听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories

Summary: “听故事学中文” is a platform for learners who are interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture. Podcast lessons that“听故事学中文” produced mainly target on novice high, intermediate and advanced level learners. As an e-learning resource, its distinguishing features are the use of authentic materials, more than 95% target language, natural talk and it has an explanation session that has a plethora of recap and repetitions for listeners to follow. As a learner-centered platform, “听故事学中文” always looks forward to hearing from our listeners and we always integrate your needs and interest into our curriculum design. Among our story collection, 3 story categories are all from our listeners. We also make personal communication with our listeners about the effectiveness of instructional strategies in each story explanation. Check out website page http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com for more learning and teaching resources!

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 1.2.20 笑话《妈妈和儿子》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 366

It is time to go to bed and mom asked her son to go to check the light in the kitchen. The son came back to mom, bringing back a hilarious response. 妈妈:“儿子,你到厨房里去看一下,看看电灯有没有关?”儿子去了一下回来说:“妈妈,那里黑咕隆咚的,什么也看不见。我怎么知道?” 儿子 érzi Noun, son 厨房 chúfáng Noun, kitchen 电灯 diàndēng Noun, lighting bulb 关 guān Verb, to turn off; to switch off; to close 黑咕隆咚 hēigūlōngdōng Adj, extremely dark

 1.3.15 笑话《爸爸和儿子》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 180

This is the first episode of our joke telling series. We want to thank our listeners for this great idea! Click on "like" or "I want more!" if you want more Chinese jokes like this. 爸爸问儿子:你将来 娶谁做老婆?儿子说:我要娶奶奶,她疼我!爸爸说:胡说,你怎么可以娶我妈呢?儿子说:你可以娶我妈做老婆,为什么我就不能娶你妈呢! ——摘自http://m.jj59.com/gaoxiaowenzhang/030757.html 将来 jiānglái Noun, future 娶 qǔ Verb, (a male) marry (his partner) 老婆 lǎopó Noun, wife 疼 téng Verb, to care a lot about someone 胡说 húshuō Non-sense

 1.3.15 笑话《爸爸和儿子》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 180

This is the first episode of our joke telling series. We want to thank our listeners for this great idea! Click on "like" or "I want more!" if you want more Chinese jokes like this. 爸爸问儿子:你将来 娶谁做老婆?儿子说:我要娶奶奶,她疼我!爸爸说:胡说,你怎么可以娶我妈呢?儿子说:你可以娶我妈做老婆,为什么我就不能娶你妈呢! ——摘自http://m.jj59.com/gaoxiaowenzhang/030757.html 将来 jiānglái Noun, future 娶 qǔ Verb, (a male) marry (his partner) 老婆 lǎopó Noun, wife 疼 téng Verb, to care a lot about someone 胡说 húshuō Non-sense

 2.2.12B 故事解读《黄山奇石》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1518

闻名中外 wénmíng zhōngwài Adj, world-famous; well-known to both locals and foreigners 风景区 fēngjǐng qū Noun, scenic area Or 景区 安徽 Ānhuī Anhui province, capital city is Hefei 景色 jǐngsè Noun, scene; view; landscape Or 风景 秀丽 xiùlì Adj, beautiful(only used to describe mountain, forest and natural scenes that have trees) 风景秀丽,景色秀丽 神奇 shénqí Adj, magical 尤其是 yóuqí shì Conjunction word, especially… 有趣 yǒuqù Adj, interesting Or 有意思,好玩 落 luò Verb, to land (on…) 落在… 飞机落在国际机场。The plane landed on the international airport. 山顶 shāndǐng Noun, top of the mountain 山脚,the foot of the mountain 石盘 shí pán Noun, a flat piece of stone that looks like a plate 陡峭 dǒuqiào Adj, steep 一动不动 yí dòngbùdòng Adj, still; like a statue. Verb, to be still. 蹲 dūn Verb, to squat 山头 shāntóu Noun, the top of the mountain (colloquial form) 望 wàng Verb, to look far into the distance 翻滚 fāngǔn Verb, to flip and roll 云海 yúnhǎi Noun, sea of clouds 手臂 shǒubì Noun, hand(s) and arm(s) 巨石 jùshí Noun, giant stone; boulder 巨人, giant man 金光闪闪 jīnguāng shǎnshǎn Adj, glittering; verb, to glitter 雄鸡 xióng jī Noun, rooster 母鸡,hen 不住 bú zhù Adv, without a pause or stop 不住地说话,to talk without stop 啼叫 tí jiào Verb, to crow 公鸡啼叫,猴子啼叫 不用说 búyòng shuō Needless to day 著名 zhùmíng Adj, renowned 奇形怪状 qíxíngguàizhuàng Chengyu, of odd shapes 奇怪,odd;形状,shape 岩石 yánshí Noun, rock New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.2.12B 故事解读《黄山奇石》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1518

闻名中外 wénmíng zhōngwài Adj, world-famous; well-known to both locals and foreigners 风景区 fēngjǐng qū Noun, scenic area Or 景区 安徽 Ānhuī Anhui province, capital city is Hefei 景色 jǐngsè Noun, scene; view; landscape Or 风景 秀丽 xiùlì Adj, beautiful(only used to describe mountain, forest and natural scenes that have trees) 风景秀丽,景色秀丽 神奇 shénqí Adj, magical 尤其是 yóuqí shì Conjunction word, especially… 有趣 yǒuqù Adj, interesting Or 有意思,好玩 落 luò Verb, to land (on…) 落在… 飞机落在国际机场。The plane landed on the international airport. 山顶 shāndǐng Noun, top of the mountain 山脚,the foot of the mountain 石盘 shí pán Noun, a flat piece of stone that looks like a plate 陡峭 dǒuqiào Adj, steep 一动不动 yí dòngbùdòng Adj, still; like a statue. Verb, to be still. 蹲 dūn Verb, to squat 山头 shāntóu Noun, the top of the mountain (colloquial form) 望 wàng Verb, to look far into the distance 翻滚 fāngǔn Verb, to flip and roll 云海 yúnhǎi Noun, sea of clouds 手臂 shǒubì Noun, hand(s) and arm(s) 巨石 jùshí Noun, giant stone; boulder 巨人, giant man 金光闪闪 jīnguāng shǎnshǎn Adj, glittering; verb, to glitter 雄鸡 xióng jī Noun, rooster 母鸡,hen 不住 bú zhù Adv, without a pause or stop 不住地说话,to talk without stop 啼叫 tí jiào Verb, to crow 公鸡啼叫,猴子啼叫 不用说 búyòng shuō Needless to day 著名 zhùmíng Adj, renowned 奇形怪状 qíxíngguàizhuàng Chengyu, of odd shapes 奇怪,odd;形状,shape 岩石 yánshí Noun, rock New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.2.12A 故事《黄山奇石》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 192

Have you been to the Yellow Mountain in China? If you haven't, you should put it on your bucket list. This story gives you a glimpse of the most famous boulders on the Yellow Mountain. Anyway, check it out, I mean both this story and the Yellow Mountain. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 闻名中外的黄山风景区在我国安徽省南部。那里景色 秀丽 神奇,尤其是那些怪石,有趣极了。   就说“仙桃石”吧,它好像从天上飞下来的一个大桃子,落在山顶的石盘上。   在一座陡峭的山峰上,有一只猴子。它两只胳膊抱着腿,一动不动的蹲在山头,望着翻滚的云海。这就是有趣的猴子观海。   “仙人指路”就更有趣了!远远望去,真像一位仙人站在高高的山峰上,伸着手臂指向前方。 每当太阳升起,有座山峰上的几块巨石,就变成了一只金光闪闪的雄鸡。它伸着脖子,对着天都峰不住地啼叫。不用说,这就是著名的“金鸡叫天都”了。     黄山的奇石还有很多,像“天狗望月”“狮子抢球”“仙女弹琴”……那些叫不出名字的奇形怪状的岩石,正等你去给他们起名字呢! ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.2.12A 故事《黄山奇石》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 192

Have you been to the Yellow Mountain in China? If you haven't, you should put it on your bucket list. This story gives you a glimpse of the most famous boulders on the Yellow Mountain. Anyway, check it out, I mean both this story and the Yellow Mountain. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 闻名中外的黄山风景区在我国安徽省南部。那里景色 秀丽 神奇,尤其是那些怪石,有趣极了。   就说“仙桃石”吧,它好像从天上飞下来的一个大桃子,落在山顶的石盘上。   在一座陡峭的山峰上,有一只猴子。它两只胳膊抱着腿,一动不动的蹲在山头,望着翻滚的云海。这就是有趣的猴子观海。   “仙人指路”就更有趣了!远远望去,真像一位仙人站在高高的山峰上,伸着手臂指向前方。 每当太阳升起,有座山峰上的几块巨石,就变成了一只金光闪闪的雄鸡。它伸着脖子,对着天都峰不住地啼叫。不用说,这就是著名的“金鸡叫天都”了。     黄山的奇石还有很多,像“天狗望月”“狮子抢球”“仙女弹琴”……那些叫不出名字的奇形怪状的岩石,正等你去给他们起名字呢! ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.3.6A 新闻《因病致贫的白血病儿家庭:父亲欲卖肾救女》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 244

This father decided to sell a kidney, so that he could have the money to save his little daughter from leukemia. 75% of the Chinese leukemia patients are from countryside and those families made less than 5000 US dollars each year. The leukemia comes as a devastating blow.You can leave a comment and contact us if you would like to make a donation to help out this family. 因病致 贫的白血病儿家庭:父亲欲卖肾救女 据统计,我国400万名白血病患者中,50%是儿童,其中有超过75%的患儿来自农村,年收入不足3万元。几十万元到上百万元的治疗 费用,对于普通家庭,特别是农村贫困家庭来说,将面临着灾难性医疗支出。 2015年9月,3岁的吴瑾突然低烧、尿血,家人带她去医院检查,结果是高危 急性 淋巴白血病。 吴瑾一家人本来就贫困,几代人都住在偏远的福建寿宁县坑底乡坑底村。为了给女儿治病,37岁的吴文花光了家里所有的积蓄,还东拼西凑借了8万元。住在福州协和医院血液科39病区,很多好心的病友 家属也给吴先生筹了9000多元钱,这让吴先生很感动。然而,相比高昂的医疗费,这只是杯水车薪。无奈,吴文和父母商量,打算去卖肾救女。 吴文的举动引来媒体关注,在社会各界的帮助下,吴文为女儿筹到医疗费已超过10万元,基本 解决了前期的治疗费。而像他这样的家庭,无钱医治的,还有很多。 ——摘自http://news.qq.com/a/20160919/012332.htm#p=1

 2.3.6A 新闻《因病致贫的白血病儿家庭:父亲欲卖肾救女》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 244

This father decided to sell a kidney, so that he could have the money to save his little daughter from leukemia. 75% of the Chinese leukemia patients are from countryside and those families made less than 5000 US dollars each year. The leukemia comes as a devastating blow.You can leave a comment and contact us if you would like to make a donation to help out this family. 因病致 贫的白血病儿家庭:父亲欲卖肾救女 据统计,我国400万名白血病患者中,50%是儿童,其中有超过75%的患儿来自农村,年收入不足3万元。几十万元到上百万元的治疗 费用,对于普通家庭,特别是农村贫困家庭来说,将面临着灾难性医疗支出。 2015年9月,3岁的吴瑾突然低烧、尿血,家人带她去医院检查,结果是高危 急性 淋巴白血病。 吴瑾一家人本来就贫困,几代人都住在偏远的福建寿宁县坑底乡坑底村。为了给女儿治病,37岁的吴文花光了家里所有的积蓄,还东拼西凑借了8万元。住在福州协和医院血液科39病区,很多好心的病友 家属也给吴先生筹了9000多元钱,这让吴先生很感动。然而,相比高昂的医疗费,这只是杯水车薪。无奈,吴文和父母商量,打算去卖肾救女。 吴文的举动引来媒体关注,在社会各界的帮助下,吴文为女儿筹到医疗费已超过10万元,基本 解决了前期的治疗费。而像他这样的家庭,无钱医治的,还有很多。 ——摘自http://news.qq.com/a/20160919/012332.htm#p=1

 2.1.12B 故事解读《小伙伴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1774

小伙伴 xiǎo huǒbàn noun, companies (that one hang out with) 春游 chūnyóu Noun, spring outing 秋游,冬游 午餐 wǔcān Noun, lunch Or 午饭 早饭,早餐:breakfast 晚饭,晚餐:dinner 一旁 yì páng Noun, one side; away from the majority of the people Or 一边 站在一旁,stand alone 背包 bèibāo Noun, backpack 书包,book pack 丢 diū Verb, to lose 把背包丢了。Lost the backpack. 面包 miànbāo Noun, bread 矿泉水 kuàngquán shuǐ Noun, mineral water 大口 dàkǒu Adv, mouth wide open so one can eat/drink more 大口吃饭,to eat with big bites 大口喝水,to drink with the mouth open wide 糟糕 zāogāo Adj, terrible; awful 粗心 cūxīn Adj, careless 小声 xiǎoshēng (in ) a low voice It can be used as an adjective or an adverb 小声点儿! Be quiet! 小声说话,to talk in a low voice. 低下 dīxià Verb, to lower (one’s head) 低下头 大概 dàgài Adv, probably Or 有可能 以后 yǐhòu In the future; from now on 以前, before 保管 bǎoguǎn Verb, to take care of (one’s belongings); to keep an eye on one’s objects 请保管好自己的财物。Please take good care of your money and belongings. 跟前 gēnqián Noun, an area/place that is very close 他来到我跟前,he came to me. 他家就在跟前。His house is nearby. 夹 jiá Verb, to sandwich 黄油 huángyóu Noun, butter 掰 bāi Verb, to separate/divide with two hands pulling to two opposite directions 半 bàn Noun, half 赶快 gǎnkuài Adv, quickly; hurry New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.12B 故事解读《小伙伴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1774

小伙伴 xiǎo huǒbàn noun, companies (that one hang out with) 春游 chūnyóu Noun, spring outing 秋游,冬游 午餐 wǔcān Noun, lunch Or 午饭 早饭,早餐:breakfast 晚饭,晚餐:dinner 一旁 yì páng Noun, one side; away from the majority of the people Or 一边 站在一旁,stand alone 背包 bèibāo Noun, backpack 书包,book pack 丢 diū Verb, to lose 把背包丢了。Lost the backpack. 面包 miànbāo Noun, bread 矿泉水 kuàngquán shuǐ Noun, mineral water 大口 dàkǒu Adv, mouth wide open so one can eat/drink more 大口吃饭,to eat with big bites 大口喝水,to drink with the mouth open wide 糟糕 zāogāo Adj, terrible; awful 粗心 cūxīn Adj, careless 小声 xiǎoshēng (in ) a low voice It can be used as an adjective or an adverb 小声点儿! Be quiet! 小声说话,to talk in a low voice. 低下 dīxià Verb, to lower (one’s head) 低下头 大概 dàgài Adv, probably Or 有可能 以后 yǐhòu In the future; from now on 以前, before 保管 bǎoguǎn Verb, to take care of (one’s belongings); to keep an eye on one’s objects 请保管好自己的财物。Please take good care of your money and belongings. 跟前 gēnqián Noun, an area/place that is very close 他来到我跟前,he came to me. 他家就在跟前。His house is nearby. 夹 jiá Verb, to sandwich 黄油 huángyóu Noun, butter 掰 bāi Verb, to separate/divide with two hands pulling to two opposite directions 半 bàn Noun, half 赶快 gǎnkuài Adv, quickly; hurry New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.1.12A 故事《小伙伴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 234

At this beautiful spring field trip day, Masha found she lost her backpack that had her lunch box in it. Three buddies had different reactions and Masha might have just learned who could become her best friend. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 春游那天,到了中午,小伙伴都在吃午餐,只有玛莎站在一旁。 维加问她:“你怎么不吃呀?” 玛莎说:“我把背包丢了,里面装着面包和矿泉水……” 维加一边大口地吃着面包,一边说:“真糟糕!离回到家还有好长时间呢!” 安娜说:“你把背包丢在哪儿了?真粗心!” 玛莎小声地说:“我也不知道。”说着,低下了头。 安娜又说:“你大概是丢在公共汽车上,忘记拿了。以后可要保管好自己的东西。” 这时,安东走到玛莎跟前,什么也没说,把夹 着黄油的面包掰成两半,把大一点儿的放到玛莎 手里,说:“赶快吃吧。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.1.12A 故事《小伙伴》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 234

At this beautiful spring field trip day, Masha found she lost her backpack that had her lunch box in it. Three buddies had different reactions and Masha might have just learned who could become her best friend. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 春游那天,到了中午,小伙伴都在吃午餐,只有玛莎站在一旁。 维加问她:“你怎么不吃呀?” 玛莎说:“我把背包丢了,里面装着面包和矿泉水……” 维加一边大口地吃着面包,一边说:“真糟糕!离回到家还有好长时间呢!” 安娜说:“你把背包丢在哪儿了?真粗心!” 玛莎小声地说:“我也不知道。”说着,低下了头。 安娜又说:“你大概是丢在公共汽车上,忘记拿了。以后可要保管好自己的东西。” 这时,安东走到玛莎跟前,什么也没说,把夹 着黄油的面包掰成两半,把大一点儿的放到玛莎 手里,说:“赶快吃吧。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册

 2.2.11B 新闻故事解读《男子持假信用卡买高档烟酒》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1726

男子 nánzǐ Noun, male; guy; man Anonym 女子 天 tiān Noun, day 内 nèi Prep, within (a period of time); inside (a space) 一天内,within one day 学校内,inside school 持 chí Verb, to take; to hold 假 jiǎ Adj, fake 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ Noun, credit card 刷 shuā Verb, to swipe 刷卡,to swipe a card 点 diǎn Noun, dot 13.4 十三点四 万 wàn Noun, 10 thousand 高档 gāodàng Adj, high-end; fancy 烟 yān Noun, cigarette 酒 jiǔ Noun, wine; alcohol 面 miàn Noun, the top(of a flat object, such as table, credit card, stage) 卡面,桌面,台面 信息 xìnxī Noun, information 却 què Adv, means “but; however”, is always put after the subject of the sentence. Chocolate is yummy, but I do not like it. 巧克力很好吃,但是我不喜欢。 巧克力很好吃,我却不喜欢。 显示 xiǎnshì Verb, to display 咋回事? zǎ huí shì? Why? What happened? What’s wrong? Same with “怎么回事?” 竟 jìng Adv, to express something is unexpected, you can use the adverb 竟然 after the subject. Gucci包竟然100块! A Gucci purse only costs $100! 伪造 wèizào Verb, to counterfeit; adj, counterfeit 某某 mǒu mǒu Noun, used to name someone anonymous 某某人, someone 王某某,someone named Wang 使用 shǐyòng Verb, to use 昆明 Kūnmíng City name, Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province 附近 fùjìn Noun, a place nearby 学校在医院的附近。The school is nearby the hospital. 酒店 jiǔdiàn Noun, hotel POS机 POS jī Noun, credit card terminal 机:机器,machine POS: point of sale 购买 gòumǎi Verb, to purchase 等 děng Pronoun, means “and other (items that will be omitted here).” 我买了苹果、香蕉等水果。I bought apple, banana and other kinds of fruit. 及 jí Connector, means “and”, it is used to connect two nouns. 小王及小李,little Wang and little Li (一)共 (yí) gòng means “in total”, it is always put before the total number 我今天消费了一共100块。I spent 100 yuan in total today. 消费 xiāofèi Verb, to consume; to spend (a certain amount of money) 法院 fǎyuàn Noun, court 法官,judge 一审 yīshěn Noun, first instance(law) 判决 pànjué Noun, court decision 犯 fàn Verb, to commit (a crime) 诈骗 zhàpiàn Noun, fraud 罪 zuì Noun, crime 判处 pànchǔ Verb, to sentence 有期徒刑 yǒuqī túxíng Noun, fixed-term imprisonment 并 bìng Conjunction, “and”, it is used when there is a need to add up more information about a description or a statement. 处 chǔ Verb, to give the penalty of … (subjected by court) 罚金 fá jīn Noun, fine; forfeit New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com

 2.2.11B 新闻故事解读《男子持假信用卡买高档烟酒》 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1726

男子 nánzǐ Noun, male; guy; man Anonym 女子 天 tiān Noun, day 内 nèi Prep, within (a period of time); inside (a space) 一天内,within one day 学校内,inside school 持 chí Verb, to take; to hold 假 jiǎ Adj, fake 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ Noun, credit card 刷 shuā Verb, to swipe 刷卡,to swipe a card 点 diǎn Noun, dot 13.4 十三点四 万 wàn Noun, 10 thousand 高档 gāodàng Adj, high-end; fancy 烟 yān Noun, cigarette 酒 jiǔ Noun, wine; alcohol 面 miàn Noun, the top(of a flat object, such as table, credit card, stage) 卡面,桌面,台面 信息 xìnxī Noun, information 却 què Adv, means “but; however”, is always put after the subject of the sentence. Chocolate is yummy, but I do not like it. 巧克力很好吃,但是我不喜欢。 巧克力很好吃,我却不喜欢。 显示 xiǎnshì Verb, to display 咋回事? zǎ huí shì? Why? What happened? What’s wrong? Same with “怎么回事?” 竟 jìng Adv, to express something is unexpected, you can use the adverb 竟然 after the subject. Gucci包竟然100块! A Gucci purse only costs $100! 伪造 wèizào Verb, to counterfeit; adj, counterfeit 某某 mǒu mǒu Noun, used to name someone anonymous 某某人, someone 王某某,someone named Wang 使用 shǐyòng Verb, to use 昆明 Kūnmíng City name, Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province 附近 fùjìn Noun, a place nearby 学校在医院的附近。The school is nearby the hospital. 酒店 jiǔdiàn Noun, hotel POS机 POS jī Noun, credit card terminal 机:机器,machine POS: point of sale 购买 gòumǎi Verb, to purchase 等 děng Pronoun, means “and other (items that will be omitted here).” 我买了苹果、香蕉等水果。I bought apple, banana and other kinds of fruit. 及 jí Connector, means “and”, it is used to connect two nouns. 小王及小李,little Wang and little Li (一)共 (yí) gòng means “in total”, it is always put before the total number 我今天消费了一共100块。I spent 100 yuan in total today. 消费 xiāofèi Verb, to consume; to spend (a certain amount of money) 法院 fǎyuàn Noun, court 法官,judge 一审 yīshěn Noun, first instance(law) 判决 pànjué Noun, court decision 犯 fàn Verb, to commit (a crime) 诈骗 zhàpiàn Noun, fraud 罪 zuì Noun, crime 判处 pànchǔ Verb, to sentence 有期徒刑 yǒuqī túxíng Noun, fixed-term imprisonment 并 bìng Conjunction, “and”, it is used when there is a need to add up more information about a description or a statement. 处 chǔ Verb, to give the penalty of … (subjected by court) 罚金 fá jīn Noun, fine; forfeit New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com


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