Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 Corporations DO Create Jobs...Don't They? 10-31-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett and Bill Kristol on the potential loss of the Senate to the Republicans. Hugh Hewitt and CNN's Jake Tapper on the election. Prager and Ann Coulter discuss Christian's and their reluctance to engage in the voting process--they also discuss how some conservatives make the purest Republican the enemy of the most potentially-electable Republican. Bennett spoke with Mitch McConnell. Arkansas Republican Tom Cotton is just days away from taking a key Senate seat from the Democrats--he spoke to Hugh Hewitt. Michael Medved took a look at a Hillary's attack on business. Michael Medved looks at the silly attempt to divide America by gender. Bill Bennett and Byron York on the gender gap. Dennis Prager on feminist's latest attempt to push their message...with a video of 9-year-old F-bomb-dropping girls.

 Islamic Terror In Canada: Obama Yawns, Sends A Shout-Out 10-24-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett and election expert, Sean Trende of Real Clear Politics break down the races. Michael Medved on Tavis Smiley's remarkably transparent comment regarding the black vote. Hugh Hewitt with U.S. Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, then with Victor Davis Hanson, and then with Mark Steyn--they discuss Islamic terror arriving in Ottawa, Canada. Bill Bennett and Pete Wehner, Sr. Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center discuss how "in the dumps" the economy is. Dennis Prager on Idaho legislators subpoenaed 5 Christian pastors to hand over their sermons to see how "tolerant" they were with homosexuality.

 Africa: A Forest Fire Throwing Out Sparks Weekend Journal 10-18-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett talks Ebola with Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Michael Medved talks with Gordon Chang—author of “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World.” Hugh Hewitt with Erik Stanley of Alliance Defending Freedom talks about the Houston pastors getting subpoenaed by the City Council for any "questionable" speech regarding homosexuality or restrictive gender categories. Bennett and Washington Examiner’s Byron York on the November elections. Hewitt and Senator Lindsay Graham on the KS Senate race and Ebola. Mike Gallagher with Chris Wallace from Fox News discuss the downfall of Democrat Senate candidate, Allison Lundergan-Grimes.

 Dear Obama: Being "On The Wrong Side Of History" Is Worse Than Meaningless 10-11-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett turned to AEI Scholar and Mideast expert Michael Rubin to discuss ISIS laying siege to the Turkish city of Kobani. Hugh Hewitt spoke to Mideast expert—Christian Sahner—whose new must-read book, "Among the Ruins: Syria Past and Present", takes a jolting look at Syria’s former beauty and present devastation. Michael Medved and Karl Rove discuss the November elections. The RNC Chairman, Reince Priebus explained his "Principles for American Renewal" on the Hugh Hewitt show. Jonah Goldberg on the much-used left-wing/Obama platitude: being "on the wrong side of history", and how ridiculous, empty, and worthless this mantra is. Dennis Prager took a look at a lively exchange between HBO’s Bill Maher with actor Ben Affleck, atheist Sam Harris and the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristoff.

 Are Islamic State Beheadings Sanctioned By The Koran? 10-4-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett with China expert Gordon Chang discuss the protests in Hong Kong. Hugh Hewitt with John Fischer Burns, London Bureau Chief for the New York Times who was one of the first western journalists to cover the Cultural Revolution in China. Hewitt and Arkansas Congressman—and Senate hopeful—Tom Cotton, a veteran Marine Officer with two Middle East tours of duty; the discuss the rise of IS. With just 4 weeks until Election Day, Dennis Prager turned to legendary conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer. Hewitt and WaPo's Chris Cilizza handicap the election. Michael Medved with Mike Lee and Marco Rubio discuss their simplified U.S. tax plan proposal. Bill Bennett asked Islamic Scholar, Timothy Furnish whether beheading was sanctioned by Islam as written in the Koran. Dennis Prager had what—I think you’ll agree—was a revealing conversation author and columnist Ann Coulter regarding the IS beheading of Westerners.

 Media Scatters After Gov. Christie Fully Cleared of Bridgegate 9-27-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Hugh Hewitt and Ryan Crocker (former Ambassador to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait and Lebanon), on Middle East. Michael Medved and Bobby Jindal on whether terrorism will strike again on U.S. soil. Dennis Prager unsettles the "settled science" of so-called climate change. Medved on the thousands of self-proclaimed protectors of the planet protesting climate change in NYC. Mike Gallagher spoke with Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi. Dexter Filkins shares with Hugh Hewitt on the Kurds and ISIS. Prager on the media's absolute SILENCE on Gov. Chris Christie's being cleared from the Justice Dept. regarding the bridge scandal.

 "Obama Lives in a Cocoon Surrounded by Sycophants" 9-20-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett interviews Marc Thiessen on why we need American troops fighting the Islamic State. Medved talks with John McCain about the best strategy moving forward in Iraq. Krauthammer tells Hugh Hewitt that Obama lives in a cocoon surrounded by sycophants. Bennett speaks with Marco Rubio and then David Gelernter on Islamic Jihadism and Muslims trying to stop Ayaan Hirsi Ali from talking on campus.

 Obama Decrees: Islamic State is NOT Islamic! 9-12-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Hugh Hewitt and Rep. Pompeo on the President's Islamic State address. Bill Bennett and Michael Rubin on the fight with the Islamic State. Mike Gallagher and Andy McCarthy on the war with radical Islamists. Bill Bennett and Sean Trende on the possible coming wave election. Hewitt and Rep. Cotton on the race to watch in November. Hewitt talks with the young guns from the Washington Free Beacon about the possible 2016 GOP presidential candidates. Bill Bennett and Mona Charen on the Rotherham abuse scandal. Medved on the Islamic ideology.

 Obama on ISIS: From “Destroy" to "Manage” the SAME DAY! 9-5-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Michael Medved on the Obama/Biden uncoordinated, pathetic, confusing response to Islamic State. Bill Bennett and Professor Robert George of Princeton University (covering constitutional interpretation, civil liberties and philosophy of law) discuss Obama's reaction to Islamic State. Medved and WI Gov. Scott Walker on his up-and-coming re-election. Speaker Boehner and Rep. Campbell discuss Syrian air strikes. AEI's Arthur Brooks spoke with Michael Medved about his recent column in the New York Times. Gov. Jindal and Medved discuss the governor's fight against Common Core educational system. Dennis Prager on the American Sociological Association's comical decision to reclassify seven ways!

 The Left-Wing Credo: Poverty Causes Crime--Unemployment Produces Terrorists 8-29-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett and military historian Max Boot discuss what should be the U.S. plan of action towards Islamic State. Dennis Prager spoke with national security expert Steven Emerson, who explained the details surrounding the Obama-termed "JV" team called Islamic State. Michael Medved on the failure to call Islamic terror "evil". Prager on the massive number of Brits who have joined the fight with the Islamic State. Medved on the Obamacare realization: It will pay for "gender reassignment" surgery. Hugh Hewitt asks Mitt Romney about 2016 and what he would do differently if he were to run--also, what advice he had for the candidate. Prager on Denmark regulating...cinnamon.

 ISIS Beheads an American, Obama Goes Golfing 8-22-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:43

Terrorism expert Steven Emerson on the threat of Islamist terrorism. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough says that Obama has checked out. The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley talks about black on black violence and Ferguson. Former Federal Prosecutor and Judge Stephen Larson on Governor Rick Perry’s indictment. Scholar Victor Davis Hanson weighs in on Obama’s handling of foreign affairs. Rick Santorum looks at the latest in Israel’s fight against Hamas.

 ISIS "JV" Continues to Massacre 8-15-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Hugh Hewitt and Dick Cheney on how much worse ISIS are than al Qaeda. Bill Bennett spoke with Nina Shea of the Hudson Institute, where she directs the Center for Religious Freedom--they discuss the humanitarian crisis in Iraq. Bill Bennett turned to Tom Joselyn of discuss on how ISIS got so strong. Michael Medved discussed media blindness with regards to Israel and Iraq with Cliff May, President of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Atheist Dan Barker is founder and co-president of Freedom from Religion--he discussed IRS monitoring of churches with Medved. Michael Fumento and Dennis Prager on Ebola. Prager on MN restaurant adding an extra charge to each receipt with the description that it's a minimum-wage increase charge that MN voters approved of.

 Obama: Speaking Loudly and Carrying a Small Stick 8-8-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett and combat vet Bing West on the assassination of U.S. General Greene in Iraq. Dennis Prager on the potential Kurdistan target from ISIS. Mark Larson and Israeli Ambassador to the U.S.—Ron Dermer. Israel PM Netanyahu's defends his country's strategy and tactics. Michael Medved on the CNN/Wolf Blitzer confrontation with Hamas Spokesman and "Blood Libel" believer, Osama Hamdan. Hugh Hewitt with Arizona gubernatorial candidate, Doug Ducey. Edward Lucas discusses his latest book, "The New Cold War" with Medved. Bill Bennett and David Gelernter on America's lack of resolve.

 Israel vs. Hamas...and the Media, and Hollywood, and Europe, and... 8-1-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Dennis Prager comments on Israel's U.S. ambassador's (Ron Dermer) take-down of CNN's Israel/Hamas reporting while being interviewed on their network. Dermer made an appearance on Michael Medved's show to discuss. Prager on John Kerry's moral equivalency approach to the Israel/Hamas fight. Mike Gallagher and Newt Gingrich on the FAA cutting off U.S. flights to Israel. Sarah Palin called-in to Michael Medved's show to disagree with his stance on immigration. Bill Bennett and Gordon Chang on Putin's quest for more territory under the cover of the Middle East battles. Prager debunks the "crime is the result of poverty" myth.

 Hamas: A Baby in One Arm, A Kalashnikov In The Other 7-25-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:50

Michael Medved’s brother Jonathan, has lived in Israel for over 30 years, and his sons have now been called up. Elliott Abrams, a U.S. foreign policy expert who served under both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush on Israel. Jamie Weinstein with Noah Pollack who is the executive director of the Emergency Committee for Israel. Bill Bennett turned to healthcare expert James Capretta to sort through the DC Court ruling on O'care. Dennis Prager, upon hearing the President’s response to the ruling, was understandably agitated. Leon de Winter with Prager on Malaysian Flight 17. Hewitt with Daniel Halpern of the Weekly Standard has a new book out: Clinton Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine. Prager on the President’s latest speech on the heels of the Hobby Lobby decision.


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