听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 2.2.11A 新闻故事《男子持假信用卡买高档烟酒》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 154

Spending 134,000 Yuan on expensive cigarettes and fine wine in just 6 days! This guy isn't insane cause he isn't swiping his own credit card. And he got sentenced and a penalty of course. Check it out and get to know more about this news. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 男子6天内 持 假 信用卡, 刷13.4万买高档 烟酒 卡面 信息是中国的银行,刷卡时却 显示是外国人信息,这是咋回事?原来这些卡竟是伪造的信用卡。去年9月,一名男子沈某某 使用伪造的信用卡,到昆明火车站附近的锦江大酒店、佳华广场酒店的POS机刷卡购买中华等高档香烟及酒水,9次共 消费13.4万元。官渡区 法院 一审 判决,沈某某犯信用卡诈骗 罪,判处 有期徒刑 6年零6个月,并 处 罚金7万元。 ——摘自腾讯新闻网http://news.qq.com/a/20160916/014618.htm

 2.2.11A 新闻故事《男子持假信用卡买高档烟酒》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 154

Spending 134,000 Yuan on expensive cigarettes and fine wine in just 6 days! This guy isn't insane cause he isn't swiping his own credit card. And he got sentenced and a penalty of course. Check it out and get to know more about this news. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 男子6天内 持 假 信用卡, 刷13.4万买高档 烟酒 卡面 信息是中国的银行,刷卡时却 显示是外国人信息,这是咋回事?原来这些卡竟是伪造的信用卡。去年9月,一名男子沈某某 使用伪造的信用卡,到昆明火车站附近的锦江大酒店、佳华广场酒店的POS机刷卡购买中华等高档香烟及酒水,9次共 消费13.4万元。官渡区 法院 一审 判决,沈某某犯信用卡诈骗 罪,判处 有期徒刑 6年零6个月,并 处 罚金7万元。 ——摘自腾讯新闻网http://news.qq.com/a/20160916/014618.htm

 1.3.14B 故事解读《小白兔和小灰兔》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 964

山羊 shānyáng Noun, goat 收 shōu Verb, to harvest 收麦子,to harvest wheat 收玉米,to harvest corns 白菜 báicài Noun, napa cabbage 收下 shōu xià Verb, to accept (gift, money, bribery, etc.) 些 xiē Pronoun, some 一些, some 这些,these 那些, those 菜子 càizǐ Noun, vegetable seeds Or 菜籽 翻 fān Verb, to plow; to turn up( the soil) 翻地 松 sōng Adj, loose 把地翻松, to plow the soil 土松了,the soil is loose now 种 zhòng Verb, to plant 过了 guò le Verb, (a period of time) passed 过了一个月,a month passed; after a month 浇水 jiāo shuǐ Verb, to water 浇花, to water the flower 施肥 shīféi Verb, to fertilize 给花施肥,to fertilize the flower 给白菜施肥,to fertilize the cabbage 拔草 bá cǎo Adj, to pull up weeds 除虫 chú chóng Adj, to get rid of insects; to kill insects 拉 lā Verb, to pull (carts) 干活 gàn huó Verb, to work (colloquial form) Same with 工作 饿 è Adj, hungry 日子 rìzi Noun, days 挑 tiāo Verb, to carry on a pole 担 dàn Noun, load 奇怪 qíguài Adj, strange; weird 只有……,才…… zhǐyǒu……, cái…… 只有(A),才(B) B cannot happen if criteria A is not met. 只有在Amazon上才能买到这个中国货。You can only get this kind of Chinese goodies on Amazon. New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 1.3.14B 故事解读《小白兔和小灰兔》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 964

山羊 shānyáng Noun, goat 收 shōu Verb, to harvest 收麦子,to harvest wheat 收玉米,to harvest corns 白菜 báicài Noun, napa cabbage 收下 shōu xià Verb, to accept (gift, money, bribery, etc.) 些 xiē Pronoun, some 一些, some 这些,these 那些, those 菜子 càizǐ Noun, vegetable seeds Or 菜籽 翻 fān Verb, to plow; to turn up( the soil) 翻地 松 sōng Adj, loose 把地翻松, to plow the soil 土松了,the soil is loose now 种 zhòng Verb, to plant 过了 guò le Verb, (a period of time) passed 过了一个月,a month passed; after a month 浇水 jiāo shuǐ Verb, to water 浇花, to water the flower 施肥 shīféi Verb, to fertilize 给花施肥,to fertilize the flower 给白菜施肥,to fertilize the cabbage 拔草 bá cǎo Adj, to pull up weeds 除虫 chú chóng Adj, to get rid of insects; to kill insects 拉 lā Verb, to pull (carts) 干活 gàn huó Verb, to work (colloquial form) Same with 工作 饿 è Adj, hungry 日子 rìzi Noun, days 挑 tiāo Verb, to carry on a pole 担 dàn Noun, load 奇怪 qíguài Adj, strange; weird 只有……,才…… zhǐyǒu……, cái…… 只有(A),才(B) B cannot happen if criteria A is not met. 只有在Amazon上才能买到这个中国货。You can only get this kind of Chinese goodies on Amazon. New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 1.3.14A 故事《小白兔和小灰兔》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 183

"Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime". Have you heard about this quote before? Well, this is a similar one, but it is rabbit and napa cabbage instead. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 老山羊在地里收 白菜,小白兔和小灰兔来帮忙。 收完白菜,老山羊把一车白菜送给小灰兔。小灰兔收下了,说:“谢谢您!” 老山羊又把一车白菜送给小白兔。小白兔说:“我不要白菜,请您给我一些 菜子吧。”老山羊送给小白兔一包菜子。 小白兔回到家里,把地翻 松了,种上菜子。 过了几天,白菜长出来了。小白兔常常给白菜浇水,施肥,拔草,捉虫。白菜很快就长大了。 小灰兔把一车白菜拉回家里。他不干活了,饿了就吃老山羊送的白菜。 过了些日子,小灰兔把白菜吃完了,又到老山羊家里去要白菜。 这时候,他看见小白兔挑着一担白菜,给老山羊送来了。小灰兔很奇怪,问道:“小白兔,你的菜是哪儿来的?” 小白兔说:“是我自己种的。只有自己种,才有吃不完的菜。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 1.3.14A 故事《小白兔和小灰兔》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 183

"Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime". Have you heard about this quote before? Well, this is a similar one, but it is rabbit and napa cabbage instead. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 老山羊在地里收 白菜,小白兔和小灰兔来帮忙。 收完白菜,老山羊把一车白菜送给小灰兔。小灰兔收下了,说:“谢谢您!” 老山羊又把一车白菜送给小白兔。小白兔说:“我不要白菜,请您给我一些 菜子吧。”老山羊送给小白兔一包菜子。 小白兔回到家里,把地翻 松了,种上菜子。 过了几天,白菜长出来了。小白兔常常给白菜浇水,施肥,拔草,捉虫。白菜很快就长大了。 小灰兔把一车白菜拉回家里。他不干活了,饿了就吃老山羊送的白菜。 过了些日子,小灰兔把白菜吃完了,又到老山羊家里去要白菜。 这时候,他看见小白兔挑着一担白菜,给老山羊送来了。小灰兔很奇怪,问道:“小白兔,你的菜是哪儿来的?” 小白兔说:“是我自己种的。只有自己种,才有吃不完的菜。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 1.3.13B 故事解读《司马光》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1046

古时候 gǔ shíhòu Noun phrase, ancient times 回 huí noun, time(s) 一回,one time/once 两回,twice 几回,a few times 跟 gēn Prep, (do something) with (someone); and, (noun) and (noun) 我跟朋友去看电影。I went to the movie with a friend. 苹果跟香蕉,apple and banana 花园 huāyuán Noun, garden 颐和园(yíhéyuán),the summer palace 假 jiǎ Adj, fake 假山,fake mountain; rockery 口 kǒu Measure word for vat, water well and family members 一口水缸,一口井(jǐng),五口人 水缸 shuǐ gāng Noun, a big container for water, usually it is made of porcelain 鱼缸,fish tank 浴缸,bath tub 米缸, a porcelain container for rice 烟灰缸,an ashtray for cigarette 装 zhuāng Verb, to contain 把米装到缸里, put the rice into the rice container 满 mǎn Adj, full 爬 pá Verb, to crawl 掉 diào Verb, to fall 掉下来,to fall down 进 jìn Verb, to get in 别的 bié de Adj, other 慌 huāng Adj, to be in panic 别慌!Don’t panic! 吓 xià Verb, to scare (someone) 哭 kū Verb, to cry 叫 jiào Verb, to yell 喊 hǎn Verb, to shout 大人 dàrén Noun, guardians 举起 jǔ qǐ Verb, to lift up… 块(儿) kuài (er) Measure word for stone, rock, candy, chocolate, etc. 石头 shítou Noun, rock; stone 使劲儿 shǐjìn er Verb, to exert all one’s strength 砸 zá Verb, to smash (something) with something heavy and hard (such as rock, brick, etc) 几下子 jǐ xiàzi (conduct an action for )a few times 破 pò Adj, to be torn 得救 déjiù Verb phrase, to get rescued; to be saved 司马光救了小朋友。Simaguang saved the little guy’s life. 小朋友被司马光救了。The little guy was saved by Simaguang. 小朋友得救了。The little guy was saved. New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 1.3.13B 故事解读《司马光》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1046

古时候 gǔ shíhòu Noun phrase, ancient times 回 huí noun, time(s) 一回,one time/once 两回,twice 几回,a few times 跟 gēn Prep, (do something) with (someone); and, (noun) and (noun) 我跟朋友去看电影。I went to the movie with a friend. 苹果跟香蕉,apple and banana 花园 huāyuán Noun, garden 颐和园(yíhéyuán),the summer palace 假 jiǎ Adj, fake 假山,fake mountain; rockery 口 kǒu Measure word for vat, water well and family members 一口水缸,一口井(jǐng),五口人 水缸 shuǐ gāng Noun, a big container for water, usually it is made of porcelain 鱼缸,fish tank 浴缸,bath tub 米缸, a porcelain container for rice 烟灰缸,an ashtray for cigarette 装 zhuāng Verb, to contain 把米装到缸里, put the rice into the rice container 满 mǎn Adj, full 爬 pá Verb, to crawl 掉 diào Verb, to fall 掉下来,to fall down 进 jìn Verb, to get in 别的 bié de Adj, other 慌 huāng Adj, to be in panic 别慌!Don’t panic! 吓 xià Verb, to scare (someone) 哭 kū Verb, to cry 叫 jiào Verb, to yell 喊 hǎn Verb, to shout 大人 dàrén Noun, guardians 举起 jǔ qǐ Verb, to lift up… 块(儿) kuài (er) Measure word for stone, rock, candy, chocolate, etc. 石头 shítou Noun, rock; stone 使劲儿 shǐjìn er Verb, to exert all one’s strength 砸 zá Verb, to smash (something) with something heavy and hard (such as rock, brick, etc) 几下子 jǐ xiàzi (conduct an action for )a few times 破 pò Adj, to be torn 得救 déjiù Verb phrase, to get rescued; to be saved 司马光救了小朋友。Simaguang saved the little guy’s life. 小朋友被司马光救了。The little guy was saved by Simaguang. 小朋友得救了。The little guy was saved. New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 1.3.13A 故事 《司马光》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 129

Simaguang is the writer of the greatest Chinese history masterpiece “Zizhi Tongjian". He was a famous historian, writer and politician in Song Dynasty. This story records his heroic act of saving a drowned buddy in his childhood. It has another well-known Chinese name called "Simaguang smashed the vat" (Simaguang Za Gang) and it is one of the best-known stories in China. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 古时候有个孩子,叫司马光。 有一回,他跟几个小朋友在花园里玩。花园里有假山,假山下面有一口大水缸,缸里装 满了水。有个小朋友爬到假山上去玩,一不小心,掉 进了大水缸。 别的小朋友都慌了,有的吓 哭了,有的叫着喊着,跑去找大人。 司马光没有慌,他举 起一块儿 石头,使劲儿 砸那口缸,几下子就把缸砸破了。 缸里的水流出来了,掉进缸里的小朋友得救了。 ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 1.3.13A 故事 《司马光》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 129

Simaguang is the writer of the greatest Chinese history masterpiece “Zizhi Tongjian". He was a famous historian, writer and politician in Song Dynasty. This story records his heroic act of saving a drowned buddy in his childhood. It has another well-known Chinese name called "Simaguang smashed the vat" (Simaguang Za Gang) and it is one of the best-known stories in China. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 古时候有个孩子,叫司马光。 有一回,他跟几个小朋友在花园里玩。花园里有假山,假山下面有一口大水缸,缸里装 满了水。有个小朋友爬到假山上去玩,一不小心,掉 进了大水缸。 别的小朋友都慌了,有的吓 哭了,有的叫着喊着,跑去找大人。 司马光没有慌,他举 起一块儿 石头,使劲儿 砸那口缸,几下子就把缸砸破了。 缸里的水流出来了,掉进缸里的小朋友得救了。 ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.1.11B 故事解读《小壁虎借尾巴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1262

壁虎 bìhǔ Noun, gecko 尾巴 wěibā Noun, tail 角 jiǎo Noun, corner 墙角,corner of the wall 街角,corner of the street 蚊子 wénzi Noun, mosquito 咬住 yǎo zhù Verb phrase, to bite into; to grip 挣 zhèng Verb, to break; to snap 断 duàn Adj, to be broken into half 逃走 táozǒu Verb, to escape 难看 nánkàn Adj, ugly 爬 pá Verb, to crawl 河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 摇 yáo Verb, to wave (head or tail) ……来……去 ……lái……qù Back and forth 走来走去,walk back and forth 游来游去,swim back and forth 飞来飞去,fly back and forth 行吗? xíng ma? Does (that) work? Will (it )work? Are you Ok with that? 拨水 bō shuǐ Verb phrase, to push aside the water 拨号,to dial a phone number 拨台,to change a radio channel 甩 shuǎi Verb, to swat 伯伯 bóbo Noun, uncle (dad’s elder brother) 赶 gǎn Verb, to drive away; to expel 蝇子 yíngzi Noun, flies 屋檐 wūyán Noun, eaves 空中 kōngzhōng In the air Or天空中 摆 bǎi Verb, to sway 阿姨 āyí Noun, aunt (mom’s sister or friends) 掌握 zhǎngwò Verb, to acquire the information of…; to acquire/master the skill of… 方向 fāngxiàng Noun, direction(s) 难过 nánguò Adj, upset; sad 傻 shǎ Adj, silly; stupid; retarded; 转 zhuǎn Verb, to turn around 过(去) guò (qù) Verb, to move from one place to another 长 zhǎng Verb, to grow New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.11B 故事解读《小壁虎借尾巴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1262

壁虎 bìhǔ Noun, gecko 尾巴 wěibā Noun, tail 角 jiǎo Noun, corner 墙角,corner of the wall 街角,corner of the street 蚊子 wénzi Noun, mosquito 咬住 yǎo zhù Verb phrase, to bite into; to grip 挣 zhèng Verb, to break; to snap 断 duàn Adj, to be broken into half 逃走 táozǒu Verb, to escape 难看 nánkàn Adj, ugly 爬 pá Verb, to crawl 河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 摇 yáo Verb, to wave (head or tail) ……来……去 ……lái……qù Back and forth 走来走去,walk back and forth 游来游去,swim back and forth 飞来飞去,fly back and forth 行吗? xíng ma? Does (that) work? Will (it )work? Are you Ok with that? 拨水 bō shuǐ Verb phrase, to push aside the water 拨号,to dial a phone number 拨台,to change a radio channel 甩 shuǎi Verb, to swat 伯伯 bóbo Noun, uncle (dad’s elder brother) 赶 gǎn Verb, to drive away; to expel 蝇子 yíngzi Noun, flies 屋檐 wūyán Noun, eaves 空中 kōngzhōng In the air Or天空中 摆 bǎi Verb, to sway 阿姨 āyí Noun, aunt (mom’s sister or friends) 掌握 zhǎngwò Verb, to acquire the information of…; to acquire/master the skill of… 方向 fāngxiàng Noun, direction(s) 难过 nánguò Adj, upset; sad 傻 shǎ Adj, silly; stupid; retarded; 转 zhuǎn Verb, to turn around 过(去) guò (qù) Verb, to move from one place to another 长 zhǎng Verb, to grow New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.11A 故事《小壁虎借尾巴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 205

This is a scientific story about a little gecko trying to find out a solution after its tail was bitten by a snake. After an adventure of going to different animals and asking for a loan of a new tail, the little gecko learned that its tail would grow back. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 小壁虎在墙角捉蚊子,一条蛇咬住了它的尾巴。小壁虎一挣,挣断尾巴逃走了。    没有尾巴多难看啊!小壁虎想去借一条尾巴。 小壁虎爬呀爬,爬到小河边。他看见小鱼在河里摇着尾巴游来游去。小壁虎说:“小鱼姐姐,您的尾巴借给我行吗?”小鱼说:“不行啊!我要用尾巴拨水呢。” 小壁虎爬呀爬,爬到大树上。他看见老黄牛在树下甩着尾巴吃草。小壁虎说:“黄牛伯伯,您的尾巴借给我行吗?”老黄牛说:“不行啊!我要用尾巴赶 蝇子呢。”    小壁虎爬呀爬,爬到屋檐下。他看见燕子在空中 摆着尾巴飞来飞去。小壁虎说:“燕子阿姨,您的尾巴借给我行吗?”燕子说:“不行啊!我飞的时候,要用尾巴掌握 方向呢。”    小壁虎借不到尾巴,心里很难过。他爬呀爬,爬回家里找妈妈。小壁虎把借尾巴的事告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说:“傻孩子,你转过身子看看。”小壁虎转身一看,高兴地叫起来:“我长出一条新尾巴啦!” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.1.11A 故事《小壁虎借尾巴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 205

This is a scientific story about a little gecko trying to find out a solution after its tail was bitten by a snake. After an adventure of going to different animals and asking for a loan of a new tail, the little gecko learned that its tail would grow back. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 小壁虎在墙角捉蚊子,一条蛇咬住了它的尾巴。小壁虎一挣,挣断尾巴逃走了。    没有尾巴多难看啊!小壁虎想去借一条尾巴。 小壁虎爬呀爬,爬到小河边。他看见小鱼在河里摇着尾巴游来游去。小壁虎说:“小鱼姐姐,您的尾巴借给我行吗?”小鱼说:“不行啊!我要用尾巴拨水呢。” 小壁虎爬呀爬,爬到大树上。他看见老黄牛在树下甩着尾巴吃草。小壁虎说:“黄牛伯伯,您的尾巴借给我行吗?”老黄牛说:“不行啊!我要用尾巴赶 蝇子呢。”    小壁虎爬呀爬,爬到屋檐下。他看见燕子在空中 摆着尾巴飞来飞去。小壁虎说:“燕子阿姨,您的尾巴借给我行吗?”燕子说:“不行啊!我飞的时候,要用尾巴掌握 方向呢。”    小壁虎借不到尾巴,心里很难过。他爬呀爬,爬回家里找妈妈。小壁虎把借尾巴的事告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说:“傻孩子,你转过身子看看。”小壁虎转身一看,高兴地叫起来:“我长出一条新尾巴啦!” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 1.3.12B 故事解读《胖乎乎的小手》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1298

胖乎乎 pànghūhū Adj, chubby 全家 quánjiā Noun phrase, whole family 兰兰 lánlan Chinese nickname for girls. 兰 is a kind of a flower 下班 xiàbān Verb phrase, to get off work 拿 ná Verb, to take/pick something with hands 又 yòu Adv, again; one more time 贴 tiē Verb, to post 墙 qiáng Noun, wall 明白 míngbai Verb, to understand 只是 zhǐshì Adv, only 自己 zìjǐ Pronoun, oneself 那么 nàme Adv, very (+adjective) 替 tì Verb, to do something for someone 过 guò Particle, verb+过,means someone has had the experience of doing something 拖鞋 tuōxié Noun, slippers 洗 xǐ Verb, to wash 手绢 shǒujuàn Noun, handkerchief 姥姥 lǎolao Noun, grandma on mom’s side 厨房 chúfáng Noun, kitchen 一眼就…… yīyǎn jiù…… did something at the first sight 红润润 hóngrùn rùn Adv phrase, rosy and healthy 帮 bāng Verb, to help 挠 náo Verb, to scratch 痒痒 yǎngyang Noun, itch 长大 zhǎng dà Verb, (kid, small animal) to grow up 变成 biàn chéng Verb, to become 事情 shìqíng Noun, thing(s) New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com


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Nicoleliu says: