Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 THR 7/30/16: Boos and Chants Dominate the Democratic Convention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:13

Larry Elder found the opening of the Democratic Convention particularly entertaining—he shares his views on his show. Democratic strategist used to be a Bernie Sanders supporter, but now he tells Mike Gallagher why he’s backing Donald Trump. RNC Chairman joins Hugh Hewitt after his successful running of the GOP Convention. Dennis Prager explains how the left is obsessed with climate change and thinks that it is a greater threat to our survival than ISIS. Hugh Hewitt talks about Brexit with Liam Fox, UK’s Secretary of State for International Trade. Tim Kaine, like a lot of religious Democrats, draws a clear line of separation between his so-called religious beliefs and how he governs. Dennis Prager weighs in.

 THR 7/23/16: The Donald Declares: "I am Your Voice!" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:16

Lanhee Chen of Stanford Law and the Hoover Institution joins Hugh Hewitt on Radio Row at the GOP Convention to discuss the Pence pick and the dangers of electing Hillary. Sheriff David Clarke rocked the convention when he declared “blue lives matter!” He appears on the Mike Gallagher Show. Hewitt interviewed Sheriff Clarke’s governor, Scott Walker. A Hillary presidency would destroy SCOTUS with leftwing judges. Hewitt speaks about that possibility with Senator James Inhofe and A.G. Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma. The coup d'etat in Turkey failed. Who was behind the coup and what does this mean for Turkey going forward? Dennis Prager talks about it with the City Journal’s Claire Berlinski who lived in Turkey for 10 years. Prager closes out the show by sharing his thoughts concerning the Nice, Paris attack.

 THR 7/16/16: Dallas Police Chief: Stop Protesting, Start Applying | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:13

Michael Medved looks at the leadership of Dallas Sheriff David Brown in the aftermath of the sniper who killed five police officers. Larry Elder invites Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark on his program for an honest discussion of the facts regarding black men and police officers. Hugh Hewitt speaks with Congressman Jeb Hensarling who represents the very district where the shooting took place. Larry Elder shares statistics about police shootings and crimes that liberal politicians ignore. Heather Mac Donald joins Mike Gallagher on his show to talk about the Dallas shooting. Dennis Prager weighs in on how we got to this point of racial tension and crisis. Pete Wehner, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Pastor Robert Jeffress are on opposite sides in the Trump debate, and they agreed to air their differences on the Mike Gallagher Show. Do Americans still believe in God? Michael Medved looks at a recent Gallup poll.

 THR 7/9/16: Hillary Clinton's Cache of Lies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:20

Following the outcome of the FBI's investigation in Hillary Clinton over her personal e-mail server, Hugh Hewitt spoke with Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza. The National Review's Andrew McCarthy sat down with Mike Gallagher to fire off his withering critique of the decision to give Hillary a pass. Michael Medved took a look at why so many women are loudly proclaiming their joy over a recent pro-abortion decision. Dennis Prager weighed in on the outrageous meeting between U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on her plane. Medved analyzed a new study that found that Americans are sleeping more and watching more T.V. Dennis Prager talked about the media who, on July 4th, took the opportunity to say how ungrateful they are for the U.S.

 THR 7/2/16: "Hillary Clinton Put Politics Ahead of the Americans of Benghazi" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:32

Dennis Prager honors Independence Day by sharing his thoughts on the inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Mike Gallagher talks with New York senatorial candidate Wendy Long about the SCOTUS decision on abortion rights. Prager weighs in on the terrorist attack at the airport in Istanbul, Turkey. Kansas Congressman Mike Pompeo tells Hugh Hewitt how the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and Democrats all combined forces to hinder the Republicans' investigation into the Benghazi attack. He told Hewitt that "Secretary Hillary Clinton put politics ahead of the Americans of Benghazi." Marco Rubio is running for the U.S. Senate and sits down with Michael Medved to talk about it. Hewitt speaks with former New York Times London Bureau Chief John Fisher Burns about Brexit. The WSJ's Kimberly Strassel joins the Mike Gallagher Show to talk about her latest book, "Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech."

 THR 6/25/16: Hugh Hewitt Gives Donald Trump Campaign Advice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:27

Hugh Hewitt turned to the Washington Post's Robert Costa for his interpretation of Donald Trump's meeting with evangelical leaders. Mike Gallagher spoke with John R. Lott, author of "The War on Guns", about gun control. Hewitt gives Trump advice regarding potential VP picks and rolling out his cabinet choices early. The Wall Street Journal's Bret Stephens had a candid conversation with Hewitt. Yuval Levin, author of "The Fractured Republic", talked with Michael Medved. Hewitt closes out the show discussing religious liberty issues with Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

 THR 6/18/16: Radical Islamist Kills 49 in Orlando | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:23

Hugh Hewitt hears from Senator Marco Rubio less than 24 hours after the Orlando terrorist attack. Michael Medved notes the mature response from Speaker Paul Ryan in the aftermath and the pathetic response from House Democrats. Michael Wiess, author of "ISIS, Inside the Army of Terror" joins Hewitt. The New York Times' Frank Bruni shares his perspective on ISIS's hatred of gays on Hewitt's show. Larry Elder takes President Obama to task on his irresponsible comments on gun control. Guest host Mark Davis reads Dennis Prager's column answering the question "what if the killer was a radical, Christian"? Mike Gallagher speaks with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, author of the book "Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War." Guy Benson and Katie Pavlich fill in for Michael Medved, talking about Hillary and Donald.

 THR 6/11/16: Hillary Clinton Did Not Shatter Any Glass Ceilings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:25

Michael Medved reviews the latest from Trump and Paul Ryan's response. Hugh Hewitt talks with the Washington Post's Phillip Rucker about Trump's troubling antics. Larry Elder, a Trump supporter, has a few words of advice for the candidate regarding the "Mexican" judge comment. Former Lieutenant Governor of New York Betsy McCaughey says that Hillary Clinton did not shatter a glass ceiling. Medved looks at Muhammad Ali's death and how Bernie Sanders and Bill Clinton politicized it. Home Depot Co-founder Bernie Marcus joins the Mike Gallagher Show to share why he is backing Trump. The Hoover Institution's Lanhee Chen talks about foreign affairs with Hewitt. Mike Rowe, creator of Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, tells Dennis Prager that people should NOT follow their passion. He explains why.

 THR 6/4/16: Obama Reignites His Apology Tour at Hiroshima | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:24

Dennis Prager and Michael Medved look at President Obama's essentially pacifist view of an action that stopped the deadliest war in the history of mankind at Hiroshima. Mike Gallagher speaks with Tom Stalf, President and CEO of the Columbus Zoo, about the killing of a gorilla to save the life of a child. Dennis Prager calls the act a tragedy--no one is to blame. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell talks to Hugh Hewitt about politics and his book, "The Long Game." Are millenials really moving back in with their parents in droves? Medved looks at the claims. Prager concludes with thoughts on Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal.

 THR 5/28/16: NY City Demands Businesses Accommodate 31 Genders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:36

Columnist Michael Barone breaks down the elections for Hugh Hewitt. New York City is forcing businesses to accommodate 31 genders ... Dennis Prager reports. President of the American Enterprise Institute Arthur Brooks explains how the pitiful economy hurts the bottom 80% of wage earners the most. Is the football team name Redskins racist? Team owner Daniel Snyder talks with Prager. Dr. George Yancey speaks with Michael Medved about anti-Christian bias on college campuses. Charles Murray has written a piece "Why 'Hillary Is Even Worse' Doesn't Cut It." Hewitt reads highlights of it on his show. Jonah Golberg wrote a column, "A Four-Way Race for President Is Possible." Medved weighs in on whether he is on to something.

 THR 5/21/16: Feeling the Bern of a Democratic Civil War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:43

Hugh Hewitt calls on the Washington Post's Dan Balz to learn more about the passionate disagreements within the GOP. Michael Medved takes a look at what's happening within the chaotic Democratic ranks between Hillary supporters and Bernie supporters. Hewitt speaks with GOP Chairman Reince Priebus about the overall GOP ground game. Scott Pruett, attorney general for the state of Oklahoma, talks about Obama's edict that forces a radical, sexual agenda on public schools. George Will weighs in on the controversy as well. Medved believes the Uncle Sam should stay out of the bathroom. The White House says that Senator Tom Cotton is a liar. The senator joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to fight back. Professor Richard Weikart, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, is on the Dennis Prager Show to discuss the culture of death gripping Europe and America. Hewitt rounds out the show with NeverTrumper Jim Geraghty of the National Review.

 THR 5/14/16: The Donald Meets with Speaker Ryan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:26

Michael Medved spoke with Speaker Paul Ryan prior to his meeting with Donald Trump. Guest host Matt Lewis on the Hugh Hewitt Show talked with Henry Olson of the Ethics & Public Policy Center about what it will take for the GOP to unify. Mike Gallagher secured an exclusive interview with Donald Trump one day before he sat down with Speaker Ryan. Dennis Prager spoke with author Dinesh D’Souza about the producers and the confiscators of America. Matt Lewis chatted with the National Journal’s Ron Fournier about the Donald’s chances of defeating Hillary Clinton in November. Dennis Prager weighs in on the belief that people and human nature are basically good. Michael Medved reported on a column written by liberal Nicholas Kristof that calls out the left for not having enough diversity on college campuses. Mike Gallagher talked with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus about the work that needs to happen to bring the GOP together.

 THR 5/7/16: Trump Seals the Deal: Can the GOP Now Unite? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:28

Mark Davis, sitting in for Hugh Hewitt, interviewed the Washington Post's Robert Costa about Trump's win in Indiana and whether Ted Cruz is laying the groundwork for a 2020 presidential run. Mike Gallagher and Matthew Spalding of Hillsdale College continued the discussion about Trump and Cruz. Mark Davis talked to Glenn Thrush of Politico about Bernie Sanders' win over Hillary Clinton in Indiana. The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol was on the Hugh Hewitt Show with guest host Jamie Weinstein to discuss the possibility of someone running third party. Dennis Prager explains that the Republican Party is made up of a minority of conservatives. Michael Medved looks at some bizarre curriculum requirements at the University of Missouri. Randy Barnett of Georgetown Law School talked with Dennis Prager about his book, "Our Republican Constitution." Larry Elder and Dennis Prager chatted about the main difference between voting for Hillary Clinton and voting for Donald Trump.

 THR 4/30/16: Trump Crushes 5 States; Kasich/Cruz Form Pact to Stop Him | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:37

Hugh Hewitt discussed what to look for next week in the Indiana primary with National Review's Tim Alberta. Hewitt turned to National Review's Jonah Goldberg and the National Journal's Josh Kraushaar to analyze the Cruz-Kasich pact in Indiana to stop Trump's momentum. Larry Elder spoke with American Spectator's John Fund about Trump's chances against Hillary Clinton in the fall. Michael Medved evaluated Trump's resume. Dennis Prager spoke with the Claremont Institute's Mark Helprin about the dangers of the U.S.'s shrinking military. CEO Andrew Puzder joined Hewitt to talk about how a $15 an hour minimum wage will hurt the poorest and most vulnerable among us. Evolutionary process is the new excuse in town ... Dennis Prager explains.

 THR 4/23/16: Is the Republican Delegate System Rigged? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:29

Guy Benson and Mary Katherine Ham invited Chief Strategist for the Republican National Committee Sean Spicer onto the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss the delegate system. Is it fair that the man with the most votes may not win? Dennis Prager opines. Hewitt turned to Dan Balz of the Washington Post to break down the current delegate situation. Guy Benson tracked down Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Michael Medved reported on a study that found that highly religious Americans are happier and more involved with family. Dennis Prager invited feminist Laurie Bates onto his show to discuss the wage gap and nature vs. nurture. Hillary mangled facts about guns. Larry Elder explained.


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