Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 THR 1/2/16: Abraham Lincoln Special | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:04

Michael Medved takes us on an appreciative tour of Abraham Lincoln: the wartime president, phenomenal leader, a man with brilliant rhetorical gifts, and unparalleled political prowess.

 THR 12/26/15: The Gloves Come off at the GOP Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:45

Michael Medved explains why he found Ted Cruz's carpet bombing remark at the GOP debate in Las Vegas troubling. Bill Bennett discusses with former assistant secretary of defense, Bing West, the lessons that we should learn from prior wars to fight today's war. Richard Brookhiser joined Dennis Prager to talk about his new book on Abraham Lincoln, "Founder's Son." Karl Rove talks about his latest book on President William McKinley with Dennis Prager. Bill Bennett speaks with columnist to the world, Mark Steyn, about the GOP debate.

 THR 12/19/15: A Christmas Story Special | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:24

In this special edition of the Townhall Review, Michael Medved tells the story of Christmas, from the humble beginnings of Jesus Christ's birth to Saint Nicholas to Santa Clause. Medved shares how Christmas was both frowned upon and celebrated in colonial America and how General George Washington used the holiday to his advantage in the Revolutionary War. Dennis Prager rounds out the show by expressing his gratitude for religion and particularly Christianity in America, even though he is a Jew.

 THR 12/12/15: Obama's Willful Ignorance and the Rise of ISIS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:22

Shortly after the San Bernardino attack, Joe Scarborough, host of “Morning Joe” joined Hugh Hewitt to launch his criticism of Obama. Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal spoke out about political correctness in light of the terrorist attack in California on Hewitt’s show. Author Steve Emerson said that the attack could have been prevented. Senator Tom Cotton warned Bill Bennett of the danger of allowing NSA data mining to lapse. House Speaker Paul Ryan weighed in on Obama’s address to the nation on the Michael Medved Show. Senator Marco Rubio talked with Hugh Hewitt about national security issues. Former Vice President Dick Cheney blamed Obama for the rise of ISIS on the Hugh Hewitt Show. Columnist Robert Costa explained The Donald’s support on Hewitt’s show.

 THR 12/5/15: Obama Battles Islamic Radicalism by Focusing on Carbon Emissions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:30

Hugh Hewitt talked with columnist of the world, Mark Steyn, in the aftermath of the San Bernardino shooting. Bill Bennett turned to Steven Hayward of Pepperdine University to discuss Obama's attendance at the climate conference in Paris. British journalist and author James Delingpole spoke with Dennis Prager about the faulty "facts" of global warming believed by its most earnest adherents. Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz all weigh in with their foreign policy credentials with Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt respectively. Michael Medved interacts with a piece by Nate Silver reassuring Republicans that Trump does not have much of a path to winning the primary election. Tom Joscelyn, co-founder of, joined Bill Bennett to talk about the spread of Islamic radicalism around the world.

 THR 11/28/15: The Story of Thanksgiving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:43

This special edition of the Townhall Review features Michael Medved telling the compelling story of the Pilgrims: why they left Europe, how they made their way across the ocean, and how they fought to survive in the New World while preserving their religious devotion to God.

 20151121 THR: Islamist Terror in Paris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:48

How did the Paris attacks happen? How can future attacks be stopped? Bill Bennett talks with Bing West, former assistant secretary of defense. Counter-terrorism expert and author Daveed Gartenstein joins Dennis Prager. New Speaker of the House Paul Ryan visits with Bill Bennett. Presidential contenders Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, and Carly Fiorina weigh in on the Paris attacks with hosts Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, and Mike Gallagher respectively. Does Islam have anything to do with the terrorist attacks in Paris? French media analyst Pilippe Karsenty joins Dennis Prager. Bill Bennett covers the latest on the temper tantrums of protesters at universities across the U.S. with Chris Long, president of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Dennis Prager wraps things up with his analysis on Obama's belief that global warming is a bigger threat than terrorism.

 THR 11/14/15: THR 11/14/15: Marco Rubio Smacks Rand Paul's Isolationism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:37

After the most important clips from the latest GOP debate, Larry Elder challenged the merits of the minimum wage. Dennis Prager discussed the GOP victory in Kentucky and the difficulty of polling with John Fund of the American Spectator. Bill Bennett spoke with Pastor Ed Young about a bill that was stopped in Houston that would have allowed biological males to use women's restrooms. Hugh Hewitt chatted with Arizona AG Mark Brnovich about the EPA. Peter Kirsanow, a black conservative on the United States Commission on Civil Rights, spoke with Bennett about the political correctness on college campuses. Dennis Prager talked with Rasha Athamni, an Arab Israeli who is a youth delegate to the United Nations.

 THR 11/7/15: Ted Cruz Unveils His Flat Tax Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:48

Ted Cruz unveiled his tax plan that includes a flat tax. He discussed the details on the Hugh Hewitt Show. Carly Fiorina tackled the issue of immigration with Bill Bennett. Michael Medved talked about the election season with columnist Peggy Noonan. The new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, sat down with Hugh Hewitt. Kristen Anderson has written a new book: "The Selfie Vote. Where Millennials are Leading America." She shared her thoughts with Bill Bennett. Dennis Prager looked at a story regarding transgender politics that he considers "truly awful." Is religion on the decline, as Pew Research polls suggest? Michael Medved weighs in. Dennis Prager teaches an important lesson we can learn from game five of the Mets v. Royals World Series.

 THR 10/31/15: GOP Presidential Candidates Hit Back at Biased CNBC Moderators | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:13

The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol and columnist Mark Steyn both check in with Bill Bennett to discuss the GOP debate hosted by the heavily biased CNBC moderators. Hugh Hewitt spoke with Senator Tom Cotton about Obama's budget deal that leaves national defense underfunded. Bill Bennett spoke with AEI's Michael Rubin about Iran's actions to peddle enriched uranium abroad. The Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald laments the death of the humanities at the hands of leftist universities on the Dennis Prager Show. Michael Medved speaks with Dr. Albert Mohler about his recent book, "We Cannot Be Silent."

 THR 10/24/15: Hillary Cackles While Benghazi Questions Loom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:48

After Hillary Clinton appeared before the House Committee on Benghazi, Hugh Hewitt caught up with Senator Lindsey Graham for his impressions. Before the hearing, Hugh spoke with CNN's Jake Tapper about Hillary's strange and loud cackle while Tapper tried to ask her a serious question about her secret e-mail server. Hewitt also spoke with the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, about the latest violence in Jerusalem. Dennis Prager covered the biased media accounts of the Palestinian knife attacks in Israel. Prager also looked at an Ivy League school whose professors are 96% in the tank with the Democrats when it comes to their monetary contributions. Most people pray, but that hasn't stopped the ACLU from going after a Marine, football coach who drops to one knee after his players' football games. Dennis Prager wraps up the program highlighting more lunacy from the left.

 Townhall Review 10/17/15: Hillary Is the Only Sane One of the Bunch ... Just Barely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:46

Bill Bennett catches up with The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin to discuss the Democratic debate. Dennis Prager talks about the radical leftist positions of the Democratic candidates for president. Michael Medved reflects on the lackluster debate. Hillary Clinton plays the gender card, while Carly Fiorina tells Mike Gallagher that she would rather people vote for her because she'd make the best president. The Democratic Party is the party of the rich, not the Republican Party. Michael Medved explains by reading a column written in The New York Times by Thomas Edsall. Bill Bennett turns to columnist Marc Thiessen to discuss Obama's quagmire in Syria. Michael Medved speaks with Vice President of American Foreign Policy Council Ilon Berman about Syria too.

 Townhall Review 10/10/15: Has Putin Bitten Off More Than He Can Chew? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:42

Morning in America's Bill Bennett spoke with retired four-star general Jack Keane about Obama's fecklessness in the Middle East. Columnist George Will talked with Hugh Hewitt about the troubles in Syria. Michael Medved looked at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's powerful speech before the United Nations. On the Hugh Hewitt Show, Governor Chris Christie argued that we need to do more to help people with mental health issues. Dennis Prager would like the president to explain how his policy suggestions would actually stop gun violence. Ed Klein shared thoughts from his new book on Hillary Clinton, "Unlikeable," on the Michael Medved Show. Dr. Russell Moore also joined Michael Medved to talk about his book, "Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel." Larry Elder sat in for Dennis Prager and opined about the state of the economy under Obama.

 Vladimir Putin Boldly Bombs Syria While Obama Sits on the Sidelines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:46

On this week’s edition of the Townhall Review: Hugh Hewitt discussed the defense budget with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. U.S. Ambassador to Syria during much of Obama’s second term joined Morning in America’s Bill Bennett. Hugh Hewitt spoke with Senator Lindsay Graham about the volatile situation building in the Middle East. Molly Hemmingway, senior editor at The Federalist, was on with Bill Bennett to talk about the Planned Parenthood hearings. South Carolina Congressman Mick Mulvaney also joined Bennett to discuss the hearings. Dennis Prager closely examines a speech by President Obama. Michael Medved looked at religious freedom and Pope Francis. Dennis Prager concludes with thoughts on the United Nations.

 Scott Walker's Departure Demonstrates Patriotic Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:24

Governor Scott Walker dropped out of the presidential race. Why? And was it a good move? Hugh Hewitt speaks with Fox News political reporter Chris Stirewalt. Why are Republican voters furious? Hewitt talks to pollster Frank Luntz. Jonathan Last of the Weekly Standard explains how many of Pope Francis' comments are jaw dropping and astonishing. AEI's Jim Talent and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton discuss Russia, Syria, and the refugee crisis. Senator Ted Cruz speaks with Mike Gallagher about the Obama administration making the U.S. the greatest financier of terror by supporting the Iran nuclear deal. Senator Marco Rubio was on the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss national security. Why did President Obama fawn over the young student who built a clock that looked like a bomb? blogger Katie Pavlich weighs in with Gallagher.


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