THR 6/11/16: Hillary Clinton Did Not Shatter Any Glass Ceilings

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Michael Medved reviews the latest from Trump and Paul Ryan's response. Hugh Hewitt talks with the Washington Post's Phillip Rucker about Trump's troubling antics. Larry Elder, a Trump supporter, has a few words of advice for the candidate regarding the "Mexican" judge comment. Former Lieutenant Governor of New York Betsy McCaughey says that Hillary Clinton did not shatter a glass ceiling. Medved looks at Muhammad Ali's death and how Bernie Sanders and Bill Clinton politicized it. Home Depot Co-founder Bernie Marcus joins the Mike Gallagher Show to share why he is backing Trump. The Hoover Institution's Lanhee Chen talks about foreign affairs with Hewitt. Mike Rowe, creator of Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, tells Dennis Prager that people should NOT follow their passion. He explains why.