THR 7/16/16: Dallas Police Chief: Stop Protesting, Start Applying

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Michael Medved looks at the leadership of Dallas Sheriff David Brown in the aftermath of the sniper who killed five police officers. Larry Elder invites Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark on his program for an honest discussion of the facts regarding black men and police officers. Hugh Hewitt speaks with Congressman Jeb Hensarling who represents the very district where the shooting took place. Larry Elder shares statistics about police shootings and crimes that liberal politicians ignore. Heather Mac Donald joins Mike Gallagher on his show to talk about the Dallas shooting. Dennis Prager weighs in on how we got to this point of racial tension and crisis. Pete Wehner, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Pastor Robert Jeffress are on opposite sides in the Trump debate, and they agreed to air their differences on the Mike Gallagher Show. Do Americans still believe in God? Michael Medved looks at a recent Gallup poll.