2.2.12B 故事解读《黄山奇石》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 闻名中外 wénmíng zhōngwài Adj, world-famous; well-known to both locals and foreigners 风景区 fēngjǐng qū Noun, scenic area Or 景区 安徽 Ānhuī Anhui province, capital city is Hefei 景色 jǐngsè Noun, scene; view; landscape Or 风景 秀丽 xiùlì Adj, beautiful(only used to describe mountain, forest and natural scenes that have trees) 风景秀丽,景色秀丽 神奇 shénqí Adj, magical 尤其是 yóuqí shì Conjunction word, especially… 有趣 yǒuqù Adj, interesting Or 有意思,好玩 落 luò Verb, to land (on…) 落在… 飞机落在国际机场。The plane landed on the international airport. 山顶 shāndǐng Noun, top of the mountain 山脚,the foot of the mountain 石盘 shí pán Noun, a flat piece of stone that looks like a plate 陡峭 dǒuqiào Adj, steep 一动不动 yí dòngbùdòng Adj, still; like a statue. Verb, to be still. 蹲 dūn Verb, to squat 山头 shāntóu Noun, the top of the mountain (colloquial form) 望 wàng Verb, to look far into the distance 翻滚 fāngǔn Verb, to flip and roll 云海 yúnhǎi Noun, sea of clouds 手臂 shǒubì Noun, hand(s) and arm(s) 巨石 jùshí Noun, giant stone; boulder 巨人, giant man 金光闪闪 jīnguāng shǎnshǎn Adj, glittering; verb, to glitter 雄鸡 xióng jī Noun, rooster 母鸡,hen 不住 bú zhù Adv, without a pause or stop 不住地说话,to talk without stop 啼叫 tí jiào Verb, to crow 公鸡啼叫,猴子啼叫 不用说 búyòng shuō Needless to day 著名 zhùmíng Adj, renowned 奇形怪状 qíxíngguàizhuàng Chengyu, of odd shapes 奇怪,odd;形状,shape 岩石 yánshí Noun, rock New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time! Enjoy the lesson and please find the new word list on our website: www.learningchinesethroughstories.com