你打死了我家夜叉,该当何罪?”说着,举枪便刺。哪吒一纵身,趁势抖出混天绫。那混天绫立刻喷出一团团火焰,把三太子紧紧裹住。三太子只好现出了原形。   从此,东海龙王再也不敢胡作非为了,人们又过上了太平日子。 ——选自苏教版语文课本三年级上册 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42 Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories

 2.2.20A 故事《哪吒闹海》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 209

Nezha is a famous fictional figure in Chinese mythology stories. As a kid hero, he rewards the right and punishes the wrong. In this chapter, the story tells Nezha fighting with the evil power in the East Sea to help the local people earn back lives with peace and tranquility. 东海龙王父子称霸一方,经常兴风作浪,害得人们不敢下海捕鱼。哪吒决心治一治他们,为老百姓出一口气。   一天,小哪吒带上他的两件法宝——混天绫和乾坤圈,来到大海边。他跳进大海里,取下混天绫在水里一摆,便掀起滔天巨浪,连东海龙王的水晶宫也摇摆起来。龙王吓了一跳,连忙派巡海夜叉上去察看。   夜叉从水底钻出来,只见一个娃娃在洗澡,举起斧头便砍。小哪吒可机灵啦,身子一闪,躲过了这一斧头,随便取下乾坤圈,向夜叉扔去。可别小看这小小的乾坤圈,它比一座大山还重,一下就把夜叉给打死了。   龙王听说以后,气得嗷嗷直叫,就派他的儿子三太子带兵去捉拿哪吒。三太子跳出水面,气冲冲地对哪吒说:“你打死了我家夜叉,该当何罪?”说着,举枪便刺。哪吒一纵身,趁势抖出混天绫。那混天绫立刻喷出一团团火焰,把三太子紧紧裹住。三太子只好现出了原形。   从此,东海龙王再也不敢胡作非为了,人们又过上了太平日子。 ——选自苏教版语文课本三年级上册 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42

 2.2.19B 故事解读《卧薪尝胆》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1464

卧 wò verb, to lie down 薪 xīn noun, fire woods 尝 cháng verb, to taste 胆 dǎn noun, gallbladder 长江 chángjiāng noun, the Yangtze River 下游 xiàyóu noun phrase, downstream 征服 zhēngfú verb, to conquer 对方 duìfāng noun, the other side 强大 qiángdà adj, powerful; strong 会稽 kuàijī noun, a place in Zhejiang provice (near Shaoxing city of today) 战 zhàn noun, warfare 败仗 bàizhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one loses 胜仗 shèngzhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one wins 万般无奈 wànbān wúnài chengyu, helpless; there is nothing that one can do 派 pài verb, to send; to assign 求和 qiú hé verb, to sue for peace 表示 biǎoshì verb, to express that... 愿意 yuànyì adj, be willing to... 奴仆 núpú noun, slave(s) 谋臣 móuchén noun, counselors; strategists 纷纷 fēnfēn adv, one after another 要求 yāoqiú verb, to ask; to request 灭(掉)miè (diào) verb(phrase), to kill; to eliminate 免除 miǎnchú verb, to get rid of; to stop 后患 hòuhuàn noun, future trouble 骄傲 jiāo'ào adj, proud 建议 jiànyì noun, suggestion; proposal 夫妇 fūfù noun, married couple 粗布 cūbù noun, coarse cloth 舂米 chōngmǐ verb phrase, to husk rice with mortar and pestle 推 tuī verb, to push 磨 mò noun, millstone 受 shòu verb, to suffer 尽 jìn adj, enough 屈辱 qūrǔ noun, humiliation 整整 zhěngzhěng adj, exact; full-lengthed 时刻 shíkè noun, moment; every moment 报仇雪恨 bàochóuxuěhèn chengyu, to take one's revenge 亲自 qīnzì adv, personally; in person 耕种 gēngzhòng verb, to plant; to cultivate 柴草 cháicáo noun, firewoods 苦 kǔ adj, bitter 提醒 tíxǐng verb, to remind 耻辱 chǐrǔ noun, shame 转弱为强 zhuǎnruòwéiqiáng chengyu, to become strong; go from weak to strong 奇兵 qíbīng noun phrase, an army suddenly appearing from nowhere; an ingenious military move Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories

 2.2.19B 故事解读《卧薪尝胆》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1464

卧 wò verb, to lie down 薪 xīn noun, fire woods 尝 cháng verb, to taste 胆 dǎn noun, gallbladder 长江 chángjiāng noun, the Yangtze River 下游 xiàyóu noun phrase, downstream 征服 zhēngfú verb, to conquer 对方 duìfāng noun, the other side 强大 qiángdà adj, powerful; strong 会稽 kuàijī noun, a place in Zhejiang provice (near Shaoxing city of today) 战 zhàn noun, warfare 败仗 bàizhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one loses 胜仗 shèngzhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one wins 万般无奈 wànbān wúnài chengyu, helpless; there is nothing that one can do 派 pài verb, to send; to assign 求和 qiú hé verb, to sue for peace 表示 biǎoshì verb, to express that... 愿意 yuànyì adj, be willing to... 奴仆 núpú noun, slave(s) 谋臣 móuchén noun, counselors; strategists 纷纷 fēnfēn adv, one after another 要求 yāoqiú verb, to ask; to request 灭(掉)miè (diào) verb(phrase), to kill; to eliminate 免除 miǎnchú verb, to get rid of; to stop 后患 hòuhuàn noun, future trouble 骄傲 jiāo'ào adj, proud 建议 jiànyì noun, suggestion; proposal 夫妇 fūfù noun, married couple 粗布 cūbù noun, coarse cloth 舂米 chōngmǐ verb phrase, to husk rice with mortar and pestle 推 tuī verb, to push 磨 mò noun, millstone 受 shòu verb, to suffer 尽 jìn adj, enough 屈辱 qūrǔ noun, humiliation 整整 zhěngzhěng adj, exact; full-lengthed 时刻 shíkè noun, moment; every moment 报仇雪恨 bàochóuxuěhèn chengyu, to take one's revenge 亲自 qīnzì adv, personally; in person 耕种 gēngzhòng verb, to plant; to cultivate 柴草 cháicáo noun, firewoods 苦 kǔ adj, bitter 提醒 tíxǐng verb, to remind 耻辱 chǐrǔ noun, shame 转弱为强 zhuǎnruòwéiqiáng chengyu, to become strong; go from weak to strong 奇兵 qíbīng noun phrase, an army suddenly appearing from nowhere; an ingenious military move

 2.2.19A 故事《卧薪尝胆》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 199

The King of Yue did not give up after losing to Wu in the war of Kuaiji. Instead, he restarted his life with his wife as the slaves for the King in Wu and at the same time accumulated their strengths. A sacrifice he paid for more than 20 years was finally paid off when Yue eventually defeated Wu. 两千多年前,在长江下游有两个国家,一个是吴国,一个是越国。他们都想征服对方,使自己的国家强大起来。   会稽一战,越国打了败仗。越王勾践万般无奈,只好派人向吴王夫差求和,表示愿意和夫人一起去吴国,给吴王当奴仆。吴国的谋臣们纷纷要求灭掉越国,免除后患。得胜的吴王非常骄傲,不听大家的建议,答应了勾践的请求。   勾践夫妇来到吴国,穿上了粗布衣,住进了石头房,给吴王养马驾车,舂米推磨,受尽了屈辱。他们在吴国整整干了三年,才回到自己的国家。   回国以后,越王勾践时刻不忘报仇雪恨。白天,他亲自下田耕种;晚上,就睡在柴草上。他还在屋子里挂了一只苦胆,每顿饭前,总要先尝尝它的苦味,提醒自己不忘兵败会稽的耻辱。   经过二十多年的努力,越国终于转弱为强,出奇兵灭掉了吴国。 ——转自苏教版语文教材三年级语文上册第十二课 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42

 2.2.19A 故事《卧薪尝胆》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 199

The King of Yue did not give up after losing to Wu in the war of Kuaiji. Instead, he restarted his life with his wife as the slaves for the King in Wu and at the same time accumulated their strengths. A sacrifice he paid for more than 20 years was finally paid off when Yue eventually defeated Wu. 两千多年前,在长江下游有两个国家,一个是吴国,一个是越国。他们都想征服对方,使自己的国家强大起来。   会稽一战,越国打了败仗。越王勾践万般无奈,只好派人向吴王夫差求和,表示愿意和夫人一起去吴国,给吴王当奴仆。吴国的谋臣们纷纷要求灭掉越国,免除后患。得胜的吴王非常骄傲,不听大家的建议,答应了勾践的请求。   勾践夫妇来到吴国,穿上了粗布衣,住进了石头房,给吴王养马驾车,舂米推磨,受尽了屈辱。他们在吴国整整干了三年,才回到自己的国家。   回国以后,越王勾践时刻不忘报仇雪恨。白天,他亲自下田耕种;晚上,就睡在柴草上。他还在屋子里挂了一只苦胆,每顿饭前,总要先尝尝它的苦味,提醒自己不忘兵败会稽的耻辱。   经过二十多年的努力,越国终于转弱为强,出奇兵灭掉了吴国。 ——转自苏教版语文教材三年级语文上册第十二课 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42

 1.3.22B 故事解读《郑人买履》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 844

郑 Zhèng noun, name of a country in Chunqiu era 履 lǚ noun, ancient Chinese word for "shoe(s)" 先 xiān adverb, firstly 量 liáng verb, to measure 尺码 chǐmǎ noun, size (for shoes and tailoring of clothes) 忘记 wàngjì verb, to forget 急急忙忙 jíjímángmáng adverb/adjective, in a hurry 集市 jí shì noun, fair; marketplace 挑 tiāo verb, to pick up; to choose 中 zhòng verb, to finish choosing 发觉 fājué verb, to realize 便 biàn conjunction word, it is used to connect two action verbs; the second one takes place right after the first one 急匆匆 jícōngcōng adverb;adjective, in a hurry; hurry 赶 gǎn verb,to rush to... 散 sàn verb, to scatter; to end; to be dismissed 直接 zhíjiē adverb;adjective, directly; direct 试 shì verb, to try 振振有词 zhènzhènyǒucí chengyu, to argue with a great confidence 宁可……,也不…… nìngkě……, yě bù…… Conjunction phrase, would rather to do... than do... 相信 xiāngxìn, to believe; to trust

 1.3.22B 故事解读《郑人买履》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 844

郑 Zhèng noun, name of a country in Chunqiu era 履 lǚ noun, ancient Chinese word for "shoe(s)" 先 xiān adverb, firstly 量 liáng verb, to measure 尺码 chǐmǎ noun, size (for shoes and tailoring of clothes) 忘记 wàngjì verb, to forget 急急忙忙 jíjímángmáng adverb/adjective, in a hurry 集市 jí shì noun, fair; marketplace 挑 tiāo verb, to pick up; to choose 中 zhòng verb, to finish choosing 发觉 fājué verb, to realize 便 biàn conjunction word, it is used to connect two action verbs; the second one takes place right after the first one 急匆匆 jícōngcōng adverb;adjective, in a hurry; hurry 赶 gǎn verb,to rush to... 散 sàn verb, to scatter; to end; to be dismissed 直接 zhíjiē adverb;adjective, directly; direct 试 shì verb, to try 振振有词 zhènzhènyǒucí chengyu, to argue with a great confidence 宁可……,也不…… nìngkě……, yě bù…… Conjunction phrase, would rather to do... than do... 相信 xiāngxìn, to believe; to trust

 1.3.22A 故事《郑人买履》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 138

This ancient dude who lived during Chunqiu era(BC 770-476) chose to run back home to fetch the number of his feet size in order to purchase a new pair of shoes for himself, rather than to try shoes on with his own feet. This is an extreme example, but this guy also represents people who are stubborn and inflexible. 郑国有个人想买一双新鞋。他先比着自己的脚量了个尺码,就急急忙忙到集市上去了。   他在集市上挑中了一双鞋,才发觉量好的尺码忘记带来,就对卖鞋的人说:“请等一会儿。”他回到家拿了尺码便急匆匆地赶回来,可是集市已经散了。   有人问他:“你为什么不直接用自己的脚去试试鞋子呢?”这人振振有词地答道:“我宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚!” ——选自苏教版第六册语文课本 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42

 1.3.22A 故事《郑人买履》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 138

This ancient dude who lived during Chunqiu era(BC 770-476) chose to run back home to fetch the number of his feet size in order to purchase a new pair of shoes for himself, rather than to try shoes on with his own feet. This is an extreme example, but this guy also represents people who are stubborn and inflexible. 郑国有个人想买一双新鞋。他先比着自己的脚量了个尺码,就急急忙忙到集市上去了。   他在集市上挑中了一双鞋,才发觉量好的尺码忘记带来,就对卖鞋的人说:“请等一会儿。”他回到家拿了尺码便急匆匆地赶回来,可是集市已经散了。   有人问他:“你为什么不直接用自己的脚去试试鞋子呢?”这人振振有词地答道:“我宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚!” ——选自苏教版第六册语文课本 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42


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