听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 2.2.4B 故事解读《狼和小羊》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1117

阳光 yángguāng Noun,sunshine 暖 nuǎn Adj, warm “adj+adj” , which is also named as “AA”, is used in descriptions. It is commonly seen in written language. 轻 qīng Adj, light; gentle 河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 故意 gùyì Adverb, on purpose; purposefully 近义词(synonym):特意,有意 找碴儿 zhǎo chár Verb, the same “找茬儿” 是一样的 弄 nòng Verb, to conduct some action and this action usually leads to some consequences 他把手机弄坏了: He broke the cellphone 把我手弄疼了.: (someone) did something and it hurt my hands 把家弄脏了:(someone) did something and it made the house dirty 把电脑弄好了:(someone) fixed the computer *In some regions of China, especially the south, people often use “搞” instead. 脏 zàng Adj, dirty; filthy ……安的什么心? …… ān dì shénme xīn? Verb phrase, usually used in questions, “what is your (evil) intention?” 成语“居心不良”: to harbour hostile intentions 吃惊 chījīng Verb, to feel/be/get surprised 吃了一惊: to get surprised 吓了一跳: to get freaked out Those two are set phrases. 温和 wēnhé Adj, gentle and soft-spoken 上游 shàngyóu Noun, upper river 流 liú Verb, to flow 气冲冲 ì chōngchōng Adj;adv, angry; angrily ……冲冲: ……的样子 红通通:红色(的样子) 醉醺醺:醉(的样子) 绿油油:绿色(的样子) This kind of patterns are usually used in descriptions and they are commonly seen in written language. 坏家伙 huài jiāhuo Noun, bastard 好家伙:oh my gosh (在)背地里 (zài) bèidì lǐ Noun phrase, (behind) one’s back 在背后 is the alternative way to say “behind one’s back 坏话 huàihuà Noun, malicious remarks 喊 hǎn Verb, to shout; to yell (说,喊,叫,嚷)道 (Shuō, hǎn, jiào, rǎng) dào Verb, to say (it precedes quotations from speakers) 常言道:“姜还是老的辣”。 争辩 zhēngbiàn Verb, to argue 龇 zī Verb, to to grind one's teeth together 逼近 bījìn Verb, to approach someone in purpose of attack 嚷 rǎng Verb, to yell 坏蛋 huàidàn Noun,bad guy 反正 fǎnzhèng Adv, regardless 扑(向…) pū (xiàng…) Verb, to throw oneself to… 向…扑过去 扑到….身上

 2.2.4B 故事解读《狼和小羊》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1117

阳光 yángguāng Noun,sunshine 暖 nuǎn Adj, warm “adj+adj” , which is also named as “AA”, is used in descriptions. It is commonly seen in written language. 轻 qīng Adj, light; gentle 河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 故意 gùyì Adverb, on purpose; purposefully 近义词(synonym):特意,有意 找碴儿 zhǎo chár Verb, the same “找茬儿” 是一样的 弄 nòng Verb, to conduct some action and this action usually leads to some consequences 他把手机弄坏了: He broke the cellphone 把我手弄疼了.: (someone) did something and it hurt my hands 把家弄脏了:(someone) did something and it made the house dirty 把电脑弄好了:(someone) fixed the computer *In some regions of China, especially the south, people often use “搞” instead. 脏 zàng Adj, dirty; filthy ……安的什么心? …… ān dì shénme xīn? Verb phrase, usually used in questions, “what is your (evil) intention?” 成语“居心不良”: to harbour hostile intentions 吃惊 chījīng Verb, to feel/be/get surprised 吃了一惊: to get surprised 吓了一跳: to get freaked out Those two are set phrases. 温和 wēnhé Adj, gentle and soft-spoken 上游 shàngyóu Noun, upper river 流 liú Verb, to flow 气冲冲 ì chōngchōng Adj;adv, angry; angrily ……冲冲: ……的样子 红通通:红色(的样子) 醉醺醺:醉(的样子) 绿油油:绿色(的样子) This kind of patterns are usually used in descriptions and they are commonly seen in written language. 坏家伙 huài jiāhuo Noun, bastard 好家伙:oh my gosh (在)背地里 (zài) bèidì lǐ Noun phrase, (behind) one’s back 在背后 is the alternative way to say “behind one’s back 坏话 huàihuà Noun, malicious remarks 喊 hǎn Verb, to shout; to yell (说,喊,叫,嚷)道 (Shuō, hǎn, jiào, rǎng) dào Verb, to say (it precedes quotations from speakers) 常言道:“姜还是老的辣”。 争辩 zhēngbiàn Verb, to argue 龇 zī Verb, to to grind one's teeth together 逼近 bījìn Verb, to approach someone in purpose of attack 嚷 rǎng Verb, to yell 坏蛋 huàidàn Noun,bad guy 反正 fǎnzhèng Adv, regardless 扑(向…) pū (xiàng…) Verb, to throw oneself to… 向…扑过去 扑到….身上

 2.2.4A 故事《狼和小羊》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 137

This is "The Wolf and the Lamb" story from the Aesop's Fable. When the wolf is determined to eat the lamb,his excuses does not need to be reasonable. 有一天,阳光 暖暖的,风儿轻轻的,一只可爱的小羊来到河边喝水。 一只狼也来到了河边喝水。 狼非常想吃小羊,就故意 找碴儿,说:“你把我喝的水弄脏了! 你安的什么心?” 小羊吃了一惊,温和地说:“我怎么会把您喝的水弄脏呢?您站在上游,水是从您那儿流到我这儿来的,不是从我这儿流到您那儿去的。” 狼气冲冲地说:“就算这样吧,你总是个坏家伙!我听说,去年你在背地里说我的坏话!” 可怜的小羊喊道:“啊,亲爱的狼先生,那是不可能的事,去年我还没有出生呢!” 狼不想再争辩了,龇着牙,逼近小羊,大声嚷道:“你这个小坏蛋! 说我坏话的不是你,就是你爸爸,反正都一样。”说着就往小羊身上扑去。

 2.2.4A 故事《狼和小羊》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 137

This is "The Wolf and the Lamb" story from the Aesop's Fable. When the wolf is determined to eat the lamb,his excuses does not need to be reasonable. 有一天,阳光 暖暖的,风儿轻轻的,一只可爱的小羊来到河边喝水。 一只狼也来到了河边喝水。 狼非常想吃小羊,就故意 找碴儿,说:“你把我喝的水弄脏了! 你安的什么心?” 小羊吃了一惊,温和地说:“我怎么会把您喝的水弄脏呢?您站在上游,水是从您那儿流到我这儿来的,不是从我这儿流到您那儿去的。” 狼气冲冲地说:“就算这样吧,你总是个坏家伙!我听说,去年你在背地里说我的坏话!” 可怜的小羊喊道:“啊,亲爱的狼先生,那是不可能的事,去年我还没有出生呢!” 狼不想再争辩了,龇着牙,逼近小羊,大声嚷道:“你这个小坏蛋! 说我坏话的不是你,就是你爸爸,反正都一样。”说着就往小羊身上扑去。

 2.2.3B 故事解读《狼来了》 | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 864

This lesson helps you go through all new vocabularies and grammatical structures in the story 狼来了(The wolf is coming). 故事 gùshì Noun, story 撒谎/说谎 sāhuǎng/shuōhuǎng Verb, to tell a lie 关系 guānxì Noun, verb, relation; to relate to 从前 cóngqián Noun, long time ago 放羊 fàngyáng Verb, to herd the sheep (or goats) 同样 tóngyàng Adj, the same 事情 shìqíng Noun, things (that are done by someone) 无聊 wúliáo Adj, boring; bored 解闷 jiěmèn Verb, to have fun when one feels bored 方法 fāngfǎ Noun, method; approach 往常 wǎngcháng Noun, usual habit 像往常一样,as usual 草 cǎo Noun, grass 突然 túrán Adverb (it can also be used as a conjunction word), suddenly 喊 hǎn Verb, to shout; to yell 村民 cūnmín Noun, villager 狼 láng Noun, wolf 信以为真 xìnyǐwéizhēn Verb (chengyu, Chinese idiom), (someone) thought something was true 活(儿) huó (er) Noun, chores; workload 扫帚 sàozhǒu Noun, broom 木棍 mù gùn Noun, wood stick 救 jiù Verb, to save 发现 fāxiàn Verb, to discover 倒是 dǎoshì Adverb, contrary to what one might expect actually contrariwise 捧腹大笑 pěngfù dà xiào Verb (chengyu, Chinese idiom), to laugh your head off (to laugh hard while holding one’s belly) 笨 bèn Adj, stupid 随便 suíbiàn Adv, randomly; not seriously 生气 shēngqì Adj, angry 离开 líkāi Verb, to leave 远处 yuǎn chù Noun, faraway place 骗 piàn Verb, to lie to (someone) 终于 zhōngyú Adverb, finally 救命 jiùmìng Verb phrase, “Help!” ; to save one’s life 装作 zhuāng zuò Verb, to pretent 引申 yǐnshēn Noun, extension 道理 dàolǐ Noun, the moral (lesson) 诚实 chéngshí Adj, honest 对待 duìdài Verb, to treat

 2.2.3A 狼来了 Story | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 196

This story is called "the wolf is coming". It is about a boy who often lied eventually got a punishment. As kids, we listened to this story a lot and it was definitely one of our favorites. And it always reminded me to be honest to everybody, especially to my parents. :) 大家好,欢迎收听听故事学中文,我是小敏,我是宪宪! 小敏,你小时候,有没有撒过谎? 当然有啊。上小学的时候,我放学以后经常和朋友一起玩,所以回家晚了。但是我跟爸爸妈妈撒谎说,我在学校做作业。你呢?我小的时候不想上学,就跟我妈撒谎说:我肚子疼,上不了学。 那么,今天的故事,也是与撒谎有关系的!那我们来听一听。 故事 “狼来了” 从前, 有一个男孩子每天都去山上放羊。因为每天做同样的事情,所以他觉得很无聊。于是,他就想到了一个解闷的方法。有一天,他像往常一样,把羊儿带到山上去吃草。突然,他大喊: “狼来啦!狼来啦!” 村民们信以为真,立刻放下手中的活儿,拿着扫帚、木棍去山上救人。村民们到了山上以后,并没有发现狼,倒是看到男孩子坐在地上捧腹大笑,一边笑一边说:“你们怎么这么笨啊,我随便说说,你们就相信,真是笨!哈...哈...哈...” 。村民们很生气地离开了。 过了几天,放羊的男孩子又无聊了。他又对着远处的村民们大喊,“狼来啦!狼来啦!”村民们信以为真,马上放下手中的活儿,拿着扫帚、木棍去山上救他。和上次一样,村民们发现自己又被骗了。一个村民说:“如果以后你再撒谎,就没有人相信你了!” 终于有一天,狼真的来了!男孩儿大喊“救命啊! 救命啊!我的羊儿被狼吃掉了,快来呀!快来救我啊!快来救我啊!”村民们以为他又在撒谎,所以大家都装作没有听见。 这一次,男孩真的被狼给吃掉了。 引申:什么道理?不能撒谎!因为,如果诚实地对待别人,别人才会相信你。


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