Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 THR 4/16/16: Trump Attacks the RNC; Priebus Responds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:27

Hugh Hewitt turned to the Daily Caller's Matt Lewis to talk about Trump's recent struggle to secure delegates. RNC Chairman joined the Mike Gallagher Show to discuss the delegate process and rules. Ted Cruz talked to Michael Medved about a shadowy lobbyist now working for Donald Trump. On Larry Elder's show, Hoover Institution scholar Lee Ohanian shared why international trade is good for American workers. Dennis Prager spoke with Troy Dunn about a little girl who was ripped away from her foster family because she is 1/64 Indian. Ed Morrissey recently wrote the book "Going Red." He joined the Hewitt Show to talk about it. Dennis Prager spoke with Professor John McAdams about why he is being fired from Marquette University for a piece he wrote on his blog defending a student. The White House is fighting against gender stereotypes with toys. Michael Medved looked at why.

 THR 4/9/16: Muslim Immigration and the European Soul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:26

Columnist George Will talks with Hugh Hewitt about his thoughts on an open convention. Michael Medved shares why a path to the presidency for Donald Trump is very nearly an impossibility. Senator Tom Cotton and Hewitt discuss Obama's feckless foreign policy. House Speaker Paul Ryan tells Hewitt why Israel was his first choice as a country to visit upon gaining the speakership. Dutch novelist and political commentator Leon de Winter describes the soulless nature of Europe and why it is grappling with the Muslim immigration issue. Smoking weed most likely makes you a loser in life, reports Michael Medved.

 THR 4/2/16: Wild Week for the GOP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:11

Hugh Hewitt spoke with the Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes about the likely upcoming open convention. Hugh also talked with Ted Cruz about the all-important rules for the convention. Bill Bennett spoke with the National Review's Andy McCarthy about the reasons for terrorism and how the mainstream media are clueless. Paul Ryan discussed the economy with Bennett. Larry Elder, sitting in for Mike Gallagher, spoke with Stephen Moore of the Heritage Foundation about how Obama's economy has harmed minorities. Hewitt quizzed NY Times campaign correspondent Maggie Haberman about her interview with Donald Trump. Dennis Prager talked with Georgia state representative Sam Teasley about the GA's governor vetoing a bill protecting religious rights. Peggy Nance, author of "Feisty and Feminine" discussed her book with Bennett.

 THR 3/26/16: Obama Attends a Baseball Game While Brussels Smolders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

Terrorism expert Richard Miniter joined the Mike Gallagher Show to discuss the bombings in Brussels and Obama's astounding reaction in Cuba. Michael Rubin discussed Europe's rising terror problem with Bill Bennett. National Journal's Josh Kraushaar went on the Hugh Hewitt Show to talk about electoral politics. Steven Hayward, sitting in for Bill Bennett, interviewed Henry Olsen of the Ethics and Public Policy Center about a brokered convention. Eric Dezenhall spoke with Hewitt about crisis management in the face of an open convention for the GOP. Author Charles Murray spoke about his latest piece, "Trump's America," with Steven Hayward. Dennis Prager weighs in on Trump's attack of Ted Cruz's wife.

 THR 3/19/16: Super Tuesday and Obama's SCOTUS Pick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:52

The Washington Examiner's Byron York gave his analysis of the Super Tuesday results and the fight for the GOP nomination on Bill Bennett's Morning in America. Hugh Hewitt talked with the Smart Guys, lawyers John Eastman and Erwin Chemerinsky about President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court. Bill Bennett spoke with former Pentagon official Michael Rubin about the ISIS refugee crisis and its effect on Europe. Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg joined the Hugh Hewitt Show to talk about President Obama's governing philosophy for foreign affairs. Journalist Tom Brokaw and former chief of staff for Ronald Reagan, James Baker, both spoke at Nancy Reagan's funeral. We give you excerpts from their eulogies. If you aren't happy, is there anything you can do to become happy? According to Dennis Prager, there is.

 THR 3/12/16: Donald Trump: Unifier or Product Hawker? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:29

Michael Medved looks at Donald Trump's press conference where he hawked his own Trump products. Hugh Hewitt asks Carly Fiorina why she has endorsed Ted Cruz for president. John Kasich talks about his new-found momentum with Michael Medved. Bill Bennett turned to Howie Franklin--a former Air Force One flight steward--to reminisce about Nancy Reagan. Christopher Silva--a trial lawyer turned vintner--worked closely with Nancy Reagan. He speaks with Hugh Hewitt. Bill Bennett is locked in a gentlemen's disagreement with National Review's Jonah Goldberg about whether a conservative should ever support Trump.

 THR 3/5/16: Trumpism and the Presidential Race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:40

Hugh Hewitt discusses with Senator John Cornyn the issue of Donald Trump waffling on the support he has received from David Duke and the KKK as seen on CNN with Jake Tapper. Washington Examiner Chief Correspondent Byron York sorts through the Super Tuesday electoral results on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America. Bill Bennett also speaks with University of Georgia Political Science Professor Josh Putnam at the Trump phenomenon. Ted Cruz joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to talk about the presidential race. Dr. Danielle Allen has examined “Trumpism” closely and she joins the Michael Medved Show to share her findings. Addiction Psychiatrist Ed Gogek tells Bill Bennett why marijuana use is so destructive, especially for the still-developing teenage brain. Dennis Prager looks at how Trump’s supporters remain true, no matter what he says.

 THR 2/27/16: Is Trump Really Going to Be the Nominee? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:18

After the Nevada caucus, Weekly Standard executive director Fred Barnes joined Bill Bennett. Senator Ted Cruz spoke to Hugh Hewitt about controversy within his campaign. Former speech writer for George W. Bush, Marc Thiessen, talked with Bill Bennett about Donald Trump. Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol told Bill Bennett that he's skeptical Trump can defeat Hillary Clinton in a general election. Michael Medved posed some good questions for Trump on his show. Why did the president of California State University Los Angeles dis-invite Ben Shapiro to his school? Shapiro discussed the reason with Dennis Prager. Mike Gallagher hosted attorney Andrew McCarthy on his show to analyze the potential closing of Gitmo. Dennis Prager noted a new phenomenon in politics involving Trump.

 THR 2/20/16: The Legacy of Antonin Scalia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:33

Matt Franck of the Witherspoon Institute gave tribute to the legacy of Antonin Scalia on Bill Bennett's Morning in America. Michael Medved asked former Federal Appeals Court Judge Michael McConnell if the Senate should approve of Obama's upcoming nominee to replace Scalia. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio both talked with Hugh Hewitt about Justice Scalia. Author Gordon Chang spoke with Bill Bennett about China's aggressive moves in the South China Sea. John Eastman of the Chapman School of Law shared his thoughts about Scalia. Dennis Prager pondered the outcome of a liberal replacement for the late Justice.

 THR 2/13/16: Trump and Sanders Crush the New Hampshire Primary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:29

National Review editor Rich Lowry looks at Donald Trump’s commanding win in all voter categories in New Hampshire on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America. Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol discusses the possibility of the Republican race going to a brokered convention with Hugh Hewitt. Max Boot analyzes the current strength of ISIS in the Middle East with Bill Bennett. Hugh Hewitt speaks with AG Mark Brnovich about SCOTUS granting a stay that blocks the EPA’s clean power plan. The Chief of Police in New Hampshire Nick Willard gives facts, figures, and insight into the drug problem plaguing his state with former drug czar Bill Bennett. Dennis Prager shares his thoughts on how, in light of Bernie Sanders’ socialism, the current generation has not taught the next generation about American exceptionalism. The show closes out with an endearing call from one of Bill Bennett’s listeners.

 THR 2/6/16: What in the World Happened in Iowa? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:26

What in the world happened in Iowa and why were all the pollsters wrong? Washington Examiner columnist Byron York, the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and Robert Costa all weigh in. Mike Gallagher spoke with Speaker Newt Gingrich about the appeal of Bernie Sanders. Bernie is crushing Hillary in a very telling poll--Michael Medved provides the details. "One should not call leftists, liberals," says Dennis Prager. He explains why. Senator Tom Cotton spoke with Bill Bennett about prison reform. Prager adds some additional thoughts as to why polling is more difficult than ever.

 THR 1/30/16: GOP Presidential Contenders Fight for First in Iowa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:36

Strangely enough, columnist and commentator Byron York can't find Donald Trump supporters in New Hampshire. He joined Bill Bennett on his show to talk about it. Governor Chris Christie is hitting the New Hampshire campaign trail hard. He talks with Hugh Hewitt about why he believes he is still a contender. Michael Medved caught up with Senator Marco Rubio who makes the case for why he is the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton. Mike Gallagher sat down in person with Sean Spicer, the RNC Communications Director, to discuss the current state of campaign politics. Bill Bennett talked with author and commentator Marc Thiessen to run through all of the lies that Hillary Clinton has told about her server. Hugh Hewitt was joined by Speaker Paul Ryan who talked about how the GOP needs to woo voters in the next election. Hewitt also sat down in person with the Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson to discuss marriage. Last, Hewitt spoke with Senator John Cornyn.

 20160123 THR: "ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:09

Host Hugh Hewitt catches you up on the highlights and lowlights from the recent Democratic and Republican debates. In between those two debates, Senator Marco Rubio joined Hewitt on his show. Senator Rand Paul went on the Mike Gallagher Show to discuss why he boycotted the undercard debate. Morning in America's Bill Bennett spoke with former Pentagon official Michael Rubin about recent developments in Iran. Dennis Prager knows that most colleges are a cesspool of liberal ideology. But there is a ray of hope coming coming in the form of one student who saw through the leftist facade. Prager shares her story. Michael Weiss, co-author of the New York Times bestseller "ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror" joined Hugh Hewitt. Dennis Prager discusses the politics of firearms in the final segment of the show.

 THR 1/16/16: "Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS" by Joby Warrick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:37

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Joby Warrick has written a new book, "Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS" that traces the roots of the terrorist state back several decades. He looks at the founder: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the current leader and caliphate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In this special edition of the Townhall Review, Hugh Hewitt spends an hour with the author discussing ISIS's birth and how it might be defeated.

 THR 1/9/16: Obama Seeks to Enact Anti-Gun Policies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:16

President Obama has announced his intention to enact more anti-gun policies. Michael Medved looks at the timing of the message. Nicholas Johnson, professor of law at Fordham University, talks with Dennis Prager about the ramifications of Obama's actions regarding guns. Presidential candidate Chris Christie joined Hugh Hewitt to discuss the long list of incidents by the Obama administration that have left the Middle East in turmoil. The Weekly Standard columnist Stephen Hayes has caught Obama deep in a lie concerning Gitmo. He talked with Bill Bennett. Everyone knows that liberals passed insane laws in 2015. Dennis Prager looks at one of them from California. Michael Medved looks at why Hillary Clinton calls on children at rallies. Hugh Hewitt brought on CNBC's Joe Kernen to talk about why the stock market is such a mess.


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