Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 Obama Decrees: "No Religion Is Responsible for Terrorism" 2-20-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett spoke with Samuel Tadros, a Coptic Christian who is a member of the Islamism and International Order Working Group at Stanford’s Hoover Institution--then Bennett turns to former Assistant Secretary of Defense, Francis “Bing” West. Hugh Hewitt and Karl Rove on Hillary's '16 run. Dennis Prager on Bill Clinton's recent ties to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's sex workers. Hewitt hosted a left-right conversation on Obama's unilateral immigration reform with law professors, Erwin Chemerinski and John Eastman. Hewitt with Bill Bennett and his new book titled "Going To Pot: Why the Rush to Legalize Marijuana is Harming America."

 Islamic State Burns Infidel, Obama Chars Christianity 2-6-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett and Marc Thiessen on Jordan now waging war on Islamic State. Dennis Prager with David Pryce Jones on what is driving Islamic State to use such evil tactics. Hugh Hewitt and Jim Talent on the Obama Administration's bungling Middle East agenda. Bill Bennett and Jonah Goldberg on Obama's attempt to please both the Saudis and the Environmental Lobby. Hewitt and Mike Pompeo on the never-ending Benghazi Committee. Prager and Douglas Feith on Obama's latest attempt to cut funds for the military. Newt Gingrich's top-notch speech at the Iowa Freedom Forum regarding the war on Islamic State. Mike Gallagher spoke with Speaker Gingrich about his speech.

 "We Are Shocked by Spectacular Evil--When It Continues We are Less Shocked" 1-30-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Senator Tom Cotton and Hugh Hewitt discuss Netanyahu's up-and-coming visit to speak to the U.S. Congress. Bill Bennett and former Pentagon official, Michael Rubin on the turmoil in Yemen. Bill Kristol and Hugh Hewitt on the Middle East mess, beginning with Iran. Dennis Prager challenges guest Atheist Michael Shermer on how the stupidity of secular ideology heavily outweighs the absurdities coming from religious orthodoxy. Prager on Bill Nye "The Science Guy's" failed attempt to connect global warming with the failed NYC "blizzard". Michael Medved looks at the non-Mitt/Jeb GOP candidates. Hewitt speaks with possible 2016 presidential candidate, Gov. John Kasich. Prager on how the conscience softens to evils such as beheadings from Islamic terrorists.

 SOTU: Obama Believes in Consequences ONLY When He Wins 1-23-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Michael Medved and Bobby Jindal on Obama's SOTU. Hugh Hewitt and Rick Santorum on SOTU. Steven Hayward and Pete Weyner on SOTU. Dennis Prager and Michael Medved also discuss the SOTU. Prager covers the so-called lack of diversity with the Oscar-nominated films. Bill Bennett and Nina Shea on Boko Haram. Prager on the misguided NASA report claiming temperatures highest on record.

 It's Not About the Cartoon 1-16-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Dennis Prager on Obama's absence from the Paris rally. Michael Medved on the Paris rally. Bill Bennett and Alan Dershowitz on France's Muslim problem. Prager on Muslim students in France not standing during the moment of silence. Bennett and Michael Rubin on how the fight has changed since the War on Terror began. Michael Medved on the Atlanta fire chief getting fired for writing a book that discloses his Christian beliefs. Hewitt and Fred Barnes on '16 election. Bennett Kristol on the '16 election. Hugh Hewitt and company describe the GOP candidates and their NASCAR driver counterparts.

 Islamic Terror Strikes Paris 1-10-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Michael Medved on the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris. Hugh Hewitt with NYT's John Burns on Paris attack. Hewitt with Newt Gingrich on the new Congress and the '16 election. Bill Bennett and Heather MacDonald on the NYPD vs. De Blasio dust-up. Bill Bennett and Michael Rubin on the West's mishandling of ISIS. Dennis Prager on the loss of churches in Europe.

 "Unbroken's" Real-Life Zamperini Gives Interview with Hugh Hewitt 1-2-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Hugh Hewitt with Larry Sabato on the 2016 presidential race. Hewitt and Robert Costa on Jeb Bush running in '16. Hewitt and Charles Krauthammer on a Rubio run in '16. On the big screen right now is the film “Unbroken”—the life story of one of the heroes of World War II … Louie Zamperini. Louie spoke with Hugh Hewitt just before he died. Here's that conversation.

 Moral Reason Why Free Enterprise Matters: An Arthur Brooks Special 12-26-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

This Townhall Weekend Journal is hosted by Hugh Hewitt with AEI guest, Arthur Brooks.

 History of Christmas Special 12-19-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:41

Hosted by Michael Medved and Dennis Prager.

 When Defining "Torture" [and Rape] Becomes Elastic 12-12-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett and Marc Thiessen on the so-called "Torture Report." Former Director of the CIA’s “Clandestine Services,” Jose Rodriguez, was in charge of most of the activities implicated in the report--he appeared on Bill Bennett's show to discuss. Max Boot with Hugh Hewitt on the blatantly partisan Feinstein report. Bennett with a key member of the Jonathan Gruber Committee, Ohio’s Rep. Jim Jordan. Hewitt with Sen. Ted Cruz on how to respond to Obama's executive actions. Dennis Prager spoke with Ami about his interviewing of Ferguson protestors. Dennis explains the damage done when the definition of the word "torture" becomes elastic.

 Liberals Dust Off "Blame Whitey" Card 12-5-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett spoke with former Philadelphia police officer Mike Tremoglie, author of "Sense of Duty," about Ferguson. Michael Medved on the Ferguson take by NBA-great Charles Barkley. Concerning Ferguson, Dennis Prager doesn't think law AND order won. Dennis Prager and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on their recent Atheist/God debate at Oxford. Hugh Hewitt with President George W. Bush and his book tribute to his father, George H.W. Bush.

 The Origins of Thanksgiving 11-28-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

This special Townhall Weekend Journal is presented by Michael Medved.

 Allah is the Greatest...The Greatest What?! 11-21-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Michael Medved spoke with his brother Jonathan, a resident of Israel, about the recent deadly attacks by Palestinians. Dennis Prager on Palestinians who delight in murder, but others call it what it is: evil. Alan Dershowitz was particularly struck by the day’s events--he spoke with Medved. Medved and Santorum on Obama executive order on immigration. Hugh Hewitt and Lindsey Graham on emperor Obama's immigration push. Bill Bennett discussed Keystone with congressman Robert Costa. Dennis Prager spoke with Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuel. KT spoke with Morning in America’s Bill Bennett, another member of President Reagan’s remarkable staff--they take a look at the Cold War. Dennis Prager on Obama's knee-jerk reaction to defend Islam.

 Stupid, Lied To, or Both? 11-14-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett spoke with China expert Gordon Chang about Obama's visit to China. Bennett and Middle East expert/AEI scholar Michael Rubin on Iran's nuclear ambitions and their threat to Israel. Hugh Hewitt with RNC chair Reince Priebus unpack the election and look forward. Dennis Prager on the Democrat's money guy, Tom Steyer and his $70 million contributions in lost elections. Dennis Prager on MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber (aka Obamacare Architect) and his comments regarding O'care lies and the "stupidity" of the American voter. Dennis Prager with author Joel Kotkin on the "New Class Conflict."

 Obama's Election Take: I Hear You Non-Voters 11-7-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

Bill Bennett with Rober Costa on the election results. Mike Gallagher and Newt Gingrich discuss the election. Dennis Prager and John Fund on moving forward after the election. Michael Medved on the disenfranchising impact of third-party candidates. Prager and Michael Coren on the present holocaust being perpetrated by Muslims on Christians in the Middle East. Hewitt and Thomas Edsall on Obama's future and his impact on the the Democrat party. Tom Cotton's victory speech.


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