1.3.14B 故事解读《小白兔和小灰兔》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 山羊 shānyáng Noun, goat 收 shōu Verb, to harvest 收麦子,to harvest wheat 收玉米,to harvest corns 白菜 báicài Noun, napa cabbage 收下 shōu xià Verb, to accept (gift, money, bribery, etc.) 些 xiē Pronoun, some 一些, some 这些,these 那些, those 菜子 càizǐ Noun, vegetable seeds Or 菜籽 翻 fān Verb, to plow; to turn up( the soil) 翻地 松 sōng Adj, loose 把地翻松, to plow the soil 土松了,the soil is loose now 种 zhòng Verb, to plant 过了 guò le Verb, (a period of time) passed 过了一个月,a month passed; after a month 浇水 jiāo shuǐ Verb, to water 浇花, to water the flower 施肥 shīféi Verb, to fertilize 给花施肥,to fertilize the flower 给白菜施肥,to fertilize the cabbage 拔草 bá cǎo Adj, to pull up weeds 除虫 chú chóng Adj, to get rid of insects; to kill insects 拉 lā Verb, to pull (carts) 干活 gàn huó Verb, to work (colloquial form) Same with 工作 饿 è Adj, hungry 日子 rìzi Noun, days 挑 tiāo Verb, to carry on a pole 担 dàn Noun, load 奇怪 qíguài Adj, strange; weird 只有……,才…… zhǐyǒu……, cái…… 只有(A),才(B) B cannot happen if criteria A is not met. 只有在Amazon上才能买到这个中国货。You can only get this kind of Chinese goodies on Amazon. New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com